Setting up standard children rates

Updated 11 months ago | 5 min read time

This article will help you set up standard children rates. If you want to set up flexible children rates, read this article. Setting up children rates lets families see all of the important details and prices for a particular room or unit on your property page.

There are three things that determine how a property, room or unit is listed for families and whether a children rate is displayed on our platform: these are policies, rooms and pricing. 

What’s in this article:

Setting up policies to allow children

You can choose whether your property accepts children of all ages, only accepts children above a certain age or doesn’t allow children at all. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Click on Property and then click on Policies
  3. In the Children & extra beds section, click on Edit under Children policies
  4. Choose Yes or No to select whether you allow children under 18 years of age
  5. If you want, you can select a minimum age for children you allow to stay at your property
  6. Click on Save

Children rates options

Once you’ve allowed children at your property, you can choose between two different children rates products: standard children rates and flexible children rates.

A standard children rate is right for you if you need:

  • One set of rates for your entire property
  • Free or fixed rates

A flexible children rate is right for you if you need:

  • Different sets of rates per room or unit type and rate plan
  • Free, fixed or percentage-based rates
  • Different rates per child within each of your age groups

Activating standard children rates

You can create up to three different children rates for different age ranges. Keep in mind that the age-range rates you set only apply to children staying in existing beds – not extra beds or cots. Alternatively, you can specify which age ranges, if any, can stay at your property free of charge.

These rates only apply to rooms or units which you have already set children occupancy for. If you haven’t done that, you’ll need to adjust occupancy to include children. You can also offer extra beds, cots or cribs in a separate section of the extranet.

Here’s how to set up a standard children rate:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Click on Property and then click on Policies
  3. Under Children & extra beds, go to the Children policies section and click on Edit
  4. In the Children rates section, choose Standard and click on Set up
  5. Click on Add a rate
  6. Choose the minimum and maximum age for your rate and select the price you want to charge
  7. If you wish, click on Add another rate
  8. Click on Save

Once you’ve created your rates, you’ll see a note in the Children policies section reminding you to adjust your occupancy to include children and review your children rates distribution.

Adjusting occupancy to include children

You can set the maximum number of children and adults that can stay in a room or unit. You can also set the maximum total occupancy for each room or unit.

For example:

A double room is set up to have a maximum occupancy of two adults, two children or two guests.

Allowed: either two adults or one adult with one child.

Not allowed: two adults with two children.

Any occupancy you set is for guests staying in existing beds. Occupancy from guests staying in cots and extra beds should not be included.

Here’s how to adjust room occupancy:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Click on Property and then click on Policies
  3. Under Children & extra beds, in the Children policies section click on Edit
  4. Under Occupancy and children rate distribution, select whether all or some children pay the child price or some pay the adult price
  5. Select the name of the room or unit you want to adjust the occupancy for
  6. Select the right configurations for each of these four parameters:
    1. Max. total guests: maximum number of guests (adult and children) that can physically fit in the room
    2. Max. adults: maximum number of adults that can physically fit in the room
    3. Max. children: maximum number of children that can physically fit in the room (children need to be accompanied by at least one adult and the maximum number of children for any room or unit is the maximum number of guests minus one)
    4. Max. that pay children rate: maximum number of children to be charged the children rate
  7. Repeat this for every room or unit that you want to adjust the occupancy for
  8. Click on Save

In the Preview of your policies section, you’ll see a preview of your settings, although the exact wording of your policies may be shown differently to potential guests.

Here are extra examples on how you can use rates: 


Studio with pricing per guest

Family room with pricing per guest

Family room with a fixed price per room


Price per adult: €90

Price per child: €50

Price per adult: €90

Price per child: €50

Price per room: €300

Price per extra child: €50

Occupancy and children rate distribution

Max. total guests: 3

Max. adults: 2

Max. children: 2 (if only one adult is staying, two children can stay)

Max. that pay children rate:

1 (the children rate you set for this room applies to one child)

Max. total guests: 6

Max. adults: 4

Max. children: 5 (if only one adult is staying, five children can stay)

Max. that pay children rate: 


Max. total guests: 6

Max. adults: 4

Max. children: 5

Max. that pay children rate:


While the room can host up to six people, the unit price covers four people (adults and children) in total.


If the stay is for one adult and two children, this means that only one child will be eligible for the children rate and the other child will be charged the adult rate.


1 adult: €90

1st child: €50

2nd child: €90 (not eligible for the children rate)


Total price: €230

If the stay is for four adults and two children, both children will be charged the children rate in addition to the price of four adults per room.


4 adults: €360

2 children: €100

Total price: €460


If the stay is for up to four people (regardless of the number of adults or children), the fixed price for the room will apply without extra charges.


Total price: €300


If the stay is for four adults and two extra children (six people in total), two children will be charged the children rate in addition to the price per room.


4 adults: €300

2 children: €100

Total price: €400


Removing all standard children rates

You can remove standard children rates that you’ve previously created by manually deleting each rate. Here’s how:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Click on Property and then click on Policies
  3. Under Children & extra beds, go to the Children policies section and click on Edit
  4. In the Children rates section, choose Standard and click on Set up
  5. Manually delete each rate by clicking on Delete this rate
  6. Click on Save to confirm your changes

All children will now be charged as adults.

Offering extra beds, cots or cribs

Keep in mind that extra bed and crib occupancy and prices aren’t displayed or included in rates during the booking process.

Here’s how to offer extra beds, cots or cribs:

  1. Log in to the extranet
  2. Click on Property and then click on Policies
  3. Under Children & extra beds, go to the Extra bed & cot options section and click on Edit
  4. In the Cot & extra bed allowance section, choose the maximum number of cots and extra beds you can provide for each room or unit
  5. If you wish, in the Cot policies and Extra bed policies sections, choose how much you want to charge for cots and extra beds for different age ranges
  6. Click on Save

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