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Where to from here? Oil & Gas Investor article by Bettina Pierre-Gilles

Drilling in the Horseshoe Canyon coals is gaining momentum, and operators are shifting to
more horizontal wells to unlock the Mannville’s potential.


        he Canadian economy was strong throughout last year, the coal formations. As of the end of the year, the most
       with the energy industry a major contributor to active industry players were:
       that growth, seeing its highest level of activity.                  • EnCana Corp.;
   According to data compiled by the Canadian Association of               • Quicksilver Canada (formerly MGV Energy Inc.);
Petroleum Producers, Canada produced 17 billion cubic feet                 • Apache Canada Ltd.;
(Bcf) a day of conventional gas last year.Drilling for oil and gas         • Trident Exploration Inc.;
was at its highest level ever,while production remained stable.            • EOG Resources;
   Although there was an increase in drilling and well com-                • Centrica Canada Ltd.;
pletions, production remained unchanged. Supply of conven-                 • Canadian Natural Resources;
tional natural gas in Canada is fast becoming scarce.                      • Paramount Resources Ltd.;
According to the National Energy Board’s 2004 assessment,                  • Devon Canada Corp.; and
the remaining conventional gas supply is mainly in the                     • Fairborne Energy Trust.
Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB).                                 Alberta has the most vibrant CBM activity in Canada.
   With gas demand rising at a rate of about 1.6% yearly, The coals available for exploration and development are
how does Canada supplement its conventional supplies to found in the Horseshoe Canyon, Belly River, Scollard
keep up? The answer relies heavily on developing uncon- (Ardley) and Mannville formations.
ventional resources—the Fort McMurray oil sands, tight
gas, shale gas and natural gas from coal—better known as HORSESHOE CANYON
coalbed methane (CBM).                                                  The Horseshoe Canyon formation is still the only commercial
    According to the 2001 resource assessment released by CBM play in Canada. It gained commerciality from a joint-ven-
the Canadian Gas Potential Committee, Canada’s CBM ture project in 2002 between Quicksilver and EnCana (then
resources range between 500- and 700 trillion cubic feet of PanCanadian). There are more than 2,700 wells in the
gas. The majority of that unconventional resource’s Horseshoe Canyon, of which 1,650 are producing an average
reserves are in the WCSB, with the Alberta foothills and of 150,000 cubic feet of gas a day.
plains regions holding the largest amount of the CBM                        CBM production depends on the thickness of the coal
reserves within the basin.                                              seam.The Horseshoe Canyon contains Upper Cretaceous,
   In British Columbia, CBM is
referred to as coalbed gas (CBG), and
the resource there is still in the early
exploratory stages. However, it
should be noted that once CBG pro-
duction comes onstream, it will
shake unconventional supplies and
take its place in the mix.
   Drilling for CBM in Alberta is cur-
rently at its peak, mainly because of
high natural gas prices. Last year,
some 3,000 CBM wells were
drilled—almost double the number
of the previous year’s well count.
   More than 2,500 CBM wells cur-
rently are producing at an average
daily rate of 140,000 cubic feet per day.
   Although there was a strong               Note: 2004 Includes 692 re-completions.
increase in CBM production, there            Sources: CAPP and FirstEnergy Capital Corp.
were no significant new entrants
into the producers’ mix to develop Coalbed-methane wells drilled more than doubled in 2005, and more growth is projected.

20                                                               Canadian Energy Investment Opportunities • June 2006

low permeability, almost fully dry coal. It has three coal
zones: the Drumheller, the Carbon Thompson and the
Daly-Weaver.The formation has an average coal thickness
of 1 to 2 meters, and is found at depths varying from 150
to 800 meters.
   Along with the Horseshoe Canyon is the Belly River Group,
containing the McKay, Taber and Lethbridge coal zones, with
an average thickness ranging between 1 and 3 meters.
   Because the coals in the Horseshoe Canyon are dry, it is
less expensive for producers to complete wells in the area,
as they do not have to deal with water-disposal issues. A
typical well on average costs C$275,000 to drill and com-
plete, with a rate of return of 35%-plus and a 1.5-year pay-
out. The majority of wells in the Horseshoe Canyon are
completed using vertical drilling techniques.
   The major players in Horseshoe Canyon are EnCana,
Quicksilver, Apache, Fairborne, ConocoPhillips (through its
recent acquisition of Burlington Resources), Canadian Natural
Resources and various others.
   Because of its commercial success, the Canyon’s coal play
is becoming saturated, so acquiring a piece of land in that
formation has become as pricey as drilling a new well in the
less-developed Mannville. Although there are substantially
high levels of gas available in the deeper areas of Horseshoe
Canyon, the cost of the technologies to get the gas out does
not support the economics for drilling at those depths.

The Mannville contains Lower Cretaceous coals.The coals
found closer to the plains have sub-bituminous to high-
volatile bituminous coal ranks, while the thickest coal can
be found in the Red Deer area.
    Gates and Gething coals have ranks ranging from high-
volatile bituminous to anthracite.The Mannville coal ranges
in depth from 300 to more than 3,000 meters.
    The major geological characteristic of this zone is how wet
its coals are—subsequently producing large amounts of water
before the gas is accessed.
    The Mannville group of coals has significant potential.
Although the play to date is not commercial,the Trident/Nexen
Inc.joint venture in the Corbett could soon change that.At the
end of last year, there were about 230 wells drilled in the
Mannville,more than 110 of which now have production,aver-
aging 75,000 cubic feet a day per well.
    Water production and disposal are the major issues holding
up commerciality in the Mannville. Drilling there has histor-
ically been completed using vertical technology. A small
number of companies, however, have realized the need for a
technological shift, essential for commercializing that play,
and have turned their attention to drilling horizontal wells.
To date, fewer than 40 such wells have been drilled.
    While the Mannville is economic under vertical and hori-
zontal drilling programs, based on analyses, more gas is pro-
duced faster under the horizontal scheme and the payout is
faster within two years, compared with three to four years for

                             See COALBED METHANE on pg. 43

Oil and Gas Investor • • June 2006      21

COALBED METHANE, continued from pg. 21
                                                                                                commercial production from that formation. However, test
                                                                                                wells have been drilled in the Ardley that show a great
a vertical well. The cost for drilling a vertical well in                                       recoverable potential. Another constraint for producers in
Mannville ranges from C$550,000 to C$800,000, while a                                           that formation is freshwater production.
horizontal well could cost from C$800,000 to more than                                              The Ardley zone is the only CBM play where the industry
C$1.5 million to drill and complete.                                                            players have adopted a wait-and-see attitude toward develop-
   The Mannville has proven to be economic with vertical                                        ment. The geology of the Ardley coal zone makes it not only
and horizontal drilling technologies. However, a smart pro-                                     difficult, but also expensive for producers to explore there on
ducer with the right amount of capital from its investors                                       a large scale.The fresh water produced in the area along with
would have better value for its investment by implement-                                        the gas,creates an environmental headache that not many pro-
ing a horizontal drilling program.This offers the possibility                                   ducers are willing to approach, unless they obtain firm and
to recover a high percentage of the in-place gas at higher                                      decisive guidance from the regulators.
rates, faster and economically.                                                                     Nevertheless, the Ardley should not be entirely ruled out as
   Trident, in partnership with Nexen, announced in July                                        a potential zone where CBM could be commercially produced.
that the Mannville was commercial, based on the produc-                                         As of the end of last year,about 20 wells had been drilled there
tion results from their horizontal drilling program.                                            with minimal production.
Although the timing for full commercialization of the                                               Where do we go from here? Looking at geopolitics, this
Mannville coals is unknown, horizontal drilling is the most                                     could be a great time for Canada’s oil and gas patch, particu-
economic approach to take.                                                                      larly CBM.While we may not see a sudden rush to explore the
                                                                                                Ardley, we will, however, see a major shift in the Mannville,
OTHER COALS                                                                                     beginning with a change from vertical to horizontal drilling,
The Scollard formation is of Paleocene age and found at                                         which may dramatically change gas outputs.
depths between 300 and 600 meters. This formation is
comprised of four coal zones: Val d'Or, Mynheer, Silkstone                                      Bettina Pierre-Gilles is chief economist for Calgary-based
and Arbour.The area has low permeability,which may hinder                                       Phasis Consulting.

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Oil and Gas Investor • • June 2006                                                                                                 43

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Where to from here? Oil & Gas Investor article by Bettina Pierre-Gilles

  • 2. C OA L B E D M E T H A N E WHERE TO FROM HERE? Drilling in the Horseshoe Canyon coals is gaining momentum, and operators are shifting to more horizontal wells to unlock the Mannville’s potential. BY BETTINA PIERRE-GILLES, PHASIS CONSULTING T he Canadian economy was strong throughout last year, the coal formations. As of the end of the year, the most with the energy industry a major contributor to active industry players were: that growth, seeing its highest level of activity. • EnCana Corp.; According to data compiled by the Canadian Association of • Quicksilver Canada (formerly MGV Energy Inc.); Petroleum Producers, Canada produced 17 billion cubic feet • Apache Canada Ltd.; (Bcf) a day of conventional gas last year.Drilling for oil and gas • Trident Exploration Inc.; was at its highest level ever,while production remained stable. • EOG Resources; Although there was an increase in drilling and well com- • Centrica Canada Ltd.; pletions, production remained unchanged. Supply of conven- • Canadian Natural Resources; tional natural gas in Canada is fast becoming scarce. • Paramount Resources Ltd.; According to the National Energy Board’s 2004 assessment, • Devon Canada Corp.; and the remaining conventional gas supply is mainly in the • Fairborne Energy Trust. Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). Alberta has the most vibrant CBM activity in Canada. With gas demand rising at a rate of about 1.6% yearly, The coals available for exploration and development are how does Canada supplement its conventional supplies to found in the Horseshoe Canyon, Belly River, Scollard keep up? The answer relies heavily on developing uncon- (Ardley) and Mannville formations. ventional resources—the Fort McMurray oil sands, tight gas, shale gas and natural gas from coal—better known as HORSESHOE CANYON coalbed methane (CBM). The Horseshoe Canyon formation is still the only commercial According to the 2001 resource assessment released by CBM play in Canada. It gained commerciality from a joint-ven- the Canadian Gas Potential Committee, Canada’s CBM ture project in 2002 between Quicksilver and EnCana (then resources range between 500- and 700 trillion cubic feet of PanCanadian). There are more than 2,700 wells in the gas. The majority of that unconventional resource’s Horseshoe Canyon, of which 1,650 are producing an average reserves are in the WCSB, with the Alberta foothills and of 150,000 cubic feet of gas a day. plains regions holding the largest amount of the CBM CBM production depends on the thickness of the coal reserves within the basin. seam.The Horseshoe Canyon contains Upper Cretaceous, In British Columbia, CBM is referred to as coalbed gas (CBG), and the resource there is still in the early exploratory stages. However, it should be noted that once CBG pro- duction comes onstream, it will shake unconventional supplies and take its place in the mix. Drilling for CBM in Alberta is cur- rently at its peak, mainly because of high natural gas prices. Last year, some 3,000 CBM wells were drilled—almost double the number of the previous year’s well count. More than 2,500 CBM wells cur- rently are producing at an average daily rate of 140,000 cubic feet per day. Although there was a strong Note: 2004 Includes 692 re-completions. increase in CBM production, there Sources: CAPP and FirstEnergy Capital Corp. were no significant new entrants into the producers’ mix to develop Coalbed-methane wells drilled more than doubled in 2005, and more growth is projected. 20 Canadian Energy Investment Opportunities • June 2006
  • 3. C OA L B E D M E T H A N E low permeability, almost fully dry coal. It has three coal zones: the Drumheller, the Carbon Thompson and the Daly-Weaver.The formation has an average coal thickness of 1 to 2 meters, and is found at depths varying from 150 to 800 meters. Along with the Horseshoe Canyon is the Belly River Group, containing the McKay, Taber and Lethbridge coal zones, with an average thickness ranging between 1 and 3 meters. Because the coals in the Horseshoe Canyon are dry, it is less expensive for producers to complete wells in the area, as they do not have to deal with water-disposal issues. A typical well on average costs C$275,000 to drill and com- plete, with a rate of return of 35%-plus and a 1.5-year pay- out. The majority of wells in the Horseshoe Canyon are completed using vertical drilling techniques. The major players in Horseshoe Canyon are EnCana, Quicksilver, Apache, Fairborne, ConocoPhillips (through its recent acquisition of Burlington Resources), Canadian Natural Resources and various others. Because of its commercial success, the Canyon’s coal play is becoming saturated, so acquiring a piece of land in that formation has become as pricey as drilling a new well in the less-developed Mannville. Although there are substantially high levels of gas available in the deeper areas of Horseshoe Canyon, the cost of the technologies to get the gas out does not support the economics for drilling at those depths. MANNVILLE The Mannville contains Lower Cretaceous coals.The coals found closer to the plains have sub-bituminous to high- volatile bituminous coal ranks, while the thickest coal can be found in the Red Deer area. Gates and Gething coals have ranks ranging from high- volatile bituminous to anthracite.The Mannville coal ranges in depth from 300 to more than 3,000 meters. The major geological characteristic of this zone is how wet its coals are—subsequently producing large amounts of water before the gas is accessed. The Mannville group of coals has significant potential. Although the play to date is not commercial,the Trident/Nexen Inc.joint venture in the Corbett could soon change that.At the end of last year, there were about 230 wells drilled in the Mannville,more than 110 of which now have production,aver- aging 75,000 cubic feet a day per well. Water production and disposal are the major issues holding up commerciality in the Mannville. Drilling there has histor- ically been completed using vertical technology. A small number of companies, however, have realized the need for a technological shift, essential for commercializing that play, and have turned their attention to drilling horizontal wells. To date, fewer than 40 such wells have been drilled. While the Mannville is economic under vertical and hori- zontal drilling programs, based on analyses, more gas is pro- duced faster under the horizontal scheme and the payout is faster within two years, compared with three to four years for See COALBED METHANE on pg. 43 Oil and Gas Investor • • June 2006 21
  • 4. C OA L B E D M E T H A N E COALBED METHANE, continued from pg. 21 commercial production from that formation. However, test wells have been drilled in the Ardley that show a great a vertical well. The cost for drilling a vertical well in recoverable potential. Another constraint for producers in Mannville ranges from C$550,000 to C$800,000, while a that formation is freshwater production. horizontal well could cost from C$800,000 to more than The Ardley zone is the only CBM play where the industry C$1.5 million to drill and complete. players have adopted a wait-and-see attitude toward develop- The Mannville has proven to be economic with vertical ment. The geology of the Ardley coal zone makes it not only and horizontal drilling technologies. However, a smart pro- difficult, but also expensive for producers to explore there on ducer with the right amount of capital from its investors a large scale.The fresh water produced in the area along with would have better value for its investment by implement- the gas,creates an environmental headache that not many pro- ing a horizontal drilling program.This offers the possibility ducers are willing to approach, unless they obtain firm and to recover a high percentage of the in-place gas at higher decisive guidance from the regulators. rates, faster and economically. Nevertheless, the Ardley should not be entirely ruled out as Trident, in partnership with Nexen, announced in July a potential zone where CBM could be commercially produced. that the Mannville was commercial, based on the produc- As of the end of last year,about 20 wells had been drilled there tion results from their horizontal drilling program. with minimal production. Although the timing for full commercialization of the Where do we go from here? Looking at geopolitics, this Mannville coals is unknown, horizontal drilling is the most could be a great time for Canada’s oil and gas patch, particu- economic approach to take. larly CBM.While we may not see a sudden rush to explore the Ardley, we will, however, see a major shift in the Mannville, OTHER COALS beginning with a change from vertical to horizontal drilling, The Scollard formation is of Paleocene age and found at which may dramatically change gas outputs. depths between 300 and 600 meters. This formation is comprised of four coal zones: Val d'Or, Mynheer, Silkstone Bettina Pierre-Gilles is chief economist for Calgary-based and Arbour.The area has low permeability,which may hinder Phasis Consulting. The CanOils Database® Want to Drill into Canada’s Oil & Gas Industry? Tracking the performance of the fast-changing Canadian energy scene just got a whole lot easier. The CanOils Database® gives you: • Timely coverage of all quoted Canadian oil & gas companies and trusts • Complete financial and operating data at your fingertips • Fast easy-to-use and powerful web-based software • Flexibility to customize your own reports and save formats for repeated use • Quality backed by Woodside’s 20-year reputation for data quality Outstanding functionality for: equity research, company benchmarking, acquisitions & divestures, industry-wide analysis, and strategic planning. The CanOils® service combines the high-quality company data of Calgary-based Woodside Research with the market-leading web software of London-based in- formation provider Evaluate Energy – all together in one powerful package. Find out how CanOils® can give you the edge in finding value in the Canadian oil & gas sector If anyone can help analyse Canada’s Energy Sector, CanOils® can! Call or Email today for a free demonstration! Contact John Shiry at 403-269 6003 Email: Info@ Evaluate Energy Woodside Research Ltd. “CanOils” and “The CanOils Database” are registered trademarks of Woodside Research Ltd. in both Canada and the United States of America. Oil and Gas Investor • • June 2006 43