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Brad Makes Miso Fermented Fries

It's Alive with Brad Leone is back for episode 83 and this time he's making fermented miso potatoes. Now folks, this french fry recipe is good enough to be in a 5-star restaurant and cost you $50 a plate. But now for a limited time, this recipe can be yours for just the time it takes to watch an 11 minute long video! Act fast!

Released on 05/17/2021


[knife scrapes] You like that noise?

You too can get that for 79.99

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Bradley only sear signature series knife

[knife scrapes] [playful music]

Who wants to dance

or make me some fermented potatoes?

[upbeat cheerful music]

Ooh, it's almost too-

I almost shouldn't have shared it

and like put it in a restaurant and sold it or

something or...

[upbeat cheerful music]

Hey guys, today in It's Alive.

we're going to be making miso lacto-fermented potatoes,


You want to get nice organic Idaho potatoes if you can.

You want to go ahead,

you want to be that person at the store,

or at the farmer's market going ahead and inspect them.

Look for a nice one.

You want a couple,

You want no blemishes, no rod spots.

You don't want any of the little eyes starting to grow.

A nice, solid

perfect potato and loved potatoes.

I washed him nice.

Little scrubby scrub

with some fresh water.

Okay. I'm going to leave the skin on.

I'm a big fan of the skin of potatoes.

And I don't really,

also just not a huge fan of peeling them.

That's not true. I actually kinda like it,

but we're not going to do that today.

So what we're going to do is cut these into like,

say three eights.

I'm going to make one perfect one.

Just to show you,

this is what I like to do.

Three eight by three eight,

by three eight by three eight,

by three eight by three eight,

If they're too thin,

when you cook them it just gets crispy.

And I want the inside to

still have some potato cause I really liked potato

and that's going to be our little chip, mate.

Wish I had an English accent.

Chip, mate. [cheerful light music]

Actually I wish I was Australian to tell you the truth.

[funky music] Chip, mate.

If there was something that...

God, Nevermind.

Any little dark marks, little booboo spots,

you're just going to go ahead and nip those right off.

All right.

That is not going to help when we seal it up in a bag

with some miso and a little salt to ferment.

In fact, it'll probably ruin it.

So, you want to get rid of any bad spots and take your time.


Take your time.

[slow violin music]

Basically, we're just going to do a lacto-ferment

which we're going to introduce a miso and that's going to,

you know, it's going to have a little bit of party in it

but it's just going to add some umami

and big flavor to it.

I'm using white miso here, about a half a cup.

And white miso tends to be a little sweeter

and have a little bit of a lower salt level

than say a red miso or other types.

So I like to add

let's just say about a teaspoon, little less.

Season like that a little bit, just like that.

A little bit of salt

and then just massage the miso right into it.

You really just want to try to cover, just give a good-

I need a bigger bowl.

We don't have one.

Can we get a bigger bowl, for the love of God.

This has gotta be painful to watch.

[upbeat music]

Yeah, just now Brad.

Just started getting painful

and this is going to be left out at room temperature

around 73 degrees, up to 80.

for the most part it's really just the bacteria and yeast

and the microorganisms found on the potato

on the outside, on the inside that are going to be

consuming its own sugars and starch and giving off gas

and fermenting the potato itself.

As the salt from the miso

and the salt that we added draws out moisture,

this will start to swell up a little bit

and it'll get real loose

and there'll be a nice little brine in there.

It's kind of like a fermented, a lacto-fermented

semi lactic acid pickled potato,

that we're then going to pat dry

and roast in the oven.

Do a little dippy dip if you want.

Let's vac this up.

[machine rattling]

Didn't get me that time, NutriChef

[drum rattling]

Got it!

[funky music]

Oh God.

And this is great because look

you can do these ahead of time.

You let it ferment for five days.

It gets real nice.

You keep it in the fridge for two.

You got some friends coming over.

Boom. Lacto-fermented miso potatoes

with your little steak

or little

[funky music]

roasted eggplant

or whatever you're into.

Again, I've said this before.

What I like about the vac bag,

especially potatoes

you start cutting potatoes, letting them hang out

they oxidize,

they get a little ugly on you in color.


In the vac bag, we sucked out the air.

I mean, there's still oxygen in there.

There's still some in there, right?

I mean, it's not a perfect vacuum.

It's not space for God's sakes

[upbeat music]


[elevator music]

My watch. You stole my watch?

I thought I had a watch?

Kev, five days later.

Look at that.

You fell asleep. On the third day it got real puffy.

I had to cut it open.

Let a little air out.

Sleeping on the job, Kev, but I got it and we're here.

It had nice little bubbles.

You can't really see it now, but it was active.

It was nice.

So let's open this up and we're going to

get the potatoes out of there.


I mean, this might sound silly,

but it still smells like miso starchy potatoes

and you know what? That's a good thing.

If you open up this bag and it smells like hot garbage

and it smells disgusting and you go, Oh!

Get rid of it. Dispose of it.

Do not move further at all.

All right. So let's get these out of the bag.

I'm going to lay them out on a little

parchment lined sheet tray.

I don't know where it is.

You know where the half sheet trays are, Kev?

Smoking mirrors.

Kev, you can't come in here.

Do you have a half sheet?

[elevator music]

[beep] lying to me.

He said it's in here. Oh, it's right here.

[Hunzi] When did we get a backstage area?

[Hunzi] Backstage? Yeah.

No, you have passes?

You have a badge?

No backstage without passes, pal. [beep]

Back to our potatoes.

Now they're all ready

because look

it's already kind of soft and starting to like break down.

So like, it should be,

it shouldn't take as long to cook.

It's already starting to decompose

and break down and get more bioavailable as we eat.

So let's just cook it to see what happens, alright?

Found a bigger bowl.

Feeling like a buck short bud.

Now we're just going to do a little drizzle of olive oil

alright, Kev?

Jesus Christ.

Okay. Look, that looks good.

Just a little bit.

We're going to mix that up

just so it's nice and evenly coated.


Now we want to spread them out.

Keep your six millimeters here.

Different regulations for the potatoes.

Now I'm going to pop these in the oven.


keep an eye on it.


I'm going to keep an eye on 'em about 15 minutes or so,

but that's not science. [upbeat music]

So we're just going to have to keep an eye on them

and watch.


[suspenseful music]

[elevator music]

Alright, Potatoes are done.

It's been about 15, 16, 17 minutes.

Look at those bad boys.

This is nice.

This is my miso.

This is my lacto fermented miso potato plate, obviously.

Well, let's just put them right on there, huh?

Yeah. Ooh.

And then look,

Kevin, when you were eating lunch

I made a little, little aioli.

[upbeat music]

Just a little two egg yolks, some olive oil,

put a little miso in there,

and put a little vinegar in there.

A little salt.

I microplaned a little garlic in there.

This is why you should've get it right and



And there we go.

I've paid for a lot worse and I haven't even tried it yet.

Kev, let's just observe real quick.

Look at that beautiful bubble edge

on the outside of the potato.

Let's open one up and see what's happening on the inside.

Okay. Yep.

Cooked all the way through.

Little aioli.

Oh my God.

[funky music]

It has almost like a little remnants,

like a little flavor of like a pickle,

like a deep fried pickle.

It's kind of perfect.

That potato is perfectly cooked

and tender all the way throughout.

It's like, it's not overly starchy.

I bet you it's easier to digest too.

I bet you it's a healthier.

I'm going to go ahead and dare I say

a healthier alternative to a French Fry.

[grunts] Let's open up the fatter one.

See, look, the starchiness gets like more

gets like a little more like set.

Almost like custardy. Not a bad way.

And like, Oh, hold on.

I bet you in that bag that we strained.

Look a lot of the starch.

If you let that sit for awhile, it would probably settle.

A lot of the starch is probably drawn out,

which is why you get that nice little

blistery kind of outside skin.

And then the inside is a little bit more.


this is a good idea.

And a good recipe.

[grunts] [funky music]

I don't really like sweet fries.

This is savory.

This has a

really savory.

If this even makes sense

a nice little savory sweetness to it.

It's perfect.

This is so good, Kevin.

You're going to love eating these

when you make them at home.


I feel like I said this

not too long ago, maybe I'm just getting good.

[drum rattling]

This is one of the best things I've ever made.

I feel like Morocco would say that.

He'd be like

This is one of the best things you ever said.

in his like half English accent.

Chip, mate.

That's good.

So here we go.


No, here we go.




Kid's like it.

Uncle Tony might like it.

I don't have an uncle Tony, but if I did

he's going to eat this one.

A little aioli. Step it up a little bit.

Just impress people, you know,

do a little more, a little extra,

or just put ketchup on it.

I don't care whatever you're into, but make them at home.

Ferment them.

Ferment at home.

I love you. Bon appetit.

Bon appetit.

You know what I get stuck in my head sometimes

I really love at the end when it's like a

watching more or something.

It's just like [humming]

[laughing] I love that.

I love that it says just watch more.

Cue up the watch more, Hunzi.

Ah, there it is.

And you wait for the little beat.

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