Configuring auto-replenishment on closed rooms and units

Updated 7 months ago | 1 min read time

The auto-replenishment feature ensures that when a reservation is cancelled, you can automatically make the cancelled room or unit available to be booked again by other potential guests. This gives your property maximum availability and visibility without having to manually make changes in the extranet.

The auto-replenishment feature is not available if you have already replenished the closed rooms, or the last time you’ve completed the auto-replenishment was more than 60 days ago.


When you sign up as a new partner, we activate the auto-replenishment feature by default. To turn the feature on or off, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the extranet.
  2. Click Rates & Availability or Calendar & Pricing and then on Calendar.
  3. Click on the settings symbol (three vertical dots) or Availability settings.
  4. Click on Auto-replenishment.
  5. Under Calendar settings, click on Yes or No depending on whether you want to  turn the auto-replenishment feature on or off.

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