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Hadoop Operations –
Best Practices from the Field
June 11, 2015
Chris Nauroth
twitter: @cnauroth
Suresh Srinivas
twitter: @suresh_m_s
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
About Me
Chris Nauroth
• Member of Technical Staff, Hortonworks
– Apache Hadoop committer, PMC member, and Apache Software Foundation member
– Major contributor to HDFS ACLs, Windows compatibility, and operability improvements
• Hadoop user since 2010
– Prior employment experience deploying, maintaining and using Hadoop clusters
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• Analysis of Hadoop Support Cases
– Support case trends
– Configuration
– Software Improvements
• Key Learnings and Best Practices
– HDFS Snapshots
– Reporting DataNode Volume Failures
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Support Case Trends – Proportional Cases per Month
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Map Reduce
Other (37 components)

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The Impala Cookbook
The Impala CookbookThe Impala Cookbook
The Impala Cookbook

The document outlines topics covered in "The Impala Cookbook" published by Cloudera. It discusses physical and schema design best practices for Impala, including recommendations for data types, partition design, file formats, and block size. It also covers estimating and managing Impala's memory usage, and how to identify the cause when queries exceed memory limits.

What's New in Apache Hive
What's New in Apache HiveWhat's New in Apache Hive
What's New in Apache Hive

Apache Hive is a rapidly evolving project which continues to enjoy great adoption in the big data ecosystem. As Hive continues to grow its support for analytics, reporting, and interactive query, the community is hard at work in improving it along with many different dimensions and use cases. This talk will provide an overview of the latest and greatest features and optimizations which have landed in the project over the last year. Materialized views, the extension of ACID semantics to non-ORC data, and workload management are some noteworthy new features. We will discuss optimizations which provide major performance gains as well as integration with other big data technologies such as Apache Spark, Druid, and Kafka. The talk will also provide a glimpse of what is expected to come in the near future.

dataworks summit barcelonadws19apache hive
HBaseCon 2013: Apache HBase Table Snapshots
HBaseCon 2013: Apache HBase Table SnapshotsHBaseCon 2013: Apache HBase Table Snapshots
HBaseCon 2013: Apache HBase Table Snapshots

Presented by: Jonathan Hsieh (Cloudera), Matteo Bertozzi (Cloudera), and Jesse Yates (

hbaseconhbasebig data
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Support Case Trends – Root Cause
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Architecting the Future of Big Data
Customer Environment
(Non HDP)
Documentation Defect Documentation Gap Documentation Not
Education -
Needs Training Product Defect
Map Reduce
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Support Case Trends
• Core Hadoop components (HDFS, YARN and MapReduce) are used across all deployments, and
therefore receive proportionally more support cases than other ecosystem components.
• Misconfiguration is the dominant root cause.
• Documentation is a close second.
• We are constantly improving the code to eliminate operational issues, help with diagnosis and
provide increased visibility.
• Best practices get incorporated into Apache Ambari for improved defaults, simplified
configuration and deeper monitoring.
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Architecting the Future of Big Data
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Configuration - Hardware and Cluster Sizing
• Considerations
–Larger clusters heal faster on nodes or disk failure
–Machines with huge storage take longer to recover
–More racks give more failure domains
• Recommendations
– Get good-quality commodity hardware
– Buy the sweet-spot in pricing: 3TB disk, 96GB, 8-12 cores
– More memory is better – real time is memory hungry!
– Before considering fatter machines (1U 6 disks vs. 2U 12 disks)
– Get to 30-40 machines or 3-4 racks
–Use pilot cluster to learn about load patterns
– Balanced hardware for I/O, compute or memory bound
– More details -
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Best Practices for ETL with Apache NiFi on Kubernetes - Albert Lewandowski, G...
Best Practices for ETL with Apache NiFi on Kubernetes - Albert Lewandowski, G...Best Practices for ETL with Apache NiFi on Kubernetes - Albert Lewandowski, G...
Best Practices for ETL with Apache NiFi on Kubernetes - Albert Lewandowski, G...

Did you like it? Check out our E-book: Apache NiFi - A Complete Guide Apache NiFi is one of the most popular services for running ETL pipelines otherwise it’s not the youngest technology. During the talk, there are described all details about migrating pipelines from the old Hadoop platform to the Kubernetes, managing everything as the code, monitoring all corner cases of NiFi and making it a robust solution that is user-friendly even for non-programmers. Author: Albert Lewandowski Linkedin: ___ Getindata is a company founded in 2014 by ex-Spotify data engineers. From day one our focus has been on Big Data projects. We bring together a group of best and most experienced experts in Poland, working with cloud and open-source Big Data technologies to help companies build scalable data architectures and implement advanced analytics over large data sets. Our experts have vast production experience in implementing Big Data projects for Polish as well as foreign companies including i.a. Spotify, Play, Truecaller, Kcell, Acast, Allegro, ING, Agora, Synerise, StepStone, iZettle and many others from the pharmaceutical, media, finance and FMCG industries.​

big databig data expertsdevops
Manage Add-On Services with Apache Ambari
Manage Add-On Services with Apache AmbariManage Add-On Services with Apache Ambari
Manage Add-On Services with Apache Ambari

Cutting-edge Hadoop clusters are bound to need custom (add-on) services that are not available in the Hadoop distribution of their choice. Agility is crucial for companies to integrate any service into existing large-scale Hadoop clusters with ease. Apache Ambari manages the Hadoop cluster and solves this problem by extending the stack with add-on services, which can be a new Apache project, different Hadoop file system, or internal tool. This talk covers how to create a service definition in Ambari to manage lifecycle commands and configs, plus advanced topics like packaging, installing from multiple repositories, recommending and validating configs using Service Advisor, running custom commands, defining dependencies on configs and other services, and more. We will also cover how to create custom metrics and dashboards using Ambari Metric System and Grafana, generating alerts, and enabling security by authenticating with Kerberos. Further, we will discuss the future of service definitions and how Ambari 3.0 will support custom services through Management Packs to enable Hadoop vendors to release software faster. Speaker Jayush Luniya, Principal Software Engineer, Hortonworks

hortonworksdataworks summit 2017dataworks summit sydney
Apache phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBAse
Apache phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBAseApache phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBAse
Apache phoenix: Past, Present and Future of SQL over HBAse

HBase as the NoSQL database of choice in the Hadoop ecosystem has already been proven itself in scale and in many mission critical workloads in hundreds of companies. Phoenix as the SQL layer on top of HBase, has been increasingly becoming the tool of choice as the perfect complementary for HBase. Phoenix is now being used more and more for super low latency querying and fast analytics across a large number of users in production deployments. In this talk, we will cover what makes Phoenix attractive among current and prospective HBase users, like SQL support, JDBC, data modeling, secondary indexing, UDFs, and also go over recent improvements like Query Server, ODBC drivers, ACID transactions, Spark integration, etc. We will conclude by looking into items in the pipeline and how Phoenix and HBase interacts with other engines like Hive and Spark.

phoenixapache phoenixhbase
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Configuration – JVM Tuning
• Avoid JVM issues
– Use 64 bit JVM for all daemons
– Compressed OOPS enabled by default (6 u23 and later)
– Java heap size
– Set same max and starting heapsize, Xmx == Xms
– Avoid java defaults – configure NewSize and MaxNewSize
– Use 1/8 to 1/6 of max size for JVMs larger than 4G
– Configure –XX:PermSize=128 MB, -XX:MaxPermSize=256 MB
– Use low-latency GC collector
– -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, -XX:ParallelGCThreads=<N>
– High <N> on Namenode and JobTracker or ResourceManager
– Important JVM configs to help debugging
– -verbose:gc -Xloggc:<file> -XX:+PrintGCDetails
– -XX:ErrorFile=<file>
– -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
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• Deploy with QuorumJournalManager for high availability
• Configure open fd ulimit
– Default 1024 is too low
– 16K for datanodes, 64K for Master nodes
• Use version control for configuration!
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• Use disk fail in place for datanodes: dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated
– Disk failure is no longer datanode failure
– Especially important for large density nodes
• Set to true
– Restores NN storage directory during checkpointing
• Take periodic backups of namenode metadata
– Make copies of the entire storage directory
• Set aside a lot of disk space for NN logs
– It is verbose – set aside multiple GBs
– Many installs configure this too small
– NN logs roll with in minutes – hard to debug issues
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Configuration – Monitoring Usage
• Cluster storage, nodes, files, blocks grows
– Update NN heap, handler count, number of DN xceivers
– Tweak other related config periodically
• Monitor the hardware usage for your work load
– Disk I/O, network I/O, CPU and memory usage
– Use this information when expanding cluster capacity
• Monitor the usage with HADOOP metrics
– JVM metrics – GC times, Memory used, Thread Status
– RPC metrics – especially latency to track slowdowns
– HDFS metrics
– Used storage, # of files and blocks, total load on the cluster
– File System operations
– MapReduce Metrics
– Slot utilization and Job status
• Tweak configurations during upgrades/maintenance on an ongoing basis
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Scaling HBase for Big Data
Scaling HBase for Big DataScaling HBase for Big Data
Scaling HBase for Big Data

The tech talk was gieven by Ranjeeth Kathiresan, Salesforce Senior Software Engineer & Gurpreet Multani, Salesforce Principal Software Engineer in June 2017.

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Introduction to Spark Internals
Introduction to Spark InternalsIntroduction to Spark Internals
Introduction to Spark Internals

The document provides an overview of Apache Spark internals and Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). It discusses: - RDDs are Spark's fundamental data structure - they are immutable distributed collections that allow transformations like map and filter to be applied. - RDDs track their lineage or dependency graph to support fault tolerance. Transformations create new RDDs while actions trigger computation. - Operations on RDDs include narrow transformations like map that don't require data shuffling, and wide transformations like join that do require shuffling. - The RDD abstraction allows Spark's scheduler to optimize execution through techniques like pipelining and cache reuse.

apache sparkshufflingrdds
Ozone- Object store for Apache Hadoop
Ozone- Object store for Apache HadoopOzone- Object store for Apache Hadoop
Ozone- Object store for Apache Hadoop

Ozone is an object store for Apache Hadoop that is designed to scale to trillions of objects. It uses a distributed metadata store to avoid single points of failure and enable parallelism. Key components of Ozone include containers, which provide the basic storage and replication functionality, and the Key Space Manager (KSM) which maps Ozone entities like volumes and buckets to containers. The Storage Container Manager manages the container lifecycle and replication.

Install & Configure: Ambari Guided Configuration
Guide configuration and provide
recommendations for the most
common settings.
(HBase Example Shown here)
Software Improvements
Real Incidents and Software Improvements to Address Them
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
Don’t edit the metadata files!
• Editing can corrupt the cluster state
– Might result in loss of data
• Real incident
– NN misconfigured to point to another NN’s metadata
– DNs can’t register due to namespace ID mismatch
– System detected the problem correctly
– Safety net ignored by the admin!
– Admin edits the namenode VERSION file to match ids
Mass deletion of unknown blocks that do not
exist in that namespace
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© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
• Pause deletion of blocks when the namenode starts up
– Supports configurable delay of block deletions after NameNode startup
– Gives an admin extra time to diagnose before deletions begin
• Show when block deletion will start after NameNode startup in WebUI
– The web UI already displayed the number of pending block deletions
– This enhanced the display to indicate when actual deletion will begin
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Architecting the Future of Big Data

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ORC File - Optimizing Your Big Data
ORC File - Optimizing Your Big DataORC File - Optimizing Your Big Data
ORC File - Optimizing Your Big Data

ORC files were originally introduced in Hive, but have now migrated to an independent Apache project. This has sped up the development of ORC and simplified integrating ORC into other projects, such as Hadoop, Spark, Presto, and Nifi. There are also many new tools that are built on top of ORC, such as Hive’s ACID transactions and LLAP, which provides incredibly fast reads for your hot data. LLAP also provides strong security guarantees that allow each user to only see the rows and columns that they have permission for. This talk will discuss the details of the ORC and Parquet formats and what the relevant tradeoffs are. In particular, it will discuss how to format your data and the options to use to maximize your read performance. In particular, we’ll discuss when and how to use ORC’s schema evolution, bloom filters, and predicate push down. It will also show you how to use the tools to translate ORC files into human-readable formats, such as JSON, and display the rich metadata from the file including the type in the file and min, max, and count for each column.

dataworks summitdataworks summit 2017hadoop summit
Apache Ranger
Apache RangerApache Ranger
Apache Ranger

Data in Hadoop is getting bigger every day, consumers of the data are growing, organizations are now looking at making their Hadoop cluster compliant to federal regulations and commercial demands. Apache Ranger simplifies the management of security policies across all components in Hadoop. Ranger provides granular access controls to data. The deck describes what security tools are available in Hadoop and their purpose then it moves on to discuss in detail Apache Ranger.

apache rangerprotecting data in hadoopkerberos
Hadoop REST API Security with Apache Knox Gateway
Hadoop REST API Security with Apache Knox GatewayHadoop REST API Security with Apache Knox Gateway
Hadoop REST API Security with Apache Knox Gateway

The document discusses the Apache Knox Gateway, which is an extensible reverse proxy framework that securely exposes REST APIs and HTTP-based services from Hadoop clusters. It provides features such as support for common Hadoop services, integration with enterprise authentication systems, centralized auditing of REST API access, and service-level authorization controls. The Knox Gateway aims to simplify access to Hadoop services, enhance security by protecting network details and supporting partial SSL, and enable centralized management and control over REST API access.

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Block Deletion Start Time
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Architecting the Future of Big Data
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Guard Against Accidental Deletion
• rm –r deletes the data at the speed of Hadoop!
– ctrl-c of the command does not stop deletion!
– Undeleting files on datanodes is hard & time consuming
– Immediately shutdown NN, unmount disks on datanodes
– Recover deleted files
– Start namenode without the delete operation in edits
• Enable Trash
• Real Incident
– Customer is running a distro of Hadoop with trash not enabled
– Deletes a large dir (100 TB) and shuts down NN immediately
– Support person asks NN to be restarted to see if trash is enabled!
Blocks start deleting
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• HDFS Snapshots
– A snapshot is a read-only point-in-time image of part of the file system
– A snapshot created before a deletion can be used to restore deleted data
– More coverage of snapshots later in the presentation
– Finer-grained control of file permissions can help prevent an accidental deletion
– More coverage of ACLs later in the presentation
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Unexpected error during HA HDFS upgrade
• Background: HDFS HA Architecture
• Real Incident
– During upgrade, NameNode calls every JournalNode to request backup of metadata directory, which renames
“current” directory to “previous.tmp”.
– Permissions incorrect on metadata directory for 1 out of 3 JournalNodes.
– The hdfs user is not authorized to rename. Backup fails for that JournalNode, so upgrade process aborts with
Root cause not easily identifiable, long time to
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Architecting the Future of Big Data

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HBase in Practice
HBase in PracticeHBase in Practice
HBase in Practice

From: DataWorks Summit 2017 - Munich - 20170406 HBase hast established itself as the backend for many operational and interactive use-cases, powering well-known services that support millions of users and thousands of concurrent requests. In terms of features HBase has come a long way, overing advanced options such as multi-level caching on- and off-heap, pluggable request handling, fast recovery options such as region replicas, table snapshots for data governance, tuneable write-ahead logging and so on. This talk is based on the research for the an upcoming second release of the speakers HBase book, correlated with the practical experience in medium to large HBase projects around the world. You will learn how to plan for HBase, starting with the selection of the matching use-cases, to determining the number of servers needed, leading into performance tuning options. There is no reason to be afraid of using HBase, but knowing its basic premises and technical choices will make using it much more successful. You will also learn about many of the new features of HBase up to version 1.3, and where they are applicable.

hbasetuningbest practices
Kafka Security
Kafka SecurityKafka Security
Kafka Security

This document discusses security features in Apache Kafka including SSL for encryption, SASL/Kerberos for authentication, authorization controls using an authorizer, and securing Zookeeper. It provides details on how these security components work, such as how SSL establishes an encrypted channel and SASL performs authentication. The authorizer implementation stores ACLs in Zookeeper and caches them for performance. Securing Zookeeper involves setting ACLs on Zookeeper nodes and migrating security configurations. Future plans include moving more functionality to the broker side and adding new authorization features.

hadoop summit
What is new in Apache Hive 3.0?
What is new in Apache Hive 3.0?What is new in Apache Hive 3.0?
What is new in Apache Hive 3.0?

Apache Hive is a rapidly evolving project which continues to enjoy great adoption in the big data ecosystem. As Hive continues to grow its support for analytics, reporting, and interactive query, the community is hard at work in improving it along with many different dimensions and use cases. This talk will provide an overview of the latest and greatest features and optimizations which have landed in the project over the last year. Materialized views, the extension of ACID semantics to non-ORC data, and workload management are some noteworthy new features. We will discuss optimizations which provide major performance gains, including significantly improved performance for ACID tables. The talk will also provide a glimpse of what is expected to come in the near future.

hortonworksapache hadoopapache hive
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
• Improve diagnostics on storage directory rename operations by using native code.
– Logs additional root cause information for rename failure. For example, EACCES
• Split error checks in into separate conditions to improve diagnostics.
– Splits a log message about failure to delete or rename into separate log messages to clarify which specific action
• When aborting NameNode or JournalNode, write the contents of the metadata directories and
permissions to logs.
– Usually the first information asked of the user, so we can automate this
• For JournalNode operations that must succeed on all nodes, execute a pre-check to verify that
the operation can succeed.
– Prevents need for manual cleanup on 2 out of 3 JournalNodes where backup succeeded
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Architecting the Future of Big Data
Key Learnings and Best Practices
Features that Help Improve Production Operations
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
• Existing HDFS POSIX permissions good, but not flexible enough
– Permission requirements may differ from the natural organizational hierarchy of users and groups.
• HDFS ACLs augment the existing HDFS POSIX permissions model by implementing the POSIX
ACL model.
– An ACL (Access Control List) provides a way to set different permissions for specific named users or named
groups, not only the file’s owner and file’s group.
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HDFS File Permissions Example
• Authorization requirements:
–In a sales department, they would like a single user Maya (Department Manager) to
control all modifications to sales data
–Other members of sales department need to view the data, but can’t modify it.
–Everyone else in the company must not be allowed to view the data.
• Can be implemented via the following:
Read/Write perm for user
Read perm for group sales
File with sales data

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Hive 3 - a new horizon
Hive 3 - a new horizonHive 3 - a new horizon
Hive 3 - a new horizon

Apache Hive 3 introduces new capabilities for data analytics including materialized views, default columns, constraints, and improved JDBC and Kafka connectors to enable real-time streaming and integration with external systems like Druid; Hive 3 also improves performance and query optimization through a new query result cache, workload management, and cloud storage optimizations. Data Analytics Studio provides self-service analytics on top of Hive 3 through a visual interface to optimize queries, monitor performance, and manage data lifecycles.

apache hiveapache hadoopaws
Apache Tez – Present and Future
Apache Tez – Present and FutureApache Tez – Present and Future
Apache Tez – Present and Future

The document discusses Apache Tez, a framework for building data processing applications on Hadoop. It provides an introduction to Tez and describes key features like expressing computations as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), container reuse, dynamic parallelism, integration with YARN timeline service, and recovery from failures. The document also outlines improvements to Tez around performance, debuggability, and status/roadmap.

hadoop summitapache tezapache hadoop
Hadoop - Lessons Learned
Hadoop - Lessons LearnedHadoop - Lessons Learned
Hadoop - Lessons Learned

This document provides an overview and lessons learned from Hadoop. It discusses why Hadoop is used, how MapReduce and HDFS work, tips for integration and operations, and the outlook for the Hadoop community moving forward with real-time capabilities and refined APIs. Key takeaways include only using Hadoop if necessary, fully understanding your data pipeline, and "unboxing the black box" of Hadoop.

hadoop mapreduce
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
• Problem
–No longer feasible for Maya to control all modifications to the file
– New Requirement: Maya, Diane and Clark are allowed to make modifications
– New Requirement: New group called executives should be able to read the sales data
–Current permissions model only allows permissions at 1 group and 1 user
• Solution: HDFS ACLs
–Now assign different permissions to different users and groups
… rwx
… rwx
… rwx
Group D … rwx
Group F … rwx
User Y … rwx
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
New Tools for ACL Management (setfacl, getfacl)
– hdfs dfs -setfacl -m group:execs:r-- /sales-data
– hdfs dfs -getfacl /sales-data # file: /sales-data # owner: maya # group:
sales user::rw- group::r-- group:execs:r-- mask::r-- other::--
– How do you know if a directory has ACLs set?
– hdfs dfs -ls /sales-data Found 1 items -rw-r-----+ 3 maya sales 0
2014-03-04 16:31 /sales-data
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HDFS ACLs Best Practices
• Start with traditional HDFS permissions to implement most permission requirements.
• Define a smaller number of ACLs to handle exceptional cases.
• A file with an ACL incurs an additional cost in memory in the NameNode compared to a file that
has only traditional permissions.
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HDFS Snapshots
• HDFS Snapshots
– A snapshot is a read-only point-in-time image of part of the file system
– Performance: snapshot creation is instantaneous, regardless of data size or subtree depth
– Reliability: snapshot creation is atomic
– Scalability: snapshots do not create extra copies of data blocks
– Useful for protecting against accidental deletion of data
• Example: Daily Feeds
hdfs dfs -ls /daily-feeds
Found 5 items
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-feeds/2014-10-13
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-feeds/2014-10-14
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-15
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-16
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-17
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Architecting the Future of Big Data

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Hadoop introduction
Hadoop introductionHadoop introduction
Hadoop introduction

This document provides an overview of big data concepts and Hadoop. It discusses the four V's of big data - volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. It then describes how Hadoop uses MapReduce and HDFS to process and store large datasets in a distributed, fault-tolerant and scalable manner across commodity hardware. Key components of Hadoop include the HDFS file system and MapReduce framework for distributed processing of large datasets in parallel.

HDFS Design Principles
HDFS Design PrinciplesHDFS Design Principles
HDFS Design Principles

HDFS Design Principles and the Scale-out-Ability of Distributed Storage. SVForum, Software Architecture & Platform SIG. May 23, 2012.

hadoophdfsapache hadoop
Big data- HDFS(2nd presentation)
Big data- HDFS(2nd presentation)Big data- HDFS(2nd presentation)
Big data- HDFS(2nd presentation)

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a distributed file system that stores large datasets across commodity hardware. It is highly fault tolerant, provides high throughput, and is suitable for applications with large datasets. HDFS uses a master/slave architecture where a NameNode manages the file system namespace and DataNodes store data blocks. The NameNode ensures data replication across DataNodes for reliability. HDFS is optimized for batch processing workloads where computations are moved to nodes storing data blocks.

big datahadoopdatabase system
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
HDFS Snapshots
• Create a snapshot after each daily load
hdfs dfsadmin -allowSnapshot /daily-feeds
Allowing snaphot on /daily-feeds succeeded
hdfs dfs -createSnapshot /daily-feeds snapshot-to-2014-10-17
Created snapshot /daily-feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17
• User accidentally deletes data for 2014-10-16
hdfs dfs -ls /daily-feeds
Found 4 items
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-feeds/2014-10-13
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-feeds/2014-10-14
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-15
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-17
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Architecting the Future of Big Data
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HDFS Snapshots
• Snapshots to the rescue: the data is still in the snapshot
hdfs dfs -ls /daily-feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17
Found 5 items
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-
drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-
• Restore data from 2014-10-16
hdfs dfs -cp /daily-feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17/2014-10-16 /daily-feeds
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Architecting the Future of Big Data
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Reporting DataNode Volume Failures
• Configuring dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated > 0 enables a DataNode to keep running after
volume failures
• DataNode is still running, but capacity is degraded
• HDFS already provided a count of failed volumes for each DataNode, but no further details
• Apache Hadoop 2.7.0 provides more information: failed path, estimated lost capacity and failure
• An administrator can use this information to prioritize cluster maintenance work
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Architecting the Future of Big Data
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Reporting DataNode Volume Failures
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Architecting the Future of Big Data

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Scaling HDFS to Manage Billions of Files with Distributed Storage Schemes
Scaling HDFS to Manage Billions of Files with Distributed Storage SchemesScaling HDFS to Manage Billions of Files with Distributed Storage Schemes
Scaling HDFS to Manage Billions of Files with Distributed Storage Schemes

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) evolves from a MapReduce-centric storage system to a generic, cost-effective storage infrastructure where HDFS stores all data of inside the organizations. The new use case presents a new sets of challenges to the original HDFS architecture. One challenge is to scale the storage management of HDFS - the centralized scheme within NameNode becomes a main bottleneck which limits the total number of files stored. Although a typical large HDFS cluster is able to store several hundred petabytes of data, it is inefficient to handle large amounts of small files under the current architecture. In this talk, we introduce our new design and in-progress work that re-architects HDFS to attack this limitation. The storage management is enhanced to a distributed scheme. A new concept of storage container is introduced for storing objects. HDFS blocks are stored and managed as objects in the storage containers instead of being tracked only by NameNode. Storage containers are replicated across DataNodes using a newly-developed high-throughput protocol based on the Raft consensus algorithm. Our current prototype shows that under the new architecture the storage management of HDFS scales 10x better, demonstrating that HDFS is capable of storing billions of files.

hdfshadoop summitdataworks summit
Distributed Computing with Apache Hadoop: Technology Overview
Distributed Computing with Apache Hadoop: Technology OverviewDistributed Computing with Apache Hadoop: Technology Overview
Distributed Computing with Apache Hadoop: Technology Overview

Distributed Computing with Apache Hadoop is a technology overview that discusses: 1) Hadoop is an open source software framework for distributed storage and processing of large datasets across clusters of commodity hardware. 2) Hadoop addresses limitations of traditional distributed computing with an architecture that scales linearly by adding more nodes, moves computation to data instead of moving data, and provides reliability even when hardware failures occur. 3) Core Hadoop components include the Hadoop Distributed File System for storage, and MapReduce for distributed processing of large datasets in parallel on multiple machines.

disctributed computinghadoop
How to overcome mysterious problems caused by large and multi-tenancy Hadoop ...
How to overcome mysterious problems caused by large and multi-tenancy Hadoop ...How to overcome mysterious problems caused by large and multi-tenancy Hadoop ...
How to overcome mysterious problems caused by large and multi-tenancy Hadoop ...

The NameNode was experiencing high load and instability after being restarted. Graphs showed unknown high load between checkpoints on the NameNode. DataNode logs showed repeated 60000 millisecond timeouts in communication with the NameNode. Thread dumps revealed NameNode server handlers waiting on the same lock, indicating a bottleneck. Source code analysis pointed to repeated block reports from DataNodes to the NameNode as the likely cause of the high load.

hadoop summit tokyobig datahadoop cluster
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
Reporting DataNode Volume Failures
Page 33
Architecting the Future of Big Data
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
Reporting DataNode Volume Failures
Page 34
Architecting the Future of Big Data
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
Reporting DataNode Volume Failures
• Everything in the web UI is sourced from standardized Hadoop metrics
– Each DataNode publishes its own metrics
– NameNode publishes aggregate information from every DataNode
• Metrics accessible through JMX or the HTTP /jmx URI
• Integrated in Ambari
• Can be integrated into your preferred management tools and ops dashboards
Page 35
Architecting the Future of Big Data
New System to Manage the Health of Hadoop
• Ambari Alerts are installed and configured by default
• Health Alerts and Metrics managed via Ambari Web

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Hadoop HDFS Architeture and Design
Hadoop HDFS Architeture and DesignHadoop HDFS Architeture and Design
Hadoop HDFS Architeture and Design

HDFS is a distributed file system designed for storing very large data files across commodity servers or clusters. It works on a master-slave architecture with one namenode (master) and multiple datanodes (slaves). The namenode manages the file system metadata and regulates client access, while datanodes store and retrieve block data from their local file systems. Files are divided into large blocks which are replicated across datanodes for fault tolerance. The namenode monitors datanodes and replicates blocks if their replication drops below a threshold.

Hadoop & Big Data benchmarking
Hadoop & Big Data benchmarkingHadoop & Big Data benchmarking
Hadoop & Big Data benchmarking

This document discusses benchmarking Hadoop and big data systems. It provides an overview of common Hadoop benchmarks including microbenchmarks like TestDFSIO, TeraSort, and NNBench which test individual Hadoop components. It also describes BigBench, a benchmark modeled after TPC-DS that aims to test a more complete big data analytics workload using techniques like MapReduce, Hive, and Mahout across structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. The document emphasizes using Hadoop distributions for administration and both microbenchmarks and full benchmarks like BigBench for evaluation.

big benchclouderabenchmarks
Hadoop & HDFS for Beginners
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Hadoop & HDFS for Beginners

This presentation provides a basic overview on Hadoop, Map-Reduce and HDFS related concepts, Configuration and Installation steps and a Sample code.

google file systemmapreducehadoop
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
• Configuration
– Prevent garbage collection issues
– Configure for redundancy
– Retune configuration in response to metrics
– Implement fine-grained authorization rules on files
– Can protect against accidental file manipulations
• HDFS Snapshots
– Point-in-time image of part of the filesystem
– Useful for restoring to a prior state after accidental file manipulation
• Reporting DataNode Volume Failures
– Metrics and web UI exposing information about volume failures on DataNodes
– Useful for planning cluster maintenance work
• Use Ambari
– Helps install, configure, monitor and manage Hadoop clusters
– Incorporates the latest best practices
Page 37
Architecting the Future of Big Data
© Hortonworks Inc. 2011
Thank you, Q&A
Resource Location
Recommendations for
Apache Hadoop
HDFS operational and
HDFS ACLs Blog Post
HDFS Snapshots Blog Post
Learn more
Contact me with your operations questions and suggestions
Chris Nauroth –

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Hadoop Operations - Best Practices from the Field

  • 1. Hadoop Operations – Best Practices from the Field June 11, 2015 Chris Nauroth email: twitter: @cnauroth Suresh Srinivas email: twitter: @suresh_m_s
  • 2. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 About Me Chris Nauroth • Member of Technical Staff, Hortonworks – Apache Hadoop committer, PMC member, and Apache Software Foundation member – Major contributor to HDFS ACLs, Windows compatibility, and operability improvements • Hadoop user since 2010 – Prior employment experience deploying, maintaining and using Hadoop clusters Page 2 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 3. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Agenda • Analysis of Hadoop Support Cases – Support case trends – Configuration – Software Improvements • Key Learnings and Best Practices – HDFS ACLs – HDFS Snapshots – Reporting DataNode Volume Failures Page 3 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 4. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Support Case Trends – Proportional Cases per Month Page 4 Architecting the Future of Big Data 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 HDFS Map Reduce YARN Other (37 components)
  • 5. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Support Case Trends – Root Cause Page 5 Architecting the Future of Big Data 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Customer Environment (Non HDP) Documentation Defect Documentation Gap Documentation Not Utilized Education - Configuration Needs Training Product Defect YARN Map Reduce HDFS
  • 6. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Support Case Trends • Core Hadoop components (HDFS, YARN and MapReduce) are used across all deployments, and therefore receive proportionally more support cases than other ecosystem components. • Misconfiguration is the dominant root cause. • Documentation is a close second. • We are constantly improving the code to eliminate operational issues, help with diagnosis and provide increased visibility. • Best practices get incorporated into Apache Ambari for improved defaults, simplified configuration and deeper monitoring. Page 6 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 8. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Configuration - Hardware and Cluster Sizing • Considerations –Larger clusters heal faster on nodes or disk failure –Machines with huge storage take longer to recover –More racks give more failure domains • Recommendations – Get good-quality commodity hardware – Buy the sweet-spot in pricing: 3TB disk, 96GB, 8-12 cores – More memory is better – real time is memory hungry! – Before considering fatter machines (1U 6 disks vs. 2U 12 disks) – Get to 30-40 machines or 3-4 racks –Use pilot cluster to learn about load patterns – Balanced hardware for I/O, compute or memory bound – More details - Page 8
  • 9. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Configuration – JVM Tuning • Avoid JVM issues – Use 64 bit JVM for all daemons – Compressed OOPS enabled by default (6 u23 and later) – Java heap size – Set same max and starting heapsize, Xmx == Xms – Avoid java defaults – configure NewSize and MaxNewSize – Use 1/8 to 1/6 of max size for JVMs larger than 4G – Configure –XX:PermSize=128 MB, -XX:MaxPermSize=256 MB – Use low-latency GC collector – -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, -XX:ParallelGCThreads=<N> – High <N> on Namenode and JobTracker or ResourceManager – Important JVM configs to help debugging – -verbose:gc -Xloggc:<file> -XX:+PrintGCDetails – -XX:ErrorFile=<file> – -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError Page 9
  • 10. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Configuration • Deploy with QuorumJournalManager for high availability • Configure open fd ulimit – Default 1024 is too low – 16K for datanodes, 64K for Master nodes • Use version control for configuration! Page 10
  • 11. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Configuration • Use disk fail in place for datanodes: dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated – Disk failure is no longer datanode failure – Especially important for large density nodes • Set to true – Restores NN storage directory during checkpointing • Take periodic backups of namenode metadata – Make copies of the entire storage directory • Set aside a lot of disk space for NN logs – It is verbose – set aside multiple GBs – Many installs configure this too small – NN logs roll with in minutes – hard to debug issues Page 11
  • 12. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Configuration – Monitoring Usage • Cluster storage, nodes, files, blocks grows – Update NN heap, handler count, number of DN xceivers – Tweak other related config periodically • Monitor the hardware usage for your work load – Disk I/O, network I/O, CPU and memory usage – Use this information when expanding cluster capacity • Monitor the usage with HADOOP metrics – JVM metrics – GC times, Memory used, Thread Status – RPC metrics – especially latency to track slowdowns – HDFS metrics – Used storage, # of files and blocks, total load on the cluster – File System operations – MapReduce Metrics – Slot utilization and Job status • Tweak configurations during upgrades/maintenance on an ongoing basis Page 12
  • 13. HORTONWORKS CONFIDENTIAL & PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Install & Configure: Ambari Guided Configuration Guide configuration and provide recommendations for the most common settings. (HBase Example Shown here)
  • 14. Software Improvements Real Incidents and Software Improvements to Address Them
  • 15. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Don’t edit the metadata files! • Editing can corrupt the cluster state – Might result in loss of data • Real incident – NN misconfigured to point to another NN’s metadata – DNs can’t register due to namespace ID mismatch – System detected the problem correctly – Safety net ignored by the admin! – Admin edits the namenode VERSION file to match ids Mass deletion of unknown blocks that do not exist in that namespace Page 15
  • 16. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Improvement • Pause deletion of blocks when the namenode starts up – – Supports configurable delay of block deletions after NameNode startup – Gives an admin extra time to diagnose before deletions begin • Show when block deletion will start after NameNode startup in WebUI – – The web UI already displayed the number of pending block deletions – This enhanced the display to indicate when actual deletion will begin Page 16 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 17. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Block Deletion Start Time Page 17 Architecting the Future of Big Data New
  • 18. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Guard Against Accidental Deletion • rm –r deletes the data at the speed of Hadoop! – ctrl-c of the command does not stop deletion! – Undeleting files on datanodes is hard & time consuming – Immediately shutdown NN, unmount disks on datanodes – Recover deleted files – Start namenode without the delete operation in edits • Enable Trash • Real Incident – Customer is running a distro of Hadoop with trash not enabled – Deletes a large dir (100 TB) and shuts down NN immediately – Support person asks NN to be restarted to see if trash is enabled! Blocks start deleting Page 18
  • 19. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Improvement • HDFS Snapshots – – A snapshot is a read-only point-in-time image of part of the file system – A snapshot created before a deletion can be used to restore deleted data – More coverage of snapshots later in the presentation • HDFS ACLs – – Finer-grained control of file permissions can help prevent an accidental deletion – More coverage of ACLs later in the presentation Page 19 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 20. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Unexpected error during HA HDFS upgrade • Background: HDFS HA Architecture – • Real Incident – During upgrade, NameNode calls every JournalNode to request backup of metadata directory, which renames “current” directory to “previous.tmp”. – Permissions incorrect on metadata directory for 1 out of 3 JournalNodes. – The hdfs user is not authorized to rename. Backup fails for that JournalNode, so upgrade process aborts with error. Root cause not easily identifiable, long time to recover Page 20 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 21. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Improvement • Improve diagnostics on storage directory rename operations by using native code. – – Logs additional root cause information for rename failure. For example, EACCES • Split error checks in into separate conditions to improve diagnostics. – – Splits a log message about failure to delete or rename into separate log messages to clarify which specific action failed • When aborting NameNode or JournalNode, write the contents of the metadata directories and permissions to logs. – – Usually the first information asked of the user, so we can automate this • For JournalNode operations that must succeed on all nodes, execute a pre-check to verify that the operation can succeed. – – Prevents need for manual cleanup on 2 out of 3 JournalNodes where backup succeeded Page 21 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 22. Key Learnings and Best Practices Features that Help Improve Production Operations
  • 23. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 HDFS ACLs • Existing HDFS POSIX permissions good, but not flexible enough – Permission requirements may differ from the natural organizational hierarchy of users and groups. • HDFS ACLs augment the existing HDFS POSIX permissions model by implementing the POSIX ACL model. – An ACL (Access Control List) provides a way to set different permissions for specific named users or named groups, not only the file’s owner and file’s group. Page 23 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 24. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 HDFS File Permissions Example • Authorization requirements: –In a sales department, they would like a single user Maya (Department Manager) to control all modifications to sales data –Other members of sales department need to view the data, but can’t modify it. –Everyone else in the company must not be allowed to view the data. • Can be implemented via the following: Read/Write perm for user maya User Group Read perm for group sales File with sales data
  • 25. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 HDFS ACLs • Problem –No longer feasible for Maya to control all modifications to the file – New Requirement: Maya, Diane and Clark are allowed to make modifications – New Requirement: New group called executives should be able to read the sales data –Current permissions model only allows permissions at 1 group and 1 user • Solution: HDFS ACLs –Now assign different permissions to different users and groups Owner Group Others HDFS Directory … rwx … rwx … rwx Group D … rwx Group F … rwx User Y … rwx
  • 26. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 HDFS ACLs New Tools for ACL Management (setfacl, getfacl) – hdfs dfs -setfacl -m group:execs:r-- /sales-data – hdfs dfs -getfacl /sales-data # file: /sales-data # owner: maya # group: sales user::rw- group::r-- group:execs:r-- mask::r-- other::-- – How do you know if a directory has ACLs set? – hdfs dfs -ls /sales-data Found 1 items -rw-r-----+ 3 maya sales 0 2014-03-04 16:31 /sales-data
  • 27. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 HDFS ACLs Best Practices • Start with traditional HDFS permissions to implement most permission requirements. • Define a smaller number of ACLs to handle exceptional cases. • A file with an ACL incurs an additional cost in memory in the NameNode compared to a file that has only traditional permissions. Page 27 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 28. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 HDFS Snapshots • HDFS Snapshots – A snapshot is a read-only point-in-time image of part of the file system – Performance: snapshot creation is instantaneous, regardless of data size or subtree depth – Reliability: snapshot creation is atomic – Scalability: snapshots do not create extra copies of data blocks – Useful for protecting against accidental deletion of data • Example: Daily Feeds hdfs dfs -ls /daily-feeds Found 5 items drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-feeds/2014-10-13 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-feeds/2014-10-14 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-15 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-16 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-17 Page 28 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 29. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 HDFS Snapshots • Create a snapshot after each daily load hdfs dfsadmin -allowSnapshot /daily-feeds Allowing snaphot on /daily-feeds succeeded hdfs dfs -createSnapshot /daily-feeds snapshot-to-2014-10-17 Created snapshot /daily-feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17 • User accidentally deletes data for 2014-10-16 hdfs dfs -ls /daily-feeds Found 4 items drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-feeds/2014-10-13 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily-feeds/2014-10-14 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-15 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily-feeds/2014-10-17 Page 29 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 30. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 HDFS Snapshots • Snapshots to the rescue: the data is still in the snapshot hdfs dfs -ls /daily-feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17 Found 5 items drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily- feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17/2014-10-13 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:36 /daily- feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17/2014-10-14 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily- feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17/2014-10-15 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily- feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17/2014-10-16 drwxr-xr-x - chris supergroup 0 2014-10-13 14:37 /daily- feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17/2014-10-17 • Restore data from 2014-10-16 hdfs dfs -cp /daily-feeds/.snapshot/snapshot-to-2014-10-17/2014-10-16 /daily-feeds Page 30 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 31. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Reporting DataNode Volume Failures • Configuring dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated > 0 enables a DataNode to keep running after volume failures • DataNode is still running, but capacity is degraded • HDFS already provided a count of failed volumes for each DataNode, but no further details • Apache Hadoop 2.7.0 provides more information: failed path, estimated lost capacity and failure date/time • An administrator can use this information to prioritize cluster maintenance work Page 31 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 32. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Reporting DataNode Volume Failures Page 32 Architecting the Future of Big Data New
  • 33. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Reporting DataNode Volume Failures Page 33 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 34. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Reporting DataNode Volume Failures Page 34 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 35. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Reporting DataNode Volume Failures • Everything in the web UI is sourced from standardized Hadoop metrics – Each DataNode publishes its own metrics – NameNode publishes aggregate information from every DataNode • Metrics accessible through JMX or the HTTP /jmx URI • Integrated in Ambari • Can be integrated into your preferred management tools and ops dashboards Page 35 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 36. New System to Manage the Health of Hadoop Clusters • Ambari Alerts are installed and configured by default • Health Alerts and Metrics managed via Ambari Web
  • 37. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Summary • Configuration – Prevent garbage collection issues – Configure for redundancy – Retune configuration in response to metrics • HDFS ACLs – Implement fine-grained authorization rules on files – Can protect against accidental file manipulations • HDFS Snapshots – Point-in-time image of part of the filesystem – Useful for restoring to a prior state after accidental file manipulation • Reporting DataNode Volume Failures – Metrics and web UI exposing information about volume failures on DataNodes – Useful for planning cluster maintenance work • Use Ambari – Helps install, configure, monitor and manage Hadoop clusters – Incorporates the latest best practices Page 37 Architecting the Future of Big Data
  • 38. © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 Thank you, Q&A Resource Location Hardware Recommendations for Apache Hadoop guide/content/ch_hardware-recommendations.html HDFS operational and debuggability improvements HDFS ACLs Blog Post HDFS Snapshots Blog Post Learn more Contact me with your operations questions and suggestions Chris Nauroth –

Editor's Notes

  1. First, a quick introduction. My name is Chris Nauroth. I’m a software engineer on the HDFS team at Hortonworks. I’m an Apache Hadoop committer and PMC member. I’m also an Apache Software Foundation member. Some of my major contributions include HDFS ACLs, Windows compatibility and various operability improvements. Prior to Hortonworks, I worked for Disney and did an initial deployment of Hadoop there. As part of that job, I worked very closely with the systems engineering team responsible for maintaining those Hadoop clusters, so I tend to think back to that team and get excited about things I can do now as a software engineer to help make that team’s job easier. I’m also here with Suresh Srinivas, one of the founders of Hortonworks, and a long-time Hadoop committer and PMC member. He has a lot of experience supporting some of the world’s largest clusters at Yahoo and elsewhere. Together with Suresh, we have experience supporting Hadoop clusters since 2008.
  2. For today’s agenda, I’d like to start by sharing some analysis that we’ve done of support case trends. In that analysis, we’re going to see that some common patterns emerge, and that’s going to lead into a discussion of configuration best practices and software improvements. In the second half of the talk, we’ll move into a discussion of key learnings and best practices around how recent HDFS features can help prevent problems or manage day-to-day maintenance.
  3. Let’s dive into the support case analysis. The data source for this chart is the entire history of support cases at Hortonworks. The x-axis is month and the y-axis is the proportion of support cases reported against a specific component. The chart focuses on 3 components that we define as the core of Hadoop: HDFS, YARN and MapReduce. All other components in the ecosystem are collapsed into a single line. Here we see a trend stabilizing around 30% of support cases driven from those core components. It also makes sense intuitively that a large proportion of support cases are driven from those core components, because every deployment uses them. As you rise up the stack, deployments start to vary in the components they choose to deploy. For example, a deployment may or may not deploy Hbase depending on its use cases.
  4. The second chart shows an analysis of root cause category in each of those 3 core components. The source data contains many additional root cause categories. I’ve chosen to prune this down to the most significant ones to simplify the chart. The pattern that we see here is that a lot of support cases are driven by configuration issues or documentation problems. On an interesting side note, I gave a version of this presentation last year at Strata, and since then I’ve refreshed these charts with current data. Something I noticed is that documentation, configuration and software defects are propotionally a little bit smaller than last time. We’ve been investing a lot of energy in these areas, so it was satisfying to see the data showing that those efforts have been somewhat successful.
  5. Investment in operations at the core helps the most users.
  6. With that, let’s move into a discussion of common configuration issues that we continue to see.
  7. Fewer nodes is less resilient than many nodes. Failure of a DataNode that’s heavier on storage causes more re-replication activity. Map Reduce jobs may need to rerun more tasks. Commodity != poor quality.
  8. Compressed ordinary object pointers are a technique used in the JVM to represent managed pointers as 32-bit offsets from a 64-bit base heap address. This saves on the space taken by 64-bit native pointers. We used to have a recommendation to pass a JVM argument to turn this on. Recent JVM versions just use it by default. Xmx different from Xms can cause big expensive malloc. Surprising results when you run out of memory late in the process lifetime. N=8 typically. Oom-killer.
  9. NameNode high availability was a very hot topic a few years ago. At this point, the recommended HA architecture is to use QuorumJournalManager, which sets up an active-standby pair of NameNodes and offloads edit logging to a separate set of daemons called the JournalNodes. On a side note, version control for configuration is a good thing. It can be helpful to look back on the history of changes or restore to a last known good state.
  10. The DataNode has a feature called disk-fail-in-place that allows it to keep running even if individual volumes have failed. This is off by default, but you can turn it on by editing hdfs-site.xml and setting property dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated to the number of volumes that you tolerate failing before shutting down the entire DataNode. This is useful for large-density nodes, meaning nodes that have a lot of disks. If you have a node with 16 disks, and 2 disks fail, you’d probably prefer to keep that DataNode running with 14 disks available to serve clients instead of shutting down the whole thing. is a property that controls whether or not the NameNode should attempt to bring back into service metadata storage directories that previously failed. By turning this on, you have the ability to repair a failed directory online and bring it back into service without restarting the NameNode process. We recommend taking periodic backups of the NameNode metadata. Copy the entire storage directory. Also plan on reserving a lot of disk for NameNode logs. A common pitfall is choosing too little space for logs, which then forces you to configure Log4J to roll logs very rapidly, and this can make debugging harder.
  11. Something to keep in mind that usage patterns on a cluster tend to change over time as use cases change. Configuration may need to change in reaction to changing usage patterns. If you have a major upgrade or maintenance planned, then that’s a good opportunity to review configurations and see if anything else needs to change.
  12. Increasingly, we’re pushing configuration best practices into the implementation of Ambari. This takes the burden off of administrators to remember these best practices during deployments. For those who don’t know, Apache Ambari is an open source cluster deployment and management tool. For a little variety, I chose to pull a screenshot related to HBase. Here we can see that Ambari starts by recommending some good defaults, but still gives administrators the option to tune settings to match their specific needs.
  13. Next, I’d like to discuss a few software improvements that were prompted by our experiences in support cases. We’ve found that often very small code changes can have a big impact on preventing problems or recovering from them. I’m going to discuss some real incidents that we’ve seen and how they led us to make those code changes.
  14. First, a public service announcement: don’t edit the metadata files. The NameNode metadata files are crucial for maintaining the state of the file system, so editing them can corrupt cluster state and result in loss of data. Don’t edit them. Now that I’ve said that, let’s talk about editing the metadata files. This is a real incident. A NameNode was misconfigured to point to the metadata from a different NameNode. An important note here is that part of the NameNode metadata is a namespace ID, which uniquely identifies that file system namespace. When DataNodes register with a NameNode for the first time, they also acquire that namespace ID and persist it locally. On subsequent DataNode restarts, the NameNode has a check that the DataNode attempting to register with it is presenting the same namespace ID. After NameNode restart, the DataNodes could not register with the NameNode because of the namespace ID mismatch. The system detected the problem correctly, and so far everything is working as designed. However, the admin thought an appropriate fix would be to manually edit the VERSION file, which is the part of the metadata containing the namespace ID, and change it to match what the DataNodes were reporting. “What happens next?” The problem is that the NameNode’s fsimage also persists the block IDs that are known for each file. When these DataNodes from a different cluster started sending their block reports, the NameNode replied by saying these blocks do not exist in my namespace, and therefore they should be deleted.
  15. This is the HDFS web UI, now with a small enhancement to show the time when block deletions will start.
  16. HDFS is known for being a scalable system. One of the things it’s really awesome at is scaling deletes! This can be a scary situation if someone deletes the wrong thing, because attempting to recover by undeleting block files is error-prone and time-consuming work across all DataNodes. We recommend enabling the HDFS trash feature as a safety net, which essentially changes deletes into renames, and the NameNode can then reap the trash files at a later time. However, I’m going to talk about a real incident in which trash was not enabled. There was a large directory deleted, and the admin realized this was a mistake and chose to shut down the NameNode immediately. The support engineer taking the case naturally figured we could restore from trash, so advised restarting the NameNode. “What happens next?”
  17. This incident really points out the importance of protecting data against accidental deletion. HDFS snapshots and HDFS ACLs are two features that I think help with this. I’ll have more coverage of these features later in the presentation.
  18. “What happens next?”
  19. If you’ve used POSIX ACLs on a Linux file system, then you already know how it works in HDFS too.
  20. By convention, snapshots can be referenced as a file system path under sub-directory “.snapshot”.
  21. Here is a screenshot pointing out a change in the HDFS web UI: Total Datanode Volume Failures is a hyperlink. Clicking that jumps to…
  22. …this new screen listing the volume failures in detail. We can see the path of each failed storage location, and an estimate of the capacity that was lost. I think of this screen being used by a system engineer as a to-do list as part of regular cluster maintenance.
  23. Here is what it looks like when there are no volume failures. I included this picture, because this is what we all want it to look like. Of course, it won’t always be that way.