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About Me
• Senior MTS at Nutanix
• Platform Engineer
– DBs, SOA, Infra, Streams
• Love
– Distributed data systems
– Open-source software (OSS)
• OSS Contributions
– Apache Pulsar
Why: Abstractions
(historical perspective)
A Brief History…
Of Databases
• 1960: Flat Files
• 1960s: Hierarchical Databases
– Need for structure
• 1980: SQL / Relational Databases
– High-level language
– Some more structure!
• 2004: NoSQL
– Scale & Availability above all
– No relational model, less structure
• 2010s: Distributed SQL
– Well, no, we need structure*
Image source:
A Brief History…
Of Data Streams
• Apache Kafka:
– Built inside LinkedIn
– 2011: Kafka becomes open source
– 2012: Graduated from Apache incubator
• Apache Pulsar
– Built at Yahoo
– 2016: Contributed to Open source
– 2018: Top-level Apache project
Image source:
History tell us…
• SQL -> NoSQL -> Distributed SQL
– Relation database has strict
• Streaming bytes -> Schema
– Both Kafka and Pulsar support
schema registry now!
– Its not ideal to stream bytes
• Use schema wherever possible
– Err on the side of having schema
Schema 101
Hello PubSub!
Hello PubSub!
Computers only know bits…
Encoding data Example: Write an employee record
• Sending data to a computer
– Local computer
– Over network
• Can't send as is.
• Encode to bits
– Also, serialization
• Send
Computers only know bits…
Decoding data
Example: Read an employee
• Read data from a computer
– Local computer
– Over network
• Turn bytes to employee rocrd
• Decode to bits
– Also, de-serialization
• Use in program.
Encoder / decoder placements
• Choice 1 : App
Encoder / decoder placements
• Choice 2 : Producer/Consumer
Encoder / decoder placements
• Choice 3 : Stream Platform
Abstraction vs Flexibility
• Abstract out encode / decode to
the stream platform
• Lighter Individual apps
– Single Responsibility Principle
• Easy Evolution of schema
– Versioning
• Less bugs!
• Keep encode / decode in (each)
• Flexibility of choice
– Schema formats
• Schema evolution is hard
– Versioning
– Upgrade Path?
• More bugs?
Flexibility? : Choose Wisely…
Flexibility? : Choose Wisely…
• Flexibility is a good choice when:
– Non-uniform data
• Custom Fields
• Non-uniform Types
– Frequent schema migrations
Schema Representations
Schema : Choice 1
Use Native serialization of programming language
• Examples:
– Java serialization
– Python’s pickle
– Ruby’s Marshall
• Good
– Easy implementation
• Bad
– Locked with same programming language for
producer and consumer
– Difficult to Evolve schema versions
• Upgrade Path?
Schema : Choice 2
Use same format as web APIs (REST?)
• Examples:
• Good
– Familiar implementation, share code!
– Text, readable, easy to debug
• Bad
– Key Name in every message, too much data
– Auto detected type, may go wrong…
– New types? Nested types? Ship POJO
• Document? Synchronize? Ignore new data?
Schema : Choice 3
Struct Schema : Avro, Thrift, Protocol Buffers
• Good
– Binary formats, less space
– Matured over the years
– Well documented
– Libraries in multiple languages
– Good support in stream
– Evolution with versioning
• Bad
– Extra learning curve
Case Study:
Apache Pulsar Schema
Apache Pulsar 101
• Cloud-native,
• Distributed messaging and
• Distributed streaming platform
Apache Pulsar
• Modular Design
• Horizontally scalable
• Low latency & high throughput
• Multi-tenancy
• Geo Replication
Pulsar schema : Byte Schema
Domain Object Pulsar Producer : Sample Code
Pulsar schema : String Schema
Pulsar schema : Avro Schema
Pulsar schema : Schema Registry
• Topic to schemas mapping.
• Stores accepted schemas for a topic.
• Manages evolution with versioning.
• Producer adds schema, if compatible.
• Consumer fetches schema, given topic & message.
• Schema => [name, payload, type, properties]
Schema Evolution
• Manual
– Check every schema before upgrade
• Auto – updates
– If new schema passes compatibility tests, producer uploads
new version of schema.
Schema : Compatibility modes
Schema : Compatibility modes
Schema Registry: Producer
Schema Registry: Consumer
Pulsar schema : Schema Registry
• Validates whether the bytes sent is
• If not, rejects.
Produce<byte[]> pulsarProducer =
• Validate whether bytes sent from topic is
compatible with schemas on topic.
• If not, rejects.
pulsarConsumer =
Topic Schema Mapping
• Topic : schema = 1:1 ?
• What about relative ordering?
• Opinion:
– Model domain to topic
– Domain may have multiple schema.
• Example : User, accounts, subscription
– Prefer relative ordering
– Work with parallel evolution
• User v1 -> User V2 -> User V3
• Account v1 -> Account V2 -> Account V3
• Subscription v1 -> Subscription V2 -> Subscription V3
Schema across pipeline
• Pulsar IO
– Source (Examples : Flink, Spark, Elasticsearch)
– Pulsar
– Sink (Examples : Flink, Spark, Elasticsearch)
• Same schema across pipeline
– Unless you decorate..
– Unless different format for optimization
• Type of query
Learnings over the years
• Struct schemas model domain objects well.
• Binary representation is space efficient.
• Use schemas management on apps, only if you need that
extra flexibility.
• Use schema registry by default.
• Recommend Avro
– Json schema – a bit too verbose
– Proto awesome, not adopted well among sources / sinks.
– Avro is adopted really well.
• Decide and set compatibility / evolution rules. Worth it!
1. Pulsar docs:
2. Schema auto update strategy:
3. Schema Evolution in Avro, Thrift, Protobuff:
4. Topic design per domain:
5. Schema Compatibility Design:

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Apache Con 2021 Structured Data Streaming

  • 2. About Me • Senior MTS at Nutanix • Platform Engineer – DBs, SOA, Infra, Streams • Love – Distributed data systems – Open-source software (OSS) • OSS Contributions – Apache Pulsar – MySQL
  • 5. A Brief History… Of Databases • 1960: Flat Files • 1960s: Hierarchical Databases – Need for structure • 1980: SQL / Relational Databases – High-level language – Some more structure! • 2004: NoSQL – Scale & Availability above all – No relational model, less structure • 2010s: Distributed SQL – Well, no, we need structure* Image source:
  • 6. A Brief History… Of Data Streams • Apache Kafka: – Built inside LinkedIn – 2011: Kafka becomes open source – 2012: Graduated from Apache incubator • Apache Pulsar – Built at Yahoo – 2016: Contributed to Open source – 2018: Top-level Apache project Image source:
  • 7. History tell us… Evolution • SQL -> NoSQL -> Distributed SQL – Relation database has strict schema • Streaming bytes -> Schema Registry – Both Kafka and Pulsar support schema registry now! – Its not ideal to stream bytes • Use schema wherever possible – Err on the side of having schema OBJECTS PRIMITIVE TYPES BYTES BITS
  • 11. Computers only know bits… Encoding data Example: Write an employee record • Sending data to a computer – Local computer – Over network • Can't send as is. • Encode to bits – Also, serialization • Send
  • 12. Computers only know bits… Decoding data Example: Read an employee record • Read data from a computer – Local computer – Over network • Turn bytes to employee rocrd • Decode to bits – Also, de-serialization • Use in program.
  • 13. Encoder / decoder placements Produce Data Consume Data • Choice 1 : App
  • 14. Encoder / decoder placements Produce Data Consume Data • Choice 2 : Producer/Consumer
  • 15. Encoder / decoder placements Produce Data Consume Data • Choice 3 : Stream Platform
  • 16. Abstraction vs Flexibility Abstraction • Abstract out encode / decode to the stream platform • Lighter Individual apps – Single Responsibility Principle • Easy Evolution of schema – Versioning • Less bugs! Flexibility • Keep encode / decode in (each) app • Flexibility of choice – Schema formats • Schema evolution is hard – Versioning – Upgrade Path? • More bugs?
  • 18. Flexibility? : Choose Wisely… • Flexibility is a good choice when: – Non-uniform data • Custom Fields • Non-uniform Types – Frequent schema migrations
  • 20. Schema : Choice 1 Use Native serialization of programming language • Examples: – Java serialization – Python’s pickle – Ruby’s Marshall • Good – Easy implementation • Bad – Locked with same programming language for producer and consumer – Difficult to Evolve schema versions • Upgrade Path?
  • 21. Schema : Choice 2 Use same format as web APIs (REST?) • Examples: – JSON – XML • Good – Familiar implementation, share code! – Text, readable, easy to debug • Bad – Key Name in every message, too much data – Auto detected type, may go wrong… – New types? Nested types? Ship POJO library? • Document? Synchronize? Ignore new data?
  • 22. Schema : Choice 3 Struct Schema : Avro, Thrift, Protocol Buffers • Good – Binary formats, less space – Matured over the years – Well documented – Libraries in multiple languages – Good support in stream ecosystem – Evolution with versioning • Bad – Extra learning curve
  • 24. Apache Pulsar 101 PRODUCER CONSUMER • Cloud-native, • Distributed messaging and • Distributed streaming platform Apache Pulsar • Modular Design • Horizontally scalable • Low latency & high throughput • Multi-tenancy • Geo Replication Highlights
  • 25. Pulsar schema : Byte Schema Domain Object Pulsar Producer : Sample Code
  • 26. Pulsar schema : String Schema Producer Consumer
  • 27. Pulsar schema : Avro Schema
  • 28. Pulsar schema : Schema Registry • Topic to schemas mapping. • Stores accepted schemas for a topic. • Manages evolution with versioning. • Producer adds schema, if compatible. • Consumer fetches schema, given topic & message. • Schema => [name, payload, type, properties]
  • 29. Schema Evolution • Manual – Check every schema before upgrade • Auto – updates – If new schema passes compatibility tests, producer uploads new version of schema.
  • 34. Pulsar schema : Schema Registry AUTO_PRODUCE • Validates whether the bytes sent is compatible • If not, rejects. Produce<byte[]> pulsarProducer = client.newProducer (Schema.AUTO_PRODUCE()) … .create(); AUTO_CONSUME • Validate whether bytes sent from topic is compatible with schemas on topic. • If not, rejects. Consumer<GenericRecord> pulsarConsumer = client.newConsumer(Schema.AUTO_CONSUME ()) … .subscribe();
  • 35. Topic Schema Mapping • Topic : schema = 1:1 ? • What about relative ordering? • Opinion: – Model domain to topic – Domain may have multiple schema. • Example : User, accounts, subscription – Prefer relative ordering – Work with parallel evolution • User v1 -> User V2 -> User V3 • Account v1 -> Account V2 -> Account V3 • Subscription v1 -> Subscription V2 -> Subscription V3
  • 36. Schema across pipeline • Pulsar IO – Source (Examples : Flink, Spark, Elasticsearch) – Pulsar – Sink (Examples : Flink, Spark, Elasticsearch) • Same schema across pipeline – Unless you decorate.. – Unless different format for optimization • Type of query
  • 38. Learnings over the years • Struct schemas model domain objects well. • Binary representation is space efficient. • Use schemas management on apps, only if you need that extra flexibility. • Use schema registry by default. • Recommend Avro – Json schema – a bit too verbose – Proto awesome, not adopted well among sources / sinks. – Avro is adopted really well. • Decide and set compatibility / evolution rules. Worth it!
  • 39. References 1. Pulsar docs: started/ 2. Schema auto update strategy: autoupdate-strategy 3. Schema Evolution in Avro, Thrift, Protobuff: evolution-in-avro-protocol-buffers-thrift.html 4. Topic design per domain: several-event-types-kafka-topic/ 5. Schema Compatibility Design: registry/avro.html#compatibility-types