Setting up Early Booker and Last-Minute Deals

Updated 7 months ago | 2 min read time

The Early Booker and Last-Minute Deals are flexible promotions that help you attract more guests. Both deals give you the option to set discounts, guests stay dates and booking windows based on your particular needs.

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How to use Early Booker and Last-Minute Deals

You can use both deals strategically by setting them up to run for multiple weeks or months at a time. Travellers will be able to see them during that period based on the criteria you set.

Early Booker and Last-Minute Deals complement each other. We recommend that you activate both as part of your marketing strategy. These promotions are designed based on Coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery patterns that we identified in traveller demand. You can easily adapt them to fit your particular situation and needs.

Once you’re ready, click here to set up Early Booker and Last-Minute Deals in the extranet. To find out more about how to set up deals and promotions, take a look at this article.

Setting up an Early Booker Deal

Early Booker Deals help you boost occupancy early on in the season. They work by attracting guests who reserve their trips well in advance.

To get the most out of an Early Booker Deal, we recommend that you set up this promotion for a minimum of 30 days before check-in.

Setting up a Last-Minute Deal

Last-Minute Deals help you boost occupancy throughout the season by attracting guests who want to travel at short notice.

To take full advantage of the Last Minute Deal, we recommend that you set up this promotion for a maximum of seven days before check-in.

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