
Visual Studio Express 2008 Iso Download Link

If you are looking for the direct link of Visual Studio 2008 ISO, you can download it here:

How to Fix Missing Office Interop Exception in C#

To read an excel document, you need the excel interop. Most of the time people are confused on where is this library located. VS2003 Add Re...

How to Download an Image Given a Url in C#

Saves image url object into the local machine /// /// Saves the list of url object into the output directory /// /// list of url path /...

How to Fix Asp Server Application Unavailable

If you ever encounter this error while setting up iis on your local machine or a virtual directory in the Internet Information Services and ...

How to Fix Response Redirect Many Redirects

Response.Redirect in Application_AcquireRequestState has resulted in too many redirects Using role-base security the most ideal place to ch...

How to Fix Could Not Load the Assembly in C#

Recently I was deploying a module of a website on top of another virtual directory. Of course the simplest way is to make this directory a...

How to Fix Missing Dll in C#

This problem is often encountered when running Microsoft Office, Adobe Products or even Apache server. Base on this entry from stack overf...

How to fix could not find stored procedure 'dbo.aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion'.

The error above is normally caused by a database that is not aspnet enabled. For example, currently I have a code-first database that is pre...

How to Solve Multiple Active Datareader Session in Mvc3 C#

This problem commonly happens when you try to execute a query with a return type of IEnumerable then execute a second query with the result....

How to Fix Mvc3 Ajax Validation Using Jquery

To make automatic validation using data annotation on a model on mvc3 c# we need: 1.) A model with data annotation (ex. required attribute)...

How to Fix Securityexception

Recently I found myself in another shared hosting problem. Unfortunately, we are hosting our personalized-items/corporate give away website ...

How to Upload a File in an Mvc3 C# Ajax Form

It's easy to upload file in a synchronous form, where you just post the file and read a HttpPostedFile variable in the server side: In ...

How to Render a Chart Object in a View in Mvc3

I was working on a project that requires showing a graph, fortunately there's already a built in graph helper in mvc3:

Resolving Elmah Not Logging

First make sure that you're web.config file is setup properly and that you have defined elmah to handle the error in each controller. Yo...

How to Read and Write an Object in a Textfile in C#

Long time ago I've a requirement to read sms messages from device to be written in a text file. Before I learned to serialize an object,...

Learn Injection of Control in a C# Console Application

Now that I'm working with C# MVC3, I learned that it's easier to setup Injection of Control because of several available plugins tha...

Learn Many to Many Relationship in Entity Framework

An example of many-to-many relationship is asp's membership tables, between aspnet_Users and aspnet_Roles. Usually we declare it like t...

How to Specify Sql Cascade Actions in C#

Have you encountered this error: "Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'x_y_Target' on table 'z_UsersInRoles' may caus...

How to Declare Foreign Key in Entity Framework

There are 2 ways to declare foreign key in entity framework. Assuming we have 2 entities aspnet_Users and Person, which are link via UserId ...

How to Add a Loading Screen to C# Using Jquery

With my experience from telerik, I want my entity's add and edit form to be a popup so I don't have to change screen. I'm using ...
