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BI Seminar project:
High-level languages
for Big Data Analytics
Janani Chakkaradhari
Jose Luis Lopez Pino
1. Introduction
1.1 The Map Reduce programming model
1.2 Hadoop
2. High Level Languages
2.1 Pig Latin
2.2 Hive
2.3 JAQL
2.4 Other Languages
3. Comparison of HLLs
3.1 Syntax Comparison
3.2 Performance
3.3 Query Compilation
3.4 JOIN Implementation
4. Future Work
4.1 Machine Learning
4.2 Interactive Queries
5. Conclusion
The MapReduce model
• Introduced in 2004 by Google
• This model allows programmers without any experience in
parallel coding to write the highly scalable programs and
hence process voluminous data sets.
• This high level of scalability is reached thanks to the
decomposition of the problem into a big number of tasks.
• The Map function produces a set of key/value pairs, taking a
single pair key/value as input.
• The Reduce function takes a key and a set of values related to this
key as input and it might also produce a set of values, but
commonly it emits only one or zero values as output
The MapReduce model
• Advantages:
• Scalability
• Handle failures and balance the system
• Pitfalls
• Complicated to code some tasks.
• Some tasks are very expensive.
• Difficulties to debug the code.
• Absence of schema and indexes.
• A lot of bandwidth might be consumed.
• An Apache Software foundation open source
• Hadoop – HDFS + Map Reduce
• DFS – Partitioning data & Storing in separate
• HDFS – Stores large files, running on commodity
clusters of hardware and typically 64 MB for per
• Both FS and Map reduce are Co-Designed
• No separate storage network and processing network
• Moving compute to the data node
High level languages
High level languages
• Two different types
• Created specifically for this model.
• Already existing languages
• Languages present in the comparison
• Pig Latin
• HiveQL
• Jaql
• Interesting languages
• Meteor
• DryadLINQ
Pig Latin
• Executed over Hadoop.
• Procedural language.
• High level operations similar to those that we can find in SQL
• Some interesting operators:
• FOREACH to process a transformation over every tuple of the set.
To make possible to parallelise this operation, the transformation
of one row should depend on another.
• COGROUP to group related tuples of multiple datasets. It is
similar to the first step of a join.
• LOAD to load the input data and its structure and STORE to save
data in a file.
Pig Latin
• Goal: to reduce the time of development.
• Nested data model.
• User-defined functions
• Analytic queries over text files (not need of loading the data)
• Procedural language -> control over the execution plan
• The user can speed the performance up.
• It makes easier the work of the query optimiser.
• Unlike SQL.
• Open-source DW
solution built on top
of Hadoop
• The queries looks
similar to SQL and
also has extensions
on it
• Complex column
map, array, struct as
data types
• It stores the
metadata in RDBMs
• The Metastore acts as the system catalog for
• It stores all the information about the
tables, their partition, the schema and etc.,
• Without the system catalog it is not possible to
impose a structure on hadoop files.
• Facebook uses MySQL to store this metadata.
Reason: Since these information has to be
served fast to the compiler
• What is Jaql?
• Declarative scripting programming language.
• Used over Hadoop’s MapReduce framework
• Included in IBM’s InfoSphere BigInsights and Cognos Consumer
Insight products.
• Developed after Pig and Hive.
• More scalable.
• More flexible
• More reusable.
• Data model
• Simple: similar to JSON.
• Values as trees.
• No references.
• Textual representation very similar.
• Flexible
• Handle semistructured documents.
• But also structured records validated against a schema.
• Control over the evaluation plan.
• The programmer can work at different levels of abstraction
using Jaql's syntax:
• Full definition of the execution plan.
• Use of hints to indicate to the optimizer some evaluation
• This feature is present in most of the database engines that use SQL
as query language.
• Declarative programming, without any control over the flow.
Other languages: Meteor
• Stratosphere stack
• Pact:
• Programming model
• It extends MapReduce with new second-order functions
• Cross: Cartesian product
• CoGroup: group all the records with the same key and process them.
• Match: similar to CoGroup but pairs with the same key could be processed
• Sopemo:
• Semantically rich operator model
• Extensible
• Meteor: query language
• Optimization
• Meteor code
• Logical plan using Sopemo operators -> Optimized
• Pact final program -> Physically optimized
Other languages: DryadLINQ
• Coded embedded in .NET programming languages
• Operators
• Almost all the operators available in LINQ.
• Some specific operators for parallel programming.
• Develop can include their own implementations.
• DryadLINQ code is translated to a Dryad plan
• Optimization
• Pipeline operations
• Remove redundancy
• Push aggregations
• Reduce network traffic
Comparison HLLs
Comparing HLLs
• Different design motivations
• Developers preferences
• Write concise code -> Expressiveness
• Efficiency -> Performance
• Criteria that impact performance
• Join implementation
• Query processing
• Some other are not included
• Language paradigm
• Scalability
Comparison Criteria
• Expressive power
• Performance
• Query Compilation
• JOIN Implementation
Expressive power
• Three categories by Robert Stewart:
• Relational complete
• SQL equivalent (aggregate functions)
• Turing complete
• Conditional branching
• Indefinite iterations by means of recursion
• Emulation of infinite memory model
Expressive power
• Three categories by Robert Stewart:
• Relational complete
• SQL equivalent (aggregate functions)
• Turing complete
• Conditional branching
• Indefinite iterations by means of recursion
• Emulation of infinite memory model
Expressive power
• Three categories by Robert Stewart:
• Relational complete
• SQL equivalent (aggregate functions)
• Turing complete
• Conditional branching
• Indefinite iterations by means of recursion
• Emulation of infinite memory model
Expressive power
Expressive power
• But this do not mean that they are SQL, Pig Latin
and HiveQL are the same.
• HiveQL
• Is inspired by SQL but it does not support the full
repertoire included in the SQL-92 specification
• Includes features notably inspired by MySQL and
MapReduce that are not part of SQL.
• Pig Latin
• It is not inspired by SQL.
• For instance, do not have OVER clause
SQL Vs. HiveQL (2009)
Transactions Yes No
Indexes Yes No
Create table as select Not SQL-92 Yes
Subqueries In any clause
Correlated or not
Only in FROM clause
Only noncorrelated
Views Yes Not materialized
Extension with
map/reduce scripts
No Yes
Query Processing
Query Processing
• In order to make a good comparison we should
have the basic knowledge on how these HLQL
are working.
• How the abstract user representation of the
query or the script is converted to map reduce
Query Processing – Pig Latin
• The goal of writing
Pig Latin script is to
produce an
equivalent map
reduce jobs that can
be executed in the
Hadoop environment
• Parser first checks for
the syntactic errors
Query Processing – Pig Latin
Query Processing – Pig Latin
Query Processing - Hive
• It gets the Hive SQL string from the client
• The parser phase converts it into parse tree
• The logical query plan generator converts it into
logical query representation. Prunes the columns
early and pushes the predicates closer to the
• The logical plan is converted to physical plan and
then map reduce jobs.
Query Processing - JAQL
• JAQL includes two higher order functions such as
mapReduceFn and mapAggregate
• The rewriter engine generates calls to the mapReduceFn or
QP - Summary
• All these languages has its own methods
• All supports syntax checking usually done by the
• Pig currently misses out on optimized storage
structures like indexes and column groups
• HiveQL provides more optimizations
• it prunes the buckets that are not needed
• Predicate push down
• Query rewriting is the future work of JAQL
(Projection push-down )
JOIN Implementation
JOIN in Pig Latin
• Pig Latin Supports inner join, equijoin and outer
join. The JOIN operator always performs inner
• Join can also be achieved by COGROUP
operation followed by FLATTEN
• JOIN creates a flat set of output records while
COGROUP creates a nested set of output records
• GROUP – when only one relation
• COGROUP – when multiple relations are involved
• FLATTEN - (a, {(b,c), (d,e)}) (a, b, c) and (a, d, e)
JOIN in Pig Latin
• Fragment Replicate joins
• Trivial case, only possible if one of two relations are
small enough to fit into memory
• JOIN is in Map phase
• Skewed Joins
• Not equally distributed data
• Basically computes histogram of the key space and
uses this data to allocate reducers for a given key
• JOIN in reduce phase
• Merge Joins
• Only possible if the relations are already sorted
JOIN in Pig Latin
• The choice of join strategy can be specified by the user
JOIN in Hive
• Normal map-reduce Join
• Mapper sends all rows with the same key to a
single reducer
• Reducer does the join
• SELECT t1.a1 as c1, t2.b1 as c2
FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON (t1.a2 = t2.b2);
• Map side Joins
• small tables are replicated in all the mappers
and joined with other tables
• Currently JAQL supports equijoin
• The join expression supports equijoin of 2 or
more inputs. All of the options for inner and
outer joins are also supported
joinedRefs = join w in wroteAbout, p in
where w.product ==
into {, p.* };
JOIN - Summary
• Both Pig and Hive has the possibility to performs
join in map phase instead of reduce phase
• For skewed distribution of data, the performance
of JAQL for join is not comparable to other two
• Pig Mix is a set of queries to test the
performance. These set checks the scalability
and latency
• Hive’s benchmark is mainly based on the queries
that are specified by Pavlo et al (selection
task, Aggregation task and a Join task)
• Pig-Latin implementation for the TPC-H queries
and HiveQL implementation of TPC-H queries
Performance - Summary
• The paper describes Scale up, Scale out and
• For skewed data, Pig and Hive seems to be more
effective in handling it compared to JAQL
• Pig and Hive better in utilizing the increase in the
cluster size compared JAQL
• Pig and Hive allows the user to explicitly specify
the number of reducers task
• This feature has significant influence on the
High-level languages for Big Data Analytics (Presentation)
Machine Learning
• What page will the visitor next visit?
• Twitter has extended Pig’s support of ML by
placing learning algorithms in Pig Storage
• Hive - the machine learning is treated as UAFs
• A new data analytics platform Ricardo is
proposed combines the functionalities of R and
Interactive queries
• One of the main problems of MapReduce all the languages built on top
of this framework (Pig, Hive, etc.) is the latency.
• As a complement of those technologies, some new frameworks that
allow programmers to query large datasets in an interactive manner
have been developed
• Dremel by Google
• The open source project Apache Drill.
• How to reduce the latency?
• Store the information as nested columns.
• Query execution based on a multi-level tree architecture.
• Balance the load by means of a query dispatcher.
• Not too many details of the query language
• It is based on SQL
• It includes the usual operations (selection, projection, etc.)
• SQL-like languages features: user define functions or nested subqueries
• The characteristic that distinguish this languages is that it operates with
nested tables as inputs and outputs.
• The MapReduce programming model have big pitfalls.
• Each programming language try to solve some of these
disadvantages in a different way.
• No single language beat all the other options.
• Comparison
• Jaql is expressively more powerful.
• JAQL is at the lower level in case of performance when compared
to Hive and Pig
• HiveQL and Pig Latin supports map phase JOIN.
• HiveQL use more advanced optimization techniques for query
• New technologies to solve those problems:
• Languages: Dremel and Apache Drill
• Libraries: Mahaut

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High-level languages for Big Data Analytics (Presentation)

  • 1. BI Seminar project: High-level languages for Big Data Analytics Janani Chakkaradhari Jose Luis Lopez Pino
  • 2. Outline 1. Introduction 1.1 The Map Reduce programming model 1.2 Hadoop 2. High Level Languages 2.1 Pig Latin 2.2 Hive 2.3 JAQL 2.4 Other Languages 3. Comparison of HLLs 3.1 Syntax Comparison 3.2 Performance 3.3 Query Compilation 3.4 JOIN Implementation 4. Future Work 4.1 Machine Learning 4.2 Interactive Queries 5. Conclusion
  • 4. The MapReduce model • Introduced in 2004 by Google • This model allows programmers without any experience in parallel coding to write the highly scalable programs and hence process voluminous data sets. • This high level of scalability is reached thanks to the decomposition of the problem into a big number of tasks. • The Map function produces a set of key/value pairs, taking a single pair key/value as input. • The Reduce function takes a key and a set of values related to this key as input and it might also produce a set of values, but commonly it emits only one or zero values as output
  • 5. The MapReduce model • Advantages: • Scalability • Handle failures and balance the system • Pitfalls • Complicated to code some tasks. • Some tasks are very expensive. • Difficulties to debug the code. • Absence of schema and indexes. • A lot of bandwidth might be consumed.
  • 6. Hadoop • An Apache Software foundation open source project • Hadoop – HDFS + Map Reduce • DFS – Partitioning data & Storing in separate machine • HDFS – Stores large files, running on commodity clusters of hardware and typically 64 MB for per block • Both FS and Map reduce are Co-Designed
  • 7. Hadoop • No separate storage network and processing network • Moving compute to the data node
  • 9. High level languages • Two different types • Created specifically for this model. • Already existing languages • Languages present in the comparison • Pig Latin • HiveQL • Jaql • Interesting languages • Meteor • DryadLINQ
  • 10. Pig Latin • Executed over Hadoop. • Procedural language. • High level operations similar to those that we can find in SQL • Some interesting operators: • FOREACH to process a transformation over every tuple of the set. To make possible to parallelise this operation, the transformation of one row should depend on another. • COGROUP to group related tuples of multiple datasets. It is similar to the first step of a join. • LOAD to load the input data and its structure and STORE to save data in a file.
  • 11. Pig Latin • Goal: to reduce the time of development. • Nested data model. • User-defined functions • Analytic queries over text files (not need of loading the data) • Procedural language -> control over the execution plan • The user can speed the performance up. • It makes easier the work of the query optimiser. • Unlike SQL.
  • 12. HiveQL • Open-source DW solution built on top of Hadoop • The queries looks similar to SQL and also has extensions on it • Complex column types- map, array, struct as data types • It stores the metadata in RDBMs
  • 13. HiveQL • The Metastore acts as the system catalog for Hive • It stores all the information about the tables, their partition, the schema and etc., • Without the system catalog it is not possible to impose a structure on hadoop files. • Facebook uses MySQL to store this metadata. Reason: Since these information has to be served fast to the compiler
  • 14. JAQL • What is Jaql? • Declarative scripting programming language. • Used over Hadoop’s MapReduce framework • Included in IBM’s InfoSphere BigInsights and Cognos Consumer Insight products. • Developed after Pig and Hive. • More scalable. • More flexible • More reusable. • Data model • Simple: similar to JSON. • Values as trees. • No references. • Textual representation very similar. • Flexible • Handle semistructured documents. • But also structured records validated against a schema.
  • 15. JAQL • Control over the evaluation plan. • The programmer can work at different levels of abstraction using Jaql's syntax: • Full definition of the execution plan. • Use of hints to indicate to the optimizer some evaluation features. • This feature is present in most of the database engines that use SQL as query language. • Declarative programming, without any control over the flow.
  • 16. Other languages: Meteor • Stratosphere stack • Pact: • Programming model • It extends MapReduce with new second-order functions • Cross: Cartesian product • CoGroup: group all the records with the same key and process them. • Match: similar to CoGroup but pairs with the same key could be processed separately. • Sopemo: • Semantically rich operator model • Extensible • Meteor: query language • Optimization • Meteor code • Logical plan using Sopemo operators -> Optimized • Pact final program -> Physically optimized
  • 17. Other languages: DryadLINQ • Coded embedded in .NET programming languages • Operators • Almost all the operators available in LINQ. • Some specific operators for parallel programming. • Develop can include their own implementations. • DryadLINQ code is translated to a Dryad plan • Optimization • Pipeline operations • Remove redundancy • Push aggregations • Reduce network traffic
  • 19. Comparing HLLs • Different design motivations • Developers preferences • Write concise code -> Expressiveness • Efficiency -> Performance • Criteria that impact performance • Join implementation • Query processing • Some other are not included • Language paradigm • Scalability
  • 20. Comparison Criteria • Expressive power • Performance • Query Compilation • JOIN Implementation
  • 21. Expressive power • Three categories by Robert Stewart: • Relational complete • SQL equivalent (aggregate functions) • Turing complete • Conditional branching • Indefinite iterations by means of recursion • Emulation of infinite memory model
  • 22. Expressive power • Three categories by Robert Stewart: • Relational complete • SQL equivalent (aggregate functions) • Turing complete • Conditional branching • Indefinite iterations by means of recursion • Emulation of infinite memory model
  • 23. Expressive power • Three categories by Robert Stewart: • Relational complete • SQL equivalent (aggregate functions) • Turing complete • Conditional branching • Indefinite iterations by means of recursion • Emulation of infinite memory model
  • 25. Expressive power • But this do not mean that they are SQL, Pig Latin and HiveQL are the same. • HiveQL • Is inspired by SQL but it does not support the full repertoire included in the SQL-92 specification • Includes features notably inspired by MySQL and MapReduce that are not part of SQL. • Pig Latin • It is not inspired by SQL. • For instance, do not have OVER clause
  • 26. SQL Vs. HiveQL (2009) SQL HiveQL Transactions Yes No Indexes Yes No Create table as select Not SQL-92 Yes Subqueries In any clause Correlated or not Only in FROM clause Only noncorrelated Views Yes Not materialized Extension with map/reduce scripts No Yes
  • 28. Query Processing • In order to make a good comparison we should have the basic knowledge on how these HLQL are working. • How the abstract user representation of the query or the script is converted to map reduce jobs?
  • 29. Query Processing – Pig Latin • The goal of writing Pig Latin script is to produce an equivalent map reduce jobs that can be executed in the Hadoop environment • Parser first checks for the syntactic errors
  • 30. Query Processing – Pig Latin
  • 31. Query Processing – Pig Latin
  • 32. Query Processing - Hive • It gets the Hive SQL string from the client • The parser phase converts it into parse tree representation • The logical query plan generator converts it into logical query representation. Prunes the columns early and pushes the predicates closer to the table. • The logical plan is converted to physical plan and then map reduce jobs.
  • 33. Query Processing - JAQL • JAQL includes two higher order functions such as mapReduceFn and mapAggregate • The rewriter engine generates calls to the mapReduceFn or mapAggregate
  • 34. QP - Summary • All these languages has its own methods • All supports syntax checking usually done by the compiler • Pig currently misses out on optimized storage structures like indexes and column groups • HiveQL provides more optimizations • it prunes the buckets that are not needed • Predicate push down • Query rewriting is the future work of JAQL (Projection push-down )
  • 36. JOIN in Pig Latin • Pig Latin Supports inner join, equijoin and outer join. The JOIN operator always performs inner join. • Join can also be achieved by COGROUP operation followed by FLATTEN • JOIN creates a flat set of output records while COGROUP creates a nested set of output records • GROUP – when only one relation • COGROUP – when multiple relations are involved • FLATTEN - (a, {(b,c), (d,e)}) (a, b, c) and (a, d, e)
  • 37. JOIN in Pig Latin • Fragment Replicate joins • Trivial case, only possible if one of two relations are small enough to fit into memory • JOIN is in Map phase • Skewed Joins • Not equally distributed data • Basically computes histogram of the key space and uses this data to allocate reducers for a given key • JOIN in reduce phase • Merge Joins • Only possible if the relations are already sorted
  • 38. JOIN in Pig Latin • The choice of join strategy can be specified by the user
  • 39. JOIN in Hive • Normal map-reduce Join • Mapper sends all rows with the same key to a single reducer • Reducer does the join • SELECT t1.a1 as c1, t2.b1 as c2 FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON (t1.a2 = t2.b2); • Map side Joins • small tables are replicated in all the mappers and joined with other tables
  • 40. JOIN in JAQL • Currently JAQL supports equijoin • The join expression supports equijoin of 2 or more inputs. All of the options for inner and outer joins are also supported joinedRefs = join w in wroteAbout, p in products where w.product == into {, p.* };
  • 41. JOIN - Summary • Both Pig and Hive has the possibility to performs join in map phase instead of reduce phase • For skewed distribution of data, the performance of JAQL for join is not comparable to other two languages
  • 43. Benchmarks • Pig Mix is a set of queries to test the performance. These set checks the scalability and latency • Hive’s benchmark is mainly based on the queries that are specified by Pavlo et al (selection task, Aggregation task and a Join task) • Pig-Latin implementation for the TPC-H queries and HiveQL implementation of TPC-H queries
  • 44. Performance - Summary • The paper describes Scale up, Scale out and runtime • For skewed data, Pig and Hive seems to be more effective in handling it compared to JAQL runtime • Pig and Hive better in utilizing the increase in the cluster size compared JAQL • Pig and Hive allows the user to explicitly specify the number of reducers task • This feature has significant influence on the performance
  • 46. Machine Learning • What page will the visitor next visit? • Twitter has extended Pig’s support of ML by placing learning algorithms in Pig Storage functions • Hive - the machine learning is treated as UAFs • A new data analytics platform Ricardo is proposed combines the functionalities of R and Jaql.
  • 47. Interactive queries • One of the main problems of MapReduce all the languages built on top of this framework (Pig, Hive, etc.) is the latency. • As a complement of those technologies, some new frameworks that allow programmers to query large datasets in an interactive manner have been developed • Dremel by Google • The open source project Apache Drill. • How to reduce the latency? • Store the information as nested columns. • Query execution based on a multi-level tree architecture. • Balance the load by means of a query dispatcher. • Not too many details of the query language • It is based on SQL • It includes the usual operations (selection, projection, etc.) • SQL-like languages features: user define functions or nested subqueries • The characteristic that distinguish this languages is that it operates with nested tables as inputs and outputs.
  • 48. Conclusions • The MapReduce programming model have big pitfalls. • Each programming language try to solve some of these disadvantages in a different way. • No single language beat all the other options. • Comparison • Jaql is expressively more powerful. • JAQL is at the lower level in case of performance when compared to Hive and Pig • HiveQL and Pig Latin supports map phase JOIN. • HiveQL use more advanced optimization techniques for query processing • New technologies to solve those problems: • Languages: Dremel and Apache Drill • Libraries: Mahaut

Editor's Notes

  1. 80% of execution time is spent executing at most 20% of the codeis to provide anabstract data querying interface to remove the burden of the MR implementationaway from the programmer. whether or not programs pay a performance penalty foropting for these more abstract languagesLoop Recognition in C++/Java/Go/Scala. Robert Hundt,Google. 2011Is there any optimization techniques if so when and where?
  2. In Pig the operator GROUP is translated as LOCALREARRANGE, GLOBAL REARRANGE AND PACKAGE in physical plan.Rearranging means either it does hashing or sorting by key.The combinationof local and global rearranges produces the result in such a way that the tupleshaving same group key will be moved to same machine
  3. TPC-H benchmark for relational OLTP systemThe ideal theoretical outcome wouldbe that there is no increase in the computation time (T) for a given job.Scalability and fault tolerancea document is a good match to a query if the document model is likely to generate the query
  4. JAQLincludes two higher order functions such as mapReduceFn and mapAggregateto execute map reduce and aggregate operations respectively. The rewriterengine generates calls to the mapReduceFn or mapAggregate, by identifyingthe parts of the scripts and moving them to map,reduce and aggregate functionparameters. Based on the some rules, rewriter converts them to Expr tree.Finally it checks for the presence of algebraic aggregates, if it is there then itinvokes mrAggregate function. In otherworlds it can complete the task withsingle map reduce job.
  5. JAQLs physicaltransparency is an added value feature because it allows the user to add newrun time operator without aecting JAQLs internals.
  6. TPC-H benchmark for relational OLTP systemThe ideal theoretical outcome wouldbe that there is no increase in the computation time (T) for a given job.Scalability and fault tolerancea document is a good match to a query if the document model is likely to generate the query
  7. TPC-H benchmark for relational OLTP systemThe ideal theoretical outcome wouldbe that there is no increase in the computation time (T) for a given job.Scalability and fault tolerancea document is a good match to a query if the document model is likely to generate the query
  8. In this case, the big relation is distributedacross hadoop nodes and the smaller relation is replicated on each node. Herethe entire join operation is performed in Map phase.In general the data in data warehouse is not equally distributedand it is susceptible to skewed in nature. Pig handles this conditionby employingskewed join. The basic idea is to compute a histogram of the keyspace and uses this data to allocate reducers for a given key. Currently pigallows skewed join of only two tables. The join is performed in Reduce phase.
  9. TPC-H benchmark for relational OLTP systemThe ideal theoretical outcome wouldbe that there is no increase in the computation time (T) for a given job.Scalability and fault tolerancea document is a good match to a query if the document model is likely to generate the query
  10. TPC-H benchmark for relational OLTP systemThe ideal theoretical outcome wouldbe that there is no increase in the computation time (T) for a given job.Scalability and fault tolerancea document is a good match to a query if the document model is likely to generate the query
  11. Dremel combining multi-level execution trees and columnar data layout, it is capable of running aggregation queries over trillion-row tables in seconds. Dremel uses  a novel query execution engine based on aggregator run almost realtime , interactive AND adhoc queries both of which MapReduce cannot. And Pig and Hive aren't real timeDremel is what the future of HIVE (and not MapReduce as I mentioned before) should be. Hive right now provides a SQL like interface to run MapReduce jobs. Hive has very high latency, and so is not practical in ad-hoc data analysis. Dremel provides a very fast SQL like interface to the data by using a different technique than MapReduce.