
Introduction to Hibernate

Since, I've always been using different database sometimes I get confused how to implement the others. Like hibernate, where the configu...

Introduction on Hibernate Ogm for Mongodb

So lately I've been playing with Hibernate OGM MongoDB's latest version 5.4.0.Beta2 but I'm not able to run a demo project cr...

How to get around OptimisticLockException or StaleObjectStateException

The 2 errors above are common specially when dealing with a multi-threaded application. For example in my case I have several rabbit mq list...

Introduction to Jdbc With Postgresql, Mysql, and Oracle in Java

Below are the summary of connection settings for differenct jdbc provider: Database Connection Url Driver Class Hibernate Di...

How to Connect to Oracle Database Using Java

This code connects to an oracle database using java programming language. This to remember: 1.) You must add ojdbc14.jar to the project&#...

How to Create a Primary Key Column With Sequence Generated Value in Hibernate

For example you have a class User: package org.kalidad.seamexercises.model; import; import javax.persistence.Co...

How to Connect Msaccess Database Using Java

The method is almost similar to my previous code, and like that it's better to explain it by code: private static Connection getConnec...

How to Connect Mysql or Postgresql Server Using Java

How to connect MySql or PostgreSql Server from Java using JDBC Driver I think the best answer to this is through coding: private static ...

How to Call a Database Routing Using Java

How to create and call a database routine (stored procedure/function) using a jdbc driver in java Stored procedure/function is a routine t...
