COVID-19 resources and guidance

COVID-19 resources and guidance

© Dr. Sultan Mahmood / Concern Worldwide / June 2020
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COVID-19 lessons learned and good practices briefs

COVID-19 Lessons learned studies

The purpose of this study was to better understand and review how the coordination of coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 responses has been occurring in humanitarian...

In 2022, the Global Health Cluster initiated this study to examine multisectoral collaboration for CO VID-19 in humanitarian settings to further understand...

The purpose of the study is to better understand good practices as well as challenges faced in regard to the equitable deployment and administration...

COVID-19 Lessons learned studies: French

Résumé analytiqueLa présente étude a pour objectif d’examiner et de mieux cerner la manière dont la coordination...

Résumé d’orientationEn 2022, le GSMS a lancé cette étude pour examiner la collaboration multisectorielle en matière...

AperçuL’objectif de l’étude est de mieux comprendre ce qui conditionne le déploiement et l’administration équitables...

GHC COVID-19 Tools

GHC COVID-19 Documents

20 March 2024

Impact analysis of COVID-19 on humanitarian health response

1 February 2023

GHC Presentation of COVID-19 vaccination in humanitarian settings at Joint Convening, February 2023

6 January 2023

2022 COVID-19 Vaccination in Humanitarian Settings Report

16 December 2021

Reaching 70% vaccine coverage for COVID-19 - What will it take to reach people facing humanitarian crises?

6 December 2021

Barriers to Gender Based Violence (GBV) health services in humanitarian settings during COVID-19

7 May 2021

GHC position paper: COVID-19 vaccination in humanitarian settings

28 February 2021

Analysis of NDVPS for COVID-19 vaccination in humanitarian settings – March 2021

15 December 2020

Health workforce estimator in humanitarian settings

15 December 2020

GHC guidance note: Prioritizing Essential Health Services

25 November 2020

GHC study findings: country-based key informant interviews

15 November 2020

GHC tools: ethics key questions

15 November 2020

GHC study: COVID-19 survey findings

COVID-19 Guidance

Critical preparedness and response


Essential health services


Essential resource planning


Infection Prevention and Control / WASH


Laboratory and diagnosis


Mass gatherings


Risk communication and community engagement


Schools, businesses and institutions


Surveillance, case investigation and epidemiological protocols


Travel, Points of Entry and Border Health


Vulnerable populations and fragile settings









The Global Health Cluster is organizing regular calls with partners and Health Cluster Coordinators to share information on the current response. Notes for the record are internal and available at:

Surveillance, case investigation and epidemiological protocols


Travel, Points of Entry and Border Health


Vulnerable populations and fragile settings









The Global Health Cluster is organizing regular calls with partners and Health Cluster Coordinators to share information on the current response. Notes for the record are internal and available at: