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Cautionary Statement

Statements during this presentation may concern ERHC Energy Inc.’s future operating milestones, future drilling operations, the
planned exploration and appraisal program, future prospects, future investment opportunities and financing plans, future
shareholders’ meetings, response to U.S. governmental authority and related proceedings, as well as other matters that are not
historical facts or information. Such statements are inherently subject to a variety of risks, assumptions and uncertainties that
could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated, projected, expressed or implied. A discussion of the risk
factors that could impact these areas and the Company’s overall business and financial performance can be found in the
Company’s reports and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These factors include, among others, those
relating to the Company’s ability to exploit its commercial interests in the JDZ and the exclusive territorial waters of São Tomé and
Príncipe, general economic and business conditions, changes in foreign and domestic oil and gas exploration and production
activity, competition, changes in foreign, political, social and economic conditions, regulatory initiatives and compliance with
governmental regulations and various other matters, many of which are beyond the Company’s control. Given these concerns,
investors and analysts should not place undue reliance on these statements. Each of the above statements speaks only as of the
date of hereof. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any
forward-looking statement to reflect any change in the Company’s expectations with regard thereto or any change in events,
conditions or circumstances on which any of the above statements is based.

Special Meeting of Shareholders
             Management Presentation

• Strategy overview
• Technical presentation on exploration work
  programs in Kenya, Chad
• Fund raising plan
• Value proposition
• Q&A
Our Purpose Today

• Ask our existing shareholders to contribute to
  ERHC’s growth and therefore realizable shareholder
• Need to raise up to $45MM
• Money will enable exploration in Kenya and Chad
• Exploration will increase value of our assets and
  enhance shareholder value
Brief History

• Through 2009
   – Primary focus on deepwater JDZ assets
   – Unexpected results from drilling in the JDZ
• 2010 – Awarded two Blocks in Sao Tome & Principe EEZ
• 2011 – Awarded three Blocks in Republic of Chad
• 2012 – Awarded Kenya Block 11A
Diversification Strategy

• Transition from single-asset model to multi-asset
   – Onshore assets complement more complex and
     demanding deepwater assets
   – More assets means more opportunities to win
• Continuing to leverage home field advantage in Africa
ERHC Stock Price


       Past Six Months
Kenya Exploration
Kenya Block 11A

• Located in NW Kenya adjacent to border with South
• Structural setting in the vicinity of intersection between
  Cretaceous and Tertiary Rift systems
• Significant production already in place in the
  Cretaceous basins of South Sudan and recent
  discoveries in the Tertiary rifts in Uganda and Kenya
Kenya Exploration Acreage
              Block 11A licensing history:

Block 11A     First demarcated as the larger
              block 10 and licensed to
              AMOCO in 1985. Block
              covered the whole of
              northwestern Kenya

              Amoco relinquished parts of
              the block after ground gravity
              and reconnaissance seismic

              Block re-gazetted and licensed
              to CAMEC (Central Africa
              Mineral Exploration company)

              CAMEC’s term expired after
              acquiring aero gravity and
              magnetic data
Oil and Gas Occurrences in the Region
Recent Exploration Success
                                                 • Eliye Springs well is in the adjacent Block 10BA
                                                 • Loperot and Ngamia-1 wells in Block 10BB are
                                                   also nearby

Northwest Kenya
The proximity and in-trend           Block 11A
relationship between the
Lotikipi plane and the Abu
Gabra Rift basins of southern                                 Regional Geology
Sudan suggest high oil and                                    The area is dominated by the Cretaceous
gas prospectivity                                             Central Africa Rift System (CARS) and the
                                                              Tertiary East Africa Rift System (EARS) with
                                                              the associated basin depositional trends

                                                                  Regional Geology
Similar to Uganda Finds                                           Gravity data enabled the delineation of a
Operator Tullow estimates the                                     sedimentary basin within the Block 11A
discoveries may be similar in                                     area below the Lotikipi plain with a
size to the Lake Albert Rift Basin                                basin-fill believed to be in excess of
in Uganda, which are estimated                                    5,000 meters
at 2,000 MMBOE

Kenya Global Bouguer Gravity
                                 Block 11A

                                    Rift basin
                                   extends into
                                    Block 11A

Rift basins clearly visible in
      blue/green colors
Gravity Survey Acquired by CAMEC
• The data is coarse grid
  and therefore                 Block
  regional, but it identifies    11A
  3 sub-basins in the north
  Turkana area, namely:
     Lotikipi
     Gatome                       Lotikipi
     Elemi                                   Gatome
• Estimated sediment
  thickness in excess of
  5000m In the Lotikipi          Block 11A    Block 11B

Potential Reservoirs
•   Data acquired by Amoco in in the 1980s
•   Data quality is poor due to existence of
    surface and subsurface volcanics, a
    major challenge in acquisition and
•   Indications of existence of sedimentary
    rocks below the volcanics can be                     Block 11A
    interpreted from seismic

                   Block 11A

                   Lotikipi Basin              Lokwanamorou High     Gatome Basin

         Potential sub-volcanic
Subsurface inferred from surface
outcrop, the
                         Potential reservoir target
reservoir sands
are composed
of good-quality           vvv
basement-                vvv
derived                 vv
units, measurin
500m in
thickness with
measured           vv
porosities of up
to 25%
Potential Cretaceous Reservoir Sands


                           Reservoir Sands


     The Lapur outcrop is the most
   prominent topographical feature in
          northern Turkana
Work Program and
                Budget: Year 1

General & Admin        $2,478,500
PSC work program       $3,432,500
Performance bond       $5,125,000
Other PSC expenditure    $865,000
Contingencies          $1,000,000
Total                 $12,151,000
Work Program and
                Budget: Year 2

General & Admin        $1,532,750
PSC work program      $10,040,000
Other PSC expenditure $3,242,500
Contingencies          $1,000,000
Total                 $15,640,250
Chad Exploration

• June 2011     After months of negotiations, Government of Chad
                awards ERHC Energy Inc. 3 blocks:
                  –   Chari-Ouest III
                  –   BDS 2008
                  –   Manga
• July 2011     Production Sharing Contract (PSC) signed
• August 2011   Presidential Approval of PSC granted
• July 2012     Exclusive Exploration Authorization received
                Gazette of Principal Approval received
ERHC’s Exploration
                          Blocks in Chad

   Block           Sq. Km.    Acres       Working
Chari-Ouest III     4,500    1,111,974      100%
 (northern half)
  BDS 2008          41,800   10,329,000     100%

    Manga           17,000   4,200,790      100%
Republic of Chad
                                               •Proven Reserves are 1.5 Billion Bbls
                                                    Source International Petroleum Encyclopedia
       Niger                                   •Undeveloped Discoveries are 2.6 Billion Bbls, and
       CNPC largest player                     14.6 TCF of Gas
       Current Production: ~17,000 bbl/d            Source USGS, World Petroleum Resources Project
       Unconfirmed EUR: 1.0 Blnbbl
       Continue to explore

                                                                      Sudan All Fields
                                                                      Key Operators: CNPC & Consortiums
       Ndjamena Refinery
                                           ERHC BLOCKS                Current Production: 465,000 bbl/d
                                                                      Peak Production: 538,000 bbl/d (2011)
       Operator: CNPC
                                                                      Reserves (remaining): 1.96 Bln bbls
       Capacity: 20,000 bbl/d expandable
                                                                      EUR: 3.0 Bln bbls
       to 60,000 bbl/d
                                                                      Key basins: Muglad, Melut
       Online Date: June 2011
                                                                      Wells Drilled: 300
       Supply: Block H Area II (CNPC)
                                                                      Commercial & Technical Success: 60%

Block H Area II                                                       Greater Nile Oil Project
Operator: CNPC (Former EnCana)                                        Operator: GNPOC (Formerly Arakis)
Expected Production: ~17,000 bbl/d                                    Current Production: 203,000 bbl/d
Reserves (remaining): 85 MMbbl                                        Peak Production: 300,000 bbl/d (2004)
OOIP: 700 mmbbl (CNPC)                                                Reserves (remaining): 662 MMbbl
Continue to explore                                                   EUR: 1.49 Bln bbl

  Chari Ouest - Doba Basin                                             Chad/Cameroon Pipeline
  Operator: Exxon (Esso)                                               Operator: Exxon
  Current Production: 115,000 bbl/d                                    Capacity: 225,000 bbl/d
  Peak Production: 220,000 (2004)                                      Utilization: 115,000 bbl/d
  Reserves (remaining): 462 MMbbl                                      Distance: 1,070 km
  EUR: 795 mmbbl                                                       Port: Cameroon loading
                                                                       Expandable by adding pump stations
Chad Infrastructure
                                            660 mile long pipeline
60,000 bbl capacity, presently              225,000 bbl per day capacity
processing 20,000 bbl per day
Opened 6 February 2012
60% CNPCI 40% CNO

                      Chad Production
                   126,200 bbl per day in
                   (CIA World Fact Book)

Major Tectonic
                           Elements of Chad
                ERHC BLOCKS
                                          Shear Zone

            SILTOU BASIN

                   FAYA LARGEAU BASIN

                            DOSEO BASIN
            DOBA BASIN
Focus on BDS 2008

• North of Esso Tega and Maku
  discoveries in Doseo basin
• East and on trend with OPIC Benoy-
  1 discovery in Doba basin
Paleogeographic Reconstruction of
            Lower Cretaceous “C” Doseo Basin

9/18/2012        Patterson et al (2007)
Focus Area 1

              8 mmbbls

21 mmbbls


                         10 km

ERHC BDS 2008 “Lead A”
PTD 12800’ MD     Esso Tega #1 – 8
NNW                                                        SS

ERHC BDS                  ESSO CHARI EAST -   1st Derivative RTE Magnetic Map
  2008                         DOSEO
OPIC Benoy #1 – Lower
              Cretaceous (11.9 - 41.3 MMBOE)
             SW                           OPIC Benoy                                NE



                          • 3,053 m (10,013’) MD; Budgeted dry hole = 17.62 MM USD
                          • 53 days to TD, 73 days total
                          • 62 feet net pay, Avg porosity = 17.0; Avg perm = 23.25
                          • Avg Sw = 49.0, Avg Vsh = 6.1
                          • DST #1: 2309 – 2334; 1,231 BOD, 0.15 MMCFGD, 0 BWD, 20/64”
0   1.2 KM                  ch; API 37.4, GOR 122
                          • DST #2: 2229 – 2232; 1,174 BOD, 0 MMCFGD, 0 BWD, 24/62” ch;
                            API 34, GOR 0
Focus Area 1 and Area 2
                                                          Focus Area 1
                                                           2D Seismic
            Focus Area 2
          Airborne Gravity                                               3
       Gradiometry 2D Seismic
                                               BDS 2008
OPIC Benoy-1                           2
                  1         BDS 2008

                                           CHARI EAST -
CHARI WEST -                               DOSEA
                  7              6

Short tie-in distances to proposed
                infra-structure for ERHC initial
                    exploration focus areas

                                                         BDS 2008
               OPIC Benoy-1
                              BDS 2008
                              Focus Area 2


Initial Period Technical Work Program

•   Database generation
•   Complete regional G&G studies
•   Acquire airborne grav/mag surveys over focus area 2, Q4 2013
•   Acquire 2D seismic over focus area 1 or focus area 2 , Q4 2014
•   Determine lead/prospect areas
•   If necessary, delineate with additional seismic, Q4 2015
•   Drill first exploration well Q4 2015 or Q4 2016
2013 Work Program
                   and Budget

General & Admin         $1,695,000
PSC work program        $1,514,645
Other PSC expenditure     $545,006
Contingencies             $750,000
TOTAL                   $4,504,651
2014 Work Program
                  and Budget

General & Admin        $1,395,000
PSC work program      $10,074,000
Other PSC expenditure    $545,006
Contingencies           $ 750,000
TOTAL                 $12,764,006
Fund Raising
Fund Raising Options

• Objective: Raise up to $45MM
• Fund Raising Approach:
   – Issue shares of common stock
      • Rights Offerings
      • Registered Direct Offerings
   – Convertible Loans and other debt instruments
   – Other available financing options
Rights Offering

• Existing shareholders as of a date to be determined
  will have opportunity to contribute substantial portion
  of new capital
• The number of shares an existing a shareholder can
  purchase in the offering will depend on the number of
  shares they own

• For: Shareholders exercising all of their basic
  subscription privilege
• What: The right to purchase remaining unsubscribed
  shares of common stock at the expiration of the
  Rights Offering
• Subject to: Availability and pro-rata allocation of

• Shareholder taking up their pro-rata
  entitlement in full in the Rights Offering will
  experience no dilution
• Shareholders not taking up their pro-rata
  entitlement will experience an immediate
  dilution in their interests in the Company
Value Proposition
    Asset Value                          High Return/Low Cost
    Market Cap

                  Exploration    Development         Production

The market cap and asset value curve depicted here is merely
for discussion purposes. Actual results may vary.
ERHC Energy – JDZ
                                                                      Block 4

  $20                              $18                   Acreage Details:
  $16                                       •   November 2003 ERHC was awarded
  $14                                           Block 4 in the JDZ for $0.73 million.
  $12                                       •   November 17, 2005, ERHC Energy
                                                entered into a participation agreement

                                                with an Addax Petroleum who agreed
   $8                                           to assign to Addax a 40.5%
   $6                                           participating interest in Block 4 of the
   $4                                           JDZ for $18 million and pay all of the
   $2     $1                                    Company’s future costs in respect of
   $0                                           all petroleum operations in Block 4
        Apr 2004                 Nov 2005

Source: Company Public Filings and Press Releases
Growing Value
                   Requires Investment

Kenya Work Program and Budget: Year 1   $12,151,000
Kenya Work Program and Budget: Year 2   $15,640,250
Chad 2013 Work Program and Budget        $4,504,651
Chad 2014 Work Program and Budget       $12,764,006
TOTAL                                   $45,059,907

• Ready to commence exploration work programs in
  Kenya and Chad
• Existing data points to prospectivity of our target areas
• Existing shareholders will have an opportunity to
  participate in fund raising and avoid dilution
• Objective is to grow and diversity the Company, add
  value to our assets
Questions and
Intersection of two rift systems:
Central African and East African Rift Systems
Central African Rift System (CARS)
Proven petroleum
province extends
from the Niger
Delta through
Cameroon, Chad,
 Central Africa
Republic and
Sudan, terminatin
g in the Anza
Basin, Kenya
Potential Reservoirs
Subsurface Cross Sections
PSC Highlights

•   Blocks awarded and single PSC signed in June 2011
•   Presidential decree of approval issued in August 2011
•   Total signature bonus of US$40,000,000 (Chadian standard)
     – ERHC has negotiated:
             • US$6,480,000 upfront in three installments
             • Balance payable from production
•   Contract terms
     – Initial Period: 5 years with minimum work program of US$ 15,000,000
     – Renewal Period: 3 years with minimum work program of US$ 1,000,000 plus drilling of one (1) exploration well, if
          such a well has not already been drilled in the Initial Period
•   Royalties: 14.25% oil and 5% gas
•   Cost recovery100%:
     –     through yearly “Cost-oil” up to a value of 70 % of yearly net oil production minus the royalty on this production
•   60% oil profit to ERHC up to R – Factor of 2.25; 50% for R – Factor of 2.25 – 3.0; 40% for R – Factor of greater than 3.0
Stratigraphic Chart - Esso (2008)

                               HC Source
1D Basin Modeling
Esso Assessment (2008)                    Platte River 1D Basin Model
• Lower Cretaceous lacustrine              Esso Tega #1 well used for
  shales of the C, D, and E are       geochem, structure and heat flow input
  the source rocks for the
  common HC system
  (source, maturation, migration
  ) that applies to all the plays.
• Peak maturation occurred
  from 70 to 100 mya and
  generation has been waning
  ever since.
2D Seismic Coverage and Well Locations
             in ERHC Technical Inventory

                                 BDS 2008

Chari Ouest III

                  Focus Area 2
Initial Period Technical Work Program
                                                                  INITIAL PERIOD                                                                                          RENEWAL PERIOD
            year2                                         year3                                      year4                                       year5                             year 6                    year7
            Q4      Q1          Q2           Q3           Q4      Q1          Q2        Q3           Q4      Q1          Q2          Q3          Q4      Q1          Q2   Q3       Q4       Q1          Q2
     2013                2014                                          2015                                       2016                                        2017                               2018

                                                                                        3D propsects                                                                      Drop
                                             FA1                                        or additional 2D
                                             2D seismic                                                                              Drop

                                                                                        FA1                                          Continue

                                                                                                                                     Drop                                 Continue
FA2                                                                                                                                  FA2
Airborne                                                                                                                             Expl.well
Gravity                                                                                 FA2
                                                                                        3D propsects                                                                      Drop
                                                                                        or additional 2D

                                             FA2                                        FA2
                                             2D seismic                                 Expl.well                                                                                                            Continue
                                                                                                                                     Drop                                 Expl.well
                                                                                                                                     3D prospects                                                            Drop
                                                                                        FA1                                          or additional 2D
                                                                                        2D seismic                                                                        Drop

                                                                                                                                     FA1                                  Continue


                                dry season                                    2D/3D Seismic                              Drilling of Well

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Management Presentation from October 9, 2012 Special Meeting of Shareholders

  • 2. Cautionary Statement Statements during this presentation may concern ERHC Energy Inc.’s future operating milestones, future drilling operations, the planned exploration and appraisal program, future prospects, future investment opportunities and financing plans, future shareholders’ meetings, response to U.S. governmental authority and related proceedings, as well as other matters that are not historical facts or information. Such statements are inherently subject to a variety of risks, assumptions and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated, projected, expressed or implied. A discussion of the risk factors that could impact these areas and the Company’s overall business and financial performance can be found in the Company’s reports and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These factors include, among others, those relating to the Company’s ability to exploit its commercial interests in the JDZ and the exclusive territorial waters of São Tomé and Príncipe, general economic and business conditions, changes in foreign and domestic oil and gas exploration and production activity, competition, changes in foreign, political, social and economic conditions, regulatory initiatives and compliance with governmental regulations and various other matters, many of which are beyond the Company’s control. Given these concerns, investors and analysts should not place undue reliance on these statements. Each of the above statements speaks only as of the date of hereof. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement to reflect any change in the Company’s expectations with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any of the above statements is based. 2
  • 3. Special Meeting of Shareholders Management Presentation • Strategy overview • Technical presentation on exploration work programs in Kenya, Chad • Fund raising plan • Value proposition • Q&A
  • 4. Our Purpose Today • Ask our existing shareholders to contribute to ERHC’s growth and therefore realizable shareholder value • Need to raise up to $45MM • Money will enable exploration in Kenya and Chad • Exploration will increase value of our assets and enhance shareholder value
  • 5. Brief History • Through 2009 – Primary focus on deepwater JDZ assets – Unexpected results from drilling in the JDZ • 2010 – Awarded two Blocks in Sao Tome & Principe EEZ • 2011 – Awarded three Blocks in Republic of Chad • 2012 – Awarded Kenya Block 11A
  • 6. Diversification Strategy • Transition from single-asset model to multi-asset model – Onshore assets complement more complex and demanding deepwater assets – More assets means more opportunities to win • Continuing to leverage home field advantage in Africa
  • 9. Kenya Block 11A • Located in NW Kenya adjacent to border with South Sudan • Structural setting in the vicinity of intersection between Cretaceous and Tertiary Rift systems • Significant production already in place in the Cretaceous basins of South Sudan and recent discoveries in the Tertiary rifts in Uganda and Kenya
  • 10. Kenya Exploration Acreage Block 11A licensing history: Block 11A First demarcated as the larger block 10 and licensed to AMOCO in 1985. Block covered the whole of northwestern Kenya Amoco relinquished parts of the block after ground gravity and reconnaissance seismic (~250km) Block re-gazetted and licensed to CAMEC (Central Africa Mineral Exploration company) CAMEC’s term expired after acquiring aero gravity and magnetic data
  • 11. Oil and Gas Occurrences in the Region
  • 12. Recent Exploration Success • Eliye Springs well is in the adjacent Block 10BA • Loperot and Ngamia-1 wells in Block 10BB are also nearby Northwest Kenya The proximity and in-trend Block 11A relationship between the Lotikipi plane and the Abu Gabra Rift basins of southern Regional Geology Sudan suggest high oil and The area is dominated by the Cretaceous gas prospectivity Central Africa Rift System (CARS) and the Tertiary East Africa Rift System (EARS) with the associated basin depositional trends Regional Geology Similar to Uganda Finds Gravity data enabled the delineation of a Operator Tullow estimates the sedimentary basin within the Block 11A discoveries may be similar in area below the Lotikipi plain with a size to the Lake Albert Rift Basin basin-fill believed to be in excess of in Uganda, which are estimated 5,000 meters at 2,000 MMBOE 12
  • 13. Kenya Global Bouguer Gravity Block 11A Rift basin extends into Block 11A Rift basins clearly visible in blue/green colors
  • 14. Gravity Survey Acquired by CAMEC • The data is coarse grid and therefore Block regional, but it identifies 11A Elemi 3 sub-basins in the north Turkana area, namely:  Lotikipi  Gatome Lotikipi  Elemi Gatome • Estimated sediment thickness in excess of 5000m In the Lotikipi Block 11A Block 11B Basin 100Km
  • 15. Potential Reservoirs • Data acquired by Amoco in in the 1980s • Data quality is poor due to existence of surface and subsurface volcanics, a major challenge in acquisition and processing • Indications of existence of sedimentary rocks below the volcanics can be Block 11A interpreted from seismic Block 11A Lotikipi Basin Lokwanamorou High Gatome Basin Potential sub-volcanic sediments
  • 16. Subsurface inferred from surface On outcrop, the potential Potential reservoir target reservoir sands are composed vvvv of good-quality vvv basement- vvv derived vv units, measurin g approximately 500m in thickness with measured vv porosities of up to 25%
  • 17. Potential Cretaceous Reservoir Sands Volcanics Reservoir Sands Basement The Lapur outcrop is the most prominent topographical feature in northern Turkana
  • 18. Work Program and Budget: Year 1 General & Admin $2,478,500 PSC work program $3,432,500 Performance bond $5,125,000 Other PSC expenditure $865,000 Contingencies $1,000,000 Total $12,151,000
  • 19. Work Program and Budget: Year 2 General & Admin $1,532,750 PSC work program $10,040,000 Other PSC expenditure $3,242,500 Contingencies $1,000,000 Total $15,640,250
  • 21. Introduction • June 2011 After months of negotiations, Government of Chad awards ERHC Energy Inc. 3 blocks: – Chari-Ouest III – BDS 2008 – Manga • July 2011 Production Sharing Contract (PSC) signed • August 2011 Presidential Approval of PSC granted • July 2012 Exclusive Exploration Authorization received Gazette of Principal Approval received
  • 22. ERHC’s Exploration Blocks in Chad Block Sq. Km. Acres Working Interest Chari-Ouest III 4,500 1,111,974 100% (northern half) BDS 2008 41,800 10,329,000 100% Manga 17,000 4,200,790 100%
  • 23. Republic of Chad •Proven Reserves are 1.5 Billion Bbls Source International Petroleum Encyclopedia Niger •Undeveloped Discoveries are 2.6 Billion Bbls, and CNPC largest player 14.6 TCF of Gas Current Production: ~17,000 bbl/d Source USGS, World Petroleum Resources Project Unconfirmed EUR: 1.0 Blnbbl Continue to explore Sudan All Fields Key Operators: CNPC & Consortiums Ndjamena Refinery ERHC BLOCKS Current Production: 465,000 bbl/d Peak Production: 538,000 bbl/d (2011) Operator: CNPC Reserves (remaining): 1.96 Bln bbls Capacity: 20,000 bbl/d expandable EUR: 3.0 Bln bbls to 60,000 bbl/d Key basins: Muglad, Melut Online Date: June 2011 Wells Drilled: 300 Supply: Block H Area II (CNPC) Commercial & Technical Success: 60% Block H Area II Greater Nile Oil Project Operator: CNPC (Former EnCana) Operator: GNPOC (Formerly Arakis) Expected Production: ~17,000 bbl/d Current Production: 203,000 bbl/d Reserves (remaining): 85 MMbbl Peak Production: 300,000 bbl/d (2004) OOIP: 700 mmbbl (CNPC) Reserves (remaining): 662 MMbbl Continue to explore EUR: 1.49 Bln bbl Chari Ouest - Doba Basin Chad/Cameroon Pipeline Operator: Exxon (Esso) Operator: Exxon Current Production: 115,000 bbl/d Capacity: 225,000 bbl/d Peak Production: 220,000 (2004) Utilization: 115,000 bbl/d Reserves (remaining): 462 MMbbl Distance: 1,070 km EUR: 795 mmbbl Port: Cameroon loading Expandable by adding pump stations
  • 24. Chad Infrastructure 660 mile long pipeline 60,000 bbl capacity, presently 225,000 bbl per day capacity processing 20,000 bbl per day Opened 6 February 2012 60% CNPCI 40% CNO Chad Production 126,200 bbl per day in 2010 (CIA World Fact Book) 9/18/2012
  • 25. Major Tectonic Elements of Chad ERHC BLOCKS Shear Zone Rift SILTOU BASIN FAYA LARGEAU BASIN DOSEO BASIN 9/18/2012 DOBA BASIN
  • 26. Focus on BDS 2008 • North of Esso Tega and Maku discoveries in Doseo basin • East and on trend with OPIC Benoy- 1 discovery in Doba basin
  • 27. Paleogeographic Reconstruction of Lower Cretaceous “C” Doseo Basin 9/18/2012 Patterson et al (2007)
  • 28. Focus Area 1 Tega: 8 mmbbls BDS2008 Maku: 21 mmbbls Tega 10 km Maku
  • 29. ERHC BDS 2008 “Lead A” ERHC Lead A PTD 12800’ MD Esso Tega #1 – 8 MMBOE NNW SS E ERHC BDS ESSO CHARI EAST - 1st Derivative RTE Magnetic Map 2008 DOSEO
  • 30. OPIC Benoy #1 – Lower Cretaceous (11.9 - 41.3 MMBOE) SW OPIC Benoy NE #1 A B C D E • 3,053 m (10,013’) MD; Budgeted dry hole = 17.62 MM USD • 53 days to TD, 73 days total • 62 feet net pay, Avg porosity = 17.0; Avg perm = 23.25 • Avg Sw = 49.0, Avg Vsh = 6.1 • DST #1: 2309 – 2334; 1,231 BOD, 0.15 MMCFGD, 0 BWD, 20/64” 0 1.2 KM ch; API 37.4, GOR 122 • DST #2: 2229 – 2232; 1,174 BOD, 0 MMCFGD, 0 BWD, 24/62” ch; API 34, GOR 0
  • 31. Focus Area 1 and Area 2 Focus Area 1 2D Seismic Focus Area 2 Airborne Gravity 3 Gradiometry 2D Seismic BDS 2008 4 CHARI QUEST III OPIC Benoy-1 2 1 BDS 2008 5 CHARI EAST - CHARI WEST - DOSEA 7 6 DOBA DOBA/DOSEO BASINS
  • 32. Short tie-in distances to proposed infra-structure for ERHC initial exploration focus areas ERHC BDS 2008 OPIC Benoy-1 ERHC BDS 2008 Tega-1 Griffith Maku-1,2 Focus Area 2 Griffith Griffith Griffith
  • 33. Initial Period Technical Work Program • Database generation • Complete regional G&G studies • Acquire airborne grav/mag surveys over focus area 2, Q4 2013 • Acquire 2D seismic over focus area 1 or focus area 2 , Q4 2014 • Determine lead/prospect areas • If necessary, delineate with additional seismic, Q4 2015 • Drill first exploration well Q4 2015 or Q4 2016
  • 34. 2013 Work Program and Budget General & Admin $1,695,000 PSC work program $1,514,645 Other PSC expenditure $545,006 Contingencies $750,000 TOTAL $4,504,651
  • 35. 2014 Work Program and Budget General & Admin $1,395,000 PSC work program $10,074,000 Other PSC expenditure $545,006 Contingencies $ 750,000 TOTAL $12,764,006
  • 37. Fund Raising Options • Objective: Raise up to $45MM • Fund Raising Approach: – Issue shares of common stock • Rights Offerings • Registered Direct Offerings – Convertible Loans and other debt instruments – Other available financing options
  • 38. Rights Offering • Existing shareholders as of a date to be determined will have opportunity to contribute substantial portion of new capital • The number of shares an existing a shareholder can purchase in the offering will depend on the number of shares they own
  • 39. Oversubscription Privilege • For: Shareholders exercising all of their basic subscription privilege • What: The right to purchase remaining unsubscribed shares of common stock at the expiration of the Rights Offering • Subject to: Availability and pro-rata allocation of shares
  • 40. Dilution • Shareholder taking up their pro-rata entitlement in full in the Rights Offering will experience no dilution • Shareholders not taking up their pro-rata entitlement will experience an immediate dilution in their interests in the Company
  • 42. Exploration Asset Value High Return/Low Cost Market Cap Exploration Development Production The market cap and asset value curve depicted here is merely for discussion purposes. Actual results may vary.
  • 43. ERHC Energy – JDZ Block 4 $20 $18 Acreage Details: $18 $16 • November 2003 ERHC was awarded $14 Block 4 in the JDZ for $0.73 million. $12 • November 17, 2005, ERHC Energy entered into a participation agreement $MM $10 with an Addax Petroleum who agreed $8 to assign to Addax a 40.5% $6 participating interest in Block 4 of the $4 JDZ for $18 million and pay all of the $2 $1 Company’s future costs in respect of $0 all petroleum operations in Block 4 Apr 2004 Nov 2005 Source: Company Public Filings and Press Releases
  • 44. Growing Value Requires Investment Kenya Work Program and Budget: Year 1 $12,151,000 Kenya Work Program and Budget: Year 2 $15,640,250 Chad 2013 Work Program and Budget $4,504,651 Chad 2014 Work Program and Budget $12,764,006 TOTAL $45,059,907
  • 45. Summary • Ready to commence exploration work programs in Kenya and Chad • Existing data points to prospectivity of our target areas • Existing shareholders will have an opportunity to participate in fund raising and avoid dilution • Objective is to grow and diversity the Company, add value to our assets
  • 46. Questions and Answers
  • 48. Intersection of two rift systems: Central African and East African Rift Systems
  • 49. Central African Rift System (CARS) Proven petroleum province extends from the Niger Delta through Cameroon, Chad, Central Africa Republic and southern Sudan, terminatin g in the Anza Basin, Kenya
  • 52. PSC Highlights • Blocks awarded and single PSC signed in June 2011 • Presidential decree of approval issued in August 2011 • Total signature bonus of US$40,000,000 (Chadian standard) – ERHC has negotiated: • US$6,480,000 upfront in three installments • Balance payable from production • Contract terms – Initial Period: 5 years with minimum work program of US$ 15,000,000 – Renewal Period: 3 years with minimum work program of US$ 1,000,000 plus drilling of one (1) exploration well, if such a well has not already been drilled in the Initial Period • Royalties: 14.25% oil and 5% gas • Cost recovery100%: – through yearly “Cost-oil” up to a value of 70 % of yearly net oil production minus the royalty on this production • 60% oil profit to ERHC up to R – Factor of 2.25; 50% for R – Factor of 2.25 – 3.0; 40% for R – Factor of greater than 3.0
  • 53. Stratigraphic Chart - Esso (2008) HC Source Lacustrine Shales
  • 54. 1D Basin Modeling Esso Assessment (2008) Platte River 1D Basin Model • Lower Cretaceous lacustrine Esso Tega #1 well used for shales of the C, D, and E are geochem, structure and heat flow input the source rocks for the common HC system (source, maturation, migration ) that applies to all the plays. • Peak maturation occurred from 70 to 100 mya and generation has been waning ever since.
  • 55. 2D Seismic Coverage and Well Locations in ERHC Technical Inventory BDS 2008 Chari Ouest III Focus Area 2
  • 56. Initial Period Technical Work Program INITIAL PERIOD RENEWAL PERIOD year2 year3 year4 year5 year 6 year7 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Continue FA1 Expl.well FA1 3D propsects Drop FA1 or additional 2D 2D seismic Drop FA1 Continue Expl.well Drop Continue FA2 FA2 Airborne Expl.well Gravity FA2 3D propsects Drop or additional 2D Drop Continue FA2 FA2 2D seismic Expl.well Continue FA1 Drop Expl.well FA1 3D prospects Drop FA1 or additional 2D 2D seismic Drop FA1 Continue Expl.well Drop dry season 2D/3D Seismic Drilling of Well Acquisition

Editor's Notes

  1. During this presentation, management will provide an overview of its business strategy, discuss the technical aspects of its work programs in Kenya and Chad, highlight its plans for raising funds and explain how those funds will be used to enhance the value of the Company’s assets and enhance shareholder value. We also will set aside ample time for questions.I now turn the floor over to President and CEO Peter Ntephe…
  2. Our purpose today is to request you – our existing shareholders – to give us the means to increase the value of your shareholding by contributing to the growth of your Company. We intend to raise up to $45MM that will be used over the next two years to fund exploration work programs in Kenya and Chad. These programs are intended to boost shareholder value far in excess of amounts contributed and enable shareholders cash in on the enhanced valuation. We will provide details in a moment regarding our assets and why we are so excited about this opportunity to increase their worth and enhance shareholder value.
  3. In the past 3 years, we’ve gone from having only 3 JDZ blocks under definitive contract to having 3 blocks under contract in Chad and 1 further block contracted in Kenya. The size of acreage under ERHC’s control has more than tripled in that time. There are still more contracts on the horizon with negotiations proceeding apace in the EEZ and applications in progress in several African countries.
  4. We’re transitioning rapidly from owning only offshore assets operated for us by others to a focus on onshore assets, some of which this company expects to operate in its own right. It is a fundamental shift but one we expect if diligently pursued will better position the Company and its shareholders to reap significant and sustainable gains.
  5. The ultimate goal of course is to see that the benefit accruing to shareholders, in terms of realizable value of their investment in ERHC, is maximized
  6. I will now call on ERHC’s exploration manager, Mr. Gertjan Van Mechelen, to talk about the onshore assets in Kenya and Chad. Shareholders realize of course that the impending work programs and advance pecuniary obligations on these assets are the immediate reason why ERHC needs to raise money and to raise it fairly quickly. Gertjan?
  7. Location is on the intersection of Central African Rift System and the East African Rift System
  8. Recent success by Tullow south of our acreage in the Ngamia-1 well, oil with similar characteristics as found in Uganda.
  9. Global Gravity derived from Satellite measurements.
  10. The Global gravity does not show what locally acquired gravity shows as the presence of additional basins.
  11. Seismic imaging of the subsurface structure is poor on this 1986 vintage data. Improved seismic acquisition and processing techniques we hope will provide a better subsurface structure.
  12. Excellent reservoir rocks are present in outcrop. We hope to find these same reservoir rocks in the subsurface.
  13. Three block, but all under one PSC., which means these three block do not have separate obligations.
  14. Self explanatory slide
  15. Infra-structure put in place for both domestic consumption as well as export.
  16. Particularly the Chari Ouest III and BDS2008 are located along the Central African Shear Zone (CASZ)
  17. Focus on areas close to proven oil.
  18. Regional stratigraphy mapping indicate presence of alluvial fan deltas and lacustrine deltas in our areas of interest providing both reservoir and seal rocks.
  19. During peak oil generation oil (70-100 mya) would have moved already towards the edges of the basin prior to later structuring.
  20. Similar structural style as seen in the OPIC’s Benoy-1 discovery is expected to the east in our Focus Area 2
  21. Griffith, who hold the acreage south of BDS2008 shows proposed infra-structure in which future discoveries could be tied in.
  22. Thank you, Gertjan. I will now call on Mr. Sylvan Odobulu, ERHC’s Vice President and Controller, to present on our fund raising plans and objectives.
  23. SYLVAN:Thank you, Peter. Our assumption is that we will not accept a farm-in partner through year two of our exploration work programs. This is a conservative assumption that we believe is in the best interests of shareholders. We will therefore need to raise up to $45 million over the next 18 months for our exploration programs in Kenya and Chad. The most feasible option open to us is equity finance. We plan to proceed by a rights offering to existing shareholders and registered direct offerings to new ones.
  24. The shareholder approval to increase the authorized share capital gives us the number of shares needed to undertake meaningful rights offering to our existing shareholders. We shall be announcing the terms of a rights offering shortly, approval having now been given to the increase in authorized share capital. The rights offering will give our existing shareholders the right to purchase shares in proportion to their existing holding
  25. Subject to final consultations with our advisers, we expect that oversubscription privileges will be provided as part of the rights offering to enable willing shareholders take up any shares offered under the rights offering that are unsubscribed at the end of the exercise.
  26. A rights offering gives shareholders the opportunity to participate fully in the Company’s growth while avoiding dilution. Of course, no shareholder is under any compulsion to participate in the rights. I will now hand back to Peter to explain the ERHC value proposition.
  27. PETER: The E&P value proposition is a unique one. The excisable value proposition of the ‘E’ in E&P – that is, exploration – is even more unique. It is a high-risk, high reward proposition that is not necessarily predicated on cash flow and might not even involve the discovery of hydrocarbons.
  28. To increase the value of your Company, to increase the money you can make from this Company, we need to spend money to enhance the assets – up to $45mm assuming we don’t take a farm in partner before then. This is the value proposition of E&P. The more money you can spend on developing the asset, the more you can potentially reap from the investment
  29. In summary, ERHC is positioned to get started with exploration work programs in Kenya and Chad. As we’ve described, we have every reason to be excited about the prospectivity of our target areas. What needs to happen next is raising funds. We understand that existing shareholders are concerned about dilution, which is why we plan a Rights Offering, which will allow existing shareholders to participate and avoid dilution. Our overriding objective is to grow and diversify the Company while adding value to our assets and to shareholders’ value.This completes our management presentation. Thank you for your interest and attention. Dan Keeney is in the audience with a microphone if anyone has questions.
  30. Thanks, Peter. If anyone has questions, please raise your hands. We ask that you keep any comments to no more than a minute. If you have more than one question, we can come back to you, but we want to be sensitive to everyone’s time and give everyone an opportunity to ask a question.