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Performance Budgets
for the Real World
Tammy Everts
CXO at SpeedCurve
Tammy Everts (she/her)
CXO at SpeedCurve
■ Author of ‘Time Is Money: The Business
Value of Web Performance’ (O’Reilly)
■ Co-chair of
■ Co-curator of
■ Used to own
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Improved average load time from 6s to 1.2s
7-12% increase in conversion rate + 25% increase in PVs
Average load time degraded to 5s
User feedback: “I will not come back to this site again.”
Re-focused on performance
0.4% increase in conversion rate
1. Constant feature development
2. Badly implemented third-parties
3. Waited too long to tackle problems
4. Relied on performance sprints
5. Stopped doing front-end performance measurement
6. No way to track regressions
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
“Fighting regressions took priority over optimizations.
The reason we decided this was because in the past,
when we had performance efforts, engineers who were
working on optimizations couldn’t really see progress
in our performance metrics, because there were
so many regressions happening at the same time.”
Michelle Vu, Pinterest
What is a performance budget?
Which metrics should I focus on?
What should my budget thresholds be?
How can I stay on top of my budgets?
What is a performance budget?
Thresholds YOU create for metrics
that are meaningful for YOUR site
Time-based • Start Render, Largest Contentful Paint
Quantity-based • Page size, image weight, Long Tasks
Score-based • Cumulative Layout Shift, Lighthouse scores
Monitoring tools
Synthetic (lab)
Mimics defined network & browser conditions
No installation required
Limited URLs
Limited test locations
Compare any sites
Detailed analysis & visuals
Real user monitoring (field)
Real network & browser conditions
Requires JavaScript installation
Large sample size (up to 100%)
Geographic spread
Only measure your own site
Correlation with other metrics (e.g., bounce rate)
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
A good performance budget shows you…
❑ What your budget is
❑ When you go out of bounds
❑ How long you’re out of bounds
❑ When you’re back within budget
Budgets can be passive (e.g., charts)
Get alerts so you can investigate
Break the build
exceeded fixed oops
Which metrics should
I focus on?
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
50+ synthetic metrics
30+ RUM metrics
25 additional metrics for EACH third party
∞ custom metrics
Minimum Viable Budgets
Is the page loading?
Can I use it?
How does it feel?
❑ Tracks the most important content
❑ Is accessible out of the box
❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM
❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics
❑ Has broad browser support
The ideal UX metric…
Is the page loading?
The time from the start of the initial navigation
until the first byte is received by the browser
(AKA Time to First Byte)
Synthetic & RUM
Backend time
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
❑ Tracks the most important content
❑ Is accessible out of the box
❑ Has broad browser support
❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM
❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics
Backend time
The time from the start of navigation
until the first non-white content is painted
Synthetic & RUM
Start Render
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
As Start Render improves, so does bounce rate (typically)
So does conversion rate (again, typically)
❑ Tracks the most important content
❑ Is accessible out of the box
❑ Has broad browser support
❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM
❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics
Start Render
Can I use the page?
When do users start interacting with a page?
Amount of time it takes for the largest visual
element (image or video) to render
Synthetic & RUM
(Chromium browsers only)
Largest Contentful Paint
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Largest Contentful Paint (often) correlates to bounce rate
❑ Tracks the most important content
❑ Is accessible out of the box
❑ Has broad browser support
❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM
❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics
Largest Contentful Paint
When the last piece of critical content
(hero image, first H1) is painted in the
Last Painted Hero
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
❑ Tracks the most important content
❑ Is accessible out of the box
❑ Has broad browser support
❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM
❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics
Last Painted Hero
How does the page feel?
Aggregate score that reflects how much
page elements shift during rendering
Synthetic & RUM
(Chromium browsers only)
Cumulative Layout Shift
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Bounce rate gets worse as CLS degrades
Bounce rate improves as CLS degrades
Bounce rate stays the same as CLS degrades
❑ Tracks the most important content
❑ Is accessible out of the box
❑ Has broad browser support
❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM
❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics
Cumulative Layout Shift
Any JavaScript function that takes >50ms to execute
Long Tasks don��t always block page rendering,
but they can cause the page to feel janky
Synthetic & RUM
Long Tasks
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Long Tasks often correlate to conversions
Long Tasks Time can expose issues with third parties
❑ Tracks the most important content
❑ Is accessible out of the box
❑ Has broad browser support
❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM
❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics
Long Tasks Time
Measures a page's responsiveness
to individual user interactions
Observes latency and reports a single value
that all (or nearly all) interactions are below
Interaction to Next Paint
INP often correlates to user behaviour (e.g., conversions)
❑ Tracks the most important content
❑ Is accessible out of the box
❑ Has broad browser support
❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM
❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics
Interaction to Next Paint
Usable out of the
Broad browser
Synthetic RUM
Correlates to
Time to First Byte ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Start Render ☆ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Largest Contentful Paint ☆ ★ ★ ★ ★
Last Painted Hero ☆ ★ ★ ★
Cumulative Layout Shift ☆ ☆ ★ ★
Long Tasks ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Interaction to Next Paint ★ ★ ★ ★
What should my budget
thresholds be?
performance budgets
performance goals
Goals are aspirational
How fast do I want to be eventually?
Budgets are pragmatic
How can I keep my site from getting slower
while I work toward my goals?
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
demoralizing not actionable ignorable
As you optimize your pages
(and hopefully get faster!)
update your budgets
How do I manage my budgets?
Should I set up budgets
in RUM, synthetic, or both?
Scenario 1
Create budgets in RUM,
and drill down via synthetic
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Scenario 2
Create budgets in synthetic,
and integrate with CI/CD
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Do I need performance budgets
for all my pages?
1. Product
2. Category
3. Home
4. Cart
5. Search
Who should be responsible
for managing budgets?
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Everyone* who touches a page should
understand the performance impact
of their choices
*Yes, this includes marketing people
For example…
If your marketing team is responsible for adding
and maintaining third-party tags, they should:
❑ Have a basic understanding of the metrics (such as Long Tasks Time)
❑ Collaborate on setting the budget
❑ Receive alerts when the budget is violated
❑ Participate (or at least have visibility) in identifying and fixing the issue
1. Start small (even a single metric will do!)
2. Visually validate your metrics (filmstrips, videos)
3. Validate your metrics some more (UX, business)
4. Get buy-in from different stakeholders
5. Focus on the pages that matter most
6. Revisit your budgets regularly (2-4 weeks)
7. Remember that metrics are always evolving
8. Never stop measuring
Tammy Everts
Thank you! Let’s connect.
A Complete Guide to Performance Budgets
Setting a Performance Budget
Performance Budgets, Pragmatically
Web Vitals
Farewell FID… hello Interaction to Next Paint
Cumulative Layout Shift: What it measures (and what it doesn’t)

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Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts

  • 1. HOSTED BY Performance Budgets for the Real World Tammy Everts CXO at SpeedCurve
  • 2. Tammy Everts (she/her) CXO at SpeedCurve ■ Author of ‘Time Is Money: The Business Value of Web Performance’ (O’Reilly) ■ Co-chair of ■ Co-curator of ■ Used to own
  • 4. Improved average load time from 6s to 1.2s 7-12% increase in conversion rate + 25% increase in PVs Average load time degraded to 5s User feedback: “I will not come back to this site again.” Re-focused on performance 0.4% increase in conversion rate 2010 2011 2009
  • 5. 1. Constant feature development 2. Badly implemented third-parties 3. Waited too long to tackle problems 4. Relied on performance sprints 5. Stopped doing front-end performance measurement 6. No way to track regressions
  • 10. “Fighting regressions took priority over optimizations. The reason we decided this was because in the past, when we had performance efforts, engineers who were working on optimizations couldn’t really see progress in our performance metrics, because there were so many regressions happening at the same time.” Michelle Vu, Pinterest
  • 11. What is a performance budget? Which metrics should I focus on? What should my budget thresholds be? How can I stay on top of my budgets?
  • 12. What is a performance budget?
  • 13. Thresholds YOU create for metrics that are meaningful for YOUR site Time-based • Start Render, Largest Contentful Paint Quantity-based • Page size, image weight, Long Tasks Score-based • Cumulative Layout Shift, Lighthouse scores
  • 14. Monitoring tools Synthetic (lab) Mimics defined network & browser conditions No installation required Limited URLs Limited test locations Compare any sites Detailed analysis & visuals Real user monitoring (field) Real network & browser conditions Requires JavaScript installation Large sample size (up to 100%) Geographic spread Only measure your own site Correlation with other metrics (e.g., bounce rate)
  • 16. A good performance budget shows you… ❑ What your budget is ❑ When you go out of bounds ❑ How long you’re out of bounds ❑ When you’re back within budget
  • 17. Budgets can be passive (e.g., charts) Get alerts so you can investigate Break the build
  • 23. 50+ synthetic metrics 30+ RUM metrics 25 additional metrics for EACH third party ∞ custom metrics
  • 24. MVB
  • 26. Is the page loading? Can I use it? How does it feel?
  • 27. ❑ Tracks the most important content ❑ Is accessible out of the box ❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM ❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics ❑ Has broad browser support The ideal UX metric…
  • 28. Is the page loading?
  • 29. The time from the start of the initial navigation until the first byte is received by the browser (AKA Time to First Byte) Synthetic & RUM Backend time
  • 31. ❑ Tracks the most important content ❑ Is accessible out of the box ❑ Has broad browser support ❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM ❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics √ √ √ Backend time √
  • 32. The time from the start of navigation until the first non-white content is painted Synthetic & RUM Start Render
  • 34. As Start Render improves, so does bounce rate (typically)
  • 35. So does conversion rate (again, typically)
  • 36. ❑ Tracks the most important content ❑ Is accessible out of the box ❑ Has broad browser support ❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM ❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics √ √ √ Start Render √ √
  • 37. Can I use the page?
  • 38. When do users start interacting with a page?
  • 39. Amount of time it takes for the largest visual element (image or video) to render Synthetic & RUM (Chromium browsers only) Largest Contentful Paint
  • 41. Largest Contentful Paint (often) correlates to bounce rate
  • 42. ❑ Tracks the most important content ❑ Is accessible out of the box ❑ Has broad browser support ❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM ❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics √ √ Largest Contentful Paint √ √
  • 43. When the last piece of critical content (hero image, first H1) is painted in the browser. Synthetic Last Painted Hero
  • 45. ❑ Tracks the most important content ❑ Is accessible out of the box ❑ Has broad browser support ❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM ❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics √ √ Last Painted Hero √
  • 46. How does the page feel?
  • 47. Aggregate score that reflects how much page elements shift during rendering Synthetic & RUM (Chromium browsers only) Cumulative Layout Shift
  • 49. Bounce rate gets worse as CLS degrades Bounce rate improves as CLS degrades Bounce rate stays the same as CLS degrades
  • 50. ❑ Tracks the most important content ❑ Is accessible out of the box ❑ Has broad browser support ❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM ❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics √ √ Cumulative Layout Shift √
  • 51. Any JavaScript function that takes >50ms to execute Long Tasks don’t always block page rendering, but they can cause the page to feel janky Synthetic & RUM Long Tasks
  • 53. Long Tasks often correlate to conversions
  • 54. Long Tasks Time can expose issues with third parties
  • 55. ❑ Tracks the most important content ❑ Is accessible out of the box ❑ Has broad browser support ❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM ❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics √ √ Long Tasks Time √ √
  • 56. Measures a page's responsiveness to individual user interactions Observes latency and reports a single value that all (or nearly all) interactions are below RUM Interaction to Next Paint
  • 57. INP often correlates to user behaviour (e.g., conversions)
  • 58. ❑ Tracks the most important content ❑ Is accessible out of the box ❑ Has broad browser support ❑ Is available in synthetic and RUM ❑ Can be correlated to UX and business metrics √ Interaction to Next Paint √ √
  • 59. Meaningful content Usable out of the box Broad browser support Synthetic RUM Correlates to business/UX Time to First Byte ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Start Render ☆ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Largest Contentful Paint ☆ ★ ★ ★ ★ Last Painted Hero ☆ ★ ★ ★ Cumulative Layout Shift ☆ ☆ ★ ★ Long Tasks ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Interaction to Next Paint ★ ★ ★ ★
  • 60. YMMV
  • 61. What should my budget thresholds be?
  • 63. Goals are aspirational How fast do I want to be eventually? Budgets are pragmatic How can I keep my site from getting slower while I work toward my goals?
  • 68. As you optimize your pages (and hopefully get faster!) update your budgets
  • 69. How do I manage my budgets?
  • 70. Should I set up budgets in RUM, synthetic, or both?
  • 71. Scenario 1 Create budgets in RUM, and drill down via synthetic
  • 73. Scenario 2 Create budgets in synthetic, and integrate with CI/CD
  • 75. Do I need performance budgets for all my pages?
  • 76. 1. Product 2. Category 3. Home 4. Cart 5. Search
  • 77. Who should be responsible for managing budgets?
  • 79. Everyone* who touches a page should understand the performance impact of their choices *Yes, this includes marketing people
  • 80. For example… If your marketing team is responsible for adding and maintaining third-party tags, they should: ❑ Have a basic understanding of the metrics (such as Long Tasks Time) ❑ Collaborate on setting the budget ❑ Receive alerts when the budget is violated ❑ Participate (or at least have visibility) in identifying and fixing the issue
  • 81. 1. Start small (even a single metric will do!) 2. Visually validate your metrics (filmstrips, videos) 3. Validate your metrics some more (UX, business) 4. Get buy-in from different stakeholders 5. Focus on the pages that matter most 6. Revisit your budgets regularly (2-4 weeks) 7. Remember that metrics are always evolving 8. Never stop measuring
  • 83. A Complete Guide to Performance Budgets Setting a Performance Budget Performance Budgets, Pragmatically Web Vitals Farewell FID… hello Interaction to Next Paint Cumulative Layout Shift: What it measures (and what it doesn’t)