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Tim Hoops 
Managing Director 
Introducing the Copper Mountain Oil Project 
March 2014
Thissummarycontainscertainstatementswhichconstituteforward-lookingstatementsorinformation("forward-lookingstatements"),includingstatementsregardingtheuseofproceeds.Theseforward-lookingstatementsarebasedoncertainkeyexpectationsandassumptions,includingassumptionsregardingthegeneraleconomicconditionsinUSAandglobally,industryconditionsinUSAandtheoperationsoftheCompany.Thesefactorsandassumptionsarebaseduponcurrentlyavailableinformationandtheforward-lookingstatementscontainedhereinspeakonlyasofthedatehereof.AlthoughtheCompanybelievestheexpectationsandassumptionsreflectedintheforward-lookingstatementsarereasonable,asofthedatehereof,unduerelianceshouldnotbeplacedontheforward-lookingstatementsastheCompanycangivenoassurancesthattheywillprovecorrectandbecauseforward-lookingstatementsaresubjecttoknownandunknownrisks,uncertaintiesandotherfactorsthatcouldinfluenceactualresultsoreventsandcauseactualresultsoreventstodiffermateriallyfromthosestated,anticipatedorimpliedintheforward-lookingstatements.Theserisksinclude,butarenotlimitedto:uncertaintiesandotherfactorsthatarebeyondthecontroloftheCompany;globaleconomicconditions;risksassociatedwiththeoilandgasindustry;commoditypricesandexchangeratechanges;operationalrisksassociatedwithexploration,developmentandproductionoperations;delaysorchangesinplans;specificrisksassociatedwiththeabilitytoexecuteproductionsharingcontracts, abilitytomeetworkcommitments,abilitytomeetthecapitalexpenditures,estimatedsizeofanyseismicfeaturesandwhetheradditionalgeosciencesworkwillprogresstodefiningdrillablelocations;riskassociatedwithstockmarketvolatilityandtheabilityoftheCompanytocontinueasagoingconcern.TheCompanyassumesnoobligationtoupdateanyforward-lookingstatementsortoupdatethereasonswhyactualresultscoulddifferfromthosereflectedintheforward-lookingstatements,exceptasrequiredbysecuritieslaws. (AdditionalinformationidentifyingrisksanduncertaintiesiscontainedinfilingsoftheCompanywithCanadiansecuritiesregulators). 
Inaddition,theCompanymakesnotrepresentationorwarranty,expressorimplied,inrelationto,andnoresponsibilityorliabilityisorwillbeacceptedbytheCompanyoritsdirectors, officers,shareholders,partners,employeesoradvisersastoorinrelationtotheaccuracyorcompletenessoftheinformation,statements,opinionsormatters(expressorimplied) arisingoutof,containedinorderivedfromthispresentationoranyomissionfromthispresentationorofanyotherwrittenororalinformationoropinionsprovidednoworinthefuturetoanyinterestedpartyoritsadvisers. 
UndiscoveredHydrocarbon-In-Place(equivalenttoundiscoveredresources)isthatquantityofpetroleumthatisestimated,onagivendate,tobecontainedinaccumulationsyettobediscovered.Thereisnocertaintythatanyportionoftheundiscoveredresourceswillbediscoveredorthat,ifdiscovered,itwillbeeconomicallyviableortechnicallyfeasibletoproduce. Original-Oil-in-Place(equivalenttoDiscoveredPetroleumInitiallyinPlace),alsoknownas‘discoveredresource’,isdefinedasthatquantityofpetroleumthatisestimated,asofagivendate,tobecontainedinknownaccumulationspriortoproduction.TherecoverableportionofOOIPincludesproduction,reservesandcontingentresources;theremainderisdefinedasunrecoverable.Theterms“barrelsofoilequivalent”or“boe”maybemisleading,particularlyifusedinisolation.Aboeconversionratioofsixthousandcubicfeet(6mcf)toonebarrel(1bbl)isbasedonanenergyequivalencyconversionmethodprimarilyapplicableattheburnertipanddoesnotrepresentavalueequivalencyatthewellhead. 
Disclaimer Statement
The Illinois Basin is a Proven and Mature Oil Province 
•Production dates back to 1894 with over 4 billion barrels of oil produced to date(1) 
•Over 140,000 wells have been drilled, with 32,000 wells still producing(1) 
•600+ oil fields produced 9 million barrels last year 
•High quality, light, sweet crude oil in multiple conventional shallow structural traps 
•Recent mapping, drilling and testing of deeper zones demonstrates significant unconventional and stratigraphic trap potential 
•Strata-X believes integrated data analysis combined with new drilling and completion technologies are the keys to unlock this potential 
(1) ISGS accessed 2/20/14 
Photos from: (R) Library of Congress: Farm Security Administration and 
(L) Illinois State Geological Survey 
Why is Strata-X in the Illinois Basin?
In USA heartland -refineries, markets, services, pipelines nearby; 
Flat easy access, low population density 
Geological conditions right for significant conventional and unconventional oil: 
•Excellent Source Rock 
•New Albany Shale, +300 billion barrels generated (Higley, et al., 2001) 
•Proven oil generation and accumulations ~4 billion barrels produced 
•Low Geologic Risk 
•Evidence of large untested oil accumulations from analysis of historical wells 
Map Ref: USGS 
Why is Strata-X focusing on the Illinois Basin? 
Map Ref: ISGS 
Map of Illinois Oil Fields 
Focus area
•With 23,595(2), acre Copper Mountain Oil Project, Strata-x now has 100% of ~72,000 net acres 
•>1.5 billion barrels of oil produced within 20 mile radius of Strata-X projects (1) 
•Multiple producing horizons 
•Shallow depths 2,000-4,500 feet 
•Multiple untested conventional and unconventional oil zones 
Strata-X’s significant Illinois Basin Acreage 
Strata-X surrounded by giant oil fields 
(1)ISGS accessed 2/20/14 
(2)Comprised of approximately 854 individual tenements held by the Company.
SME Purchase 
47% increase in Strata-X’s Illinois Acreage 
•Purchased 100% of 23,595 net acres 
•100+ potential locations 
Includes a recent production Well 
•First horizontal well to test oil potential of the Lower Devonian with NPV (10%) $1.7 million(1) 
•Well tested at rates up to100 BOPD 
•Oil was light sweet crude and targeted a new unconventional oil accumulation 
(1)Petroleum 1P Reserves, per independent reserve report dated 21 March 2014 from Chapman Petroleum Engineers Ltd. who's author,Charles Moore, member Society of Petroleum Engineers, consents to the inclusion of this reserve information in this Presentation as it appears. See slide 11 of this Presentation for additional information.
Shallow Mississippian Carbonates 
•Historic average field size ~ 2 square miles(1) 
•Historic average field production ~3.8 million bbls(1) 
•More than five shallow zones produce in Strata-X area 
•Production of more than 61 million bbls from the Johnsonville Field adjacent to the Copper Mountain Project(1) 
•Numerous leads and prospects mapped with multiple targets – potential for 100+ locations 
Devonian Lingle Fm. 
•Large, 550 sq. mile accumulation mapped within Vail and Copper Mountain project areas 
•Low geologic risk with over 100 well penetrations with evidence of hydrocarbons 
•Similar to Bakken Elm Coulee Field, Montana 
•Potential for over 170 drilling locations at 320 ac spacing 
Devonian Grand Tower 
•Proven oil in recently tested production well within the Copper Mountain Project acreage 
•Potential for 80+ drilling locations 
Scope of work subject to actual conditions encountered 
Illinois Basin has Multiple Active Petroleum Systems 
Mississippian Age 
(1) ISGS accessed 2/20/14, information obtained from the ISGS 2009 Illinois Field Statistics Report
•Strata-X now has 100% of 72,000 acres in the Illinois Basin which is reasonably contiguous 
•A production well that demonstrates significant light oil potential in a new unconventional play 
•Directly offsets the Johnsonville Oil field with 61 million barrels of production to date (1) 
•Numerous leads and prospects in multiple target zones 
Scope of work subject to actual conditions encountered 
Acquisition Highlights 
(1) ISGS accessed 2/20/14
Return well to producing status 
•Plan to be producing within 30 days 
Acquire 2-D Seismic data 
•Acquire ~100 line miles of existing seismic data 
•Reprocess data to modern standards 
Increased technical team 
•Retained two additional consulting geologists to carry out complete data integration and high grade new drilling prospects 
•Commissioning Independent expert review of reserves and resource potential 
Scope of work subject to actual conditions encountered and financing 
Illinois Basin near terms Activity Plan 
Drill Second Vail well 
•Early May 
Stimulate Burkett Well 
•Mid to late May 
Drill at least one shallow Mississippian Target 
Acquire Production and Lease positions backed by stable Proved- Developed Production 
•Production purchase based on long standing stable production profiles 
•The upside in the development and exploration opportunities in both conventional and unconventional as the real prize 
Most historical production has not had a recent integrated data approach or application of modern techniques and stimulations 
•Few horizontal wells have been drilled in the state 
•Modern stimulation expands the resource potential by unlocking oil trapped in tighter rocks 
Most historical production is from conventional structural targets –Strata-X sees substantial opportunities for significant light oil accumulations in subtler stratigraphic traps and unconventional targets 
Expanded Illinois Game Plan Moving Forward-Rationale
Reserve information included in this presentation for the Blessing #1 well (referenced on Slide 6) are Petroleum 1P Reserves, per an independent reserve report dated 21 March 2014 from Chapman Petroleum Engineers Ltd. who's author, Charles Moore, member Society of Petroleum Engineers,consents to the inclusion of this reserve information in this Presentation as it appears. Figures shown reflect Strata-X’s economic interest in the property using a deterministic estimation method. Strata-X is the operator of the well and holds a 100% working interest in the Blessing #1, 160 acre unit comprised of approximately 80 individual leases/tenements, which is operated via the Company’s operating license’s in the State, a well permit and a tank battery permit held or in the process of being transferred to the Company from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Estimates of future production are based on historical production testing of the well. The reference point for reserves is the associated tank batteries for the well. The economic assumptions used to generate reserve information on theBlessing #1 well are as follows: $90 oil net at reference point, USD$1,500 monthly operating costs, USD$0.50 per water barrel for disposal, USD$30,000 immediate facilities investment, 84.76% Net Revenue Interest, 24 August 2029 abandonment date, forecasted future production, USD $25,000 plugging costs and USD$80,000 equipment salvage value. The Blessing #1 well was given commercial producibilitystatus by the Company following it and Charles Moore’s review of its historical production. Reserves estimates were generated following a review of the producing reservoir, historical production rates and the planned production method of the well (artificial pump lift). Production quantities over the projected economic lifespan on the Blessing #1 well without significant further investment, are expected to be 37,440 gross and 31,730 net barrels of oil. 
Reserve Disclosure and Presentation Definitions 
In this document, the abbreviations set forth below have the following meanings: 
Oil and Natural Gas 
Mbblsthousand barrels 
MMbblsmillion barrels 
Mcfthousand standard cubic feet 
MMcfmillion standard cubic feet 
Bcfbillion cubic feet 
TCFtrillion cubic feet 
Permeability –the ability or measurement of a rock’s ability to transmit fluids. 
Porosity –percentage of pore volume or void space or that volume within rock that can contain fluids. 
Reservoir Rock –refers to a subsurface pool of hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock formations. 
Rock Eval–is used to identify the type and maturity of organic matter and to detect petroleum potential in sediments. 
Source Rock -refers to carbon bearing rocks from which hydrocarbons have been generated or are capable of being generated. 
Tmax-highest temperature incurred by a Source Rock, generally higher temperatures equates to larger hydrocarbon generation. 
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) –amount of carbon in a geological formation, mainly Source Rocks.

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Copper Mountain Update

  • 1. Tim Hoops Managing Director Introducing the Copper Mountain Oil Project March 2014
  • 2. 2 Forward-LookingStatements Thissummarycontainscertainstatementswhichconstituteforward-lookingstatementsorinformation("forward-lookingstatements"),includingstatementsregardingtheuseofproceeds.Theseforward-lookingstatementsarebasedoncertainkeyexpectationsandassumptions,includingassumptionsregardingthegeneraleconomicconditionsinUSAandglobally,industryconditionsinUSAandtheoperationsoftheCompany.Thesefactorsandassumptionsarebaseduponcurrentlyavailableinformationandtheforward-lookingstatementscontainedhereinspeakonlyasofthedatehereof.AlthoughtheCompanybelievestheexpectationsandassumptionsreflectedintheforward-lookingstatementsarereasonable,asofthedatehereof,unduerelianceshouldnotbeplacedontheforward-lookingstatementsastheCompanycangivenoassurancesthattheywillprovecorrectandbecauseforward-lookingstatementsaresubjecttoknownandunknownrisks,uncertaintiesandotherfactorsthatcouldinfluenceactualresultsoreventsandcauseactualresultsoreventstodiffermateriallyfromthosestated,anticipatedorimpliedintheforward-lookingstatements.Theserisksinclude,butarenotlimitedto:uncertaintiesandotherfactorsthatarebeyondthecontroloftheCompany;globaleconomicconditions;risksassociatedwiththeoilandgasindustry;commoditypricesandexchangeratechanges;operationalrisksassociatedwithexploration,developmentandproductionoperations;delaysorchangesinplans;specificrisksassociatedwiththeabilitytoexecuteproductionsharingcontracts, abilitytomeetworkcommitments,abilitytomeetthecapitalexpenditures,estimatedsizeofanyseismicfeaturesandwhetheradditionalgeosciencesworkwillprogresstodefiningdrillablelocations;riskassociatedwithstockmarketvolatilityandtheabilityoftheCompanytocontinueasagoingconcern.TheCompanyassumesnoobligationtoupdateanyforward-lookingstatementsortoupdatethereasonswhyactualresultscoulddifferfromthosereflectedintheforward-lookingstatements,exceptasrequiredbysecuritieslaws. (AdditionalinformationidentifyingrisksanduncertaintiesiscontainedinfilingsoftheCompanywithCanadiansecuritiesregulators). Disclaimer ThissummaryshallnotconstituteanoffertosellorthesolicitationofanoffertobuyanysecuritiesoftheCompanyinanyjurisdictioninwhichsuchoffer,solicitationorsalewouldbeunlawful.ThesecuritiestobeofferedhavenotbeenandwillnotberegisteredundertheUnitedStatesSecuritiesActof1933,asamended,oranystatesecuritieslawsandmaynotbeofferedorsoldwithintheUnitedStatesortoorfortheaccountorbenefitofaU.S.PersonabsentregistrationoranapplicableexemptionfromtheregistrationrequirementsofsuchActorlaws. Inaddition,theCompanymakesnotrepresentationorwarranty,expressorimplied,inrelationto,andnoresponsibilityorliabilityisorwillbeacceptedbytheCompanyoritsdirectors, officers,shareholders,partners,employeesoradvisersastoorinrelationtotheaccuracyorcompletenessoftheinformation,statements,opinionsormatters(expressorimplied) arisingoutof,containedinorderivedfromthispresentationoranyomissionfromthispresentationorofanyotherwrittenororalinformationoropinionsprovidednoworinthefuturetoanyinterestedpartyoritsadvisers. CautionaryStatement:UndiscoveredResources,OOIPandBOE UndiscoveredHydrocarbon-In-Place(equivalenttoundiscoveredresources)isthatquantityofpetroleumthatisestimated,onagivendate,tobecontainedinaccumulationsyettobediscovered.Thereisnocertaintythatanyportionoftheundiscoveredresourceswillbediscoveredorthat,ifdiscovered,itwillbeeconomicallyviableortechnicallyfeasibletoproduce. Original-Oil-in-Place(equivalenttoDiscoveredPetroleumInitiallyinPlace),alsoknownas‘discoveredresource’,isdefinedasthatquantityofpetroleumthatisestimated,asofagivendate,tobecontainedinknownaccumulationspriortoproduction.TherecoverableportionofOOIPincludesproduction,reservesandcontingentresources;theremainderisdefinedasunrecoverable.Theterms“barrelsofoilequivalent”or“boe”maybemisleading,particularlyifusedinisolation.Aboeconversionratioofsixthousandcubicfeet(6mcf)toonebarrel(1bbl)isbasedonanenergyequivalencyconversionmethodprimarilyapplicableattheburnertipanddoesnotrepresentavalueequivalencyatthewellhead. TheinformationinthispresentationthatrelatestoPetroleumReserves/ProspectiveResources/ContingentResourcesthatwaspreparedandpublishedbyChapmanPetroleumEngineersLtd.anddated21March2014andpublishedonStrata-XEnergyLtd’swebsitetomeettheCompany’songoingdisclosurerequirements(availableonlineatwww.strata-,andfairlyrepresents,informationandsupportingdocumentationpreparedby,orunderthesupervisionofCharlesMoore,employedbyChapmanPetroleumEngineersLtd.andisindependentofStrata-XEnergyLtd.AtthetimeoftheChapmanPetroleumEngineersLtd.reportdated21March2014,CharlesMoorewasanemployeeofChapmanPetroleumEngineersLtd.andamemberoftheSocietyofPetroleumEngineers(SPE)amongstotherprofessionalpetroleumorganisations.ChapmanPetroleumEngineersLtd.andCharlesMooreconsenttotheinclusionofthisinformationinthisdocument.Asoftheissuanceofthisdocument,Strata-XEnergyLtdmanagementisnotawareofanymaterialinformationthatwouldchangetheresultsoftheChapmanPetroleumEngineersLtd.reportaspublishedinthethispresentation.SeeSlide11foradditionalinformation. Disclaimer Statement
  • 3. 3 The Illinois Basin is a Proven and Mature Oil Province •Production dates back to 1894 with over 4 billion barrels of oil produced to date(1) •Over 140,000 wells have been drilled, with 32,000 wells still producing(1) •600+ oil fields produced 9 million barrels last year •High quality, light, sweet crude oil in multiple conventional shallow structural traps •Recent mapping, drilling and testing of deeper zones demonstrates significant unconventional and stratigraphic trap potential •Strata-X believes integrated data analysis combined with new drilling and completion technologies are the keys to unlock this potential (1) ISGS accessed 2/20/14 Photos from: (R) Library of Congress: Farm Security Administration and (L) Illinois State Geological Survey Why is Strata-X in the Illinois Basin?
  • 4. 4 In USA heartland -refineries, markets, services, pipelines nearby; Flat easy access, low population density Geological conditions right for significant conventional and unconventional oil: •Excellent Source Rock •New Albany Shale, +300 billion barrels generated (Higley, et al., 2001) •Proven oil generation and accumulations ~4 billion barrels produced •Low Geologic Risk •Evidence of large untested oil accumulations from analysis of historical wells Map Ref: USGS Why is Strata-X focusing on the Illinois Basin? Map Ref: ISGS Map of Illinois Oil Fields Strata-X Focus area
  • 5. 5 •With 23,595(2), acre Copper Mountain Oil Project, Strata-x now has 100% of ~72,000 net acres •>1.5 billion barrels of oil produced within 20 mile radius of Strata-X projects (1) •Multiple producing horizons •Shallow depths 2,000-4,500 feet •Multiple untested conventional and unconventional oil zones Strata-X’s significant Illinois Basin Acreage Strata-X surrounded by giant oil fields (1)ISGS accessed 2/20/14 (2)Comprised of approximately 854 individual tenements held by the Company.
  • 6. 6 SME Purchase 47% increase in Strata-X’s Illinois Acreage •Purchased 100% of 23,595 net acres •100+ potential locations Includes a recent production Well •First horizontal well to test oil potential of the Lower Devonian with NPV (10%) $1.7 million(1) •Well tested at rates up to100 BOPD •Oil was light sweet crude and targeted a new unconventional oil accumulation (1)Petroleum 1P Reserves, per independent reserve report dated 21 March 2014 from Chapman Petroleum Engineers Ltd. who's author,Charles Moore, member Society of Petroleum Engineers, consents to the inclusion of this reserve information in this Presentation as it appears. See slide 11 of this Presentation for additional information.
  • 7. 7 Shallow Mississippian Carbonates •Historic average field size ~ 2 square miles(1) •Historic average field production ~3.8 million bbls(1) •More than five shallow zones produce in Strata-X area •Production of more than 61 million bbls from the Johnsonville Field adjacent to the Copper Mountain Project(1) •Numerous leads and prospects mapped with multiple targets – potential for 100+ locations Devonian Lingle Fm. •Large, 550 sq. mile accumulation mapped within Vail and Copper Mountain project areas •Low geologic risk with over 100 well penetrations with evidence of hydrocarbons •Similar to Bakken Elm Coulee Field, Montana •Potential for over 170 drilling locations at 320 ac spacing Devonian Grand Tower •Proven oil in recently tested production well within the Copper Mountain Project acreage •Potential for 80+ drilling locations Scope of work subject to actual conditions encountered Illinois Basin has Multiple Active Petroleum Systems Mississippian Age LingleFm. (1) ISGS accessed 2/20/14, information obtained from the ISGS 2009 Illinois Field Statistics Report
  • 8. 8 •Strata-X now has 100% of 72,000 acres in the Illinois Basin which is reasonably contiguous •A production well that demonstrates significant light oil potential in a new unconventional play •Directly offsets the Johnsonville Oil field with 61 million barrels of production to date (1) •Numerous leads and prospects in multiple target zones Scope of work subject to actual conditions encountered Acquisition Highlights (1) ISGS accessed 2/20/14
  • 9. 9 Return well to producing status •Plan to be producing within 30 days Acquire 2-D Seismic data •Acquire ~100 line miles of existing seismic data •Reprocess data to modern standards Increased technical team •Retained two additional consulting geologists to carry out complete data integration and high grade new drilling prospects •Commissioning Independent expert review of reserves and resource potential Scope of work subject to actual conditions encountered and financing Illinois Basin near terms Activity Plan Drill Second Vail well •Early May Stimulate Burkett Well •Mid to late May Drill at least one shallow Mississippian Target •June/July
  • 10. 10 Acquire Production and Lease positions backed by stable Proved- Developed Production •Production purchase based on long standing stable production profiles •The upside in the development and exploration opportunities in both conventional and unconventional as the real prize Most historical production has not had a recent integrated data approach or application of modern techniques and stimulations •Few horizontal wells have been drilled in the state •Modern stimulation expands the resource potential by unlocking oil trapped in tighter rocks Most historical production is from conventional structural targets –Strata-X sees substantial opportunities for significant light oil accumulations in subtler stratigraphic traps and unconventional targets Expanded Illinois Game Plan Moving Forward-Rationale
  • 11. 11 Reserve information included in this presentation for the Blessing #1 well (referenced on Slide 6) are Petroleum 1P Reserves, per an independent reserve report dated 21 March 2014 from Chapman Petroleum Engineers Ltd. who's author, Charles Moore, member Society of Petroleum Engineers,consents to the inclusion of this reserve information in this Presentation as it appears. Figures shown reflect Strata-X’s economic interest in the property using a deterministic estimation method. Strata-X is the operator of the well and holds a 100% working interest in the Blessing #1, 160 acre unit comprised of approximately 80 individual leases/tenements, which is operated via the Company’s operating license’s in the State, a well permit and a tank battery permit held or in the process of being transferred to the Company from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Estimates of future production are based on historical production testing of the well. The reference point for reserves is the associated tank batteries for the well. The economic assumptions used to generate reserve information on theBlessing #1 well are as follows: $90 oil net at reference point, USD$1,500 monthly operating costs, USD$0.50 per water barrel for disposal, USD$30,000 immediate facilities investment, 84.76% Net Revenue Interest, 24 August 2029 abandonment date, forecasted future production, USD $25,000 plugging costs and USD$80,000 equipment salvage value. The Blessing #1 well was given commercial producibilitystatus by the Company following it and Charles Moore’s review of its historical production. Reserves estimates were generated following a review of the producing reservoir, historical production rates and the planned production method of the well (artificial pump lift). Production quantities over the projected economic lifespan on the Blessing #1 well without significant further investment, are expected to be 37,440 gross and 31,730 net barrels of oil. Reserve Disclosure and Presentation Definitions DEFINITIONS: In this document, the abbreviations set forth below have the following meanings: Oil and Natural Gas Bblbarrel Bblsbarrels Mbblsthousand barrels MMbblsmillion barrels Mcfthousand standard cubic feet MMcfmillion standard cubic feet Bcfbillion cubic feet TCFtrillion cubic feet Other Permeability –the ability or measurement of a rock’s ability to transmit fluids. Porosity –percentage of pore volume or void space or that volume within rock that can contain fluids. Reservoir Rock –refers to a subsurface pool of hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock formations. Rock Eval–is used to identify the type and maturity of organic matter and to detect petroleum potential in sediments. Source Rock -refers to carbon bearing rocks from which hydrocarbons have been generated or are capable of being generated. Tmax-highest temperature incurred by a Source Rock, generally higher temperatures equates to larger hydrocarbon generation. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) –amount of carbon in a geological formation, mainly Source Rocks.