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Ranjeeth Kathiresan
Senior Software Engineer
Scaling HBase for Big Data
Gurpreet Multani
Principal Software Engineer
Ranjeeth Kathiresan is a Senior Software Engineer at Salesforce, where he
focuses primarily on improving the performance, scalability, and availability of
applications by assessing and tuning the server-side components in terms of
code, design, configuration, and so on, particularly with Apache HBase.
Ranjeeth is an admirer of performance engineering and is especially fond of
tuning an application to perform better.
Gurpreet Multani is a Principal Software Engineer at Salesforce. At Salesforce,
Gurpreet has lead initiatives to scale various Big Data technologies such as Apache
HBase, Apache Solr, Apache Kafka. He is particularly interested in finding ways to
optimize code to reduce bottlenecks, consume lesser resources and achieve more out
of available capacity in the process.
• HBase @ Salesforce
• CAP Theorem
• HBase Refresher
• Typical HBase Use Cases
• HBase Internals
• Data Loading Use Case
• Write Bottlenecks
• Tuning Writes
• Best Practices
• Q&A
HBase @ Salesforce
Typical Cluster
Data Volume
120 TB
Nodes Across All Clusters
Simple Row Store
Event Log
CAP Theorem
It is impossible for a distributed data store to simultaneously provide more than two out of the following
three guarantees:
Consistency Partition tolerance
Each client can always
read and write
All clients have the same
view of the data
The system works well despite
physical network partitions
HBase Refresher
• Distributed database
• Non-relational
• Column-oriented
• Supports compression
• In-memory operations
• Bloom filters on a per-column basis
• Written in Java
• Runs on top of HDFS
“A sparse, distributed, persistent, multidimensional, sorted map”
Typical HBase Use Cases
Large Data Volume running into at least hundreds of GBs or more (aka Big Data)
Data access patterns are well known at design time and are not expected to change i.e.
no secondary indexes / joins need to be added at a later stage
RDBMS-like multi-row transactions are not required
Large “working set” of data. Working set = data being accessed or being updated
Multiple versions of data
Region Server
HBase Internals
Write Operation
Zookeeper HDFS
Region Server
HFile HFile
HFile HFile HFile
Memstore HFile
1. Get .META.
2. Get Region
3. Put
4. Write
5. Write
Region Region …..
HFile HFile HFile
Memstore Memstore…..
HBase Internals
HFile HFile HFile
HFile HFile HFile
HFile HFile …
HFile Main purpose of compaction is to optimize read
performance by reducing the number of disk seeks
Minor Compaction Major Compaction
Trigger: Automatic based on configurations
• Reads a configurable number of smaller HFiles
and writes into a single large HFile
Trigger: Scheduled or Manual
• Reads all HFiles of a region and writes to a
single large HFile
• Physical deletion of records
• Tries to achieve high data locality
Region Server
Region Server
HFile HFile
HFile HFile HFile
Memstore HFile
1. Get .META.
2. Get Region
3. Get 5. Read
Region Region Region
HFile HFile HFile
Block Cache
4. Read
6. Read
HBase Internals
Read Operation
One of the use cases is to
store and process data in
text format
Lookups from HBase using
row key is more efficient
A subset of data is stored in
Solr for effective lookups
from HBase
Data Loading Overview
Salesforce Application
Data Insights
Key Details about the data used for processing
Velocity VarietyVolume
Data Influx/Min
Data Size/Cycle
Data Format
Throughput SLA
HBase Data Size/Cycle
Data Format
Write Operation Bottlenecks
Influx Rate:
600K Records/Min
Write Rate
60K Records/Min
Write Operation in
progress for >3 days
Write Rate dropped to <5K
Records/Min after few hours
Write Operation Tunings
Improved throughput by ~8 times & achieved ~3 times more than expected throughput
Initial Throughput:
60K Records/Min
Achieved Throughput:
480K Records/Min
Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration
CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write
Consistency Check
Region Hot Spotting
Outline: Region Hot Spotting refers to over utilizing a single region server, despite of having
multiple nodes in the cluster, during write operation because of using sequential rowkeys.
Not our
turn, Yet!!
Not our
turn, Yet!!
Hey Buddy! I’m
Node1 Node2 Node3
Write Operation Tunings
Initial Throughput:
60K Records/Min
Achieved Throughput:
480K Records/Min
Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration
CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write
Consistency Check
Outline: Salting helps to distribute writes over multiple
regions by using random row keys
How do I implement Salting?
Salting is implemented by defining the rowkeys wisely by
adding a salt prefix (random character) to the original key
Two Common ways of salting
• Adding a random number as prefix based on modulo
• Hashing the rowkey
Random number can be identified by performing modulo operation between insertion index and
total buckets
Salted Key = (++index % total buckets) +”_” + Original Key
Prefixing random number
Bucket 1
Bucket 2
Bucket 3
Example with 3 Salt Buckets
 Randomness is provided to some
extent as it depends on insertion
 Salted keys stored in HBase won’t
be visible to client during lookups
Hashing the entire rowkey or adding a few characters of the hash of rowkey as prefix can be used
to implement salting
Salted Key = hash(Original Key) OR firstNChars(hash(Original Key))+”_”+Original Key
Hashing Rowkey
Bucket 1
Bucket 2
Bucket 3
Example with 3 Salt Buckets
 Randomness in the row key is
ensured by hash values
 HBase lookups will be effective as
the same hashing function can be
used during lookup
Salting does not resolve Region Hot spotting for the entire write cycle.
Reason: HBase creates only one region by default and uses default auto split policy to create more
Bucket 1
Does it help?
Node1 Node2 Node3
Write Operation Tunings
Initial Throughput:
60K Records/Min
Achieved Throughput:
480K Records/Min
Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration
CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write
Consistency Check
Outline: Pre-Splitting helps to create multiple regions during table creation which will help to
reap the benefits of salting
How do I pre-split a HBase table?
Pre-splitting can be done by providing split points during table creation
Example: create ‘table_name’, ‘cf_name’, SPLITS => [‘a’ , ‘m’]
Bucket 1 [‘’ -> ‘a’]
Bucket 2 [‘a’ -> ‘m’]
Bucket 3 [‘m’ -> ‘’]
Hey Buddy! I’m
Node1 Node2 Node3
GO Regions!!!
Optimization Benefit
Throughput Improvement
Current Throughput:
60K Records/Min
Improved Throughput:
150K Records/Min
Write Operation Tunings
Initial Throughput:
60K Records/Min
Achieved Throughput:
480K Records/Min
Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration
CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write
Consistency Check
Configuration Tuning
Outline: Default configurations may not work for all use cases. We need to tune configurations based on
our use case
It is 9!! No. It is 6!!
Configuration Tuning
Configuration Purpose
Number of threads in region server used to
process read and write requests
Memstore will be flushed to disk after reaching
the value provided in this configuration
Flushes will be blocked until compaction reduces
the number of HFiles to this value
Maximum time for which the clients will be
blocked from writing to HBase
Following are the key configurations which we have tuned based on our write use case
Configuration Tuning
Region Server Handler Count
Region Server
 Region Server Handlers (Default Count=10)
 Increasing it could help in improving
throughput by increasing
 Thumb Rule -> Low for high payload
and high for low payload
 Can increase heap utilization
eventually leading to OOM
 High GC pauses impacting the
Configuration Tuning
Region Memstore Size
Region Server
 Thread which checks Memstore size
(Default – 128 MB)
 Increasing Memstore size will
generate larger HFiles which will
minimize compaction impact and
improves throughput
 Can increase heap utilization
eventually leading to OOM
 High GC pauses impacting the
Configuration Tuning
HStore Blocking Store Files
Region Server
Default Blocking Store Files - 10
 Increasing blocking store files will
allow client to write more with less
pauses and improves throughput
 Compaction could take more time as
more files could be written without
blocking client
HFile HFile
HFile HFile…..
Configuration Tuning
HStore Blocking Wait Time
Region Server
 Decreasing blocking wait time will
allow client to write more with less
pauses and improves throughput
 Compaction could take more time as
more files could be written without
blocking client
HFile HFile
HFile HFile…..
 Time for which writes on Region is
blocked (Default – 90 Secs)
Optimization Benefit
Throughput Improvement
Current Throughput:
150K Records/Min
Improved Throughput:
260K Records/Min
Optimal Configuration
Reduced Resource Utilization
Write Operation Tunings
Initial Throughput:
60K Records/Min
Achieved Throughput:
480K Records/Min
Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration
CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write
Consistency Check
Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
Multi Version Concurrency Control
Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) is used to achieve row level ACID property in HBase.
Write Steps with MVCC
Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
Issue: MVCC stuck after few hours of write operation impacting the write throughput drastically
as there are 140+ columns per row
Scenario Impact
Write point: I
have a lot to
Read point: I
have a lot to
catch up
Read point has to catch up write point to avoid high delay between read and write versions
Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
Solution: Reduce the pressure on MVCC by storing all the 140+ columns in a single cell
Column Representation
Optimal Read vs. Write
Consistency Check
Optimization Benefit
Stability Improvement
Steady Resource Utilization
Storage Optimization
Storage is one of the important factors impacting scalability of HBase cluster
Write operation throughput is mainly dependent on the average row size as it is an I/O bound
process. Optimizing the storage will help us to achieve more throughput.
Having a Column Name as “BA_S1” instead of “Billing_Address_Street_Line_Number_One” will help in
reducing the storage and improve write throughput
Column Name #Characters Additional Bytes to each Row
Billing_Address_Street_Line_Number_One 39 78
BA_S1 5 10
Write Operation Tunings
Initial Throughput:
60K Records/Min
Achieved Throughput:
480K Records/Min
Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration
CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write
Consistency Check
Compression is one of the storage optimization technique
Commonly used compression algorithms in HBase
• Snappy
• Gzip
• LZ4
Compression Ratio
Gzip compression ratio is better than Snappy and LZO
Resource Consumption
Snappy consumes lesser resources for compression and decompression than Gzip
Optimization Benefit
Productivity Improvement
Storage Costs
Before Optimization After Optimization %Improvement
Storage 3300 GB 963 GB ~71%
Throughput 260K Records/Min 380K Records/Min ~42%
Write Operation Tunings
Initial Throughput:
60K Records/Min
Achieved Throughput:
480K Records/Min
Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration
CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write
Consistency Check
Row Size Optimization
Few columns out of 140+ columns were empty for most of the rows. Storing empty columns in
JSON format will increase the average row size
Solution: Avoid storing empty values when using JSON
Salesforce Scenario
Data In HBase
Optimization Benefit
Productivity Improvement
Storage Costs Improved
Before Optimization After Optimization %Improvement
Storage 963 GB 784 GB ~19%
Throughput 380K Records/Min 480K Records/Min ~26%
Row Size Optimization
Write Throughput
60K Records/Min
480K Records/Min
SLA  175K Records/Min
Row Size
Data Format  Text Influx Rate  500 MB/Min
Best Practices
Row key design
• Know your data better before pre-splitting
• Shorter row key but long enough for data access
Minimize IO
• Less number of Column Families
• Shorter Column Family and Qualifier name
• Review the locality of regions periodically
• Co-locate Region server and Data node
Maximize Throughput
• Minimize major compactions
• Use high throughput disk
When HBase?
HBase is for you HBase is NOT for you
Random read/write access to high
volumes of data in real time
No dependency on RDBMS features
Variable schema with flexibility to add
Single/Range of key based lookups for
de-normalized data
Multiple versions of Big Data
Replacement for RDBMS
Low data volume
Scanning and aggregation on large
volumes of data
Replacement for batch processing
engines like MapReduce/Spark
Q & A
Thank Y u

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Scaling HBase for Big Data

  • 1. Ranjeeth Kathiresan Senior Software Engineer Scaling HBase for Big Data Salesforce Gurpreet Multani Principal Software Engineer
  • 2. Introduction Ranjeeth Kathiresan is a Senior Software Engineer at Salesforce, where he focuses primarily on improving the performance, scalability, and availability of applications by assessing and tuning the server-side components in terms of code, design, configuration, and so on, particularly with Apache HBase. Ranjeeth is an admirer of performance engineering and is especially fond of tuning an application to perform better. Gurpreet Multani is a Principal Software Engineer at Salesforce. At Salesforce, Gurpreet has lead initiatives to scale various Big Data technologies such as Apache HBase, Apache Solr, Apache Kafka. He is particularly interested in finding ways to optimize code to reduce bottlenecks, consume lesser resources and achieve more out of available capacity in the process.
  • 3. Agenda • HBase @ Salesforce • CAP Theorem • HBase Refresher • Typical HBase Use Cases • HBase Internals • Data Loading Use Case • Write Bottlenecks • Tuning Writes • Best Practices • Q&A
  • 4. HBase @ Salesforce Typical Cluster Data Volume 120 TB Nodes Across All Clusters 2200+ Variety Simple Row Store Denormalization Messaging Event Log Analytics Metrics Graphs Cache
  • 5. CAP Theorem It is impossible for a distributed data store to simultaneously provide more than two out of the following three guarantees: Availability Consistency Partition tolerance Each client can always read and write All clients have the same view of the data The system works well despite physical network partitions CassandraRDBMS HBase
  • 6. HBase Refresher • Distributed database • Non-relational • Column-oriented • Supports compression • In-memory operations • Bloom filters on a per-column basis • Written in Java • Runs on top of HDFS “A sparse, distributed, persistent, multidimensional, sorted map”
  • 7. Typical HBase Use Cases Large Data Volume running into at least hundreds of GBs or more (aka Big Data) Data access patterns are well known at design time and are not expected to change i.e. no secondary indexes / joins need to be added at a later stage RDBMS-like multi-row transactions are not required Large “working set” of data. Working set = data being accessed or being updated Multiple versions of data
  • 8. Region Server Region HBase Internals Write Operation Client Zookeeper HDFS Region Server .META. Region WAL HFile HFile HFile HFile HFile Memstore HFile Store 1. Get .META. location 2. Get Region location 3. Put 4. Write 5. Write Flush Region Region ….. HFile HFile HFile ….. ….. Memstore Memstore…..
  • 9. HBase Internals Compaction HFile HFile HFile HFile HFile HFile HFile HFile … HFile Main purpose of compaction is to optimize read performance by reducing the number of disk seeks Minor Compaction Major Compaction Trigger: Automatic based on configurations Mechanism • Reads a configurable number of smaller HFiles and writes into a single large HFile Trigger: Scheduled or Manual Mechanism • Reads all HFiles of a region and writes to a single large HFile • Physical deletion of records • Tries to achieve high data locality
  • 10. Region Server Region Client Zookeeper Memstore HDFS Region Server .META. Region WAL HFile HFile HFile HFile HFile Memstore HFile 1. Get .META. location 2. Get Region location 3. Get 5. Read Region Region Region HFile HFile HFile Block Cache 4. Read 6. Read ….. .…. Memstore….. HBase Internals Read Operation
  • 11. One of the use cases is to store and process data in text format Lookups from HBase using row key is more efficient A subset of data is stored in Solr for effective lookups from HBase Data Loading Overview Salesforce Application Transform Extract Load
  • 12. Data Insights Key Details about the data used for processing Velocity VarietyVolume 500MB Data Influx/Min 200GB Data Size/Cycle Text Data Format 175K Records/Min Throughput SLA 600K Records/Min 3300GB HBase Data Size/Cycle CSV, JSON Data Format 250MM Records/Day
  • 13. Write Operation Bottlenecks Influx Rate: 600K Records/Min Write Rate 60K Records/Min Write Operation in progress for >3 days Write Rate dropped to <5K Records/Min after few hours
  • 14. Write Operation Tunings Improved throughput by ~8 times & achieved ~3 times more than expected throughput Initial Throughput: 60K Records/Min Achieved Throughput: 480K Records/Min Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
  • 15. Region Hot Spotting Outline: Region Hot Spotting refers to over utilizing a single region server, despite of having multiple nodes in the cluster, during write operation because of using sequential rowkeys. Scenario Not our turn, Yet!! Not our turn, Yet!! Hey Buddy! I’m overloaded Impact Node1 Node2 Node3 Utilization Time
  • 16. Write Operation Tunings Initial Throughput: 60K Records/Min Achieved Throughput: 480K Records/Min Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
  • 17. Salting Outline: Salting helps to distribute writes over multiple regions by using random row keys How do I implement Salting? Salting is implemented by defining the rowkeys wisely by adding a salt prefix (random character) to the original key Two Common ways of salting • Adding a random number as prefix based on modulo • Hashing the rowkey
  • 18. Salting Random number can be identified by performing modulo operation between insertion index and total buckets Salted Key = (++index % total buckets) +”_” + Original Key Prefixing random number 0_1000 0_1003 1_1001 1_1004 2_1002 2_1005 Bucket 1 Bucket 2 Bucket 3 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 Example with 3 Salt Buckets KeyPoints  Randomness is provided to some extent as it depends on insertion order  Salted keys stored in HBase won’t be visible to client during lookups Data
  • 19. Salting Hashing the entire rowkey or adding a few characters of the hash of rowkey as prefix can be used to implement salting Salted Key = hash(Original Key) OR firstNChars(hash(Original Key))+”_”+Original Key Hashing Rowkey AtNB/q.. B50SP.. e8aRjL.. ggEw9.. w56syI.. xwer51.. Bucket 1 Bucket 2 Bucket 3 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 Example with 3 Salt Buckets KeyPoints  Randomness in the row key is ensured by hash values  HBase lookups will be effective as the same hashing function can be used during lookup Data
  • 20. Salting Salting does not resolve Region Hot spotting for the entire write cycle. Reason: HBase creates only one region by default and uses default auto split policy to create more regions AtNB/q.. B50SP.. e8aRjL.. ggEw9.. w56syI.. xwer51.. Bucket 1 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 Data Example Does it help? Impact Node1 Node2 Node3 Utilization Time
  • 21. Write Operation Tunings Initial Throughput: 60K Records/Min Achieved Throughput: 480K Records/Min Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
  • 22. Pre-Splitting Outline: Pre-Splitting helps to create multiple regions during table creation which will help to reap the benefits of salting How do I pre-split a HBase table? Pre-splitting can be done by providing split points during table creation Example: create ‘table_name’, ‘cf_name’, SPLITS => [‘a’ , ‘m’] AtNB/q.. B50SP.. e8aRjL.. ggEw9.. w56syI.. xwer51.. Bucket 1 [‘’ -> ‘a’] Bucket 2 [‘a’ -> ‘m’] Bucket 3 [‘m’ -> ‘’] 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 Data
  • 23. Pre-Splitting Scenario Hey Buddy! I’m overloaded Improvement Node1 Node2 Node3 Utilization Time GO Regions!!!
  • 24. Optimization Benefit Salting Pre-Splitting Throughput Improvement Current Throughput: 60K Records/Min Improved Throughput: 150K Records/Min
  • 25. Write Operation Tunings Initial Throughput: 60K Records/Min Achieved Throughput: 480K Records/Min Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
  • 26. Configuration Tuning Outline: Default configurations may not work for all use cases. We need to tune configurations based on our use case It is 9!! No. It is 6!!
  • 27. Configuration Tuning Configuration Purpose Change Nature hbase.regionserver.handler.count Number of threads in region server used to process read and write requests Increased hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size Memstore will be flushed to disk after reaching the value provided in this configuration Increased hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles Flushes will be blocked until compaction reduces the number of HFiles to this value Increased hbase.hstore.blockingWaitTime Maximum time for which the clients will be blocked from writing to HBase Decreased Following are the key configurations which we have tuned based on our write use case
  • 28. Configuration Tuning Region Server Handler Count Region Server Client Client Client Region Region Region Region …..  Region Server Handlers (Default Count=10) TuningBenefitCaution  Increasing it could help in improving throughput by increasing concurrency  Thumb Rule -> Low for high payload and high for low payload  Can increase heap utilization eventually leading to OOM  High GC pauses impacting the throughput
  • 29. Configuration Tuning Region Memstore Size Region Server Region Region …..  Thread which checks Memstore size (Default – 128 MB) TuningBenefitCaution  Increasing Memstore size will generate larger HFiles which will minimize compaction impact and improves throughput  Can increase heap utilization eventually leading to OOM  High GC pauses impacting the throughput HDFS HFile Memstore Memstore Memstore HFile HFile ….. ….. Memstore
  • 30. Configuration Tuning HStore Blocking Store Files Region Server Region Region ….. Default Blocking Store Files - 10 TuningBenefitCaution  Increasing blocking store files will allow client to write more with less pauses and improves throughput  Compaction could take more time as more files could be written without blocking client HDFS HFile Memstore….. HFile HFile Memstore HFile Store HFile HFile Client HFile HFile….. …..
  • 31. Configuration Tuning HStore Blocking Wait Time Region Server Region Region ….. TuningBenefitCaution  Decreasing blocking wait time will allow client to write more with less pauses and improves throughput  Compaction could take more time as more files could be written without blocking client HDFS HFile Memstore….. HFile HFile Memstore HFile Store HFile HFile Client HFile HFile….. …..  Time for which writes on Region is blocked (Default – 90 Secs)
  • 32. Optimization Benefit Throughput Improvement Current Throughput: 150K Records/Min Improved Throughput: 260K Records/Min Optimal Configuration Reduced Resource Utilization
  • 33. Write Operation Tunings Initial Throughput: 60K Records/Min Achieved Throughput: 480K Records/Min Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
  • 34. Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check Multi Version Concurrency Control Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) is used to achieve row level ACID property in HBase. Source: Write Steps with MVCC
  • 35. Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check Issue: MVCC stuck after few hours of write operation impacting the write throughput drastically as there are 140+ columns per row Scenario Impact Throughput Throughput Records/Min Time Write point: I have a lot to write Read point: I have a lot to catch up Read point has to catch up write point to avoid high delay between read and write versions
  • 36. Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check Solution: Reduce the pressure on MVCC by storing all the 140+ columns in a single cell Scenario Throughput Records/Min Time Improvement abc def ghi { “col1”:”abc”, “col2”:”def”, “col3”,”ghi” } Column Representation col1 col2 col3 column
  • 37. Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check Optimization Benefit Stability Improvement Steady Resource Utilization
  • 38. Storage Optimization Storage is one of the important factors impacting scalability of HBase cluster Write operation throughput is mainly dependent on the average row size as it is an I/O bound process. Optimizing the storage will help us to achieve more throughput. Example: Having a Column Name as “BA_S1” instead of “Billing_Address_Street_Line_Number_One” will help in reducing the storage and improve write throughput Column Name #Characters Additional Bytes to each Row Billing_Address_Street_Line_Number_One 39 78 BA_S1 5 10
  • 39. Write Operation Tunings Initial Throughput: 60K Records/Min Achieved Throughput: 480K Records/Min Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
  • 40. Compression Compression is one of the storage optimization technique Commonly used compression algorithms in HBase • Snappy • Gzip • LZO • LZ4 Compression Ratio Gzip compression ratio is better than Snappy and LZO Resource Consumption Snappy consumes lesser resources for compression and decompression than Gzip
  • 41. Optimization Benefit Productivity Improvement Reduced Storage Costs Improved Throughput Compression Before Optimization After Optimization %Improvement Storage 3300 GB 963 GB ~71% Throughput 260K Records/Min 380K Records/Min ~42%
  • 42. Write Operation Tunings Initial Throughput: 60K Records/Min Achieved Throughput: 480K Records/Min Salting Pre-Splitting Optimal Configuration CompressionRow Size Optimization Optimal Read vs. Write Consistency Check
  • 43. Row Size Optimization Few columns out of 140+ columns were empty for most of the rows. Storing empty columns in JSON format will increase the average row size Solution: Avoid storing empty values when using JSON Example: Salesforce Scenario {“col1”:”abc”, ”col2”:”def”, ”col3”:””, ”col4”:””, ”col5”:”ghi”} Data Remove empty {“col1”:”abc”, ”col2”:”def”, ”col5”:”ghi”} Data In HBase
  • 44. Optimization Benefit Productivity Improvement Reduced Storage Costs Improved Throughput Before Optimization After Optimization %Improvement Storage 963 GB 784 GB ~19% Throughput 380K Records/Min 480K Records/Min ~26% Row Size Optimization
  • 45. RECAP
  • 46. Recap Write Throughput Initial: 60K Records/Min Achieved: 480K Records/Min SLA  175K Records/Min Optimization Salting Pre- Splitting Config. Tuning Optimal MVCC Compres s-ion Optimal Row Size Data Format  Text Influx Rate  500 MB/Min Reduced Storage Improved Stability Reduced Resource Utilization
  • 47. Best Practices Row key design • Know your data better before pre-splitting • Shorter row key but long enough for data access Minimize IO • Less number of Column Families • Shorter Column Family and Qualifier name Locality • Review the locality of regions periodically • Co-locate Region server and Data node Maximize Throughput • Minimize major compactions • Use high throughput disk
  • 48. When HBase? HBase is for you HBase is NOT for you Random read/write access to high volumes of data in real time No dependency on RDBMS features Variable schema with flexibility to add columns Single/Range of key based lookups for de-normalized data Multiple versions of Big Data Replacement for RDBMS Low data volume Scanning and aggregation on large volumes of data Replacement for batch processing engines like MapReduce/Spark
  • 49. Q & A

Editor's Notes

  1. Add picture for Agenda
  2. Talk about scale and use cases of HBase at Salesforce
  3. Client gets the location of HBase META region from Zookeeper Client get the table details from HBase META region Client invokes HBase API to write records in HBase Region Server writes the records in WAL (Write Ahead Log) Region Server writes the records in Memstore Memstore is flushed to HDFS as HFile when the flushing policy is met
  4. Write Amplification: Records will be re-written during compaction as HFiles are immutable Explain benefit of data locality
  5. Client gets the location of HBase META region from Zookeeper Client get the table details from HBase META region Client invokes HBase API to write records in HBase Region Server fetches the record from block cache in HBase If the record is not available in block cache then it fetches the record from Memstore If the record is not available in Memstore then it fetches the record from HFile
  6. Major write bottlenecks were low throughput, instability in achieved throughput and write operation never ended even after 3 days
  7. Write Operation Tunings helped to improve write throughput and stability in HBase
  8. The impact explained here is about the beginning of write cycle. After more regions gets created, salting may help in distributing the load & utilization to multiple nodes
  9. Salting and Pre-splitting together helped us to improve write operation throughput from 60K to 150K Records/Min
  10. Optimal configuration in HBase yielded higher throughput and reduced resource utilization
  11. Optimal Read vs Write Consistency Check helped to stabilize the write operation throughput and resource utilization
  12. Compression is one of the commonly used approach to reduce storage utilization. It helped to improve throughput and reduce storage utilization
  13. Reducing IO by storing only essential information helped to improve throughput and reduce storage utilization
  14. Optimized various attributes in order to achieve higher write throughput in stable manner. Some of the attributes are applicable for both read and write operation. Tuning for writes does not imply that read operation will be efficient as well. Optimizing HBase for both write and read operation might not be effective.