Cash and Voucher-Based Intervention
The Cash and Voucher -TT was a time-bound group established to facilitate partners' engagement in developing position papers and practical guidance on cash-based interventions in humanitarian contexts and their implications for the health sector. The Task Team was disbanded in 2024, but all related resources are available on this page.


Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) is a rapidly expanding modality for delivering humanitarian assistance. However, no single modality (cash, in-kind, support to service delivery, or technical support) is sufficient for meeting humanitarian health objectives, achieving public health outcomes, and mitigating the impacts of future disasters.

In 2018, the Cash and Voucher -TT, a time-bound group, supported through CashCap, was established to facilitate partners' engagement in developing position papers and practical guidance on cash-based interventions in humanitarian contexts and their implications for the health sector.

The Task Team was disbanded in 2024 after careful consideration by the Global Health Cluster's Strategic Advisory Group.

This page will host all materials developed by the Task Team and will be updated as other relevant documents become available.



Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and health: case studies



Evidence and feasibility of cash and voucher assistance for sexual and reproductive health services in humanitarian emergencies



Video tutorial series: Improving health through Cash and Voucher Assistance

This three-part series from the CALP Network explores where and how Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can support health sector outcomes. Health needs are often unpredictable and unaffordable and require quality control of the supply of healthcare, whilst most CVA is set up to respond to average monthly costs. The videos explore key challenges, opportunities, and the latest tools and best practices for analyzing options and developing responses. Stressing the importance of contextual analysis and strong coordination between CVA and sector actors, the series reviews how different modalities can play a role in meeting humanitarian health objectives to achieve public health outcomes and mitigate the impacts of future disasters and CVA goals to ensure basic needs are met. You can also access the content as PowerPoint presentations. 

The series is available in Arabic, French and Spanish.



Additional resources




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