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#PulsarSummit Asia 2020#PulsarSummit Asia 2020
Structured Data Stream with Pulsar
Shivji Kumar Jha
Who am I ?
• Background: Apache Pulsar
• Background: Schema
• Why Schema
• Introducing Pulsar Schema
• Learnings
• Q&A
Background: Apache Pulsar
Background: Apache Pulsar
Pulsar: cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform
Background: Apache Pulsar
Pulsar: cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform
Background: Apache Pulsar
Pulsar: cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform
1. Modular design
2. Horizontally scalable
3. Low latency with durability
4. Multi-tenancy
5. Geo Replication
Background : Schema
Background - schema : serialization
1. Imagine you have to send an employee record over network.
2. Cant write as is.
3. Employee encoder to convert employee record to a stream of bytes.
4. Formally, encoding / serialization.
5. Send bytes over network.
Background - schema : de-serialization
1. When reading from network, turn stream of bytes to employee record.
2. Decoder converts bytes to employee instance.
3. Formally, decoding / de-serialization.
Background - schema : Schema?
1. Encoding can be done in native serialization of programmng language. Examples:
a. Java Serialization
b. Python’s pickle
c. Ruby’s marshal
2. Locked with programming language - oops!
3. Maybe JSON or XML work like web APIs?
a. too verbose
b. storing keys over and over
c. no way to fix types, guess types looking at data. Yuck!
4. Need to save space with each data instance.
5. Also, people stuffing random types which other people dont understand.
a. Document well?
6. Ok, lets agree on some protocols and make good documentation of whats allowed and whats
7. Well, that is what Avro, Protobuff, thrift etc are!
Background - schema : Evolution
1. The schema is defined and documented. Great!
2. Someone wants to quickly add a new data type.
a. How does decoder know which schema to use: old or new?
b. Among all schemas how does decoder know two are connected?
i. That is schema versioning for you!
3. Avro, Protobuff, json schema, thrift etc support schema evolution
with versioning.
4. Possible to have sender (producer) and reader (consumer) having
different versions of schema at same time.
Background - schema : Avro
1. Encode data with a schema.
2. Ship schema to consumer(?)
a. or Keep schema in a central place keyed with schemaId.
b. Ship schemaId with binary message.
3. While decoding:
a. Get schemaId from beginning of message (always Long?)
b. Fetch schema by schemaId from central schema store.
4. Decode keeping schema and binary data together.
5. Example: Schema tells decoder to expect 4 bytes to convert to an int
Why Schema?
Schema : no schema?
Schema : no schema?
1. Your data in pulsar store is plain
binary (0s and 1s).
2. Pulsar supports several schema
types for encoding & decoding.
3. Can encode data using schema.
4. Can decode data given schema &
binary data.
Schema : no schema?
1. Schema or no schema?
2. How do you encode / decode
bytes of pulsar data?
3. If you don’t have a schema, your,
schema is implicit in your app
Schema : no schema?
1. Schema or no schema?
2. How do you encode / decode
bytes of pulsar data?
3. If you don’t have a schema, your,
schema is implicit in your app
Schema : no schema?
Schema : no schema?
Add custom
fields for UI
Different attributes
depending on kind of
Obviously, easy for
still needs care!
Introducing Pulsar Schema
Introducing Pulsar Schema : bytes
Domain Object
Introducing Pulsar Schema : bytes
Domain Object Byte schema serialized with java
Introducing Pulsar Schema : String
Introducing Pulsar Schema : All Primitive types
Introducing Pulsar Schema : All Primitive types
Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs
(JSON schema)
Domain Object
Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs
(JSON schema)
Domain Object Producer with JSON schema serialization
Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs
(AVRO schema)
Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs
(AVRO schema)
Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs
(AVRO schema)
Application “knows” which types go to which topic.
Pulsar Schema : Schema Store
(Client side)
1. In the previous examples, schema was stored in producer
and consumer object.
2. This is client-side schema storage approach.
Pulsar Schema : Schema Store
(Client side)
1. Client responsible for:
a. “serializing” data objects (user instance) into bytes
b. “de-serializing” bytes to data object (user instance)
c. “knowing” which types go to which topic.
2. With consumer spread across several micro-services,
“knowing” and “evolving” schema is challenging!
Pulsar Schema : Schema Store
(Server side)
1. Store schema on a central server.
2. When producing, upload schema to central server.
3. Add schemaId (Long) to message.
4. When consuming, fetch schema with schemaId.
5. Schema management server manages evolution (versioning).
Pulsar has built-in schema registry service!!
Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry
1. Entity for schema registry service: schemaInfo .
Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry
Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry
1. Each schemaInfo stored with a topic
has a version.
2. SchemaVersion manages schema
changes happening within a topic.
3. Messages produced with a
schemaInfo is tagged with version.
4. Consumer can use schemaVersion to
fetch schemaInfo. Decode message
with schemaInfo.
Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry
schema Payload structure:
schemaType schemaType;
Boolean isDeleted;
Long timestamp;
String user;
byte[] data;
Hashmap<string, string> props;
Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry
Admin CLI commands and REST APIs to manage schemas:
1. Struct schemas (json, avro, protobuff) model domain
objects well.
2. Use byte schema only if really needed.
3. Using avro schemas with pulsar for over an year in
a. Json schema is too verbose.
b. proto awesome, still being adopted with sources / sinks
c. avro saves data per message against json schema.
d. avro is very well adopted among source / sinks.
1. Always a good idea to
think hard and set
compatibility on
2. Decide on compatibility
depending on use-case
and expected evolution.
1. Prefer ordering requirements to decide what goes on
which topic.
a. One domain => one topic!
b. Use AUTO_CONSUME on consumer schema type.
c. schema-autoupdate-strategy = NONE.
2. The schema management process that works for us is:
a. Keep a github repo with schemas.
b. use code reviews to review schema changes.
c. Generate POJOs from avro using maven plugin (java).
d. Add the pojo library as a dependency to micro-services to import
domain objects. 43
1. Pulsar docs:
2. Schema auto update strategy:
3. Schema Evolution in Avro, Thrift, Protobuff:
4. Topic design per domain:
5. Schema Compatibility Design:
atibility-types 44
Staying Connected:
Q & A

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Pulsar Summit Asia - Structured Data Stream with Apache Pulsar

  • 1. #PulsarSummit Asia 2020#PulsarSummit Asia 2020 Structured Data Stream with Pulsar Shivji Kumar Jha 1
  • 2. ● ● ● ● Who am I ?
  • 3. Catalogue • Background: Apache Pulsar • Background: Schema • Why Schema • Introducing Pulsar Schema • Learnings • Q&A 3
  • 5. Background: Apache Pulsar Pulsar: cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform 5
  • 6. Background: Apache Pulsar Pulsar: cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform APACHE PULSAR 6
  • 7. Background: Apache Pulsar Pulsar: cloud-native, distributed messaging and streaming platform Highlights: 1. Modular design 2. Horizontally scalable 3. Low latency with durability 4. Multi-tenancy 5. Geo Replication APACHE PULSAR 7
  • 9. Background - schema : serialization Definitions 1. Imagine you have to send an employee record over network. 2. Cant write as is. 3. Employee encoder to convert employee record to a stream of bytes. 4. Formally, encoding / serialization. 5. Send bytes over network. 9
  • 10. Background - schema : de-serialization Definitions 1. When reading from network, turn stream of bytes to employee record. 2. Decoder converts bytes to employee instance. 3. Formally, decoding / de-serialization. 10
  • 11. Background - schema : Schema? 1. Encoding can be done in native serialization of programmng language. Examples: a. Java Serialization b. Python’s pickle c. Ruby’s marshal 2. Locked with programming language - oops! 3. Maybe JSON or XML work like web APIs? a. too verbose b. storing keys over and over c. no way to fix types, guess types looking at data. Yuck! 4. Need to save space with each data instance. 5. Also, people stuffing random types which other people dont understand. a. Document well? 6. Ok, lets agree on some protocols and make good documentation of whats allowed and whats NOT 7. Well, that is what Avro, Protobuff, thrift etc are! 11
  • 12. Background - schema : Evolution 1. The schema is defined and documented. Great! 2. Someone wants to quickly add a new data type. a. How does decoder know which schema to use: old or new? b. Among all schemas how does decoder know two are connected? i. That is schema versioning for you! 3. Avro, Protobuff, json schema, thrift etc support schema evolution with versioning. 4. Possible to have sender (producer) and reader (consumer) having different versions of schema at same time. 12
  • 13. Background - schema : Avro 1. Encode data with a schema. 2. Ship schema to consumer(?) a. or Keep schema in a central place keyed with schemaId. b. Ship schemaId with binary message. 3. While decoding: a. Get schemaId from beginning of message (always Long?) b. Fetch schema by schemaId from central schema store. 4. Decode keeping schema and binary data together. 5. Example: Schema tells decoder to expect 4 bytes to convert to an int 13
  • 15. Schema : no schema? APACHE PULSAR BYTES BYTES 15
  • 16. Schema : no schema? APACHE PULSAR BYTES BYTES 1. Your data in pulsar store is plain binary (0s and 1s). 2. Pulsar supports several schema types for encoding & decoding. 3. Can encode data using schema. 4. Can decode data given schema & binary data. 16
  • 17. Schema : no schema? APACHE PULSAR BYTES BYTES 1. Schema or no schema? 2. How do you encode / decode bytes of pulsar data? 3. If you don’t have a schema, your, schema is implicit in your app code! 17
  • 18. Schema : no schema? APACHE PULSAR BYTES BYTES 1. Schema or no schema? 2. How do you encode / decode bytes of pulsar data? 3. If you don’t have a schema, your, schema is implicit in your app code! 18
  • 19. Schema : no schema? 19
  • 20. Schema : no schema? Add custom fields for UI etc Different attributes depending on kind of event Obviously, easy for schemaless, still needs care! 20
  • 22. Introducing Pulsar Schema : bytes Domain Object 22
  • 23. Introducing Pulsar Schema : bytes Domain Object Byte schema serialized with java 23
  • 24. Introducing Pulsar Schema : String Producer Consumer 24
  • 25. Introducing Pulsar Schema : All Primitive types 25
  • 26. Introducing Pulsar Schema : All Primitive types 26
  • 27. Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs (JSON schema) Domain Object 27
  • 28. Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs (JSON schema) Domain Object Producer with JSON schema serialization 28
  • 29. Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs (AVRO schema) 29
  • 30. Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs (AVRO schema) 30
  • 31. Introducing Pulsar Schema : Structs (AVRO schema) Application “knows” which types go to which topic. 31
  • 32. Pulsar Schema : Schema Store (Client side) 1. In the previous examples, schema was stored in producer and consumer object. 2. This is client-side schema storage approach. 32
  • 33. Pulsar Schema : Schema Store (Client side) Problems: 1. Client responsible for: a. “serializing” data objects (user instance) into bytes b. “de-serializing” bytes to data object (user instance) c. “knowing” which types go to which topic. 2. With consumer spread across several micro-services, “knowing” and “evolving” schema is challenging! 33
  • 34. Pulsar Schema : Schema Store (Server side) Solution: 1. Store schema on a central server. 2. When producing, upload schema to central server. 3. Add schemaId (Long) to message. 4. When consuming, fetch schema with schemaId. 5. Schema management server manages evolution (versioning). Pulsar has built-in schema registry service!! 34
  • 35. Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry 1. Entity for schema registry service: schemaInfo . 35
  • 36. Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry 36
  • 37. Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry 1. Each schemaInfo stored with a topic has a version. 2. SchemaVersion manages schema changes happening within a topic. 3. Messages produced with a schemaInfo is tagged with version. 4. Consumer can use schemaVersion to fetch schemaInfo. Decode message with schemaInfo. 37
  • 38. Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry schema Payload structure: schemaType schemaType; Boolean isDeleted; Long timestamp; String user; byte[] data; Hashmap<string, string> props; 38
  • 39. Pulsar Schema : Schema Registry Admin CLI commands and REST APIs to manage schemas: 39
  • 41. Learnings 1. Struct schemas (json, avro, protobuff) model domain objects well. 2. Use byte schema only if really needed. 3. Using avro schemas with pulsar for over an year in production a. Json schema is too verbose. b. proto awesome, still being adopted with sources / sinks c. avro saves data per message against json schema. d. avro is very well adopted among source / sinks. 41
  • 42. Learnings 1. Always a good idea to think hard and set compatibility on namespace. 2. Decide on compatibility depending on use-case and expected evolution. 42
  • 43. Learnings 1. Prefer ordering requirements to decide what goes on which topic. a. One domain => one topic! b. Use AUTO_CONSUME on consumer schema type. c. schema-autoupdate-strategy = NONE. 2. The schema management process that works for us is: a. Keep a github repo with schemas. b. use code reviews to review schema changes. c. Generate POJOs from avro using maven plugin (java). d. Add the pojo library as a dependency to micro-services to import domain objects. 43
  • 44. References 1. Pulsar docs: 2. Schema auto update strategy: trategy 3. Schema Evolution in Avro, Thrift, Protobuff: col-buffers-thrift.html 4. Topic design per domain: 5. Schema Compatibility Design: atibility-types 44