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ORC File –
Optimizing Your Big Data
Owen O’Malley, Co-founder Hortonworks
Apache Hadoop, Hive, ORC, and
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In the Beginning…
 Hadoop applications used text or SequenceFile
– Text is slow and not splittable when compressed
– SequenceFile only supports key and value and user-defined serialization
 Hive added RCFile
– User controls the columns to read and decompress
– No type information and user-defined serialization
– Finding splits was expensive
 Avro files created
– Type information included!
– Had to read and decompress entire row
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ORC File Basics
 Columnar format
– Enables user to read & decompress just the bytes they need
 Fast
– See
 Indexed
 Self-describing
– Includes all of the information about types and encoding
 Rich type system
– All of Hive’s types including timestamp, struct, map, list, and union

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Amazon S3 Best Practice and Tuning for Hadoop/Spark in the Cloud
Amazon S3 Best Practice and Tuning for Hadoop/Spark in the CloudAmazon S3 Best Practice and Tuning for Hadoop/Spark in the Cloud
Amazon S3 Best Practice and Tuning for Hadoop/Spark in the Cloud

This document provides an overview and summary of Amazon S3 best practices and tuning for Hadoop/Spark in the cloud. It discusses the relationship between Hadoop/Spark and S3, the differences between HDFS and S3 and their use cases, details on how S3 behaves from the perspective of Hadoop/Spark, well-known pitfalls and tunings related to S3 consistency and multipart uploads, and recent community activities related to S3. The presentation aims to help users optimize their use of S3 storage with Hadoop/Spark frameworks.

Hive+Tez: A performance deep dive
Hive+Tez: A performance deep diveHive+Tez: A performance deep dive
Hive+Tez: A performance deep dive

This document provides a summary of improvements made to Hive's performance through the use of Apache Tez and other optimizations. Some key points include: - Hive was improved to use Apache Tez as its execution engine instead of MapReduce, reducing latency for interactive queries and improving throughput for batch queries. - Statistics collection was optimized to gather column-level statistics from ORC file footers, speeding up statistics gathering. - The cost-based optimizer Optiq was added to Hive, allowing it to choose better execution plans. - Vectorized query processing, broadcast joins, dynamic partitioning, and other optimizations improved individual query performance by over 100x in some cases.

Deep Dive into Spark SQL with Advanced Performance Tuning with Xiao Li & Wenc...
Deep Dive into Spark SQL with Advanced Performance Tuning with Xiao Li & Wenc...Deep Dive into Spark SQL with Advanced Performance Tuning with Xiao Li & Wenc...
Deep Dive into Spark SQL with Advanced Performance Tuning with Xiao Li & Wenc...

Spark SQL is a highly scalable and efficient relational processing engine with ease-to-use APIs and mid-query fault tolerance. It is a core module of Apache Spark. Spark SQL can process, integrate and analyze the data from diverse data sources (e.g., Hive, Cassandra, Kafka and Oracle) and file formats (e.g., Parquet, ORC, CSV, and JSON). This talk will dive into the technical details of SparkSQL spanning the entire lifecycle of a query execution. The audience will get a deeper understanding of Spark SQL and understand how to tune Spark SQL performance.

apache sparksparkaisummit
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File Compatibility
 Backwards compatibility
– Automatically detect the version of the file and read it.
 Forward compatibility
– Most changes are made so old readers will read the new files
– Maintain the ability to write old files via orc.write.format
– Always write old version until your last cluster upgrades
 Current file versions
– 0.11 – Original version
– 0.12 – Updated run length encoding (RLE)
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File Structure
 File contains a list of stripes, which are sets of rows
– Default size is 64MB
– Large stripe size enables efficient reads
 Footer
– Contains the list of stripe locations
– Type description
– File and stripe statistics
 Postscript
– Compression parameters
– File format version
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Stripe Structure
 Indexes
– Offsets to jump to start of row group
– Row group size defaults to 10,000 rows
– Minimum, Maximum, and Count of each column
 Data
– Data for the stripe organized by column
 Footer
– List of stream locations
– Column encoding information
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File Layout
Page 8
Column 1
Column 2
Column 7
Column 8
Column 3
Column 6
Column 4
Column 5
Column 1
Column 2
Column 7
Column 8
Column 3
Column 6
Column 4
Column 5
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
File Footer
File Metadata

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This document provides an overview of Hive and its performance capabilities. It discusses Hive's SQL interface for querying large datasets stored in Hadoop, its architecture which compiles SQL queries into MapReduce jobs, and its support for SQL semantics and datatypes. The document also covers techniques for optimizing Hive performance, including data abstractions like partitions, buckets and skews. It describes different join strategies in Hive like shuffle joins, broadcast joins and sort-merge bucket joins and how they are implemented in MapReduce. The overall presentation aims to explain how Hive provides scalable SQL processing for big data.

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Apache Tez – Present and Future
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Apache Tez – Present and Future

The document discusses Apache Tez, a framework for building data processing applications on Hadoop. It provides an introduction to Tez and describes key features like expressing computations as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), container reuse, dynamic parallelism, integration with YARN timeline service, and recovery from failures. The document also outlines improvements to Tez around performance, debuggability, and status/roadmap.

hadoop summitapache tezapache hadoop
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Schema Evolution
 ORC now supports schema evolution
– Hive 2.1 – append columns or type conversion
– Upcoming Hive 2.3 – map columns or inner structures by name
– User passes desired schema to ORC reader
 Type conversions
– Most types will convert although some are ugly.
– If the value doesn’t fit in the new type, it will become null.
 Cautions
– Name mapping requires ORC files written by Hive ≥ 2.0
– Some of the type conversions are slow
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Using ORC
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From Hive or Presto
 Modify your table definition:
– create table my_table (
name string,
address string,
) stored as orc;
 Import data:
– insert overwrite table my_table select * from my_staging;
 Use either configuration or table properties
– tblproperties ("orc.compress"="NONE")
– set hive.exec.orc.default.compress=NONE;
12 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
From Java
 Use the ORC project rather than Hive’s ORC.
– Hive’s master branch uses it.
– Maven group id: org.apache.orc version: 1.4.0
– nohive classifier avoids interfering with Hive’s packages
 Two levels of access
– orc-core – Faster access, but uses Hive’s vectorized API
– orc-mapreduce – Row by row access, simpler OrcStruct API
 MapReduce API implements WritableComparable
– Can be shuffled
– Need to specify type information in configuration for shuffle or output

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Essentially every successful analytical DBMS in the market today makes use of column-oriented data structures. In the Hadoop ecosystem, Apache Parquet (and Apache ORC) provide similar advantages in terms of processing and storage efficiency. Apache Arrow is the in-memory counterpart to these formats and has been been embraced by over a dozen open source projects as the de facto standard for in-memory processing. In this session the PMC Chair for Apache Arrow and the PMC Chair for Apache Parquet discuss the future of column-oriented processing.

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Nowadays, people are creating, sharing and storing data at a faster pace than ever before, effective data compression / decompression could significantly reduce the cost of data usage. Apache Spark is a general distributed computing engine for big data analytics, and it has large amount of data storing and shuffling across cluster in runtime, the data compression/decompression codecs can impact the end to end application performance in many ways. However, there’s a trade-off between the storage size and compression/decompression throughput (CPU computation). Balancing the data compress speed and ratio is a very interesting topic, particularly while both software algorithms and the CPU instruction set keep evolving. Apache Spark provides a very flexible compression codecs interface with default implementations like GZip, Snappy, LZ4, ZSTD etc. and Intel Big Data Technologies team also implemented more codecs based on latest Intel platform like ISA-L(igzip), LZ4-IPP, Zlib-IPP and ZSTD for Apache Spark; in this session, we’d like to compare the characteristics of those algorithms and implementations, by running different micro workloads as well as end to end workloads, based on different generations of Intel x86 platform and disk. It’s supposedly to be the best practice for big data software engineers to choose the proper compression/decompression codecs for their applications, and we also will present the methodologies of measuring and tuning the performance bottlenecks for typical Apache Spark workloads.

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Hive: Loading Data
Hive: Loading DataHive: Loading Data
Hive: Loading Data

This presentation describes how to efficiently load data into Hive. I cover partitioning, predicate pushdown, ORC file optimization and different loading schemes

predicate pushdownorcpartitioning
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From C++
 Pure C++ client library
– No JNI or JDK so client can estimate and control memory
 Combine with pure C++ HDFS client from HDFS-8707
– Work ongoing in feature branch, but should be committed soon.
 Reader is stable and in production use.
 Alibaba has created a writer and is contributing it to Apache ORC.
– Should be in the next release ORC 1.5.0.
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Command Line
 Using hive –orcfiledump from Hive
– -j -p – pretty prints the metadata as JSON
– -d – prints data as JSON
 Using java -jar orc-tools-1.4.0-uber.jar from ORC
– meta – print the metadata as JSON
– data – print data as JSON
– convert – convert JSON to ORC
– json-schema – scan a set of JSON documents to find the matching schema
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16 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Stripe Size
 Makes a huge difference in performance
– orc.stripe.size or hive.exec.orc.default.stripe.size
– Controls the amount of buffer in writer. Default is 64MB
– Trade off
• Large stripes = Large more efficient reads
• Small stripes = Less memory and more granular processing splits
 Multiple files written at the same time will shrink stripes
– Use Hive’s hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition
– Sorting dynamic partitions means a one writer at a time

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Optimizing Hive Queries
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Optimizing Hive Queries

Apache Hive is a data warehousing system for large volumes of data stored in Hadoop. However, the data is useless unless you can use it to add value to your company. Hive provides a SQL-based query language that dramatically simplifies the process of querying your large data sets. That is especially important while your data scientists are developing and refining their queries to improve their understanding of the data. In many companies, such as Facebook, Hive accounts for a large percentage of the total MapReduce queries that are run on the system. Although Hive makes writing large data queries easier for the user, there are many performance traps for the unwary. Many of them are artifacts of the way Hive has evolved over the years and the requirement that the default behavior must be safe for all users. This talk will present examples of how Hive users have made mistakes that made their queries run much much longer than necessary. It will also present guidelines for how to get better performance for your queries and how to look at the query plan to understand what Hive is doing.

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Apache Tez is a framework for accelerating Hadoop query processing. It is based on expressing a computation as a dataflow graph and executing it in a highly customizable way. Tez is built on top of YARN and provides benefits like better performance, predictability, and utilization of cluster resources compared to traditional MapReduce. It allows applications to focus on business logic rather than Hadoop internals.

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HDFS Block Padding
 The stripes don’t align exactly with HDFS blocks
 HDFS scatters blocks around cluster
 Often want to pad to block boundaries
– Costs space, but improves performance
– hive.exec.orc.default.block.padding – true
– hive.exec.orc.block.padding.tolerance – 0.05
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
Index Data
Row Data
Stripe Footer
HDFS Block
HDFS Block
File Footer
File Metadata
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Predicate Push Down
 Reader is given a SearchArg
– Limited set predicates over column and literal value
– Reader will skip over any parts of file that can’t contain valid rows
 ORC indexes at three levels:
– File
– Stripe
– Row Group (10k rows)
 Reader still needs to apply predicate to filter out single rows
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Row Pruning
 Every primitive column has minimum and maximum at each level
– Sorting your data within a file helps a lot
– Consider sorting instead of making lots of partitions
 Writer can optionally include bloomfilters
– Provides a probabilistic bitmap of hashcodes
– Only works with equality predicates at the row group level
– Requires significant space in the file
– Manually enabled by using orc.bloom.filter.columns
– Use orc.bloom.filter.fpp to set the false positive rate (default 0.05)
– Set the default charset in JVM via -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
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Row Pruning Example
– from tpch1000.lineitem where l_orderkey = 1212000001;
 Rows Read
– Nothing – 5,999,989,709
– Min/Max – 540,000
– BloomFilter – 10,000
 Time Taken
– Nothing – 74 sec
– Min/Max – 4.5 sec
– BloomFilter – 1.3 sec

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21 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Split Calculation
 Hive’s OrcInputFormat has three strategies for split calculation
– BI
• Small fast queries
• Splits based on HDFS blocks
• Large queries
• Read file footer and apply SearchArg to stripes
• Can include footer in splits (hive.orc.splits.include.file.footer)
– Hybrid
• If small files or lots of files, use BI
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LLAP – Live Long & Process
 Provides a persistent service to speed up Hive
– Caches ORC and text data
– Saves costs of Yarn container & JVM spin up
– JIT finishes after first few seconds
 Cache uses ORC’s RLE
– Decompresses zlib or Snappy
– RLE is fast and saves memory
– Automatically caches hot columns and partitions
 Allows Spark to use Hive’s column and row security
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Current Work In Progress
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Speed Improvements for ACID
 Hive supports ACID transactions on ORC tables
– Uses delta files in HDFS to store changes to each partition
– Delta files store insert/update/delete operations
– Used to support SQL insert commands
 Unfortunately, update operations don’t allow predicate push down
on the deltas
 In the upcoming Hive 2.3, we added a new ACID layout
– It change updates to an insert and delete
– Allows predicate pushdown even on the delta files
 Also added SQL merge command in Hive 2.2

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Today's typical Apache Hadoop deployments use HDFS for persistent, fault-tolerant storage of big data files. However, recent emerging architectural patterns increasingly rely on cloud object storage such as S3, Azure Blob Store, GCS, which are designed for cost-efficiency, scalability and geographic distribution. Hadoop supports pluggable file system implementations to enable integration with these systems for use cases such as off-site backup or even complex multi-step ETL, but applications may encounter unique challenges related to eventual consistency, performance and differences in semantics compared to HDFS. This session explores those challenges and presents recent work to address them in a comprehensive effort spanning multiple Hadoop ecosystem components, including the Object Store FileSystem connector, Hive, Tez and ORC. Our goal is to improve correctness, performance, security and operations for users that choose to integrate Hadoop with Cloud Storage. We use S3 and S3A connector as case study.

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Column Encryption (ORC-14)
 Allows users to encrypt some of the columns of the file
– Provides column level security even with access to raw files
– Uses Key Management Server from Ranger or Hadoop
– Includes both the data and the index
– Daily key rolling can anonymize data after 90 days
 User specifies how data is masked if user doesn’t have access
– Nullify
– Redact
– SHA256
26 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved
Thank You

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ORC File - Optimizing Your Big Data

  • 1. ORC File – Optimizing Your Big Data Owen O’Malley, Co-founder Hortonworks Apache Hadoop, Hive, ORC, and Incubator @owen_omalley
  • 2. 2 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Overview
  • 3. 3 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved In the Beginning…  Hadoop applications used text or SequenceFile – Text is slow and not splittable when compressed – SequenceFile only supports key and value and user-defined serialization  Hive added RCFile – User controls the columns to read and decompress – No type information and user-defined serialization – Finding splits was expensive  Avro files created – Type information included! – Had to read and decompress entire row
  • 4. 4 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved ORC File Basics  Columnar format – Enables user to read & decompress just the bytes they need  Fast – See  Indexed  Self-describing – Includes all of the information about types and encoding  Rich type system – All of Hive’s types including timestamp, struct, map, list, and union
  • 5. 5 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved File Compatibility  Backwards compatibility – Automatically detect the version of the file and read it.  Forward compatibility – Most changes are made so old readers will read the new files – Maintain the ability to write old files via orc.write.format – Always write old version until your last cluster upgrades  Current file versions – 0.11 – Original version – 0.12 – Updated run length encoding (RLE)
  • 6. 6 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved File Structure  File contains a list of stripes, which are sets of rows – Default size is 64MB – Large stripe size enables efficient reads  Footer – Contains the list of stripe locations – Type description – File and stripe statistics  Postscript – Compression parameters – File format version
  • 7. 7 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Stripe Structure  Indexes – Offsets to jump to start of row group – Row group size defaults to 10,000 rows – Minimum, Maximum, and Count of each column  Data – Data for the stripe organized by column  Footer – List of stream locations – Column encoding information
  • 8. 8 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved File Layout Page 8 Column 1 Column 2 Column 7 Column 8 Column 3 Column 6 Column 4 Column 5 Column 1 Column 2 Column 7 Column 8 Column 3 Column 6 Column 4 Column 5 Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~64MBStripe Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~64MBStripe Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~64MBStripe File Footer Postscript File Metadata
  • 9. 9 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Schema Evolution  ORC now supports schema evolution – Hive 2.1 – append columns or type conversion – Upcoming Hive 2.3 – map columns or inner structures by name – User passes desired schema to ORC reader  Type conversions – Most types will convert although some are ugly. – If the value doesn’t fit in the new type, it will become null.  Cautions – Name mapping requires ORC files written by Hive ≥ 2.0 – Some of the type conversions are slow
  • 10. 10 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Using ORC
  • 11. 11 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved From Hive or Presto  Modify your table definition: – create table my_table ( name string, address string, ) stored as orc;  Import data: – insert overwrite table my_table select * from my_staging;  Use either configuration or table properties – tblproperties ("orc.compress"="NONE") – set hive.exec.orc.default.compress=NONE;
  • 12. 12 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved From Java  Use the ORC project rather than Hive’s ORC. – Hive’s master branch uses it. – Maven group id: org.apache.orc version: 1.4.0 – nohive classifier avoids interfering with Hive’s packages  Two levels of access – orc-core – Faster access, but uses Hive’s vectorized API – orc-mapreduce – Row by row access, simpler OrcStruct API  MapReduce API implements WritableComparable – Can be shuffled – Need to specify type information in configuration for shuffle or output
  • 13. 13 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved From C++  Pure C++ client library – No JNI or JDK so client can estimate and control memory  Combine with pure C++ HDFS client from HDFS-8707 – Work ongoing in feature branch, but should be committed soon.  Reader is stable and in production use.  Alibaba has created a writer and is contributing it to Apache ORC. – Should be in the next release ORC 1.5.0.
  • 14. 14 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Command Line  Using hive –orcfiledump from Hive – -j -p – pretty prints the metadata as JSON – -d – prints data as JSON  Using java -jar orc-tools-1.4.0-uber.jar from ORC – meta – print the metadata as JSON – data – print data as JSON – convert – convert JSON to ORC – json-schema – scan a set of JSON documents to find the matching schema
  • 15. 15 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Optimization
  • 16. 16 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Stripe Size  Makes a huge difference in performance – orc.stripe.size or hive.exec.orc.default.stripe.size – Controls the amount of buffer in writer. Default is 64MB – Trade off • Large stripes = Large more efficient reads • Small stripes = Less memory and more granular processing splits  Multiple files written at the same time will shrink stripes – Use Hive’s hive.optimize.sort.dynamic.partition – Sorting dynamic partitions means a one writer at a time
  • 17. 17 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved HDFS Block Padding  The stripes don’t align exactly with HDFS blocks  HDFS scatters blocks around cluster  Often want to pad to block boundaries – Costs space, but improves performance – hive.exec.orc.default.block.padding – true – hive.exec.orc.block.padding.tolerance – 0.05 Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~64MBStripe Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~64MBStripe Index Data Row Data Stripe Footer ~64MBStripe HDFS Block HDFS Block Padding File Footer Postscript File Metadata
  • 18. 18 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Predicate Push Down  Reader is given a SearchArg – Limited set predicates over column and literal value – Reader will skip over any parts of file that can’t contain valid rows  ORC indexes at three levels: – File – Stripe – Row Group (10k rows)  Reader still needs to apply predicate to filter out single rows
  • 19. 19 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Row Pruning  Every primitive column has minimum and maximum at each level – Sorting your data within a file helps a lot – Consider sorting instead of making lots of partitions  Writer can optionally include bloomfilters – Provides a probabilistic bitmap of hashcodes – Only works with equality predicates at the row group level – Requires significant space in the file – Manually enabled by using orc.bloom.filter.columns – Use orc.bloom.filter.fpp to set the false positive rate (default 0.05) – Set the default charset in JVM via -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
  • 20. 20 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Row Pruning Example  TPC-DS – from tpch1000.lineitem where l_orderkey = 1212000001;  Rows Read – Nothing – 5,999,989,709 – Min/Max – 540,000 – BloomFilter – 10,000  Time Taken – Nothing – 74 sec – Min/Max – 4.5 sec – BloomFilter – 1.3 sec
  • 21. 21 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Split Calculation  Hive’s OrcInputFormat has three strategies for split calculation – BI • Small fast queries • Splits based on HDFS blocks – ETL • Large queries • Read file footer and apply SearchArg to stripes • Can include footer in splits (hive.orc.splits.include.file.footer) – Hybrid • If small files or lots of files, use BI
  • 22. 22 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved LLAP – Live Long & Process  Provides a persistent service to speed up Hive – Caches ORC and text data – Saves costs of Yarn container & JVM spin up – JIT finishes after first few seconds  Cache uses ORC’s RLE – Decompresses zlib or Snappy – RLE is fast and saves memory – Automatically caches hot columns and partitions  Allows Spark to use Hive’s column and row security
  • 23. 23 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Current Work In Progress
  • 24. 24 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Speed Improvements for ACID  Hive supports ACID transactions on ORC tables – Uses delta files in HDFS to store changes to each partition – Delta files store insert/update/delete operations – Used to support SQL insert commands  Unfortunately, update operations don’t allow predicate push down on the deltas  In the upcoming Hive 2.3, we added a new ACID layout – It change updates to an insert and delete – Allows predicate pushdown even on the delta files  Also added SQL merge command in Hive 2.2
  • 25. 25 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Column Encryption (ORC-14)  Allows users to encrypt some of the columns of the file – Provides column level security even with access to raw files – Uses Key Management Server from Ranger or Hadoop – Includes both the data and the index – Daily key rolling can anonymize data after 90 days  User specifies how data is masked if user doesn’t have access – Nullify – Redact – SHA256
  • 26. 26 © Hortonworks Inc. 2011 – 2017. All Rights Reserved Thank You @owen_omalley