
Learn to Setup Your Products in Magento

Before you can set up your products, the following should be set first. 1.) Attributes/Attribute Sets a.) In case you will define a custom...

How to Fix Paypal 10501 Failure in Transaction

Recently, we want to setup our store such that it should accept credit card payments without leaving our domain. The process is quite differ...

Magento all links throws 404 Not Found error

After downloading and installing magento 1.7.4 for evaluation, I found out that by default all the frontend links are not working. But the b...

Paypal - Add Multiple Item in the Cart for Checkout

I have a requirement to add multiple items in a paypal cart at the same time and here's how I did it. <form method="post" a...

How to Export and Import Products With Images in Magento

How to Export Magento Products 1.) login to the magento admin 2.) go to System->Import/Export->Profiles 3.) select Export All Pro...

How to Remove Compare Products in Magento

To do this first I enable the block outlining so I will be able to determine which layout and block a box is located. To remove these boxe...

Learn to Setup Magento in 1and1 Vps Hosting

Magento 1and1 VPS Setup - Setting up the VPS settings At this point it is assumed that a VPS Domain is properly setup. Although the mage...

How to Setup Magento in 1and1 Vps Server

For this you must have a root access to your database There is a built it script to test your system whether it is ready for magento deplo...

How to Change the Database Setting in Magento

The magento's database settings is stored in this file: app/etc/local.xml you would find something like this: <default_setup&...

How to Change Wishlist Label in Magento

Magento change label of My Wishlist, etc: This works for me: I've change all the wishlist instances in these csv files: app/locale/...

How to Get the Base Skin Directory in Magento

Since relative path is not advisable here, I search magento for a function that will get the default skin directory. And I found one: getS...

Learn to Encrypt Customer Password in Magento

Unfortunately, since we have to integrate our another customized system x in magento, we have to find a way to sync it's users and passw...

How to Integrate Securimage Captcha to Codeigniter

Heres how: 1.) Download the open source securimage library from: 2.) Copy the library in your codeigniter...

How to Fix 500 Internal Error in Magento

Server: 1and1 hosting After fixing the database issue, I found myself trap with: 1.) front end - I got 500 Internal Error 2.) back end -...

How to Fix Lost Connection to Mysql Server in Magento

After I have successfully dumped my database in our hosting server, I've encountered the above error when I open the magento page. Sol...

How to Fix Foreign Key Constraint Fails in Magento

I am in the stage of migrating my local database of magento to public when I have encountered this error. How did it happen: 1.) I use ph...

How to Fix Unable to Load Model in Codeigniter

If you are getting the above error, just take note of the "file case" specially on linux servers. $this->load->("MyM...

Introduction to Joomla

I was ask by a friend of mine on how to setup joomla using xampp. Here are the steps: 1.) Install xampp, download from: http://www.apachefr...

How to Add Custom Product Fields in Zencart

Problem: How to add a product custom field named length. This to consider (modifications in): 1.) database 2.) scripts ----------------...

Introduction to Block and Template in Magento

This blog is not the authors original, instead his notes on the key steps in playing with blocks and templates. Objective: To create a blo...
