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COVID-19 Compendium of Tools

The COVID-19 compendium of tools is a library of COVID-19 standard operating procedures, protocols, checklists, dashboard designs, illustrations, and more from health clusters and partners in different contexts. The compendium aims to compile best practice tools for future pandemic/ epidemic preparedness efforts. In total 199 documents were reviewed of which 147 were accepted following a quality check based on alignment with SPRP pillars, evidence-based references and utility for countries.

The work on the Compendium was overseen by the Global Health Cluster (GHC) COVID-19 Task Team. The online compendium offers access with search and filter functions. Documents are structured in line with the ten pillars of the 2021 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan. Tools are available in several languages, including English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.

Disclaimer: The COVID-19 compendium of tools has been developed, implemented, and tested by various Health Cluster countries. The Global Health Cluster (GHC) has tried to quality check and verify the technical information in these country, context, and partner-specific tools. 

Users should exercise their judgment and seek the advice of subject matter experts where appropriate. The GHC or the World Health Organization does not endorse the documents in this Compendium. They are made available only for knowledge and practice-sharing based on two years of the COVID-19 response.

Please note that the Compendium of Tools is only accessible to GHC Coordinators and partners at the moment. We are working to make this widely available – Documents linked in the Dashboard can be made available to non-partners upon request.