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Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 1
NewBase 23 July 2014 Khaled Al Awadi
NewBase For discussion or further details on the news below you may contact us on +971504822502 , Dubai , UAE
Dubai to set up New agency to manage power demands
Trade + NewBase
The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy is to set up an egency under the name ‘efficiency,’ to
reduce energy demand by 30 per cent under the Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030, said a
The agency will operate under the council to oversee and implement the Demand Side
Management strategy, which was launched recently in collaboration with the council’s agencies,
said the Emirates 24/7 report.
The announcement came as the council reviewed the implementation phases of the strategy
during its board meeting recently. The members presented a detailed report on the activities of
the Project Management Office and preparations for the next major phases, said the report.
The strategy has eight programmes to manage energy demand including:-
1. regulations for green building construction,
2. retrofitting of existing buildings,
3. district cooling stations,
4. wastewater reuse,
5. laws and standards to raise efficiency, and
6. energy-efficient street lighting, it added.
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 2
Oman : OOCEP expect first tight gas end of year
OOCEP Targets 1st Gas Extraction from Omani Block. First gas from the gas-rich Abu Tubul
tight gas field in Block 60 in central Oman is targeted during the third quarter of 2014 , source from
OOCEP said .
This initial investment amount is part of an ambitious phased project to extract the from the
promising reserves of tight gas and condensates in Block 60. OOCEP is working along a tight
deadline to bring the field into commercial production by setting the first quarter for 2013 to
achieve this. The project is targeting a peak production output of 90 million standard cubic feet
per day (mmscf/d) in order meet Oman's increasing demand for gas in power generation, water
desalination and as feedstock for petrochemicals industries.
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 3
Iraq: ShaMaran Petroleum announces drilling update on the Atrush
Source: ShaMaran Petroleum
ShaMaran Petroleum has provided an operational update on the Atrush development in the Kurdistan
Region of Iraq. The Chiya Khere ('CK-5') development well was spudded on May 16, 2014 using the
DQE31 drilling rig and reached Total Depth of 2098 metres Measured Depth (1744 metres True Vertical
Depth) in the Butmah formation on June 28, in 43 days.
The well was drilled ahead
of schedule and under
budget. The well was
deviated from the same
well pad as AT-1 & AT-4
with the bottomhole
location approx. 870 metres
WSW of the surface
location. The average hole
angle through the reservoir
section was 40 degrees.
CK-5 will be tested using a
service rig in early 2015
prior to final completion
and tie-in to the Phase One
production facility. As in
previous wells, no water leg
was encountered in the
reservoir section, with the
well penetrating a gross
vertical oil column
(assuming an estimated
average Free Water level of
-443 metres subsea) of
approx. 540 metres.
The DQE31 spudded the
Chiya Khere ('CK-8')
development well from the same well pad on July 19, 2014, which is a similar well to CK-5 targeting a
bottomhole location approx. 1.5 km ESE of the surface location. This well is also planned to be tested using
a service rig in early 2015 prior to final completion and tie-in to the Phase One production facility.
A second drilling rig is to be mobilised in August 2014 to focus on the Phase Two appraisal work which
consists of the CK-6 appraisal well (to be drilled from the same well pad as AT-3), the planned retest of
AT-3 and the CK-7 appraisal/development well (location under construction).
The Atrush Block is operated by TAQA Atrush, a subsidiary of Abu Dhabi National Energy Company
which holds a 39.9% working interest in the Block. ShaMaran Petroleum Corp holds a 20.1% working
interest through its wholly owned subsidiary, ShaMaran Ventures (100% owner of General Exploration
Partners, Inc.). Marathon Oil KDV, a wholly owned subsidiary of Marathon Oil Corp, holds a 15%
working interest in the block. Subsequent to their back-in the Government of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
holds a 25% working interest.
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 4
India: Oilex provides Cambay-77H update - flaring gas and light oil recovered in clean-up
Source: Oilex
• Strong clean-up hydrocarbon flow encountered following mill-out operations
• Gas flaring operations have commenced to ensure well-site safety
• Light oil/condensate flows to surface during flow-back and recovered for sale
• Higher than expected light oil/condensate flows particularly encouraging
• ~40% of the frac water has been recovered
Oilex has announced that following successful mill-
out operations the Cambay-77H well has
commenced controlled flow-back of frac fluids with
light oil/condensate being recovered to surface and
separated for sale along with associated reservoir
gas. Gas associated with the well flow-back is
currently being flared to ensure safety of all well-
site personnel. After carefully monitoring well flow-
back operations under controlled conditions
Cambay-77H continues to exhibit characteristics of
a high performance multistage frac’d horizontal well.
The well is currently cleaning up and Oilex will advise the market of a stabilized flow rate via a production
test once frac fluid return and clean-up operations have been completed. The recovery of ~API 50 light
crude during flow-back operations has been particularly encouraging indicating higher than expected liquid
hydrocarbon production. Measuring these liquids will provide valuable information regarding the quality of
the 8 fracture stimulations and the deliverability of the reservoir.
Managing Director of
Oilex, Ron Miller, said:
'We are very pleased that
Cambay-77H is
exhibiting all of the signs
of a high performance
well for Oilex. Flowback
started very strongly and
remains on track to take
2 to 3 weeks. The
recovery of light
oil/condensate with the
gas under clean-up flow
this early in the flow-
back phase is considered
positive and the
hydrocarbon liquid
volume exceeded our
expectations. Oilex looks
forward to commencing
the production testing after sufficient frac fluids have been recovered from the well and the flow has
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 5
Namibia: Frontier Resources provides update on Owamba Basin Blocks 1717 & 1817
Source: Frontier Resources
AIM-listed Frontier Resources International has provided an operational update on its activities in Namibia.
Frontier's Blocks 1717 and 1817, located in the Owambo Basin in northern Namibia, cover an area of
approx. 18,933 sq kms. Frontier is operator with a 90% working interest while NAMCOR, the Namibian
National Oil Company, has a 10% carried interest in the licence.
The Company recently retained the services of Earthfield Technology of Houston, Texas to undertake a
study to evaluate the depth to magnetic basement of aeromagnetic data purchased from the Geological
Survey of Namibia.
Datasets used in the study consisted of:
1. 91,000 line kilometers of high resolution aeromagnetic data acquired on a 200m x200m line spacing by
World Geosciences
2. Regional aerogravity data
3. Topography maps
4. Digital geologic maps and published articles
As part of the study Werner Deconvolution depth profiles were generated every 2 kilometers across the
Blocks. Werner Deconvolution is an automated function for determining the depth to magnetic rocks in the
subsurface, including the basement, from carefully processed magnetic data.
Mapping of the depth to basement solutions shows a deep basin with sediment thickness up to 10 kilometers
(~33,000 feet) in the central and northern part of the licence area, and shallow basement overprinted with
near surface volcanic intrusives in the southern part of the license area.
Interpretation of the data has revealed several deep seated basement structures. The mapped positions of
these structures will serve as a guide to optimally locate the focus areas of the continuing exploration
program which will include an additional geochemical soil gas survey to be integrated with the encouraging
results of the 2013 survey,
followed by the acquisition of
2D seismic data.
Commentating on today's
update, Jack Keyes, Frontier's
CEO said 'The results of this
modeling helps to constrain the
results obtained previously from
existing aerogravity data while
confirming the presence of a
thick sedimentary cover across
most of the licence area. This
new information improves our
understanding of the geological
evolution of the basin and
should assist in our ongoing
farm-out process to attract
additional industry
participation in the Blocks.'
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 6
Norway: Statoil resumes production at Njord A
Source: Statoil
Statoil resumed oil and gas production on the Njord A platform in the Norwegian Sea on 19 July, after a
major reinforcement of the platform structure. Production has been shut down since last summer. Extensive
analyses and inspections in 2013 revealed a need to reinforce the Njord A platform structure. To be on the
safe side, Statoil opted to keep production shut down until the reinforcements were in place.
'We have extended Njord's
lifetime by improving recovery on
the field, and by finding more oil
and gas in the area. The Njord A
platform has been with us the
entire time, and we want to
make sure that the structure can
withstand the loads it will be
exposed to,' says head of Njord
operations Arve Rennemo.
The work that has been done
through the winter and spring has strengthened the structure, so the platform can resume production. The
work of reinforcing the structure has mainly consisted of bracing the primary beams and struts, and
increasing the length of the secondary beams under the platform. The long-range plan is to further bolster
the platform to prepare it for future drilling operations and an extended lifetime on the Njord field.
'Njord A will produce oil and gas until the summer of 2016, after which it will be taken to shore for
additional upgrades which will allow us to use the drilling system on board, and prepare it for many more
good years of service on the Norwegian shelf,' says Rennemo.
Statoil also has studies in progress to assess how the Njord area and the Haltenbanken area in the Norwegian
Sea can be further developed. The Njord A platform has been in production since 1997.
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 7
China’s Xi signs Venezuela resource deals on LatAm blitz
AFP + NewBase
Caracas: Chinese President Xi Jinping signed a raft of oil and mineral deals with Venezuela on Monday, his
latest stop on a Latin American tour showcasing China’s growing influence in the region.
During his four-country visit to what is often
considered America’s back yard, Xi has reached
out to resource-rich countries such as Venezuela
and Argentina at a time when they are often
shunned by the United States and Europe. In
Venezuela, he visited the mausoleum holding
late president Hugo Chavez, an inveterate
antagonist of the US, and signed 38 deals with
Chavez’s successor, Nicolas Maduro.
The deals spanned a range of sectors from oil to
infrastructure and included $4 billion for a joint
development fund, $691 million to explore
Venezuela’s gold and copper reserves and an
agreement to develop the countries’ third joint satellite. “Venezuela has become one of the top countries for
Chinese investment... our seventh oil supplier and fourth Latin American trade partner,” Xi said in Caracas.
The Venezuela visit comes after the Chinese leader agreed to an $11-billion currency swap with Argentina
and extended much-needed investment to President Cristina Kirchner, whose cash-strapped government,
locked out of capital markets since defaulting on its debt in 2001, is staring down the threat of another
Xi kicked off his tour last week by proposing a new $20-billion infrastructure fund for Latin America,
underlining the fast-growing Asian giant’s increasing interest in the region. He also launched a new $50-
billon development bank along with the other emerging powers of the so-called Brics group — Brazil,
Russia, India and South Africa — at a summit in Brazil.
The move, which creates an alternative to the Western-dominated World Bank, was hailed as contributing to
“a new international order” by Cuban President Raul Castro — Xi’s host at the next and final stop on his
‘Not about ideology’
But although Xi has spent his trip rubbing elbows with leftist leaders who tend to view the United States
with a critical eye, his tour is less about ideology than business, said Venezuelan political analyst Carlos
Romero. “China’s political and economic expansion is pragmatic in character. It’s not about ideology or
competition with the United States, but a Chinese policy of looking long-term for natural resources in
different parts of the world,” he told AFP.
“China knows Argentina and Venezuela hold huge natural resource deposits, particularly two they are
desperately searching for to fuel an economy and a society like China’s: oil and food in the case of
Argentina, and oil and gas in the case of Venezuela.”The partnership comes at a welcome time for
Venezuela, which is in the midst of an inflation crisis and struggling under a pile of unpaid debts to foreign
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 8
China, the second-largest market for Venezuelan oil after the United States, pays for its average 640,000
daily barrels in part by writing down the $17-billion debt Caracas owes it. Both countries have said they
want to increase oil exports to one million barrels a day in the coming years.
Chinese trade with Latin America has grown rapidly in recent years, reaching $261.6 billion in 2013. China
is now the second-largest trading partner of many countries, including Argentina and Cuba, and has been
Brazil’s largest since 2009.
In 1990, China ranked just 17th on the list of Latin American export destinations. Beijing has also ramped
up investment in Latin America to about 20 per cent of its total foreign direct investment of $90 billion last
year. This is Xi’s second visit to Latin America and the Caribbean since taking office in 2013. Last year he
toured Mexico, Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago.
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 9
Fuel economy and average vehicle cost vary significantly across vehicle types
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
Vehicle price and fueling costs are important factors consumers take into account when deciding to
purchase a new light-duty vehicle. While vehicle purchase is influenced by cost and fuel economy, other
important factors such as environmental concerns, performance, and style also play a part. Comparison of
the fuel savings and incremental vehicle cost among various vehicle fuel types sheds light on how at least
some consumers may perceive the value of purchasing a given vehicle fuel type relative to another.
Standard gasoline vehicles. The compliance fuel economy of midsize passenger cars using gasoline is
projected to increase from about 35 miles per gallon (mpg) today to more than 53 mpg in 2025 by adding
fuel efficiency technology, including micro and mild hybridization. These additions raise the average
vehicle price from about $25,000 (2012$) to more than $27,000. For a vehicle driven 12,000 miles annually,
116 gallons of fuel are saved annually compared to a midsize car today, or $408 per year if gasoline is $3.50
per gallon (2012$). Because of diminishing returns from improved fuel economy, future highly efficient
standard gasoline vehicles are a strong competitor compared with other vehicles fueled exclusively by motor
gasoline, as well as with alternatively fueled vehicles.
TDI diesel vehicles. Compliance fuel economy for midsize turbocharged direct injection (TDI) diesel
passenger cars increases from 45 mpg in 2010 to 55 mpg in 2025, while vehicle price remains about
$28,000. Although a midsize diesel vehicle achieves slightly higher fuel economy than a standard gasoline
counterpart, this difference amounts to only about a 10-gallon reduction in annual fuel use for 12,000 miles
of travel. Because diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline, the annual fuel cost is about $25 more per
year if diesel is $3.75 per gallon (2012$).
Hybrid electric vehicles. For fully hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), projected compliance fuel economy
increases from around 50 mpg in 2010 to 71 mpg in 2025. The vehicle cost remains just over $30,000, as
the addition of more fuel efficient technology is offset by the reduction in cost of the battery electric system.
Because of diminishing returns to improved fuel economy, the 20 mpg improvement of an HEV over a
conventional gasoline counterpart represents only a 57 gallon annual reduction in gasoline consumption, or
about $200 per year in fuel savings.
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 10
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. These vehicles offer fuel savings because they use electricity instead of
liquid fuel for some share of travel (charge-depleting mode) and then operating similarly to an HEV when
usable battery charge is depleted (charge-sustaining mode). For a plug-in hybrid electric with a 10-mile
range (PHEV10), around 21% of average daily travel is within all-electric range. In contrast, a plug-in
hybrid electric with 40-mile range (PHEV40) accounts for an average of 58% of daily travel. PHEVs
achieve relatively high fuel efficiency and take advantage of using electricity at 12 cents per kilowatthour
(2012$). PHEV incremental costs compared to a standard gasoline counterpart are $8,000 or more before
tax credits, even considering projected battery systems cost reductions. Compared to a conventional
gasoline counterpart, annual liquid fuel consumption is projected to be reduced by about 100 and 155
gallons for a PHEV10 and PHEV40, respectively, amounting to annual fuel savings (including gasoline and
electricity) of about $207.
Plug-in electric vehicles (EVs). EVs operate exclusively on battery power and achieve relatively high
efficiency. An EV with a 100-mile range is projected to save around $385 annually in 2025 compared to a
standard gasoline vehicle. These fuel savings come at an incremental vehicle price before tax credits of
around $10,000.
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 11
Self-cooling Solar Cells Boost Power, Last Longer
global solar technology + NewBase
Scientists may have overcome one of the major hurdles in developing high-efficiency, long-lasting
solar cells—keeping them cool, even in the blistering heat of the noonday Sun.
By adding a specially patterned layer of silica glass to the surface of ordinary solar cells, a team of
researchers led by Shanhui Fan, an electrical engineering professor at Stanford University in
California has found a way to let solar cells cool themselves by shepherding away unwanted
thermal radiation. The researchers describe their innovative design in the premiere issue of The
Optical Society’s (OSA) new open-access journal Optica.
Solar cells are among the most promising and widely used renewable energy technologies on the
market today. Though readily available and easily manufactured, even the best designs convert
only a fraction of the energy they receive from the Sun into usable electricity.
Part of this loss is the unavoidable consequence of converting sunlight into electricity. A
surprisingly vexing amount, however, is due to solar cells overheating.
Under normal operating conditions, solar cells can easily reach temperatures of 130 degrees
Fahrenheit (55 degrees Celsius) or more. These harsh conditions quickly sap efficiency and can
markedly shorten the lifespan of a solar cell. Actively cooling solar cells, however—either by
ventilation or coolants—would be prohibitively
expensive and at odds with the need to optimize
exposure to the Sun.
The newly proposed design avoids these problems by
taking a more elegant, passive approach to cooling. By
embedding tiny pyramid- and cone-shaped structures
on an incredibly thin layer of silica glass, the
researchers found a way of redirecting unwanted
heat—in the form of infrared radiation—from the
surface of solar cells, through the atmosphere, and
back into space.
“Our new approach can lower the operating
temperature of solar cells passively, improving energy
conversion efficiency significantly and increasing the
life expectancy of solar cells,” said Linxiao Zhu, a
physicist at Stanford and lead author on the Optica paper. “These two benefits should enable the
continued success and adoption of solar cell technology.”
Solar cells work by directly converting the Sun’s rays into electrical energy. As photons of light
pass into the semiconductor regions of the solar cells, they knock off electrons from the atoms,
allowing electricity to flow freely, creating a current. The most successful and widely used designs,
silicon semiconductors, however, convert less than 30 percent of the energy they receive from the
Sun into electricity – even at peak efficiency.
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 12
The solar energy that is not converted generates waste heat, which inexorably lessens a solar
cell’s performance. For every one-degree Celsius (1.8 degree F) increase in temperature, the
efficiency of a solar cell declines by about half a percent.
“That decline is very significant,” said Aaswath Raman, a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford and co-
author on the paper. “The solar cell industry invests significant amounts of capital to generate
improvements in efficiency. Our method of carefully altering the layers that cover and enclose the
solar cell can improve the efficiency of any underlying solar cell. This makes the design
particularly relevant and important.”
In addition, solar cells “age” more rapidly when their temperatures increase, with the rate of aging
doubling for every increase of 18 degrees Fahrenheit. To passively cool the solar cells, allowing
them to give off excess heat without spending energy doing so, requires exploiting the basic
properties of light as well as a special infrared “window” through Earth’s atmosphere.
Different wavelengths of light interact with solar cells in very different ways—with visible light
being the most efficient at generating electricity while infrared is more efficient at carrying heat.
Different wavelengths also bend and refract differently, depending on the type and shape of the
material they pass through.
The researchers harnessed these basic principles to
allow visible light to pass through the added silica
layer unimpeded while enhancing the amount of
energy that is able to be carried away from the solar
cells at thermal wavelengths.
“Silica is transparent to visible light, but it is also
possible to fine-tune how it bends and refracts light of
very specific wavelengths,” said Fan, who is the
corresponding author on the Optica paper. “A carefully
designed layer of silica would not degrade the performance of the solar cell but it would enhance
radiation at the predetermined thermal wavelengths to send the solar cell’s heat away more
To test their idea, the researchers compared two different silica covering designs: one a flat
surface approximately 5 millimeters thick and the other a thinner layer covered with pyramids and
micro-cones just a few microns (one-thousandth of a millimeter) thick in any dimension. The size
of these features was essential. By precisely controlling the width and height of the pyramids and
micro-cones, they could be tuned to refract and redirect only the unwanted infrared wavelengths
away from the solar cell and back out into space.
“The goal was to lower the operating temperature of the solar cell while maintaining its solar
absorption,” said Fan. “We were quite pleased to see that while the flat layer of silica provided
some passive cooling, the patterned layer of silica considerably outperforms the 5 mm-thick
uniform silica design, and has nearly identical performance as the ideal scheme.”
Zhu and his colleagues are currently fabricating these devices and performing experimental tests
on their design. Their next step is to demonstrate radiative cooling of solar cells in an outdoor
environment. “We think that this work addresses an important technological problem in the
operation and optimization of solar cells,” he concluded, “and thus has substantial
commercialization potential.”
Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained
in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 13
NewBase For discussion or further details on the news below you may contact us on +971504822502 , Dubai , UAE
Your partner in Energy Services
Khaled Malallah Al Awadi,
MSc. & BSc. Mechanical Engineering (HON), USA
ASME member since 1995
Emarat member since 1990
Energy Services & Consultants
Mobile : +97150-4822502
Khaled Al Awadi is a UAE National with a total of 24 yearsKhaled Al Awadi is a UAE National with a total of 24 yearsKhaled Al Awadi is a UAE National with a total of 24 yearsKhaled Al Awadi is a UAE National with a total of 24 years ofofofof
experience in theexperience in theexperience in theexperience in the Oil & Gas sector. Currently working asOil & Gas sector. Currently working asOil & Gas sector. Currently working asOil & Gas sector. Currently working as
TechTechTechTechnical Affairs Specialist for Emirates General Petroleum Corp. “Emarat“ with external voluntary Energy consultation fornical Affairs Specialist for Emirates General Petroleum Corp. “Emarat“ with external voluntary Energy consultation fornical Affairs Specialist for Emirates General Petroleum Corp. “Emarat“ with external voluntary Energy consultation fornical Affairs Specialist for Emirates General Petroleum Corp. “Emarat“ with external voluntary Energy consultation for
the GCC area via Hawk Energy Service as a UAE operations base , Most of the experience were spent as the Gas Operationsthe GCC area via Hawk Energy Service as a UAE operations base , Most of the experience were spent as the Gas Operationsthe GCC area via Hawk Energy Service as a UAE operations base , Most of the experience were spent as the Gas Operationsthe GCC area via Hawk Energy Service as a UAE operations base , Most of the experience were spent as the Gas Operations Manager inManager inManager inManager in
Emarat , responsible for Emarat Gas Pipeline Network Facility & gas compressor stations . Through the years , he has develoEmarat , responsible for Emarat Gas Pipeline Network Facility & gas compressor stations . Through the years , he has develoEmarat , responsible for Emarat Gas Pipeline Network Facility & gas compressor stations . Through the years , he has develoEmarat , responsible for Emarat Gas Pipeline Network Facility & gas compressor stations . Through the years , he has developed greatped greatped greatped great
experiences in the designing & constructingexperiences in the designing & constructingexperiences in the designing & constructingexperiences in the designing & constructing of gas pipelines, gas metering & regulating stations and in the engineeringof gas pipelines, gas metering & regulating stations and in the engineeringof gas pipelines, gas metering & regulating stations and in the engineeringof gas pipelines, gas metering & regulating stations and in the engineering of supply routes.of supply routes.of supply routes.of supply routes.
Many years were spent drafting, & compiling gas transportation , operation & maintenance agreements along with many MOUs forMany years were spent drafting, & compiling gas transportation , operation & maintenance agreements along with many MOUs forMany years were spent drafting, & compiling gas transportation , operation & maintenance agreements along with many MOUs forMany years were spent drafting, & compiling gas transportation , operation & maintenance agreements along with many MOUs for the localthe localthe localthe local
authorities. He has become a reference for many of the Oil & Gas Conferences held in the UAE andauthorities. He has become a reference for many of the Oil & Gas Conferences held in the UAE andauthorities. He has become a reference for many of the Oil & Gas Conferences held in the UAE andauthorities. He has become a reference for many of the Oil & Gas Conferences held in the UAE and EnerEnerEnerEnergy program broadcastedgy program broadcastedgy program broadcastedgy program broadcasted
internationally , via GCC leading satellite Channels .internationally , via GCC leading satellite Channels .internationally , via GCC leading satellite Channels .internationally , via GCC leading satellite Channels .
NewBase : For discussion or further details on the news above you may contact us on +971504822502 , Dubai , UAE
NewBase 23 July 2014 K. Al Awadi

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New base 22 april 2021 energy news issue 1426 by khaled al awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
New base special 17 march 2014
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Khaled Al Awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
New base 534 special 05 february 2015
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Khaled Al Awadi
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New base energy news issue 855 dated 22 may 2016
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Khaled Al Awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
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Beena Al
NewBase 606 special 18 May 2015
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Khaled Al Awadi
New base special 26 february 2014
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Khaled Al Awadi

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Khaled Al Awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
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Khaled Al Awadi
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New base special 23 july 2014

  • 1. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 1 NewBase 23 July 2014 Khaled Al Awadi NewBase For discussion or further details on the news below you may contact us on +971504822502 , Dubai , UAE Dubai to set up New agency to manage power demands Trade + NewBase The Dubai Supreme Council of Energy is to set up an egency under the name ‘efficiency,’ to reduce energy demand by 30 per cent under the Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030, said a report. The agency will operate under the council to oversee and implement the Demand Side Management strategy, which was launched recently in collaboration with the council’s agencies, said the Emirates 24/7 report. The announcement came as the council reviewed the implementation phases of the strategy during its board meeting recently. The members presented a detailed report on the activities of the Project Management Office and preparations for the next major phases, said the report. The strategy has eight programmes to manage energy demand including:- 1. regulations for green building construction, 2. retrofitting of existing buildings, 3. district cooling stations, 4. wastewater reuse, 5. laws and standards to raise efficiency, and 6. energy-efficient street lighting, it added.
  • 2. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 2 Oman : OOCEP expect first tight gas end of year OOCEP Targets 1st Gas Extraction from Omani Block. First gas from the gas-rich Abu Tubul tight gas field in Block 60 in central Oman is targeted during the third quarter of 2014 , source from OOCEP said . This initial investment amount is part of an ambitious phased project to extract the from the promising reserves of tight gas and condensates in Block 60. OOCEP is working along a tight deadline to bring the field into commercial production by setting the first quarter for 2013 to achieve this. The project is targeting a peak production output of 90 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscf/d) in order meet Oman's increasing demand for gas in power generation, water desalination and as feedstock for petrochemicals industries.
  • 3. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 3 Iraq: ShaMaran Petroleum announces drilling update on the Atrush Source: ShaMaran Petroleum ShaMaran Petroleum has provided an operational update on the Atrush development in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The Chiya Khere ('CK-5') development well was spudded on May 16, 2014 using the DQE31 drilling rig and reached Total Depth of 2098 metres Measured Depth (1744 metres True Vertical Depth) in the Butmah formation on June 28, in 43 days. The well was drilled ahead of schedule and under budget. The well was deviated from the same well pad as AT-1 & AT-4 with the bottomhole location approx. 870 metres WSW of the surface location. The average hole angle through the reservoir section was 40 degrees. CK-5 will be tested using a service rig in early 2015 prior to final completion and tie-in to the Phase One production facility. As in previous wells, no water leg was encountered in the reservoir section, with the well penetrating a gross vertical oil column (assuming an estimated average Free Water level of -443 metres subsea) of approx. 540 metres. The DQE31 spudded the Chiya Khere ('CK-8') development well from the same well pad on July 19, 2014, which is a similar well to CK-5 targeting a bottomhole location approx. 1.5 km ESE of the surface location. This well is also planned to be tested using a service rig in early 2015 prior to final completion and tie-in to the Phase One production facility. A second drilling rig is to be mobilised in August 2014 to focus on the Phase Two appraisal work which consists of the CK-6 appraisal well (to be drilled from the same well pad as AT-3), the planned retest of AT-3 and the CK-7 appraisal/development well (location under construction). The Atrush Block is operated by TAQA Atrush, a subsidiary of Abu Dhabi National Energy Company which holds a 39.9% working interest in the Block. ShaMaran Petroleum Corp holds a 20.1% working interest through its wholly owned subsidiary, ShaMaran Ventures (100% owner of General Exploration Partners, Inc.). Marathon Oil KDV, a wholly owned subsidiary of Marathon Oil Corp, holds a 15% working interest in the block. Subsequent to their back-in the Government of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq holds a 25% working interest.
  • 4. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 4 India: Oilex provides Cambay-77H update - flaring gas and light oil recovered in clean-up Source: Oilex • Strong clean-up hydrocarbon flow encountered following mill-out operations • Gas flaring operations have commenced to ensure well-site safety • Light oil/condensate flows to surface during flow-back and recovered for sale • Higher than expected light oil/condensate flows particularly encouraging • ~40% of the frac water has been recovered Oilex has announced that following successful mill- out operations the Cambay-77H well has commenced controlled flow-back of frac fluids with light oil/condensate being recovered to surface and separated for sale along with associated reservoir gas. Gas associated with the well flow-back is currently being flared to ensure safety of all well- site personnel. After carefully monitoring well flow- back operations under controlled conditions Cambay-77H continues to exhibit characteristics of a high performance multistage frac’d horizontal well. The well is currently cleaning up and Oilex will advise the market of a stabilized flow rate via a production test once frac fluid return and clean-up operations have been completed. The recovery of ~API 50 light crude during flow-back operations has been particularly encouraging indicating higher than expected liquid hydrocarbon production. Measuring these liquids will provide valuable information regarding the quality of the 8 fracture stimulations and the deliverability of the reservoir. Managing Director of Oilex, Ron Miller, said: 'We are very pleased that Cambay-77H is exhibiting all of the signs of a high performance well for Oilex. Flowback started very strongly and remains on track to take 2 to 3 weeks. The recovery of light oil/condensate with the gas under clean-up flow this early in the flow- back phase is considered positive and the hydrocarbon liquid volume exceeded our expectations. Oilex looks forward to commencing the production testing after sufficient frac fluids have been recovered from the well and the flow has stabilised.'
  • 5. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 5 Namibia: Frontier Resources provides update on Owamba Basin Blocks 1717 & 1817 Source: Frontier Resources AIM-listed Frontier Resources International has provided an operational update on its activities in Namibia. Frontier's Blocks 1717 and 1817, located in the Owambo Basin in northern Namibia, cover an area of approx. 18,933 sq kms. Frontier is operator with a 90% working interest while NAMCOR, the Namibian National Oil Company, has a 10% carried interest in the licence. The Company recently retained the services of Earthfield Technology of Houston, Texas to undertake a study to evaluate the depth to magnetic basement of aeromagnetic data purchased from the Geological Survey of Namibia. Datasets used in the study consisted of: 1. 91,000 line kilometers of high resolution aeromagnetic data acquired on a 200m x200m line spacing by World Geosciences 2. Regional aerogravity data 3. Topography maps 4. Digital geologic maps and published articles As part of the study Werner Deconvolution depth profiles were generated every 2 kilometers across the Blocks. Werner Deconvolution is an automated function for determining the depth to magnetic rocks in the subsurface, including the basement, from carefully processed magnetic data. Mapping of the depth to basement solutions shows a deep basin with sediment thickness up to 10 kilometers (~33,000 feet) in the central and northern part of the licence area, and shallow basement overprinted with near surface volcanic intrusives in the southern part of the license area. Interpretation of the data has revealed several deep seated basement structures. The mapped positions of these structures will serve as a guide to optimally locate the focus areas of the continuing exploration program which will include an additional geochemical soil gas survey to be integrated with the encouraging results of the 2013 survey, followed by the acquisition of 2D seismic data. Commentating on today's update, Jack Keyes, Frontier's CEO said 'The results of this modeling helps to constrain the results obtained previously from existing aerogravity data while confirming the presence of a thick sedimentary cover across most of the licence area. This new information improves our understanding of the geological evolution of the basin and should assist in our ongoing farm-out process to attract additional industry participation in the Blocks.'
  • 6. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 6 Norway: Statoil resumes production at Njord A Source: Statoil Statoil resumed oil and gas production on the Njord A platform in the Norwegian Sea on 19 July, after a major reinforcement of the platform structure. Production has been shut down since last summer. Extensive analyses and inspections in 2013 revealed a need to reinforce the Njord A platform structure. To be on the safe side, Statoil opted to keep production shut down until the reinforcements were in place. 'We have extended Njord's lifetime by improving recovery on the field, and by finding more oil and gas in the area. The Njord A platform has been with us the entire time, and we want to make sure that the structure can withstand the loads it will be exposed to,' says head of Njord operations Arve Rennemo. The work that has been done through the winter and spring has strengthened the structure, so the platform can resume production. The work of reinforcing the structure has mainly consisted of bracing the primary beams and struts, and increasing the length of the secondary beams under the platform. The long-range plan is to further bolster the platform to prepare it for future drilling operations and an extended lifetime on the Njord field. 'Njord A will produce oil and gas until the summer of 2016, after which it will be taken to shore for additional upgrades which will allow us to use the drilling system on board, and prepare it for many more good years of service on the Norwegian shelf,' says Rennemo. Statoil also has studies in progress to assess how the Njord area and the Haltenbanken area in the Norwegian Sea can be further developed. The Njord A platform has been in production since 1997.
  • 7. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 7 China’s Xi signs Venezuela resource deals on LatAm blitz AFP + NewBase Caracas: Chinese President Xi Jinping signed a raft of oil and mineral deals with Venezuela on Monday, his latest stop on a Latin American tour showcasing China’s growing influence in the region. During his four-country visit to what is often considered America’s back yard, Xi has reached out to resource-rich countries such as Venezuela and Argentina at a time when they are often shunned by the United States and Europe. In Venezuela, he visited the mausoleum holding late president Hugo Chavez, an inveterate antagonist of the US, and signed 38 deals with Chavez’s successor, Nicolas Maduro. The deals spanned a range of sectors from oil to infrastructure and included $4 billion for a joint development fund, $691 million to explore Venezuela’s gold and copper reserves and an agreement to develop the countries’ third joint satellite. “Venezuela has become one of the top countries for Chinese investment... our seventh oil supplier and fourth Latin American trade partner,” Xi said in Caracas. The Venezuela visit comes after the Chinese leader agreed to an $11-billion currency swap with Argentina and extended much-needed investment to President Cristina Kirchner, whose cash-strapped government, locked out of capital markets since defaulting on its debt in 2001, is staring down the threat of another default. Xi kicked off his tour last week by proposing a new $20-billion infrastructure fund for Latin America, underlining the fast-growing Asian giant’s increasing interest in the region. He also launched a new $50- billon development bank along with the other emerging powers of the so-called Brics group — Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa — at a summit in Brazil. The move, which creates an alternative to the Western-dominated World Bank, was hailed as contributing to “a new international order” by Cuban President Raul Castro — Xi’s host at the next and final stop on his tour. ‘Not about ideology’ But although Xi has spent his trip rubbing elbows with leftist leaders who tend to view the United States with a critical eye, his tour is less about ideology than business, said Venezuelan political analyst Carlos Romero. “China’s political and economic expansion is pragmatic in character. It’s not about ideology or competition with the United States, but a Chinese policy of looking long-term for natural resources in different parts of the world,” he told AFP. “China knows Argentina and Venezuela hold huge natural resource deposits, particularly two they are desperately searching for to fuel an economy and a society like China’s: oil and food in the case of Argentina, and oil and gas in the case of Venezuela.”The partnership comes at a welcome time for Venezuela, which is in the midst of an inflation crisis and struggling under a pile of unpaid debts to foreign firms.
  • 8. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 8 China, the second-largest market for Venezuelan oil after the United States, pays for its average 640,000 daily barrels in part by writing down the $17-billion debt Caracas owes it. Both countries have said they want to increase oil exports to one million barrels a day in the coming years. Chinese trade with Latin America has grown rapidly in recent years, reaching $261.6 billion in 2013. China is now the second-largest trading partner of many countries, including Argentina and Cuba, and has been Brazil’s largest since 2009. In 1990, China ranked just 17th on the list of Latin American export destinations. Beijing has also ramped up investment in Latin America to about 20 per cent of its total foreign direct investment of $90 billion last year. This is Xi’s second visit to Latin America and the Caribbean since taking office in 2013. Last year he toured Mexico, Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago.
  • 9. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 9 Fuel economy and average vehicle cost vary significantly across vehicle types Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration Vehicle price and fueling costs are important factors consumers take into account when deciding to purchase a new light-duty vehicle. While vehicle purchase is influenced by cost and fuel economy, other important factors such as environmental concerns, performance, and style also play a part. Comparison of the fuel savings and incremental vehicle cost among various vehicle fuel types sheds light on how at least some consumers may perceive the value of purchasing a given vehicle fuel type relative to another. Standard gasoline vehicles. The compliance fuel economy of midsize passenger cars using gasoline is projected to increase from about 35 miles per gallon (mpg) today to more than 53 mpg in 2025 by adding fuel efficiency technology, including micro and mild hybridization. These additions raise the average vehicle price from about $25,000 (2012$) to more than $27,000. For a vehicle driven 12,000 miles annually, 116 gallons of fuel are saved annually compared to a midsize car today, or $408 per year if gasoline is $3.50 per gallon (2012$). Because of diminishing returns from improved fuel economy, future highly efficient standard gasoline vehicles are a strong competitor compared with other vehicles fueled exclusively by motor gasoline, as well as with alternatively fueled vehicles. TDI diesel vehicles. Compliance fuel economy for midsize turbocharged direct injection (TDI) diesel passenger cars increases from 45 mpg in 2010 to 55 mpg in 2025, while vehicle price remains about $28,000. Although a midsize diesel vehicle achieves slightly higher fuel economy than a standard gasoline counterpart, this difference amounts to only about a 10-gallon reduction in annual fuel use for 12,000 miles of travel. Because diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline, the annual fuel cost is about $25 more per year if diesel is $3.75 per gallon (2012$). Hybrid electric vehicles. For fully hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), projected compliance fuel economy increases from around 50 mpg in 2010 to 71 mpg in 2025. The vehicle cost remains just over $30,000, as the addition of more fuel efficient technology is offset by the reduction in cost of the battery electric system. Because of diminishing returns to improved fuel economy, the 20 mpg improvement of an HEV over a conventional gasoline counterpart represents only a 57 gallon annual reduction in gasoline consumption, or about $200 per year in fuel savings.
  • 10. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 10 Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. These vehicles offer fuel savings because they use electricity instead of liquid fuel for some share of travel (charge-depleting mode) and then operating similarly to an HEV when usable battery charge is depleted (charge-sustaining mode). For a plug-in hybrid electric with a 10-mile range (PHEV10), around 21% of average daily travel is within all-electric range. In contrast, a plug-in hybrid electric with 40-mile range (PHEV40) accounts for an average of 58% of daily travel. PHEVs achieve relatively high fuel efficiency and take advantage of using electricity at 12 cents per kilowatthour (2012$). PHEV incremental costs compared to a standard gasoline counterpart are $8,000 or more before tax credits, even considering projected battery systems cost reductions. Compared to a conventional gasoline counterpart, annual liquid fuel consumption is projected to be reduced by about 100 and 155 gallons for a PHEV10 and PHEV40, respectively, amounting to annual fuel savings (including gasoline and electricity) of about $207. Plug-in electric vehicles (EVs). EVs operate exclusively on battery power and achieve relatively high efficiency. An EV with a 100-mile range is projected to save around $385 annually in 2025 compared to a standard gasoline vehicle. These fuel savings come at an incremental vehicle price before tax credits of around $10,000.
  • 11. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 11 Self-cooling Solar Cells Boost Power, Last Longer global solar technology + NewBase Scientists may have overcome one of the major hurdles in developing high-efficiency, long-lasting solar cells—keeping them cool, even in the blistering heat of the noonday Sun. By adding a specially patterned layer of silica glass to the surface of ordinary solar cells, a team of researchers led by Shanhui Fan, an electrical engineering professor at Stanford University in California has found a way to let solar cells cool themselves by shepherding away unwanted thermal radiation. The researchers describe their innovative design in the premiere issue of The Optical Society’s (OSA) new open-access journal Optica. Solar cells are among the most promising and widely used renewable energy technologies on the market today. Though readily available and easily manufactured, even the best designs convert only a fraction of the energy they receive from the Sun into usable electricity. Part of this loss is the unavoidable consequence of converting sunlight into electricity. A surprisingly vexing amount, however, is due to solar cells overheating. Under normal operating conditions, solar cells can easily reach temperatures of 130 degrees Fahrenheit (55 degrees Celsius) or more. These harsh conditions quickly sap efficiency and can markedly shorten the lifespan of a solar cell. Actively cooling solar cells, however—either by ventilation or coolants—would be prohibitively expensive and at odds with the need to optimize exposure to the Sun. The newly proposed design avoids these problems by taking a more elegant, passive approach to cooling. By embedding tiny pyramid- and cone-shaped structures on an incredibly thin layer of silica glass, the researchers found a way of redirecting unwanted heat—in the form of infrared radiation—from the surface of solar cells, through the atmosphere, and back into space. “Our new approach can lower the operating temperature of solar cells passively, improving energy conversion efficiency significantly and increasing the life expectancy of solar cells,” said Linxiao Zhu, a physicist at Stanford and lead author on the Optica paper. “These two benefits should enable the continued success and adoption of solar cell technology.” Solar cells work by directly converting the Sun’s rays into electrical energy. As photons of light pass into the semiconductor regions of the solar cells, they knock off electrons from the atoms, allowing electricity to flow freely, creating a current. The most successful and widely used designs, silicon semiconductors, however, convert less than 30 percent of the energy they receive from the Sun into electricity – even at peak efficiency.
  • 12. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 12 The solar energy that is not converted generates waste heat, which inexorably lessens a solar cell’s performance. For every one-degree Celsius (1.8 degree F) increase in temperature, the efficiency of a solar cell declines by about half a percent. “That decline is very significant,” said Aaswath Raman, a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford and co- author on the paper. “The solar cell industry invests significant amounts of capital to generate improvements in efficiency. Our method of carefully altering the layers that cover and enclose the solar cell can improve the efficiency of any underlying solar cell. This makes the design particularly relevant and important.” In addition, solar cells “age” more rapidly when their temperatures increase, with the rate of aging doubling for every increase of 18 degrees Fahrenheit. To passively cool the solar cells, allowing them to give off excess heat without spending energy doing so, requires exploiting the basic properties of light as well as a special infrared “window” through Earth’s atmosphere. Different wavelengths of light interact with solar cells in very different ways—with visible light being the most efficient at generating electricity while infrared is more efficient at carrying heat. Different wavelengths also bend and refract differently, depending on the type and shape of the material they pass through. The researchers harnessed these basic principles to allow visible light to pass through the added silica layer unimpeded while enhancing the amount of energy that is able to be carried away from the solar cells at thermal wavelengths. “Silica is transparent to visible light, but it is also possible to fine-tune how it bends and refracts light of very specific wavelengths,” said Fan, who is the corresponding author on the Optica paper. “A carefully designed layer of silica would not degrade the performance of the solar cell but it would enhance radiation at the predetermined thermal wavelengths to send the solar cell’s heat away more effectively.” To test their idea, the researchers compared two different silica covering designs: one a flat surface approximately 5 millimeters thick and the other a thinner layer covered with pyramids and micro-cones just a few microns (one-thousandth of a millimeter) thick in any dimension. The size of these features was essential. By precisely controlling the width and height of the pyramids and micro-cones, they could be tuned to refract and redirect only the unwanted infrared wavelengths away from the solar cell and back out into space. “The goal was to lower the operating temperature of the solar cell while maintaining its solar absorption,” said Fan. “We were quite pleased to see that while the flat layer of silica provided some passive cooling, the patterned layer of silica considerably outperforms the 5 mm-thick uniform silica design, and has nearly identical performance as the ideal scheme.” Zhu and his colleagues are currently fabricating these devices and performing experimental tests on their design. Their next step is to demonstrate radiative cooling of solar cells in an outdoor environment. “We think that this work addresses an important technological problem in the operation and optimization of solar cells,” he concluded, “and thus has substantial commercialization potential.”
  • 13. Copyright © 2014 NewBase Edited by Khaled Al Awadi – Energy Consultant All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, redistributed, or otherwise copied without the written permission of the authors. This includes internal distribution. All reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, no warranty is given to the accuracy of its content . Page 13 NewBase For discussion or further details on the news below you may contact us on +971504822502 , Dubai , UAE Your partner in Energy Services Khaled Malallah Al Awadi, MSc. & BSc. Mechanical Engineering (HON), USA ASME member since 1995 Emarat member since 1990 Energy Services & Consultants Mobile : +97150-4822502 Khaled Al Awadi is a UAE National with a total of 24 yearsKhaled Al Awadi is a UAE National with a total of 24 yearsKhaled Al Awadi is a UAE National with a total of 24 yearsKhaled Al Awadi is a UAE National with a total of 24 years ofofofof experience in theexperience in theexperience in theexperience in the Oil & Gas sector. Currently working asOil & Gas sector. Currently working asOil & Gas sector. Currently working asOil & Gas sector. Currently working as TechTechTechTechnical Affairs Specialist for Emirates General Petroleum Corp. “Emarat“ with external voluntary Energy consultation fornical Affairs Specialist for Emirates General Petroleum Corp. “Emarat“ with external voluntary Energy consultation fornical Affairs Specialist for Emirates General Petroleum Corp. “Emarat“ with external voluntary Energy consultation fornical Affairs Specialist for Emirates General Petroleum Corp. “Emarat“ with external voluntary Energy consultation for the GCC area via Hawk Energy Service as a UAE operations base , Most of the experience were spent as the Gas Operationsthe GCC area via Hawk Energy Service as a UAE operations base , Most of the experience were spent as the Gas Operationsthe GCC area via Hawk Energy Service as a UAE operations base , Most of the experience were spent as the Gas Operationsthe GCC area via Hawk Energy Service as a UAE operations base , Most of the experience were spent as the Gas Operations Manager inManager inManager inManager in Emarat , responsible for Emarat Gas Pipeline Network Facility & gas compressor stations . Through the years , he has develoEmarat , responsible for Emarat Gas Pipeline Network Facility & gas compressor stations . Through the years , he has develoEmarat , responsible for Emarat Gas Pipeline Network Facility & gas compressor stations . Through the years , he has develoEmarat , responsible for Emarat Gas Pipeline Network Facility & gas compressor stations . Through the years , he has developed greatped greatped greatped great experiences in the designing & constructingexperiences in the designing & constructingexperiences in the designing & constructingexperiences in the designing & constructing of gas pipelines, gas metering & regulating stations and in the engineeringof gas pipelines, gas metering & regulating stations and in the engineeringof gas pipelines, gas metering & regulating stations and in the engineeringof gas pipelines, gas metering & regulating stations and in the engineering of supply routes.of supply routes.of supply routes.of supply routes. Many years were spent drafting, & compiling gas transportation , operation & maintenance agreements along with many MOUs forMany years were spent drafting, & compiling gas transportation , operation & maintenance agreements along with many MOUs forMany years were spent drafting, & compiling gas transportation , operation & maintenance agreements along with many MOUs forMany years were spent drafting, & compiling gas transportation , operation & maintenance agreements along with many MOUs for the localthe localthe localthe local authorities. He has become a reference for many of the Oil & Gas Conferences held in the UAE andauthorities. He has become a reference for many of the Oil & Gas Conferences held in the UAE andauthorities. He has become a reference for many of the Oil & Gas Conferences held in the UAE andauthorities. He has become a reference for many of the Oil & Gas Conferences held in the UAE and EnerEnerEnerEnergy program broadcastedgy program broadcastedgy program broadcastedgy program broadcasted internationally , via GCC leading satellite Channels .internationally , via GCC leading satellite Channels .internationally , via GCC leading satellite Channels .internationally , via GCC leading satellite Channels . NewBase : For discussion or further details on the news above you may contact us on +971504822502 , Dubai , UAE NewBase 23 July 2014 K. Al Awadi