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Jason Dere
Apache Hive PMC Member
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Apache Hive 3
Data Analytics Studio
Coming Soon
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Apache Hive 3
Data Analytics Studio
Coming Soon
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Hive LLAP - MPP Performance at Hadoop Scale
Hadoop Cluster
LLAP Daemon
Query Executors
LLAP Daemon
Query Executors
LLAP Daemon
Query Executors
LLAP Daemon
Query Executors
Queries In-Memory Cache
(Shared Across All Users)
HDFS and Compatible S3 WASB Isilon
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Hive3: Focus on the EnterpriseDataWarehouse
BI tools
• Results return
from HDFS/cache
• Reduce load from
repetitive queries
• Allows more
queries to be run
in parallel
• Reduce resource
starvation in large
• Active/Passive HA
• More “tools” for
optimizer to use
• More ”tools” for
DBAs to
• Invisible tuning of
DB from users’
• ACID v2 is as fast as
regular tables
• Hive 3 is optimized
• Support for
out of the box
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New SQL Features
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Optimizing workloads and queries without changing the SQL
SELECT distinct dest,origin
FROM flights;
SELECT origin, count(*)
FROM flights
GROUP BY origin
HAVING origin = ‘OAK’;
SELECT dest,origin,count(*)
FROM flights
GROUP BY dest,origin;
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Materializedview - Maintenance
• Partial table rewrites are supported
• Typical: Denormalize last month of data only
• Rewrite engine will produce union of latest and historical data
• Updates to base tables
• Invalidates views, but
• Can choose to allow stale views (max staleness) for performance
• Can partial match views and compute delta after updates
• Incremental updates
• Common classes of views allow for incremental updates
• Others need full refresh
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Constraints& defaults
• Helps optimizer to produce better plans
• BI tool integrations
• Data Integrity
• hive.constraint.notnull.enforce = true
• SQL compatibility & offload scenarios
Name String NOT NULL,
Age Int,
CREATE TABLE BusinessUnit (
Head Int NOT NULL,
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Hive-1010:Information schema& sysdb
Find which tables have a column with ‘ssn’
as part of the column name?
use information_schema;
SELECT table_schema, table_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE column_name LIKE '%ssn%';
Find the biggest tables in the system.
use sys;
SELECT tbl_name, total_size
FROM table_stats_view v, tbls t
WHERE t.tbl_id = v.tbl_id ORDER BY
cast(v.total_size as int) DESC LIMIT 3;
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© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
JDBC connector
• How did we build the information_schema?
• We mapped the metastore into Hive’s table
• Uses Hive-JDBC connector
• Read-only for now
• Supports automatic pushdown of full
• Cost-based optimizer decides part of query runs
in RDBMS versus Hive
• Joins, aggregates, filters, projections, etc
CREATE TABLE postgres_table (
id INT,
name varchar
id INT,
"hive.sql.database.type" = "POSTGRES",
"hive.sql.query"="select * from postgres_table",
"hive.sql.column.mapping" = "id=ID, name=NAME",
"hive.jdbc.update.on.duplicate" = "true"
In Postgres
In Hive
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Druid Connector- Joins between Hive and realtime datain Druid
Bloom filter pushdown greatly reduces data transfer
Send promotional email to all customers from CA who purchased more than 1000$ worth of merchandise today.
create external table sales(`__time` timestamp, quantity int, sales_price double,customer_id bigint, item_id int, store_id int)
stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler'
tblproperties ( "kafka.bootstrap.servers" = "localhost:9092", "kafka.topic" = "sales-topic",
"druid.kafka.ingestion.maxRowsInMemory" = "5");
create table customers (customer_id bigint, first_name string, last_name string, email string, state string);
select email from customers join sales using customer_id where to_date(sales.__time) = date ‘2018-09-06’
and quantity * sales_price > 1000 and customers.state = ‘CA’;
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Transformation over stream in real time
I want to have moving average over sliding window in kafka from stock ticker kafka stream.
create external table
tickers (`__time` timestamp , stock_id bigint, stock_sym varchar(4), price decimal (10,2), exhange_id int)
stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler’
tblproperties ("kafka.topic" = "stock-topic", "kafka.bootstrap.servers"="localhost:9092",
create external table
moving_avg (`__time` timestamp , stock_id bigint, avg_price decimal (10,2)
stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler'
tblproperties ("kafka.topic" = "averages-topic", "kafka.bootstrap.servers"="localhost:9092",
Insert into table moving_avg select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, stock_id, avg(price) group by stock_id,
from tickers where __timestamp > to_unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 5 minutes) * 1000
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© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
V1: CREATE TABLE hello_acid (load_date date, key int, value int)
STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true');
V2: CREATE TABLE hello_acid_v2 (load_date date, key int, value int);
• Performance just as good as non-ACID tables
• No bucketing required
• Non-ORC formats supported (INSERT & SELECT only)
• Fully compatible with native cloud storage
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Workload Management
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
LLAP workload management
⬢ Effectively share LLAP cluster resources
– Resource allocation per user policy; separate ETL and BI, etc.
⬢ Resource based guardrails
– Protect against long running queries, high memory usage
⬢ Improved, query-aware scheduling
– Scheduler is aware of query characteristics, types, etc.
– Fragments easy to pre-empt compared to containers
– Queries get guaranteed fractions of the cluster, but can use
empty space
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Guardrail Example
Common Triggers
CREATE TRIGGER guardrail.long_running WHEN EXECUTION_TIME > 2000 DO KILL;
ALTER TRIGGER guardrail.long_running ADD TO UNMANAGED;
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Resource plans example
CREATE TRIGGER downgrade IN daytime WHEN total_runtime > 3000 THEN MOVE etl;
ADD RULE downgrade TO bi;
CREATE APPLICATION MAPPING tableau in daytime TO bi;
ALTER PLAN daytime SET default pool= etl;
APPLY PLAN daytime;
bi: 80% etl: 20%
Downgrade when total_runtime>3000
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© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Ran all 99 TPCDS queries
• Total query runtime have improved multifold in each release!
TPCDS 10TB scale on 10 node cluster
HDP 2.5
HDP 2.5
HDP 2.6
25x 3x 2x
HDP 3.0
2016 20182017
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• Performed by Postech University (Korea)
• Compares LLAP, Spark, Presto and Tez, and MR3
• Shows Hive3/LLAP fastest in aggregate and for most queries
• Indigo cluster: 20 nodes, 96GB, 2 disks, 3TB TPCDS
PostechUniversity benchmark
MR3 brenchmark
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• Faster analytical queries with improved vectorization in HDP 3.0
• Vectorized execution of PTF, rollup and grouping sets.
• Perf gain compared to HDP 2.6
• TPCDS query67 ~ 10x!
• TPCDS query36 ~ 30x!
• TPCDS query27 ~ 20x!
OLAP Vectorization
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( SELECT AVG(ss_list_price) B1_LP,
ss_list_price) B1_CNTD
FROM store_sales
WHERE ss_quantity BETWEEN 0 AND 5 AND
(ss_list_price BETWEEN 11 and 11+10 OR
ss_coupon_amt BETWEEN 460 and 460+1000 OR
ss_wholesale_cost BETWEEN 14 and 14+20)) B1,
( SELECT AVG(ss_list_price) B2_LP,
ss_list_price) B2_CNTD
FROM store_sales
WHERE ss_quantity BETWEEN 6 AND 10 AND
(ss_list_price BETWEEN 91 and 91+10 OR
ss_coupon_amt BETWEEN 1430 and 1430+1000 OR
ss_wholesale_cost BETWEEN 32 and 32+20)) B2,
. . .
LIMIT 100;
TPCDS SQL query 28 joins 6 instances of store_sales table
Shared scan - 4x improvement!
Combined OR’ed B1-B6 Filters
B1 Filter B2 Filter B3 Filter B4 Filter B5 Filter
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• Dramatically improves performance of very selective joins
• Builds a bloom filter from one side of join and filters rows from other side
• Skips scan and further evaluation of rows that would not qualify the join
Dynamic Semijoin Reduction - 7x improvement for q72
FROM sales JOIN time ON
sales.time_id = time.time_id
WHERE time.year = 2014 AND
time.quarter IN ('Q1', 'Q2’)
Reduced scan on sales
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Apache Hive 3
Data Analytics Studio
Coming Soon
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
SOLUTIONS: Full featured Auto-complete, results
direct download, quick-data preview and many
other quality-of-life improvements
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
SOLUTIONS: Pre-defined searches to quickly narrow
down problematic queries in a large cluster
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
SOLUTIONS: Heuristic recommendation engine
Fully self-serviced query and storage optimization
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
Query compare allows side-by-side
comparison of query details, explain
plan, configuration, execution
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.
SOLUTIONS: Data Analytics Studio gives database
heatmap, quickly discover and see what part of your
cluster is being utilized more
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One of the Extensible DataPlane Services
⬢ DAS 1.2 available now for HDP 3.1!
⬢ Replaces Hive & Tez Views
⬢ Monthly release cadence
⬢ Separate install from stack
Data Analytics Studio
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Apache Hive 3
Data Analytics Studio
Coming Soon
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• Hive on Kubernetes
• Easy creation/deployment of new Hive compute clusters
• Integration with shared catalog/security/governance (SDX)
• Multiple versions of Hive
• Rolling patch upgrades
• Data Analytics Studio
• More recommendations, including materialized views
• New visualizations for query execution
Hive On CDP
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• Connectors
• Integration with managed streaming/relational services
• Query Scheduler
• Micro-batch streaming queries with Kafka
• Automatic materialized view maintenance
• Automatic statistics collection/update
• Provide APIs for native integration with other apps (Impala, Spark, BigSQL)
Hive On CDP
© Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved.

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What's New in Apache Hive

  • 1. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. WHAT’S NEW IN APACHE HIVE 3 FOR HDP 3.1 Jason Dere Apache Hive PMC Member
  • 2. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 AGENDA Apache Hive 3 Data Analytics Studio Coming Soon
  • 3. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 AGENDA Apache Hive 3 Data Analytics Studio Coming Soon
  • 4. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Hive LLAP - MPP Performance at Hadoop Scale Deep Storage Hadoop Cluster LLAP Daemon Query Executors LLAP Daemon Query Executors LLAP Daemon Query Executors LLAP Daemon Query Executors Query Coordinators Coord- inator Coord- inator Coord- inator HiveServer2 (Query Endpoint) ODBC / JDBC SQL Queries In-Memory Cache (Shared Across All Users) HDFS and Compatible S3 WASB Isilon
  • 5. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Hive3: Focus on the EnterpriseDataWarehouse BI tools Materialized view Surrogate key Constraints Query Result Cache Workload management • Results return from HDFS/cache directly • Reduce load from repetitive queries • Allows more queries to be run in parallel • Reduce resource starvation in large clusters • Active/Passive HA • More “tools” for optimizer to use • More ”tools” for DBAs to tune/optimize • Invisible tuning of DB from users’ perspective • ACID v2 is as fast as regular tables • Hive 3 is optimized for S3/WASB/GCP • Support for JDBC/Kafka/Druid out of the box ACID v2 Cloud Storage Connectors
  • 6. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. New SQL Features
  • 7. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Materializedview Optimizing workloads and queries without changing the SQL SELECT distinct dest,origin FROM flights; SELECT origin, count(*) FROM flights GROUP BY origin HAVING origin = ‘OAK’; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW flight_agg AS SELECT dest,origin,count(*) FROM flights GROUP BY dest,origin;
  • 8. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Materializedview - Maintenance • Partial table rewrites are supported • Typical: Denormalize last month of data only • Rewrite engine will produce union of latest and historical data • Updates to base tables • Invalidates views, but • Can choose to allow stale views (max staleness) for performance • Can partial match views and compute delta after updates • Incremental updates • Common classes of views allow for incremental updates • Others need full refresh
  • 9. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Constraints& defaults • Helps optimizer to produce better plans • BI tool integrations • Data Integrity • hive.constraint.notnull.enforce = true • SQL compatibility & offload scenarios Example: CREATE TABLE Persons ( ID Int NOT NULL, Name String NOT NULL, Age Int, Creator String DEFAULT CURRENT_USER(), CreateDate Date DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE(), PRIMARY KEY (ID) DISABLE NOVALIDATE ); CREATE TABLE BusinessUnit ( ID Int NOT NULL, Head Int NOT NULL, Creator String DEFAULT CURRENT_USER(), CreateDate Date DEFAULT CURRENT_DATE(), PRIMARY KEY (ID) DISABLE NOVALIDATE, CONSTRAINT fk FOREIGN KEY (Head) REFERENCES Persons(ID) DISABLE NOVALIDATE );
  • 10. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Hive-1010:Information schema& sysdb Question: Find which tables have a column with ‘ssn’ as part of the column name? use information_schema; SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name LIKE '%ssn%'; Question: Find the biggest tables in the system. use sys; SELECT tbl_name, total_size FROM table_stats_view v, tbls t WHERE t.tbl_id = v.tbl_id ORDER BY cast(v.total_size as int) DESC LIMIT 3;
  • 11. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Connectors
  • 12. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. JDBC connector • How did we build the information_schema? • We mapped the metastore into Hive’s table space! • Uses Hive-JDBC connector • Read-only for now • Supports automatic pushdown of full subqueries • Cost-based optimizer decides part of query runs in RDBMS versus Hive • Joins, aggregates, filters, projections, etc CREATE TABLE postgres_table ( id INT, name varchar ); CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE hive_table ( id INT, name STRING ) STORED BY '' TBLPROPERTIES ( "hive.sql.database.type" = "POSTGRES", "hive.sql.jdbc.driver"="org.postgresql.Driver", "hive.sql.jdbc.url"="jdbc:postgresql://...", "hive.sql.dbcp.username"="jdbctest", "hive.sql.dbcp.password"="", "hive.sql.query"="select * from postgres_table", "hive.sql.column.mapping" = "id=ID, name=NAME", "hive.jdbc.update.on.duplicate" = "true" ); In Postgres In Hive
  • 13. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Druid Connector- Joins between Hive and realtime datain Druid Bloom filter pushdown greatly reduces data transfer Send promotional email to all customers from CA who purchased more than 1000$ worth of merchandise today. create external table sales(`__time` timestamp, quantity int, sales_price double,customer_id bigint, item_id int, store_id int) stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler' tblproperties ( "kafka.bootstrap.servers" = "localhost:9092", "kafka.topic" = "sales-topic", "druid.kafka.ingestion.maxRowsInMemory" = "5"); create table customers (customer_id bigint, first_name string, last_name string, email string, state string); select email from customers join sales using customer_id where to_date(sales.__time) = date ‘2018-09-06’ and quantity * sales_price > 1000 and customers.state = ‘CA’;
  • 14. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Kafkaconnector Transformation over stream in real time I want to have moving average over sliding window in kafka from stock ticker kafka stream. create external table tickers (`__time` timestamp , stock_id bigint, stock_sym varchar(4), price decimal (10,2), exhange_id int) stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler’ tblproperties ("kafka.topic" = "stock-topic", "kafka.bootstrap.servers"="localhost:9092", "kafka.serde.class"="org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.JsonSerDe"); create external table moving_avg (`__time` timestamp , stock_id bigint, avg_price decimal (10,2) stored by 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.kafka.KafkaStorageHandler' tblproperties ("kafka.topic" = "averages-topic", "kafka.bootstrap.servers"="localhost:9092", "kafka.serde.class"="org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.JsonSerDe"); Insert into table moving_avg select CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, stock_id, avg(price) group by stock_id, from tickers where __timestamp > to_unix_timestamp(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 5 minutes) * 1000
  • 15. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. ACID v2
  • 16. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. ACID v2 V1: CREATE TABLE hello_acid (load_date date, key int, value int) CLUSTERED BY(key) INTO 3 BUCKETS STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true'); V2: CREATE TABLE hello_acid_v2 (load_date date, key int, value int); • Performance just as good as non-ACID tables • No bucketing required • Non-ORC formats supported (INSERT & SELECT only) • Fully compatible with native cloud storage
  • 17. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Workload Management
  • 18. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. LLAP workload management ⬢ Effectively share LLAP cluster resources – Resource allocation per user policy; separate ETL and BI, etc. ⬢ Resource based guardrails – Protect against long running queries, high memory usage ⬢ Improved, query-aware scheduling – Scheduler is aware of query characteristics, types, etc. – Fragments easy to pre-empt compared to containers – Queries get guaranteed fractions of the cluster, but can use empty space
  • 20. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Resource plans example CREATE RESOURCE PLAN daytime; CREATE POOL WITH ALLOC_FRACTION=0.8, QUERY_PARALLELISM=5; CREATE POOL daytime.etl WITH ALLOC_FRACTION=0.2, QUERY_PARALLELISM=20; CREATE TRIGGER downgrade IN daytime WHEN total_runtime > 3000 THEN MOVE etl; ADD RULE downgrade TO bi; CREATE APPLICATION MAPPING tableau in daytime TO bi; ALTER PLAN daytime SET default pool= etl; APPLY PLAN daytime; daytime bi: 80% etl: 20% Downgrade when total_runtime>3000
  • 21. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Performance
  • 22. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. • Ran all 99 TPCDS queries • Total query runtime have improved multifold in each release! Benchmarkjourney TPCDS 10TB scale on 10 node cluster HDP 2.5 Hive1 HDP 2.5 LLAP HDP 2.6 LLAP 25x 3x 2x HDP 3.0 LLAP 2016 20182017 ACID tables
  • 23. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. • Performed by Postech University (Korea) • Compares LLAP, Spark, Presto and Tez, and MR3 • Shows Hive3/LLAP fastest in aggregate and for most queries • Indigo cluster: 20 nodes, 96GB, 2 disks, 3TB TPCDS PostechUniversity benchmark MR3 brenchmark
  • 24. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. • Faster analytical queries with improved vectorization in HDP 3.0 • Vectorized execution of PTF, rollup and grouping sets. • Perf gain compared to HDP 2.6 • TPCDS query67 ~ 10x! • TPCDS query36 ~ 30x! • TPCDS query27 ~ 20x! OLAP Vectorization
  • 25. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. SELECT * FROM ( SELECT AVG(ss_list_price) B1_LP, COUNT(ss_list_price) B1_CNT ,COUNT(DISTINCT ss_list_price) B1_CNTD FROM store_sales WHERE ss_quantity BETWEEN 0 AND 5 AND (ss_list_price BETWEEN 11 and 11+10 OR ss_coupon_amt BETWEEN 460 and 460+1000 OR ss_wholesale_cost BETWEEN 14 and 14+20)) B1, ( SELECT AVG(ss_list_price) B2_LP, COUNT(ss_list_price) B2_CNT ,COUNT(DISTINCT ss_list_price) B2_CNTD FROM store_sales WHERE ss_quantity BETWEEN 6 AND 10 AND (ss_list_price BETWEEN 91 and 91+10 OR ss_coupon_amt BETWEEN 1430 and 1430+1000 OR ss_wholesale_cost BETWEEN 32 and 32+20)) B2, . . . LIMIT 100; TPCDS SQL query 28 joins 6 instances of store_sales table Shared scan - 4x improvement! RS RS RS RS RS Scan store_sales Combined OR’ed B1-B6 Filters B1 Filter B2 Filter B3 Filter B4 Filter B5 Filter Join
  • 26. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. • Dramatically improves performance of very selective joins • Builds a bloom filter from one side of join and filters rows from other side • Skips scan and further evaluation of rows that would not qualify the join Dynamic Semijoin Reduction - 7x improvement for q72 SELECT … FROM sales JOIN time ON sales.time_id = time.time_id WHERE time.year = 2014 AND time.quarter IN ('Q1', 'Q2’) Reduced scan on sales
  • 27. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 27 AGENDA Apache Hive 3 Data Analytics Studio Coming Soon
  • 28. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. SOLUTIONS: Full featured Auto-complete, results direct download, quick-data preview and many other quality-of-life improvements
  • 29. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. SOLUTIONS: Pre-defined searches to quickly narrow down problematic queries in a large cluster
  • 30. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. SOLUTIONS: Heuristic recommendation engine Fully self-serviced query and storage optimization
  • 31. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. Query compare allows side-by-side comparison of query details, explain plan, configuration, execution details
  • 32. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. SOLUTIONS: Data Analytics Studio gives database heatmap, quickly discover and see what part of your cluster is being utilized more
  • 33. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. One of the Extensible DataPlane Services ⬢ DAS 1.2 available now for HDP 3.1! ⬢ Replaces Hive & Tez Views ⬢ Monthly release cadence ⬢ Separate install from stack Data Analytics Studio DATAPLANE SERVICE DATA SOURCE INTEGRATION DATA SERVICES CATALOG …DATA LIFECYCLE MANAGER DATA STEWARD STUDIO +OTHER (partner) SECURITY CONTROLS CORE CAPABILITIES MULTIPLE CLUSTERS AND SOURCES MULTIHYBRID EXTENSIBLE SERVICES DATA ANALYTICS STUDIO
  • 34. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. 34 AGENDA Apache Hive 3 Data Analytics Studio Coming Soon
  • 35. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. • Hive on Kubernetes • Easy creation/deployment of new Hive compute clusters • Integration with shared catalog/security/governance (SDX) • Multiple versions of Hive • Rolling patch upgrades • Data Analytics Studio • More recommendations, including materialized views • New visualizations for query execution Hive On CDP
  • 36. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. • Connectors • Integration with managed streaming/relational services • Query Scheduler • Micro-batch streaming queries with Kafka • Automatic materialized view maintenance • Automatic statistics collection/update • ACID • Provide APIs for native integration with other apps (Impala, Spark, BigSQL) Hive On CDP
  • 37. © Cloudera, Inc. All rights reserved. THANK YOU