
How to Convert Jpa to Cdi Events

Learn how to convert JPA to CDI events. This is typically used in observer pattern when you want to do something after an operation has been...

How to Convert Jpa to Spring Events

Learn how to convert JPA to Spring events. This is normally used in observer pattern when you want to do something after an operation has be...

Introduction to Java Persistence Using Jpa

This application demonstrates the use of JPA in a standalone Java application. I. Getting Started This project is a standalone Java ap...

How to Get Classes that Referenced a Given Entity in Hibernate

There are times when we want to list the entities that referenced (via foreign keys) a given entity x. For example, when deleting entity x t...

Introduction to hibernate search faceting

With the document available from Hibernate Search (

Getting Started with Infinispan

This tutorial is for developers who are just beginning to learn hibernate-search and trying to set up a demo project. Most of the codes are ...
