Syncing your calendar to third-party calendars

Updated 12 months ago | 4 min read time

To help you stay on top of all your reservations and overbooking bookings, you can sync your calendar with other third-party calendars. You should import bookings and reservations from other platforms and export your reservations and closed dates to those platforms. We recommend doing both to avoid having to manually block off dates in all of your calendars.

If you're new to, we recommend doing this before your property opens for bookings on our platform. Keep in mind that calendars aren’t synced in real time, so individual bookings and reservations made on other platforms won’t sync immediately with your calendar, and vice versa.

What’s in this article

Eligibility criteria

Calendar syncing is not available for all property types. To import or export calendars, your property needs to have 20 room types or less, and a maximum of one unit per room type. Your property also can’t use XML connectivity services like property management systems or channel managers.

To see if it’s available to you, log in to the extranet and click Rates & Availability. If your property is eligible for this feature, you’ll see Sync calendars in the drop-down menu.

Synchronising your calendars across channels

Importing third-party calendars is useful if you work with other online channels and want to both import and sync another calendar with your calendar. To make sure your availability is consistent across channels, it’s recommended to export your calendar to your third-party calendars as well. Be sure to have your third-party calendar open while you do this.

Here’s how to synchronise your calendars across channels:

  1. Log in to the extranet.
  2. Depending on your extranet, either click on Rates & Availability and then on Calendar, or click on Calendar & Pricing.
  3. Click Sync calendars.
  4. Click Add calendar connection, then add the link to the third-party calendar you want to import reservations from. Give the calendar connection a name – if you’re connecting to Airbnb you might call it ‘Airbnb’ – and then click Next step. You can also click Skip this step if you want to go straight to exporting your calendar. You can come back and import the third-party calendar later by clicking Complete setup on the Sync calendars page.
  5. To export your calendar, copy your calendar link by clicking on Copy link, and then paste it into the relevant field on your third-party calendar – for example on Airbnb’s calendar syncing page. Under Export options, select whether you want to export only your Booked dates only or both Booked and closed dates. You can also choose to Skip export – you can choose to export your calendar any time by clicking Complete setup on the Sync calendars page.
  6. Once you’ve done this, you can go back to the extranet and click Done.

You’ll see the status as Activating while the connection is being set up. Once your calendars are synchronised, the status will change to OK. You’ll be able to see an overview of your calendar connections whenever you return to the  Sync calendars page.

We automatically import any connected calendars, but you can manually sync your imported calendars by clicking Import now. To remove the imported calendar and stop syncing, click Remove.

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