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 lessons  learned
Hadoop - Lessons Learned

· hadoop?  really?  cloud?
· integration
· mapreduce
· operations
· community  and  outlook
Why  Hadoop?
“It is a new and improved
version of enterprise tape
20  machines
                                       Map  Reduce
20  files,  1.5  GB  each

                                hadoop job grep.jar

                                grep “needle” file

0   17.5   35.0   52.5   70.0

                                           f a
                                      u  n
Hadoop - Lessons Learned
Hadoop - Lessons Learned
Run  your  own?
black  box

·   hadoop-cat

·   hadoop-grep

·   hadoop-range
     --prefix /logs
     --from 2012-05-15 --until 2012-05-22
     --postfix /*play*.seq | xargs hadoop jar

·   streaming  jobs
Non-Engineering  Folks

·   mount  hdfs

·   pig  /  hive

·   data  dumps
Map  Reduce
                                  HDFS files


  Split                 Split                     Split                 Split

  Map                   Map                       Map                   Map

Combiner              Combiner                  Combiner              Combiner

  Sort                  Sort                      Sort                  Sort


                                Copy and Merge

           Combiner                                        Combiner

           Reducer                                         Reducer

Job  Counters

12/05/25   01:27:38 INFO mapred.JobClient:        Reduce input records=106
12/05/25   01:27:38   INFO   mapred.JobClient:    Combine output records=409
12/05/25   01:27:38   INFO   mapred.JobClient:    Map input records=112705844
12/05/25   01:27:38   INFO   mapred.JobClient:    Reduce output records=4
12/05/25   01:27:38   INFO   mapred.JobClient:    Combine input records=64842079
12/05/25   01:27:38 INFO mapred.JobClient:        Map output records=64841776

map in                :   112705844   *********************************
map out               :    64841776   *****************
combine in            :    64842079   *****************
combine out           :         409   |
reduce in             :         106   |
reduce out            :           4   |

                                                 MAPREDUCE-346  (since  2009)
Job  Counters

map in        :   20000   **************
map out       :   40000   ******************************
combine in    :   40000   ******************************
combine out   :   10001   ********
reduce in     :   10001   ********
reduce out    :   10001   ********

mapred.reduce.tasks = 0
EOF  on  append
public class EofSafeSequenceFileInputFormat<K,V>
  extends SequenceFileInputFormat<K,V> {

public class EofSafeRecordReader<K,V>
  extends RecordReader<K,V> {
  public boolean nextKeyValue()
    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    try {
      return this.delegate.nextKeyValue();
    } catch(EOFException e) {
      return false;


 ASN1, custom java serialization, Thrift


Custom  Writables
public static class Play extends CustomWritable {

    public final LongWritable time
      = new LongWritable();

    public final LongWritable owner_id
      = new LongWritable();

    public final LongWritable track_id
      = new LongWritable();

    public Play() {
      fields = new WritableComparable[] {
        owner_id, track_id, time };
Fear  the  State

BytesWritable bytes = new BytesWritable();
byte[] buffer = bytes.getBytes();

public void reduce(
  LongTriple key,
  Iterable<LongWritable> values,
  Context ctx) {

    for(LongWritable v : values) { }
    for(LongWritable v : values) { }

public void reduce(
  LongTriple key,
  Iterable<LongWritable> values,
  Context ctx) {
    for(LongWritable v : values) { buffer.add(v); }
    for(LongWritable v : buffer.values()) { }
                             HADOOP-5266  (applied  to  0.21.0)

long min = 1;
long max = 10000000;

FastBitSet set = new FastBitSet(min, max);

for(long i = min; i<max; i++) {

Data  Structures
General  Tips

·   test  on  small  datasets,  test  on  your  machine

·   many  reducers

·   always  consider  a  combiner  and  partitioner

·   pig  /  streaming  for  one-time  jobs,
    java/scala  for  recurring

use  chef  /  puppet

runit  /  init.d

pdsh  /  dsh

    pdsh -w "hdd[001-019]" 
    "sudo sv restart /etc/sv/hadoop-tasktracker"

·   2x  name  nodes  raid  1

·   12  cores,  48GB  RAM,  xfs,  2x1TB

·   n  x  data  nodes  no  raid

·   12  cores,  16GB  RAM,  xfs,  4x2TB





# ignore

total  capacity   capacity  used

#  of  64MB  blocks
#  of  bytes  needed
#  of  bytes  used
#  bytes  reclaimed

    bzip2  /  gzip  /  lzo  /     snappy

                        io.seqfile.compression.type = BLOCK
                        io.seqfile.compression.blocksize = 512000

 -path /tmp
 -mtime 7d
The last block of an HDFS block only
occupies the required space. So a 4k
file only consumes 4k on disk.
-- Owen

                             E D
                        S T
                  B U

 -wholename "/var/log/hadoop/hadoop-*" 
 -wholename "/var/log/hadoop/job_*.xml" 
 -wholename "/var/log/hadoop/history/*" 
 -wholename "/var/log/hadoop/history/.*.crc" 
 -wholename "/var/log/hadoop/history/done/*" 
 -wholename "/var/log/hadoop/history/done/.*.crc" 
 -wholename "/var/log/hadoop/userlogs/attempt_*" 
 -mtime +7 


     fs.file-max = 128000


    hdfs hard nofile 128000
    hdfs soft nofile 64000
    mapred hard nofile 128000
    mapred soft nofile 64000

before   localhost localhost.localdomain hdd01

hadoop    localhost localhost.localdomain    hdd01
site  config


topology  script

    location = {
      ''   =>   '/ams/1',
      ''         =>   '/ams/1',
      ''   =>   '/ams/2',
      ''         =>   '/ams/2',

    puts { |ip| location[ARGV.first] || '/default-rack' }.join(' ')
Fix  the  Policy

for f in `hdfs hadoop fsck / | grep "Replica
placement policy is violated" | awk -F: '{print $1}'
| sort | uniq | head -n1000`; do
  hadoop fs -setrep -w 4 $f
  hadoop fs -setrep 3 $f

hadoop fsck / -openforwrite -files | grep -i
"OPENFORWRITE: MISSING 1 blocks of total size" | awk
'{print $1}' | xargs -L 1 -i hadoop dfs -mv {} /lost


              *  from

     The  Enterprise  Effect

“The  Community  Effect”  (in  2011)
Hadoop - Lessons Learned
Hadoop - Lessons Learned



             *  from
The  Future

                real  time

                             refined  API
 flexible  pipelines

         refined  implementation
Real  Time  Datamining  and  Aggregation  at  Scale  (Ted  Dunning)

        Eventually  Consistent  Data  Structures  (Sean  Cribbs)

            Real-time  Analytics  with  HBase  (Alex  Baranau)

Profiling  and  performance-tuning  your  Hadoop  pipelines  (Aaron  Beppu)

         From  Batch  to  Realtime  with  Hadoop  (Lars  George)

         Event-Stream  Processing  with  Kafka  (Tim  Lossen)

    Real-/Neartime  analysis  with  Hadoop  &  VoltDB  (Ralf  Neeb)
Take  Aways

· use  hadoop  only  if  you  must
· really  understand  the  pipeline
· unbox  the  black  box
That’s  it  

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Bhajan Mehta
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Priyanka Aash
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FIDO Alliance
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Sara Kroft
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FIDO Alliance
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webbyacad software
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