
How to Install Nginx in Ubuntu

I. Introduction These series of bash commands will install NGINX in your Ubuntu machine.  Tested on Ubuntu version 2.0.04. II. Bash S...

How to Install Pgadmin in Ubuntu

I. Problem How to install the PGAdmin on Ubuntu-powered machine. II. Solution # Edit debian package list # Open this file sudo vi /et...

How to Uninstall Postgresql in Ubuntu

I. Problem I would like to install multiple versions of PostgreSQL on my machine. Currently, I have version 11 installed. II. Solution ...

How to Upgrade Ubuntu to the Latest Version

I. Introduction Ubuntu version x has just been released. Do you want to try and update to the latest version? Then just copy and paste the...

How to install MySQL in Ubuntu 16.04

The following commands allow us to install a MySQL server on Ubuntu 16.04, create a database, user and table. And finally, tune the serve...

Install and Configure Mariadb on Ubuntu

I. Installation In your terminal execute the following commands: sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo apt-key adv --re...

How to block nvidia driver in ubuntu 12.04

This page is a series of bash commands to block nvidia in your linux system: >cd /etc/modprobe.d/ >sudo vi blacklist-nvidia.conf //cr...

Exploring startup items in Ubuntu

To run startup, press Dashboard and run Startup. By default it doesn't show all of the programs that actually start on boot. To show a...

How to install artifactory and jenkins on ubuntu 12.04

This page is a summary of commands that need to be executed in order to install and setup artifactory and jenkins on Ubuntu 12.04. Install...

Getting started with apache2 php5 and mysql5 in ubuntu

These are the set of scripts I executed in ubuntu to install the ff: 1.) apache2 2.) php5 3.) mysql5 >sudo apt-get install apache2 /...

How to setup an OpenVPN client on an Ubuntu machine

This tutorial assumes that you are running on an Ubuntu 12.04 desktop. 'Coz I haven't done it in lower version :-) 1.) Go to Syste...

How to setup a DNS Server on ubuntu

This tutorial will help you in setting up a dns gateway in your ubuntu machine (I'm using 12.04 version, not sure if this would work on ...

How to install subversion and websvn on ubuntu

This write-up contains a set of instruction on how to install and configure svn as well as setup websvn on an ubuntu 12.04 machine. 1.) I...

How to Enable Wireless Lan in Ubuntu

This page contains a set of bash commands that will enable a wireless interface on ubuntu 11.10. List all network interfaces with wireless...

How to Install Jdk 1.6 on Ubuntu

Currently Oracle prohibit the community from adding java to the linux repositories. So it needed to be manually download from oracle website...

How to Setup Postgresql in Ubuntu and Perform Dump/restore

This write up will try to explain how to install postgresql and attempt to perform database dump and restore. Which should be a basic functi...

How to Start/stop an Application on Boot on Ubuntu

There's an easy way now to configure what application runs on ubuntu's startup like services.msc in windows. Rather than adding/modi...

How to Install Maven 3 in Ubuntu

To install maven 3 you need to remove first, if you have, the previous versions installed (maven2). And execute the ff command in the termin...

How to Install Virtualbox in Ubuntu

1.) Add virtual box to the repository sudo add-apt-repository "deb oneiric contrib&qu...

How to Replace Openjdk7 With Java 1.6 in Ubuntu

Note that I'm using ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot 1.) Execute the following commands: sudo apt-get install python-software-properties ...
