Accountability to Affected Populations

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Accountability to affected populations is an active commitment to use power responsibly by taking account of, giving account to, and being held to account by the people humanitarian organisations seek to assist. 


The Operational Guidance on Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and the Minimum Standards for AAP within Health Cluster responses

This meticulously crafted practical guidance is strategically devised to empower Health Cluster Coordinators and their collaborative partners in the establishment of resilient, seamlessly coordinated accountability systems. These systems serve as the conduit through which affected populations are empowered to play an active role in shaping the nature, delivery, and quality of the assistance they are provided.

The updated guidance builds upon the foundation laid in 2017, offering a more practical and streamlined approach to AAP for Health Clusters and their partners. Developed through extensive consultation with a wide range of Global Health Cluster partners, these materials closely adhere to the Core Humanitarian Standard and the IASC AAP framework. In addition to key actions for each phase of the HPC, the guidance offers suggested indicators, adaptable templates for Health Clusters, and valuable links to AAP tools tailored for health-related initiatives.

Other documents and annexes

For support and/or inquiries* regarding the introduction of these resources, Please reach out to James Sport, Global Health Cluster AAP Advisor –

*As part of our commitment to supporting country Health Clusters, the Operational Guidance and Standards will be rolled out with dedicated assistance throughout the remainder of 2023 and into 2024.