
Introducing Opencv Library in a Java Application

At the heart of many machine vision solutions is a software package named OpenCV. Since I'm a Java developer, I've wondered if I can...

Developing Social Login Using Rest Fb

This is an implementation tutorial on how we can use REST FB to enable facebook social login on our web application. Basically, it'...

How to read and write csv using jackson library

The sample code below demonstrates how we can read a csv file into an array of objects. Also it writes an array of objects into csv. To us...

How to send http request using apache httpcomponents library

There are many ways to send request to a server and one of them is by using http client library. But this library has 2 versions now. The ol...

Introduction to shiro's native and the default http session

Currently I've been working on a project that uses shiro for authentication and authorization. I can say that aside from the fact that i...

How to use Shiro with JDBC on JavaEE and Glassfish

Before you proceed with this tutorial, it's best to from this link to know how to setup a JavaEE6 project with Shiro integrated: http:/...

How to integrate Apache Shiro with JavaEE

This tutorial will show the readers, how I was able to integrate Apache Shiro with JavaEE6. My technology Stack: JavaEE6, Glassfish3.1.2....

How to Encode and Decode a Json Encrypted String in Java

This tutorial requires the use of apache commons and jackson libraries. For example I have a highly confidential string and I want to send i...

Getting Started With Html Scraping in Java

One rainy Sunday afternoon since I can't get out to go somewhere I've decided to create an organized excel file (for now) for the li...

How to Implement Jni Code in Ericsson's Sds/ims

My CDC JNI Codes: //.pkg #{"eplDll DLL"},(0xAFFFFFFE),1,0,0 ;Localised Vendor name %{"eScience"} ;Unique Vendor na...
