Haryana Police works like D company, says BJP leader Aditya Devi Lal

Haryana Police works like D company, says BJP leader Aditya Devi Lal
SIRSA: In a shocking turn of events, BJP leader Aditya Devi Lal, the chairman of the Haryana agriculture marketing board, has made serious allegations against the Sirsa police.
During a grievances meeting presided over by minister of state Bishamber Singh Balmiki in Sirsa, Devi Lal claimed that the police had falsely implicated seven men from Kaluna village in a false case and had failed to take action against the real culprits.

Devi Lal supported the villagers' claims that the police had taken bribes and had lodged an FIR against the complainants instead of taking action against the accused. He demanded that the investigating officer be suspended and the check-post in-charge be transferred.
However, Minister of State Bishamber Singh intervened and asked the Dabwali Superintendent of Police Deepti Garg to form a two-member committee to investigate the matter which led to resentment for Aditya Devi Lal who made attacks on police and BJP leaders in front of MOS.
Aditya Devi Lal was scathing in his criticism of the police and the government. He accused the police of being corrupt and the government of failing to ensure justice for the people. He said that the police were doing "gunda-gardi" (goondaism) and that police stations had become "bribe places." He also accused the government of helping administrative officials and burying the issue raised by the villagers ¹.
However, Minister of State Bishamber Singh assured that justice would prevail and that the committee would submit its report in the next two days. But Devi Lal was unimpressed and accused the minister of helping the police and the administrative officials. He said that everything is fixed in every police check post. "Police chowkis are dukaan (shop), police stations are adda (junction) and SP is a D company. One who raise voice against the police, faces FIR and action.
The BJP leader said to MOS that "I have no trust on your two-member committee. You and our government have failed to ensure justice to the people. SP has become a D company. If the minister is taking the side of SP, DC and other officials, what is the need of leaders in the electoral system? Tickets should be given to the SPs and DCs. If innocent people will be arrested, who will keep faith in the government?" he said.
About the Author

Vijender Kumar, a ground reporter based at Jind district of Haryana. Kumar has cracked Aadhar scam, closely covered farmer's agitation against three farm laws which now have been repealed. He has been covered Corona outbreak on ground. He covers especially farmer's,women and youth issues.

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