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Software Development with "
      Open Source

 Jon Allen (JJ) –
  Birmingham University 2010

      Software Development with Open Source
      Open Source Business Systems
About OpusVL

•  Open Source development company
•  Based in Rugby, UK

•    Founded in 2000
•    Business systems (ERP, VOIP, CRM, etc)
•    Bespoke software development
•    Use and contribute to Open Source
     –  Code
     –  Sponsorship
                   Software Development with Open Source
                   Open Source Business Systems
Open Source

•  Who uses Open Source software?

               Software Development with Open Source
               Open Source Business Systems
Open Source

•  Who uses Open Source software?

•  Who uses…
  –  Google
  –  Facebook
  –  BBC iPlayer
  –  Amazon

                    Software Development with Open Source
                    Open Source Business Systems
Open Source

•  Who uses Open Source software?

•  Who uses…
   –  Google
   –  Facebook
   –  BBC iPlayer
   –  Amazon

•  All built on Open Source software

                     Software Development with Open Source
                     Open Source Business Systems
What is Open Source Software?

•  Licensing model
   –  Free redistribution
   –  Source code available
   –  Modifications and derived works allowed
      •  Distribution allowed under same terms as original licence
   –  No discrimination against people or fields of usage

•  Typical licenses
   –  BSD, Apache, GPL, Artistic
      •  Restrictions vary by license (BSD vs. Copyleft)

                    Software Development with Open Source
                    Open Source Business Systems
Why Open Source?

•  Try before you buy
   –  Use first, get support later
   –  Open documentation, support forums, etc
•  Source code available
   –  Can make changes and fix bugs
•  Freedom to fork
   –  No vendor lock-in
•  Access to developers
   –  Speak directly to the author

                   Software Development with Open Source
                   Open Source Business Systems
What do we use?

•  Products
   –  Debian, Ubuntu, Apache, PostgreSQL, CouchDB,
      Asterisk, XEN, OpenERP, DAViCal, Memcached, etc.

•  Development tools
   –  Perl
   –  Catalyst, Moose, DBIx::Class, Template Toolkit,
      DateTime, HTML::FormFu, etc.

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems

•  Multi-paradigm programming language
   –  Procedural, Functional, Object-Oriented
•  Mature, stable, scalable
   –  Used in mission-critical systems across the globe
   –  BBC, Cisco, Amazon, Vodafone, LOVEFiLM

•  Perl 5, version 12.2
   –  Released 7th September 2010

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems

•  Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
   –  Over 21,000 modules - Perl’s “killer app”

•  Interfaces, frameworks, applications, dev tools, file
   formats, imaging, databases, and lots more
•  Code reuse
   –  Don’t re-invent the wheel
   –  Building blocks for applications

                   Software Development with Open Source
                   Open Source Business Systems
Quality Assurance

•  Perl has a strong QA culture
•  Test-driven development

•  CPAN Testers
   –  Automated testing community
   –  Every CPAN upload tested with multiple platforms
      and Perl versions 
   –  9,000,000 test reports (500,000 per month)

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems

•  Perl Mongers – local user groups
   –  Birmingham, London, Milton Keynes, North West
•  Conferences and workshops
   –  YAPC – Europe, Asia, Russia, North America
•  Online
   –  Forums, IRC, mailing lists

                   Software Development with Open Source
                   Open Source Business Systems

•  Contribute to Open Source projects
  –  Very impressive on your CV
  –  Great way to gain experience
•  Not just programming
  –  Documentation, testing, bug triage

•  User groups
  –  Perl Mongers, LUGs, UKUUG, Multipack, PyWM
  –  Networking – get yourself known

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems
Software Stack

    Client customisations                     •  Core framework
                                                       –  Catalyst
   Client                  OpusVL
                                                       –  Moose
                                                       –  DBIx::Class
 OpusVL framework modules

  Core framework modules                         Ingres,
Catalyst, Moose, DBIx::Class, etc              PostgreSQL,
                                               CouchDB, etc

     Base software stack
      Linux, Apache, Perl

                       Software Development with Open Source
                       Open Source Business Systems

•  ORM – Object Relational Mapper
  –  Database abstraction layer

•  Creates objects, classes, and methods
•  Writes SQL – improves maintainability
•  Easily add new class methods
  –  Business logic
  –  Encapsulation
     •  Use methods, not database queries

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems
DBIx::Class Schema

•  Describes tables and relationships
   –  Loaded from DB – DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
    CREATE TABLE authors (
       id integer primary key,
       name text
    CREATE TABLE books (
       id integer primary key,
       author_id integer,
       title text,
       foreign key(author_id) references authors(id)

    dbicdump Authors 'dbi:SQLite:test.db'

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems
Using generated classes

•  Gives us an Authors class
   –  Relationships converted to class methods
    use Authors;
    my $db = Authors->connect("dbi:SQLite:test.db");

    my $author = $db->resultset("Author")
                    ->find(name => "Stephen King");

    foreach my $book ($author->books) {
        say $book->title;
        say $book->author->name;

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems
Extending classes

•  With a “rate” method added to the Book class
    # in Authors/Result/

    use List::Utils qw/sum/;

    sub is_liked {
        my $self = shift;

        my $total = sum(
            map {$_->rating} $self->books->all

        return ($total / $self->books->count) > 3;

                 Software Development with Open Source
                 Open Source Business Systems

•  Object Oriented programming framework

•  Extension of Perl’s native OO
•  Improves syntax and facilities
   –  Method modifiers, introspection, roles, type checking
•  Large developer community


                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems
Moose example
use MooseX::Declare

class Report extends ‘Document’
             with ‘Confidentiality’ {

    has ‘total’ => (isa => ‘Num’, default => ‘1000’);
    has ‘notes’ => (isa => ‘Str’);

    method fake_data {...}

role Confidentiality {
    before print {
        # hide any incriminating data!

                 Software Development with Open Source
                 Open Source Business Systems

•  Web development framework

•  Application server
•  Scalable, high performance
   –  Powers some of the world’s biggest websites
•  Structured, maintainable
   –  URLs dispatched to class methods
•  DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself
   –  Modular, self-contained components

                 Software Development with Open Source
                 Open Source Business Systems
What does Catalyst provide?

•    Session handling
•    Authentication / access control
•    Page caching
•    Built-in development server
•    URL generation
     –  What’s the URL to reach this method?

•  Library of pre-built components

                   Software Development with Open Source
                   Open Source Business Systems
Catalyst block diagram


User             Controller


             Business Logic                DB

          Software Development with Open Source
          Open Source Business Systems

•  Business logic

•  Interface to a class
   –  Data storage (DBIx::Class, LDAP, S3, data files)
   –  External system (OpenERP, Asterisk, hardware) 
   –  Any other piece of Perl code
•  External to Catalyst
   –  Used and maintained separately

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems

•  Presentation logic

•  Renders output as…
   –  HTML, XML, JSON, PDF, Excel, JPEG, PNG, etc.
   –  Template::Toolkit
•  Messaging
   –  Email, SMS
•  Processing
   –  Generating thumbnail images

                    Software Development with Open Source
                    Open Source Business Systems

•  Application logic
   –  Links Models to Views

•  Passes input to the model
•  Puts data from the model onto the stash
•  Runs the application
   –  Control flow
   –  Logging / error handling
   –  Status codes

                   Software Development with Open Source
                   Open Source Business Systems

•  Open Source gives us the tools to deliver
•  The Community makes it possible

•  Birmingham Perl Mongers
•  Birmingham Linux User Group

                  Software Development with Open Source
                  Open Source Business Systems
Essay question
•  Open Source software is often perceived as being non-
   commercial as free redistribution is permitted. However,
   many companies have managed to turn both the
   development and usage of Open Source software into a
   profitable business.

   –  Research the different business models that companies use
      to derive commercial benefit from Open Source software.

   –  Investigate the challenges that companies face in managing
      external development and user communities.

                    Software Development with Open Source
                    Open Source Business Systems

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Software Development with Open Source

  • 1. Software Development with " Open Source Jon Allen (JJ) – Birmingham University 2010 Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 2. About OpusVL •  Open Source development company •  Based in Rugby, UK •  Founded in 2000 •  Business systems (ERP, VOIP, CRM, etc) •  Bespoke software development •  Use and contribute to Open Source –  Code –  Sponsorship Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 3. Open Source •  Who uses Open Source software? Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 4. Open Source •  Who uses Open Source software? •  Who uses… –  Google –  Facebook –  BBC iPlayer –  Amazon Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 5. Open Source •  Who uses Open Source software? •  Who uses… –  Google –  Facebook –  BBC iPlayer –  Amazon •  All built on Open Source software Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 6. What is Open Source Software? •  Licensing model –  Free redistribution –  Source code available –  Modifications and derived works allowed •  Distribution allowed under same terms as original licence –  No discrimination against people or fields of usage •  Typical licenses –  BSD, Apache, GPL, Artistic •  Restrictions vary by license (BSD vs. Copyleft) Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 7. Why Open Source? •  Try before you buy –  Use first, get support later –  Open documentation, support forums, etc •  Source code available –  Can make changes and fix bugs •  Freedom to fork –  No vendor lock-in •  Access to developers –  Speak directly to the author Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 8. What do we use? •  Products –  Debian, Ubuntu, Apache, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, Asterisk, XEN, OpenERP, DAViCal, Memcached, etc. •  Development tools –  Perl –  Catalyst, Moose, DBIx::Class, Template Toolkit, DateTime, HTML::FormFu, etc. Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 9. Perl •  Multi-paradigm programming language –  Procedural, Functional, Object-Oriented •  Mature, stable, scalable –  Used in mission-critical systems across the globe –  BBC, Cisco, Amazon, Vodafone, LOVEFiLM – •  Perl 5, version 12.2 –  Released 7th September 2010 Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 10. CPAN •  Comprehensive Perl Archive Network –  Over 21,000 modules - Perl’s “killer app” •  Interfaces, frameworks, applications, dev tools, file formats, imaging, databases, and lots more •  Code reuse –  Don’t re-invent the wheel –  Building blocks for applications • Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 11. Quality Assurance •  Perl has a strong QA culture •  Test-driven development •  CPAN Testers –  Automated testing community –  Every CPAN upload tested with multiple platforms and Perl versions –  9,000,000 test reports (500,000 per month) – Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 12. Community •  Perl Mongers – local user groups –  Birmingham, London, Milton Keynes, North West – •  Conferences and workshops –  YAPC – Europe, Asia, Russia, North America – •  Online – –  Forums, IRC, mailing lists Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 13. Jobs •  Contribute to Open Source projects –  Very impressive on your CV –  Great way to gain experience •  Not just programming –  Documentation, testing, bug triage •  User groups –  Perl Mongers, LUGs, UKUUG, Multipack, PyWM –  Networking – get yourself known Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 14. Software Stack Client customisations •  Core framework –  Catalyst Client OpusVL application components application components –  Moose –  DBIx::Class OpusVL framework modules DBMS Core framework modules Ingres, Catalyst, Moose, DBIx::Class, etc PostgreSQL, CouchDB, etc Base software stack Linux, Apache, Perl Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 15. DBIx::Class •  ORM – Object Relational Mapper –  Database abstraction layer •  Creates objects, classes, and methods •  Writes SQL – improves maintainability •  Easily add new class methods –  Business logic –  Encapsulation •  Use methods, not database queries Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 16. DBIx::Class Schema •  Describes tables and relationships –  Loaded from DB – DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader CREATE TABLE authors ( id integer primary key, name text ); CREATE TABLE books ( id integer primary key, author_id integer, title text, foreign key(author_id) references authors(id) ); dbicdump Authors 'dbi:SQLite:test.db' Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 17. Using generated classes •  Gives us an Authors class –  Relationships converted to class methods use Authors; my $db = Authors->connect("dbi:SQLite:test.db"); my $author = $db->resultset("Author") ->find(name => "Stephen King"); foreach my $book ($author->books) { say $book->title; say $book->author->name; } Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 18. Extending classes •  With a “rate” method added to the Book class # in Authors/Result/ use List::Utils qw/sum/; sub is_liked { my $self = shift; my $total = sum( map {$_->rating} $self->books->all ); return ($total / $self->books->count) > 3; } Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 19. Moose •  Object Oriented programming framework •  Extension of Perl’s native OO •  Improves syntax and facilities –  Method modifiers, introspection, roles, type checking •  Large developer community • Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 20. Moose example use MooseX::Declare class Report extends ‘Document’ with ‘Confidentiality’ { has ‘total’ => (isa => ‘Num’, default => ‘1000’); has ‘notes’ => (isa => ‘Str’); method fake_data {...} } role Confidentiality { before print { # hide any incriminating data! }; } Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 21. Catalyst •  Web development framework •  Application server •  Scalable, high performance –  Powers some of the world’s biggest websites •  Structured, maintainable –  URLs dispatched to class methods •  DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself –  Modular, self-contained components Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 22. What does Catalyst provide? •  Session handling •  Authentication / access control •  Page caching •  Built-in development server •  URL generation –  What’s the URL to reach this method? •  Library of pre-built components Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 23. Catalyst block diagram View Stash User Controller Model Business Logic DB Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 24. Model •  Business logic •  Interface to a class –  Data storage (DBIx::Class, LDAP, S3, data files) –  API (REST, SOAP, XMLRPC) –  External system (OpenERP, Asterisk, hardware) –  Any other piece of Perl code •  External to Catalyst –  Used and maintained separately Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 25. View •  Presentation logic •  Renders output as… –  HTML, XML, JSON, PDF, Excel, JPEG, PNG, etc. –  Template::Toolkit •  Messaging –  Email, SMS •  Processing –  Generating thumbnail images Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 26. Controller •  Application logic –  Links Models to Views •  Passes input to the model •  Puts data from the model onto the stash •  Runs the application –  Control flow –  Logging / error handling –  Status codes Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 27. Conclusion •  Open Source gives us the tools to deliver •  The Community makes it possible •  Birmingham Perl Mongers – •  Birmingham Linux User Group – Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems
  • 28. Essay question •  Open Source software is often perceived as being non- commercial as free redistribution is permitted. However, many companies have managed to turn both the development and usage of Open Source software into a profitable business. –  Research the different business models that companies use to derive commercial benefit from Open Source software. –  Investigate the challenges that companies face in managing external development and user communities. Software Development with Open Source Open Source Business Systems