Humanitarian Programme Cycle implementation package

Humanitarian Programme Cycle implementation package

WHO / Blink Media - Mustafa Saeed
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The Global Health Cluster thanks Health Cluster Coordinators and Information Management Officers for feedback and suggestions for developing the JIAF 2.0 and its roll-out during 2023. These inputs have been collated by the GHC IM unit and have been instrumental in refining the package for implementing the HPC.

The GHC unit, with the support of IMMAP, continues to provide bilateral technical support to Health Clusters to implement the HPC process. For country-level support, you can reach out to your focal point at the GHC.


Package for the implementation of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle

Humanitarian response plans (HRPs) are required for any humanitarian crisis requiring the support of more than one agency and are prepared by humanitarian country teams (HCTs) based on a humanitarian needs overview. The most recent in-depth guidance and templates are available below.



Additional guidance