Katrin Ivanoff

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Katrin Ivanoff
Image of Katrin Ivanoff
Elections and appointments
Last election

June 11, 2024


Katrin Ivanoff (Republican Party) (also known as Mrs. Fix it) ran for election to the Nevada State Assembly to represent District 42. She lost in the Republican primary on June 11, 2024.


Katrin Ivanoff was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. Ivanoff's professional experience includes working in the hospitality industry.[1]



See also: Nevada State Assembly elections, 2024

General election

General election for Nevada State Assembly District 42

Incumbent Tracy Brown-May and Kevin Child are running in the general election for Nevada State Assembly District 42 on November 5, 2024.

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Tracy Brown-May (D)
Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Kevin Child (R)

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Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for Nevada State Assembly District 42

Incumbent Tracy Brown-May defeated Sayed Zaidi in the Democratic primary for Nevada State Assembly District 42 on June 11, 2024.

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Tracy Brown-May
Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Sayed Zaidi

Total votes: 2,483
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Republican primary election

Republican primary for Nevada State Assembly District 42

Kevin Child defeated Katrin Ivanoff in the Republican primary for Nevada State Assembly District 42 on June 11, 2024.

Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Kevin Child
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Katrin Ivanoff

Total votes: 1,896
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Campaign finance


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See also: Nevada State Assembly elections, 2022

General election

General election for Nevada State Assembly District 42

Incumbent Tracy Brown-May defeated Eddie Facey in the general election for Nevada State Assembly District 42 on November 8, 2022.

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Tracy Brown-May (D) Candidate Connection
Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/Eddie_Facey.jpg
Eddie Facey (R)

Total votes: 19,619
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
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Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for Nevada State Assembly District 42

Incumbent Tracy Brown-May defeated Sayed Zaidi in the Democratic primary for Nevada State Assembly District 42 on June 14, 2022.

Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/Oct202022920PM_130794425_TracyHeadshot.jpg
Tracy Brown-May Candidate Connection
Silhouette Placeholder Image.png
Sayed Zaidi

Total votes: 3,267
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Republican primary election

Republican primary for Nevada State Assembly District 42

Eddie Facey defeated Katrin Ivanoff in the Republican primary for Nevada State Assembly District 42 on June 14, 2022.

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Eddie Facey
Image of https://s3.amazonaws.com/ballotpedia-api4/files/thumbs/100/100/Katrin_Ivanoff.jpg
Katrin Ivanoff Candidate Connection

Total votes: 2,662
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Campaign themes


Ballotpedia survey responses

See also: Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection

Katrin Ivanoff did not complete Ballotpedia's 2024 Candidate Connection survey.


Candidate Connection

Katrin Ivanoff completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Ivanoff's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I grew up in communist Bulgaria. I come to America to escape communism. What I see happening now days is frightening. I can no longer stay silent. I have to make sure that my kids do not grow up in communism. I despise politics, but I hate communism. I have 2 teenagers. They are the main reason that I am running for office. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn” Proverbs 29:2

  • We do not have revenue problem. We have spending problem. I will lower the gas tax 50%.
  • We need to protect our kids. I will sponsor Parental rights bill and bill for Mandatory Dead Penalty for convicted pedophiles.
  • We need transparency and accountability from our elected officials. No government employees should be exempt from the bills they are passing.

-Parental rights
-Mandatory Dead penalty for convicted pedophiles.
-Government overreach and overspending. We need checks and balances and accountability.
-Repeal minimum 50% of the gas tax.
-Repeal commerce tax
-Repeal overburdening regulations on small businesses
- Make Nevada sanctuary city for the Construction and The Bill of Rights
-Support law enforcement. Tougher on criminals.
- Take care of our veterans.
-Working to take back our lands from the federal government.
-Working to restricting the federal government to its original role and returning power to local authorities. Closer to We the People.

The 7th President of the U.S.A. - Andrew Jackson. He was not a perfect man. There are things, I disagree with him on. However, I believe he had the interest of the American people at heart, evidenced by his Bank Veto from July 10, 1832. It is only few pages. It is worth reading

"...But this act does not permit competition in the purchase of this monopoly. It seems to be predicated on the erroneous idea that the present stockholders have a prescriptive right not only to the favor but to the bounty of Government. It appears that more than a fourth part of the stock is held by foreigners and the residue is held by a few hundred of our own citizens, chiefly of the richest class. For their benefit does this act exclude the whole American people from competition in the purchase of this monopoly and dispose of it for many millions less than it is worth. This seems the less excusable because some of our citizens not now stockholders petitioned that the door of competition might be opened, and offered to take a charter on terms much more favorable to the Government and country...
If our Government must sell monopolies, it would seem to be its duty to take nothing less than their full value, and if gratuities must be made once in fifteen or twenty years let them not be bestowed on the subjects of a foreign government nor upon a designated and favored class of men in our own country. It is but justice and good policy, as far as the nature of the case will admit, to confine our favors to our own fellow citizens, and let each in his turn enjoy an opportunity to profit by our bounty. In the bearings of the act before me upon these points I find ample reasons why it should not become a law..."

This was written 190 years ago, almost to the date. How far from this the people we vote for are nowadays?
We need to vote people into government that keep in mind future generations.

July 10, 1832: Bank Veto from Andrew Jackson to the Senate.

It is not long. Please read and think how much better our lives would have been if the other presidents and politicians were thinking of the common American as much as Andrew Jackson did when writing this.

"Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? The president of the bank has told us that most of the State banks exist by its forbearance. Should its influence become concentered, as it may under the operation of such an act as this, in the hands of a self-elected directory whose interests are identified with those of the foreign stockholders, will there not be cause to tremble for the purity of our elections in peace and for the independence of our country in war? Their power would be great whenever they might choose to exert it; but if this monopoly were regularly renewed every fifteen or twenty years on terms proposed by themselves, they might seldom in peace put forth their strength to influence elections or control the affairs of the nation. But if any private citizen or public functionary should interpose to curtail its powers or prevent a renewal of its privileges, it can not be doubted that he would be made to feel its influence.
Should the stock of the bank principally pass into the hands of the subjects of a foreign country, and we should unfortunately become involved in a war with that country, what would be our condition? Of the course which would be pursued by a bank almost wholly owned by the subjects of a foreign power, and managed by those whose interests, if not affections, would run in the same direction there can be no doubt. All its operations within would be in aid of the hostile fleets and armies without. Controlling our currency, receiving our public moneys, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy."


We have too many self serving politicians in the government at this moment. And to many spinless cowards that are scared to stand up to them.

Why people believe their lies election after election is mind boggling to me.

If they say they will do something and they do not even make the slightest attempt to do it, do not vote for that person anymore. You can not trust their promises.

Very strong Back bone.
Out of the box problem solving. Ingenuity

To create common cense laws that make peoples life easier and safer. Unlike what we have at the moment.

Less government intervention, best for everyone.

I want people to remember me as a regular mama bear, that woke up from her "hibernation" , and fixed the mess that carrier politicians created while, I was in "hibernation".

  • "hibernation" in this case means that, I was minding my own business and razing my family.

I also want to leave a road map for my kids and the future generations to never forget their rights and never let the government take them away.

The fall of the Berlin Wall. I was 16years old. I was full of hopes that my country will change course. I was was 16, I did not know better. Now I know. If I want to see change, I have to get involved and work hard to get what I want. In this case, to make sure that my kids will not experience communism. That I preserve the opportunities for them to follow their own American Dream. which I am afraid is in jeopardy at this moment.

I was working at a local coffee shop at the age of15 during the weekend. I was at school during the week. I did that for the duration of the school year. My mom's income was not enough to sustain us. She hardly was able to afford the roof over our heads. We did not have enough money for food. I had to find some solution. This job was a perfect fit for both me and the owner. He could not afford to hire a full time server, He needed someone for 2 days only to relieve his regular server. I could not afford to work more than 2 days a week as my education was a priority to me and my mom. As I said, perfect fit.
Ever since then I develop an instinct to finding out of the box solutions.

1. Problem - I hate communism. Bulgaria was a communist country. Solution - I moved to America, the only country without a king, or some form of totalitarian regime at the time.

2. Problem - The Federal and local Government is overstepping their boundaries in accordance to the Constitution and The Bill of Rights. Solution-I am running for office to put in place laws that will create checks and balances to prevent this from continuing and restoring the original roles for those government entities.

Not counting the Bible as it is in category of its own and an easy answer and a given. However, I will share that my favorite book from the bible is Proverbs.

"12 rules for life" by Jordan Peterson.
The last few generations of kids were thought that nothing is their fault, that they are intitled to whatever they want, at the moment they want it. That there are no winners and losers. I can not imagine anything more destructive to a society than confused entitled brats running around with chips on their shoulders expecting everyone and everything to conform in order to make them fill better about themselves. Because of that, we are faced with generation of whinners that can not do anything for themselves. They expect everything to be served to them on a silver plater...When life kicks them in the but and they reraise that they are unprepared for it they go into depression. I remember as a child at 15 years of age, opening the refrigerator and founding only half a loaf of bread for 4 people. I did not get depressed. That was not an option. I got up and by the end of the day I got a job. I was making more money working 2 days a week, than my mother with many years in the workforce, was making working 5 days a week.
This book teaches you to take your life back, by excepting personal responsibilities. Love it.

Lately I have been diving into the Constitution and The Bill of rights and the history of their creation. I highly recommended to every American, Especially the once running for offices.

"Let's go Brandon" by Loza Alexander

"Land of confusion" by Genesis

And if , I had any musical talent, which I do not, the perfect song that I would have written for my husband is "At last", which was first performed by Glenn Miller and his orchestra in 1941 in the movie "Orchestra wives". But I was introduce to that song by Etta James. Witch remains my favorite version of that song till today.

Becoming an American citizen.
It was a goal of mine that took 9 years to achieve. I wanted to be an American citizen before, I become a mom. I did not want my kids to give me a citizenship. I wanted my kids to be born in America to an American mother. I want it to be no question as to their citizenship whatsoever. I was determined that my kids will never be referred to as "anchor babies".

In my view, the parents have to provide for the kids, not the other way around.

I became a naturalized American citizen in 2006. My first child was born in 2008, and my second in 2009.

I feel that, I am more American than many Americans that were born in this country. They had no choice, they were born here. I had choice. I chose America.

I wish everyone can go out of the country and is able to witness how other people really leave. Only then, they will have full appreciation for what America offers.

If America was so racist, so bigoted, so terrible, why does people from every corner of the world, every race and color are taking on dangerous journeys, and risking lives to come to America?

America is the best country. I hope we can elect people that will help us keep it that way for the future generations.

It will be nice to have a working relationship between legislators and governor. As it stands now, legislators have so many things to fix. If we know where the governor line is, what bills he will veto, we should not waste time on those. We should uses out time wisely and work on the issues we have in comment.

-The integrity of our voting system.
-Water supply
-Diversification of Businesses
-Upholding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
-Making sure that America does not become a socialist/communist country.

Benefit: less government bureaucracy. Saving taxpayers money. More transparent and accountable to We the People. There is no other body to blame when the job is not done.
The only state with unicameral legislature is Nebraska. They had 133 state legislators prior to becoming unilateral body. now they have 49. making them the smallest legislative branch in the country. In the very first session in 1937 they saved almost 50% of the expenses from the previous year.

Draw backs: I do not see any. The less government interference in peoples lives, the better.

I believe is the opposite. The more experience in politics, the less they care about the interest of the people that voted for them.
Everyday people experience plenty of problems that needs solving . Many of them created by the politicians with "pollical experience", that never created a job or sign a pay check. Just look at the commerce tax and weep.
That is why, I believe every government employee, elected or appointed, should have term limits.
So they can be subjects to the laws that they are passing.
If you know that your government job is temporary and you need to go back to real life and open a business, you will think harder before passing a commerce tax, or any tax on your own future business.

It is beneficial to build relationships with others period. It will be nice to build relationship with other legislators as long as those do not turn to "I will vote yes for your bill, if you vote yes for mine."
As long as you do not compromise on your principles in the name of those relationships.
The better the relationship among the legislators, the more of the mess we can fix.

Geographical. Where the districts have clear lines as much as possible. For example my district at the moment looks like a puzzle peace. There is no need for that. It should look as close to square or rectangular as possible. The only things to consider should be the number of people in it. Not their party affiliation.

Judiciary committee.

I want to reform or judiciary system. Judges and prosecutors need accountability to a body that is different than the BAR Association.

I want Mandatory Dead Penalty for convicted pedophiles. Speed up the appeal process. Dead sentence should mean dead sentence. Not 20 years more to suck the taxpayers money.

Convicted felons in prison are treated better than veterans and other tax paying law abiding citizens. They are given full medica and dental coverage. We have people committing crimes just to go to jail so they an get cancer or other surgeries. This is unacceptable. That needs to be fixed.

The once that wrote the Constitution and The Bill of Rights. They created those document with such an understanding of the human nature. It is remarkable. They also seek God's help in creating those documents. That is why they are so incredible and timeless.

It breaks my heart to see how We the People are giving up the wrights afforded to us by our Creator.

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because thou has rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to Me. Seeing thou has forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children."
Hosea 4:6

Since every state is different, I want to make sure that Nevada is the place that our children can grow up and prosper.
For example: We cannot eradicate pedophiles from America. However, I do not want them near our kids. I want Nevada to be free of pedophiles. If we implement Mandatory Dead penalty for pedophiles in Nevada, I am sure that the smart ones among them will move to California. Where me and my kids will not step a foot in. The not so smart ones will be dead. After we kill few of them, based on their personal choice of action/s, I am sure even the not so bright amongst them will get the message and leave Nevada to go to some more pedo friendly states.

Many stories of mothers that have left an abusive partners and are fighting for the safety of their kids. But the existing laws some time can not accommodate that. At the same time many good fathers are not given equal rights and opportunities to raise their kids when the marriage breaks.

Many parents are devastated that their role is taken by government entities. Just like in communists country.

It will not do it a justice. Anything from Ismo, comedian from Finland, especially his look on the English grammar.

Anything by Sebastian Maniscalco, family friendly comic

JP Sears, Jimmy Dore, Steven Crowder, Ryan Long, George Carlin, Bill Hicks... Political comedians

Absolutely. And the emergency powers should be very limited in time and scope.

No governor or any politician even legislators should be able to go between a doctor and a patient. If a doctor that knows my medical history and has been with me for many years suggest a treatment. It is up to me to except or refuse. Not up to anyone else. Especially when they are not familiar with my medical history and have not study medicine.

Depends on the situation. There are things that, I will never compromise on and there are others that, I will. With different facts/arguments presented , I am open to changing my mind on a different issues or solutions. I can not compromise on my values and convictions. I am running for this seat to make sure that my kids and their kids have a bright future ahead of them. Anything that may jeopardize that, I will not compromise on.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia.org. Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Katrin Ivanoff campaign contribution history
2024* Nevada State Assembly District 42Lost primary$0 $0
2022Nevada State Assembly District 42Lost primary$22,200 $0
Grand total$22,200 $0
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on May 7, 2022

Current members of the Nevada State Assembly
Majority Leader:Sandra Jauregui
Minority Leader:Philip O'Neill
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
District 13
District 14
District 15
District 16
District 17
District 18
District 19
District 20
District 21
District 22
District 23
District 24
District 25
District 26
District 27
District 28
District 29
District 30
District 31
District 32
District 33
Bert Gurr (R)
District 34
District 35
District 36
District 37
District 38
District 39
Ken Gray (R)
District 40
District 41
District 42
Democratic Party (26)
Republican Party (14)
Vacancies (2)