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Brad Makes Sous Vide Mountain Ribs

We’re back with another episode of It’s Alive with Brad and today the big guy is preparing sous vide ribs to pack away and bring into the great outdoors for finishing over a roaring grill. Brad’s Mountain Ribs are topped with a sweet and spicy sauce made with fermented black bean paste, honey, chilies and other fun stuff, resulting in fall-off-the-bone goodness.

Released on 10/31/2021


[screeching tires, crash, glass breaking]

Take two Kev. Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam.

Hey guys, today on It's Alive,

we're gonna be making Sous Vide mountain rib, all right?

First, you do it on the Sous Vide.

You pack pack it in a vac bag.

You can bring it in the woods.

You can bring it on the beach.

Just reheat it over fire. Easy.

And I'm gonna show you how to do it.

I'm gonna go park the hog.

No, I'm just parking here.

You didn't have to film in that guys,

that was not part of the game plan.

[Upbeat Music]

Yeah, so today we're gonna be using the

St. Louis cut rib, which is similar to like the baby back,

which is that very traditional little,

it's like the actually kind of the size of my finger,

a little U there, right?

Just like that, that very classic rib shape.

The St. Louis which I'm using,

just a little bit longer on the bone length,

little more meat, little less trim sometimes.

Either are more work and they're all just as great.

So it's really just a personal preference.

And then we're gonna make the little sauce here,

I got a little fermented black bean,

[clears throat] little fermented,

Jesus' Christmas. Fermented black bean paste.

It's basically just black beans,

some salt, and they ferment it.

It's a new mommy bomb and there's a lot of different brands,

if you can get your hands on em. [explosion sound]

[cork squeak and pop]

And it's just a great kind of base for like a,

kind of a riff on a barbecue sauce, you know?

So yeah, we're going to add a quarter cup of that.

And then right down the line, quarter cup of Sesame oil.

If you don't have Sesame oil or it's not your thing,

olive oil, sunflower, you know, whatever,

whatever nice little oil you want. Grape seed, yeah.

Soy sauce, Shoyu, whatever you wanna use.

I didn't open these bottles. I'm sorry about that.

I noticed. Oh, you mother effer.


Three tablespoons. Who writes that?

What a jerk, we're probably gonna do about a quarter cup.


Oh honey, we're gonna do two tablespoons.

Hold on, hold on. Don't don't botch this Brad.


I wanna make my own honey here. Right?

Put a little hive back there. I got orchard trees.

I mean, there's so many bees but then you're like,

there's so many yellow jackets. I wanna get some

[cash register chime] make like a honey operation.

Stay tuned.

Three cloves garlic, kind of just nip off that

little woody end and we're just going to run em

through the micro planer.

You can mince em up, you can chop em up,

you could do whatever you want.

I like to get it into a nice paste and you can

kind of just rub it all over it, you know.

Two scallions, sliced. We're mimicking a braise.

We're gonna lock all its own juices and our own flavors

into the bag. We're gonna just slow and slow.

Just kind of braise em in its own fat and

the seasoning that we got.

It's a beautiful thing. And if pork ain't your thing,

you could do this with chicken.

You could do this with vegetables.

You can do it with anything.

One Fresno, crushed. I'm gonna slice it.

Little deviation of the recipe, not a problem.

It's mine. And I, you know what, I support that.

Fool around, these are inspiration.

For me that's what cookbooks are,

inspiration. [inspirational music]

Fresno for a little heat, optional.

Black pepper, and it's a mixture.

It's like my table pepper, what I use for everything.

If I call for pepper, I'm calling for this

where it's 50, 50 black pepper and pink peppercorns.

And they get this real, you know speckled with that

red kind of that husk, that skin around a pink peppercorn.

We're gonna add two teaspoons or something like that.

I'll add a little bit to the meat too, just 'cause I can.

I just can't help myself, I don't even care.

Okay, I've got a nice little nub of ginger here.

That works for me.

Almost forgot, same deal.

Grate that bad boy right in there.

Do a little mixy mix. Get your favorite stirring spoon.

Mud City, right?

If we're feeling really fancy, and I recommend

doing this with just about all large cuts of meat like this.

Any cut of meat, really.

Go ahead and rub it with salt, you put it in your fridge

on a tray like this or something.

You just let that salt penetrate, that's something that will

really allow that seasoning to get down

to the bone and it just kinda changes.

It's kind of the best thing you can do when cooking meat.

That's all I'm gonna say.

Let's cut these into our sections.

There we go, nice little snack right there.

That's like, we'll give to Kev.

You've got a dog, we're sitting on the river,

it's like Charlie, [Kiss sound kiss sound]

you give him that piece, [dog barking] you know?

There we go. All right, right in between there.

And then now we just kinda rub em real nice.

I kinda do it in the bag, you know?

Let's see if my portions are okay,

cos you wanna leave a little bit of a head space

so that you can obviously seal it.

There we go, get in there. Nice.

Nice little rib pocket. And I'll dress it all up

in there, little more pep.

Oh yeah.

Oh, pink peppercorn, man.

You guys mess with pink peppercorn much?

Guess not.

And now we're gonna sauce em.

Oh, okay that's nice. Yeah.

Don't waste anything. Not one of my recipes, all right?

They're all good.

I gotta wash my hands.

I'll be back.

All right, so what I like to do,

you want everything to go down as far as possible.

And I like to give it a nice little wipe,

get all that little, you know,

any residual sauce or oil or something that might

interfere with our

our fusing process

which I'm gonna show you.

This machine sucks.


I don't like that.

No, no, no fail fail.

It's not even sucking.

Needs a little more horsepower.

This thing is a lame duck.

Take one. Let me go get the other machine.

The other machine.



That was weird, huh?

So we're out here in the fields. We were popping fuses.

We're out here pulling electrical currents through

like 16 extension cords.

But you know, we were pulling too much current

for this kind of an operation.

So I took the vac bags inside and I just plugged the

vac bag in the machine, you know, in the house.

Regular old straight up, seal that baby up.

And what I did, is I did Bradley on these

patented trademarked sous vide seals, okay?

You're going to do about four or five of those bad boys

up there and just make sure that nothing, you know,

we don't want nothing getting out, all right?

So we've got this thing set up.

We gotta set to 74 degrees Celsius.

That's about 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

We'll pop these bad boys right in.

And they're sous vide, so yeah,

what we're doing, we have our pork,

all of them's flavors, the garlic, the ginger,

the fermented black bean paste,

all sitting in there. And as it starts to cook,

hits 165, it'll carry that temperature all the way

through to the bone.

[upbeat music] And all those juices and fats will

make this really nice kind of delicious

sweet and spicy kinda fatty sauce

which I use to brush on the ribs later.

But this will cook it hands-off you can walk away.

No big deal, 165. It's never going to do anything else.

If it's one thing that it does, it's consistent.

It's just to hold that temperature.

So, we're going to let that go, four hours.

[lounge music]

Pull them out. Look at that.

Not falling apart, but tender.

Like you braised it.

Oh yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

So look, not falling apart.

I mean, look at that. Beautiful.

If you want to bring it to mush and super soft,

kick up the temperature a little bit.

170 will get you there.

Oh my God.



And look, that's all the pork fat and some olive oil.

Or no, we put the Sesame oil in there. I'm sorry.

And this will be just a nice little brushing.

And as we cook em this little fat and sugar and seasoning,

I'm just gonna lacquer on there and build a

quick little crust on it.

It's gonna be fantastic.

Behind me, I made a little fire back there.

It should be cooked down perfect.

We're gonna take a walk over there and crisp

these up and finish em.

Oh, before we do that,

don't go anywhere.

We're in my backyard. Lovely.

And there's an invasive plant,

tree called the Autumn Olive.

It looks like an olive tree similar in leaves,

but they produce these little red berries

and I've been fooling around with em around the house here.

And this was one of them where I fermented it and just

packed it with sugar and let it ferment

and then added some vinegar.

And I'm going to add just a little bit of that because it's

like a sweet tangy nice little nice little nice.

I'm gonna add some of the liquid.

And a few berries for good fun.

I will clean this up and

we're gonna take a little field trip.

Field trips. That's what they used to call them, right?

When you got to like, your mom had to give like

25 bucks or whoever the hell owns you at the time.

And you know, you had to get permission slip

and you would go like to the museum. Field trips.

Do you have any favorite field trips you remember?


No. I never got to go on any.


So we got a nice little fire burned down.

Threw another little log on there.

We can just kiss it with a little flame here.

I'm gonna give the meat just a quick little brush.

Put a little fat on the outside.

Put a little extra sugar on there.

Some of that vinegar from that fermented sweet Autumn Olive.

Kev, you wanna go on a field trip?

[Kev] Yeah man

Follow me babe.

Everyone else, stay here.

[Crowd moans sadly]

Check it out, bud.

You see how it kind of looks like an olive tree?

But it's got these little Beauts on em.

Now kids or adults or anyone for that matter.

If you don't exactly know what it is,

especially the little red berries, don't go eat them.



[car revving]

Bah bah bah bah.

Anyway, little tannins, little Autumn Olives.

And that's what we got in our little,

our fermented thing over there that we put in our sauce.

All right, fun little field trip, bud, all right.

Back to the fire.

I like cooking out in the woods.

You know, A, it gives it a nice flavor

and it's just, for me, it's fun.

And it brings me back to you know,

why I wrote this recipe.

And it was because cooking it with friends in the woods,

you know, a little mountain Sous Vide ribs.

This meat is already completely thoroughly cooked.

Ready to go, right when we took it out of the bag.

All that we were trying to achieve here is that

nice caramelization, little bit of crust,

a little bit of crispiness on there

and a little bit of smoke flavor.

Not in really like, kissing it and cooking it

a little bit over, finishing it on the fire.

Let's go try it.

Let's cut into a little, a little pair here.

See what we're dealing with.

Oh yeah.

So look, this is what we're gonna do, I'll cut that in half.

You know, someone's gonna want like just, Hey,

you know what? Just give me the slab.

And the rest, we'll make some little finger grabbers here.

I love ribs and we'll hit it with a little bit more of all

the fat that it was cooking in, the chillies.

All right.

Boom, scallions on there.

Bon Appetit.

Alright, let's get in there.

Great flavor. Sweetness, little tangy.

It's awesome. I mean like you can see right there.

Tender. Perfect. For being a rib.

You know, if you just did that on the grill

and cooked it, it would take forever.

So we achieved that tenderness in the Sous Vide and then

we just kissed it on the fire.

So the fire is adding that my artery action,

that caramelization, that crushed buildup.

Where you get a little bit of a texture change.

You get a little bit more of a flavor of development and

it's charring meat. I mean, you can't go wrong.

All right, so Sous Vide mountain ribs.

One of the recipes from my book.

Field Notes For Food Adventures. All right.

We can do them together. You can just pretend I'm there.

And maybe one day we'll bump into each other and we'll

actually cook these, you know,

something in the woods together.

Maybe not, but either way,

Sous Vide mountain ribs. Recipe's in here.

Cook em on a fire and have fun doing it.

Bon Appetit.

Sir? That's for kids only.

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