Health Cluster Coordinator Webinars

Regular webinars are held for Health Cluster Coordinators to share challenges or gaps related to Health Cluster response at the country level. The GHC unit provides technical support, collaborates with subject matter experts and gathers good practices and lessons learned in low-resource and humanitarian settings. Webinars occur based on need and the topics are requested by Health Cluster Coordinators.


2023 Webinars

Humanitarian Health Quality of Care Toolkit – 13 July 2023

Health Cluster Coordinators gained valuable insights  for implementing quality of care during the webinar. They collectively reflected on experiences improving their humanitarian response strategies. The webinar also provided essential guidance on efficiently accessing and leveraging the Toolkit's resources.

Accountability to Affected Populations (APP) – 18 April 2023

HCCs had the opportunity to learn about the GHC project to revise Health Cluster AAP Guidance and discuss the results of the Survey sent to global partners and HCCs as well as the establishment of an informal GHC AAP Working Group for an initial period May-September 2023. 


Past Webinars


Agenda Barriers analysis in PiN & Using it for Response Option Analysis Assessment and Response Option Analysis – TOT for a Stakeholders Workshop (30 August 2022)


Health Cluster Coordinators' webinar on Rapid Gender Analysis (17 May 2022)

Presentation on Rapid Gender Analysis by CARE International, HCCs had the opportunity to learn about Gender analysis and identify key issues contributing to gender inequalities, exploring how gendered power relations give rise to discrimination, subordination and exclusion in society, particularly when overlaid across other areas of marginalization due to class, ethnicity, caste, age, disability status, sexuality, etc.

Public Health Information Services (PHIS) (15 March 2022)

Presentation of the Information Management Team and overview of general information management function, PHIS introduction and Q&A as well as the introduction of services and tools available to support information management such as the 5 newest features of EWARS-in-a-box and the HeRAMS initiative

Stand-by Partnership Mechanism (22 February 2022)

Presentation on Stand-by partnership mechanism, current process and practical tips including Experiences from Country Health Clusters. Highlighting that 40% of all SBP deployments in a year are traditionally in support of the Health Clusters in countries, and concluding with the ongoing agreements with Partners to expand the roster of candidates available.

Em Care (13 October 2021)

Presentation from WHO Digital Health and Innovation Department to introduce the Em Care. The goal of Em Care is to improve early diagnosis and outcomes for mothers and children in emergency settings with relevant up-to-date guidance from WHO. Health Cluster Coordinators were asked to support the development by sharing experiences from the field. 

People in Need and Severity Guidance (13 July 2021)

Presentation on how the Health People in Need (PiN) is calculated and review of the Health PiN checklist. Health Cluster Coordinators had the opportunity to ask questions to address concerns and challenges they are facing.

Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) Cholera App (7 July 2021) 

Presentation from the WHO Cholera team and GTFCC focal point to introduce the Cholera App. As part of the effective implementation of the Ending Cholera: A Global Roadmap to 2030, the GTFCC developed a phone-based application containing technical information and practical documents to provide clear guidance and up-to-date information for early detection, monitoring and efficient response to cholera outbreaks. Health Cluster Coordinators had a demo of the App, including practical examples adapted to humanitarian settings. 

COVID-19 vaccination in humanitarian settings (2 March 2021)

Presentation to update on the humanitarian buffer included in the vaccine pillar (COVAX) of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. Shared the update from the GHC COVID-19 Task Team on the creation of a Vaccine Working Group to track and monitor COVID-19 vaccination. Health Cluster Coordinators shared best practices in coordinating vaccination in humanitarian settings. 

COVID-19 vaccine humanitarian buffer (13 November 2020)

Presentation to update on the humanitarian buffer included in the vaccine pillar (COVAX) of the Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator. Shared the commitment of WHO and partners to secure access, allocation, distribution and implementation of COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics to populations that might not be included in national allocation and access mechanisms.

COVID-19 Task Team presentation of findings (29 September 2020)

The GHC COVID-19 Task Team and partners Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and READY Initiative presented results of the findings of a survey and case studies. The survey was open to all countries were there is an activated Health Cluster and country cases studies were conducted in six countries (Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Chad, Iraq, Nigeria and Yemen). Findings from both will be used by the Task Team to gather insights on operational challenges and technical gaps in adapting existing guidance relevant to humanitarian settings.

Collective services for RCCE (8 September 2020)

Presentation on the Collective Service for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) from WHO, IFRC and OCHA. Health Cluster Coordinators gave feedback on the strategic approach of the collective service: to strengthen coordinated approaches; improve quality and shift the focus towards community engagement; amplify the views and perspectives of communities; and strengthen local capacity and existing coordination mechanisms.

Gender-based violence HRP analysis (4 August 2020)

Informational presentation on the integration of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) risk mitigation and response in the health sector. Desk review of GBV inclusion in 2020 Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) and key recommendations for the 2021 cycle.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (21 July 2020)

Shared updates on guidance and quality standards handbooks on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in the context of COVID-19 and in humanitarian emergencies. Information on the integration of MHPSS in needs assessments, Humanitarian Needs Overviews and Humanitarian Response Plans, and technical support on prevalence estimates in multiple emergency settings.

Health PiN Calculator and Health PiN Guidance follow-up session (14 July 2020)

Review of PiN principles and formula, technical support for calculating severity and update on intersectoral PiN and severity calculations. Question and answer session to address questions regarding inaccessible populations, how to address missing or unavailable data and the integration of COVID-19 PiN and severity.

Use of masks in humanitarian settings (1 December 2020)

Update on latest revisions and updates to infection prevention and control guidance, review of masking risks and benefits, types of masks and supply management. Discussion on modes of transmission and community-based mask production.

Health people in need guidance (23 June 2020)

Technical support from GHC unit on how the Health People in Need (PiN) is calculated and review of the Health PiN checklist. Question and answer session offered to address concerns and challenges faced by Health Cluster Coordinators.

Gender-based violence in the COVID-19 context (9 June 2020)

Review of gender-based violence (GBV) in the COVID-19 crisis and available resources to integrate GBV into the COVID-19 response. Example of Health Cluster Coordinator perspective from GBV work in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh integrated in the Rohingya Refugee Response.

Strengthening multi-sector collaboration (26 May 2020)

Update from GHC on the revised Global Humanitarian Response Plan and the Global Cluster Coordination Group work on multi-sector collaboration. Presentation from the Nigeria Health Cluster on a country example of a multi-sector joint support framework.

Infection prevention and control (23 December 2020)

Update on COVID-19 infection prevention and control available guidance, process planning and personal protective equipment supply chain management. Open discussion on mask use in community settings and home-based healthcare kits.

Case management in limited resource settings (5 May 2020)

Review of the four transmission scenarios and response actions, discussion on the clinical care for Severe Acute Respiratory Infections toolkit.

Surveillance, contact tracing and testing (30 April 2020)

Discussion on surveillance, contact tracing and testing capacities and challenges in humanitarian contexts. Question and answer session to address specific scenarios at the country level.

Isolation and quarantine in humanitarian settings (23 April 2020)

Review of available guidance and supports at the global level on preparedness and response in low-capacity and humanitarian settings. Open discussion on how global guidance is being implemented or adopted at the country level in a variety of settings and request feedback on what further support is needed.

Global update (9 April 2020)

Update on the revision process for the Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan and the Global Humanitarian Response Plan and request for feedback. Discussion on the Global Health Cluster COVID-19 Task Team.

Global Humanitarian Response Plan (26 March 2020)

Update on the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) and request for feedback form Health Cluster Coordinators, particularly on technical and operational gaps or needs.

Global update (18 March 2020)

Update on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and implications for global scale-up and ask Health Cluster Coordinators to flag main actions or concerns and identify any needs for support or guidance related to scale-up.


For more information

Health Cluster Coordinators can access all presentations and materials below, other partners may request access by contacting