
How to Run a Liquibase Job as a Maven Build

When liquibase is integrated into a maven project we can take advantage of the liquibase maven plugin to create a maven build for us. This w...

How to Export and Import a Mysql Database Running on Docker

This series of commands serve as a guide in migrating a MySQL database from one docker instance to another. 1. Computer where source MySQL d...

How to Fix the Liquibase Waiting for Changelog Lock Issue

This fix requires that you have access to your database and that you are either working in your local or development environment. The error:...

Learn to Connect to a Mysql Database Running on Docker

1.) Introduction This blog is an extension of

How to Install Mysql Workbench Community in Ubuntu

1. Overview In this blog, we will provide the list of commands that must be executed in Ubuntu in order to install MySQL Workbench Community...

Learn Database Migration With Postgresql and Java at Runtime

I. Problem How to copy a PostgreSQL schema from one data source to another using Liquibase at run-time. The schema from the source data...

Introduction to Liquibase

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Introduction to Database Modelling and Tools

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How to Setup Mysql Database for Remote Access

Here are some useful guidelines in setting up a mysql server for remote access in Ubuntu. Install and configure mysql server. sudo apt-g...

How to Save Mysql Query Result on a File

See sql script below: SELECT code, name, continent, region FROM country INTO OUTFILE 'c:/temp/countries.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED...

How to Dump and Restore a Postgresql Database

To create a postgresql dump in linux, execute the following commands: Login as root user >su - postgres >pg_dump -U username -W -...

How to Restore an Oracle Dump Using Imp Command

The following steps will guide us in the restoration of an oracle dump file. connect as system and enter your password sqplus system@xe ...

How to Import and Export a Database Dump in Oracle

The following instruction will help us in importing and exporting our oracle database. Create and restore dump file (http://www.datab...


MSSQL MSSQL equivalent of DESC in MYSQL Postgresql Change postgresql's postgres password How to install hstore in post...

How to change varchar to nvarchar in mssql using hibernate

In my recent assignment I was asked to change how hibernate creates a table changing varchar fields to nvarchar. The problem is in MSSQL we ...

How to Setup Toad Oracle Freeware

The following article will help us in configuring our Toad Oracle Freeware with Oracle XE database. For development purposes I normally use ...

How to Alter the Sequence Value in Postgresql

This script will change the value of the sequence value, for example we have a table EMPLOYEE and sequence EMPLOYEE_SEQ: DROP SEQUENCE EMPL...

How to Install Hstore in Postgresql

Recently, we've use hstore data type in our database because of its key, value pair functionality and here's how I install hstore in...

How to Change Postgresql's Postgres Password

This is how you would change your PostgreSQL user postgres password, in case you forgot it. This is done in ubuntu 12.04. 1.) Logon to you...

How to Select All the Triggers in an Mssql Table

I've found this script somewhere on the internet, just for reference: SELECT [Table] = OBJECT_NAME(o.parent_obj), [Trigger] = o.[nam...
