
How to Compile a Quarkus Project Natively using Docker Builder

It's a pain to build the same Quarkus project natively on different OSs . For instance, I'm working on both macOS and Windows . ...

How to fix cannot find symbol error with maven, mapstruct, lombok builder and javadoc

When developing a Spring REST service we often used a DTO for different microservices communication. Once this message is received in one of...

How to Upload Maven Artifacts to GitHub Packages

Learn how to deploy your Java Maven artifacts into GitHub packages using GitHub actions. 1. Introduction GitHub is continuously upgrading ...

Permission Denied when Running Maven Release

When releasing a maven artifact into GitHub or the central repository you encountered the infamous Permission denied (publickey) error. 1. ...

How to Install Maven on Windows

This blog post will list down the steps on how we can install and configure Maven on a Windows machine. 1. Introduction Maven is a project...

How to Use Mariadb and Liquibase Together With Maven on Jboss

First you must define the needed dependency in your pom file. <profile> <id>mariadb</id> <activation> <pr...

How to package a java standalone app using maven assembly

The sample codes below will assemble a zipped package of a java standalone app. Dependencies: maven-jar-plugin - to create the jar mave...

How to create a modularized ear project in maven

This post is one way of creating a typical javaee6 maven project that contains ear, web, ejb and api. The output of course is an ear file th...

How to generate wadl via maven plugin

So you've written your web service and would now want to create the wadl for it.  Assuming you have your web project in eclipse with m...

How to get git build id using maven

There are times when git's build number is important for a release. Specially in development mode, when there are frequent releases. So ...

How to setup your google code repository to be accessible in maven

This tutorial will teach us how we can setup a google code project, so we can make the artifact accessible via maven. Requirements: 1.) Y...

How to install a maven artifact into your local repository

For example, you are working on a maven project application that integrates with paypal. You download paypal sdk (jars),  but you don't ...

How to create a maven project that have multiple property files via maven antrun plugin

This tutorial will answer several questions (below) within a maven project that has several configuration files (dataset, property, persiste...

How to Push External Jar Into Artifactory Using Maven

This code assumes that you already have artifactory setup. And your local settings.xml allows you to push external jars into it. To do that ...

How to Fix User Anonymous Is Not Permitted to Deploy in Maven

If you ever encounter the error stated about when performing maven deploy, it means you did not specify your repository's account for va...

How to Ignore Maven's Plugin Execution Not Covered by Lifecycle Configuration Warning

There are times when you want to ignore some of maven warnings or errors. To do so, normally we add the ff code in the parent project's ...

List of Most Commonly Use Maven Repositories

Primefaces - Liferay portlets -

How to Enable Maven to Push Artifact to Artifactory

This is done in ubuntu 11.10 Open /home/ /.m2/settings.xml or create the file if it does not exists. Paste the ff code: <?xml ver...

How to Setup Findbugs With Maven on Eclipse

Before you proceed with this exercise, it's required to check my blog on how to create a modular maven project.

How to Add Pmd Reporting to Maven

Before proceeding to this exercise, you may want to try my tutorial on how to setup a maven project to eclipse: http://czetsuya-tech.blogsp...
