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An Introduction to MapReduce
             Presented by Frane Bandov
    at the Operating Complex IT-Systems seminar
                  Berlin, 1/26/2010
•  Introduction
•  Google MapReduce
    –  Idea
    –  Overview
    –  Fault Tolerance
    –  GFS: Google File System
    –  Job Example
•  Alternative Implementations
•  Reception and Criticism
•  Trends and Future Development
•  Conclusion
2/16/10             An Introduction to MapReduce   2
•  Introduction
•  Google MapReduce
    –  Idea
    –  Overview
    –  Fault Tolerance
    –  GFS: Google File System
    –  Job Example
•  Alternative Implementations
•  Reception and Criticism
•  Trends and Future Development
•  Conclusion
2/16/10             An Introduction to MapReduce   3
Introduction – Problem
Sometimes we have to deal with huge amounts
                 of data





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  2/16/10          An Introduction to MapReduce                       4
Introduction – Problem
    The data needs to be processed, but how?

     Can‘t process all of this data on one machine
     Distribute the processing to many machines

2/16/10             An Introduction to MapReduce     5
Introduction – Approach
           Distributed computing is the solution
           “Let’s write our own distributed computing
              software as a solution to our problem”
 design protocols             evelopment takes a long time
 design data structures
 write the code              Expensive: Cost-benefit ratio?
 assure failure tolerance

   Build complex software for simple computations?

 2/16/10                     An Introduction to MapReduce   6
•  Introduction
•  Google MapReduce
    –  Idea
    –  Overview
    –  Fault Tolerance
    –  GFS: Google File System
    –  Job Example
•  Alternative Implementations
•  Reception and Criticism
•  Trends and Future Development
•  Conclusion
2/16/10             An Introduction to MapReduce   7
Google MapReduce – Idea
      A framework for distributed computing

  Don‘t care about protocols, failure tolerance, etc.

           Just write your simple computation

2/16/10              An Introduction to MapReduce       8
Google MapReduce – Idea
              MapReduce Paradigm
Map:                                  Reduce:
 Apply function to all                  Combine all elements
 elements of a list                     of a list

square x = x * x;                     reduce (+)[1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
map square [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
 [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]                    15

2/16/10               An Introduction to MapReduce                 9
Google MapReduce – Idea
               Basic functioning

      Input     Map                     Reduce   Output

2/16/10           An Introduction to MapReduce            10
Google MapReduce – Overview
                       MapReduce-Based User Program

 GFS                                                              GFS

 Split 1                              Master

 Split 2                      Intermediate
              Worker                                     Worker   File 1
                                  File 1

 Split 3
                                  File 2                 Worker   File 2
 Split 4

 Split 5      Worker
                                  File 3
                                                         Reduce   Output
Input file   Map Phase                                   Phase     files
2/16/10                   An Introduction to MapReduce               11
MapReduce – Fault Tolerance
•  Workers are periodically pinged by master
•  No answer over certain time  worker failed

Mapper fails:
     –  Reset map job as idle
     –  Even if job was completed  intermediate files are
     –  Notify reducers where to get the new intermediate file
Reducer fails:
     –  Reset its job as idle
2/16/10                   An Introduction to MapReduce       12
MapReduce – Fault Tolerance
Master fails:
     –  Periodically sets checkpoints
     –  In case of failure MapReduce-Operation is aborted
     –  Operation can be restarted from last checkpoint

2/16/10                An Introduction to MapReduce         13
Google MapReduce – GFS
               Google File System
•  In-house distributed file system at Google
•  Stores all input an output files
•  Stores files…
     – divided into 64 MB blocks
     – on at least 3 different machines
•  Machines running GFS also
   run MapReduce
2/16/10              An Introduction to MapReduce   14
Google MapReduce – Job Example

2/16/10    An Introduction to MapReduce   15
Google MapReduce – Job Example

2/16/10    An Introduction to MapReduce   16
Google MapReduce – Job Example

2/16/10    An Introduction to MapReduce   17
Google MapReduce – Job Example

2/16/10    An Introduction to MapReduce   18
•  Introduction
•  Google MapReduce
    –  Idea
    –  Overview
    –  Fault Tolerance
    –  GFS: Google File System
    –  Job Example
•  Alternative Implementations
•  Reception and Criticism
•  Trends and Future Development
•  Conclusion
2/16/10             An Introduction to MapReduce   19
Alternative Implementations
Apache Hadoop

•    Open-Source-Implementation in Java
•    Jobs can be written in C++, Java, Python, etc.
•    Used by Yahoo!, Facebook, Amazon and others
•    Most commonly used implementation
•    HDFS as open-source-implementation of GFS
•    Can also use Amazon S3, HTTP(S) or FTP
•    Extensions: Hive, Pig, HBase
2/16/10              An Introduction to MapReduce     20
Alternative Implementations
          MapReduce-Implementation for nVidia GPU
                using the CUDA framework

            Implementation for the Cell multi-core

     MySpace’s implementation of MapReduce in C#

2/16/10                An Introduction to MapReduce   21
Alternative Implementations

     There are many other open- and closed-
     source implementations of MapReduce!

2/16/10           An Introduction to MapReduce   22
•  Introduction
•  Google MapReduce
    –  Idea
    –  Overview
    –  Fault Tolerance
    –  GFS: Google File System
    –  Job Example
•  Alternative Implementations
•  Reception and Criticism
•  Trends and Future Development
•  Conclusion
2/16/10             An Introduction to MapReduce   23
Reception and Criticism
•  Yahoo!: Hadoop on a 10,000 server cluster
•  Facebook analyses the daily log (25TB) on
   a 1,000 server cluster
•  Amazon Elastic MapReduce: Hadoop
   clusters for rent on EC2 and S3
•  IBM and Google: Support university
   courses in distributed programming
•  UC Berkley announced to teach freashmen
   programming MapReduce
2/16/10          An Introduction to MapReduce   24
Reception and Criticism

2/16/10          An Introduction to MapReduce   25
Reception and Criticism
•  Criticism mainly by RDBMS experts
   DeWitt and Stonebraker
•  MapReduce
     – is a step backwards in database access
     – is a poor implementation
     – is not novel
     – is missing features that are routinely provided
       by modern DBMSs
     – is incompatible with the DBMS tools
2/16/10              An Introduction to MapReduce    26
Reception and Criticism
               Response to criticism

              MapReduce is no RDBMS

   It suits well for processing and structuring huge
              amounts of unstructured data

      MapReduce's big inovation is that it enables
     distributing data processing across a network of
         cheap and possibly unreliable computers
2/16/10              An Introduction to MapReduce      27
•  Introduction
•  Google MapReduce
    –  Idea
    –  Overview
    –  Fault Tolerance
    –  GFS: Google File System
    –  Job Example
•  Alternative Implementations
•  Reception and Criticism
•  Trends and Future Development
•  Conclusion
2/16/10             An Introduction to MapReduce   28
Trends and Future Development
   Trend of utilizing MapReduce/Hadoop as
                 parallel database

•  Hive: Query language for Hadoop
•  HBase: Column-oriented distributed database
   (modeled after Google’s BigTable)
•  Map-Reduce-Merge: Adding merge to the
   paradigm allows implementing features of
   relational algebra
2/16/10           An Introduction to MapReduce   29
Trends and Future Development
   Trend to use the MapReduce-paradigm to
         better utilize multi-core CPUs

•  Qt Concurrent
     –  Simplified C++ version of MapReduce for distributing
        tasks between multiple processor cores
•  Mars
•  MapReduce-Cell

2/16/10                An Introduction to MapReduce        30
•  Introduction
•  Google MapReduce
    –  Idea
    –  Overview
    –  Fault Tolerance
    –  GFS: Google File System
    –  Job Example
•  Alternative Implementations
•  Reception and Criticism
•  Trends and Future Development
•  Conclusion
2/16/10             An Introduction to MapReduce   31

     provides an easy solution for the processing of
                  large amounts of data

          brings a paradigm shift in programming

                      changed the world,
          i.e. made data processing more efficient and
            cheaper, is the foundation of many other
                   approaches and solutions
2/16/10                 An Introduction to MapReduce     32

2/16/10    An Introduction to MapReduce   33
Thank You!

2/16/10    An Introduction to MapReduce   34

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An Introduction to MapReduce

  • 1. An Introduction to MapReduce Presented by Frane Bandov at the Operating Complex IT-Systems seminar Berlin, 1/26/2010
  • 2. Outline •  Introduction •  Google MapReduce –  Idea –  Overview –  Fault Tolerance –  GFS: Google File System –  Job Example •  Alternative Implementations •  Reception and Criticism •  Trends and Future Development •  Conclusion 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 2
  • 3. Outline •  Introduction •  Google MapReduce –  Idea –  Overview –  Fault Tolerance –  GFS: Google File System –  Job Example •  Alternative Implementations •  Reception and Criticism •  Trends and Future Development •  Conclusion 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 3
  • 4. Introduction – Problem Sometimes we have to deal with huge amounts of data TBytes 250 200 150 100 50 0 You Facebook Yahoo! Groups German Climate Computing Centre 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 4
  • 5. Introduction – Problem The data needs to be processed, but how? Can‘t process all of this data on one machine  Distribute the processing to many machines 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 5
  • 6. Introduction – Approach Distributed computing is the solution “Let’s write our own distributed computing software as a solution to our problem” Checklist  design protocols   evelopment takes a long time D  design data structures  write the code  Expensive: Cost-benefit ratio?  assure failure tolerance Build complex software for simple computations? 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 6
  • 7. Outline •  Introduction •  Google MapReduce –  Idea –  Overview –  Fault Tolerance –  GFS: Google File System –  Job Example •  Alternative Implementations •  Reception and Criticism •  Trends and Future Development •  Conclusion 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 7
  • 8. Google MapReduce – Idea A framework for distributed computing Don‘t care about protocols, failure tolerance, etc. Just write your simple computation 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 8
  • 9. Google MapReduce – Idea MapReduce Paradigm Map: Reduce: Apply function to all Combine all elements elements of a list of a list square x = x * x; reduce (+)[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; map square [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];  [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]  15 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 9
  • 10. Google MapReduce – Idea Basic functioning Input Map Reduce Output 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 10
  • 11. Google MapReduce – Overview MapReduce-Based User Program GFS GFS Split 1 Master Split 2 Intermediate Worker Worker File 1 File 1 Split 3 Intermediate Worker File 2 Worker File 2 Split 4 Intermediate Split 5 Worker File 3 Reduce Output Input file Map Phase Phase files 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 11
  • 12. MapReduce – Fault Tolerance •  Workers are periodically pinged by master •  No answer over certain time  worker failed Mapper fails: –  Reset map job as idle –  Even if job was completed  intermediate files are inaccessible –  Notify reducers where to get the new intermediate file Reducer fails: –  Reset its job as idle 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 12
  • 13. MapReduce – Fault Tolerance Master fails: –  Periodically sets checkpoints –  In case of failure MapReduce-Operation is aborted –  Operation can be restarted from last checkpoint 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 13
  • 14. Google MapReduce – GFS Google File System •  In-house distributed file system at Google •  Stores all input an output files •  Stores files… – divided into 64 MB blocks – on at least 3 different machines •  Machines running GFS also run MapReduce 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 14
  • 15. Google MapReduce – Job Example 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 15
  • 16. Google MapReduce – Job Example 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 16
  • 17. Google MapReduce – Job Example 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 17
  • 18. Google MapReduce – Job Example 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 18
  • 19. Outline •  Introduction •  Google MapReduce –  Idea –  Overview –  Fault Tolerance –  GFS: Google File System –  Job Example •  Alternative Implementations •  Reception and Criticism •  Trends and Future Development •  Conclusion 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 19
  • 20. Alternative Implementations Apache Hadoop •  Open-Source-Implementation in Java •  Jobs can be written in C++, Java, Python, etc. •  Used by Yahoo!, Facebook, Amazon and others •  Most commonly used implementation •  HDFS as open-source-implementation of GFS •  Can also use Amazon S3, HTTP(S) or FTP •  Extensions: Hive, Pig, HBase 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 20
  • 21. Alternative Implementations Mars MapReduce-Implementation for nVidia GPU using the CUDA framework MapReduce-Cell Implementation for the Cell multi-core processor Qizmt MySpace’s implementation of MapReduce in C# 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 21
  • 22. Alternative Implementations There are many other open- and closed- source implementations of MapReduce! 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 22
  • 23. Outline •  Introduction •  Google MapReduce –  Idea –  Overview –  Fault Tolerance –  GFS: Google File System –  Job Example •  Alternative Implementations •  Reception and Criticism •  Trends and Future Development •  Conclusion 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 23
  • 24. Reception and Criticism •  Yahoo!: Hadoop on a 10,000 server cluster •  Facebook analyses the daily log (25TB) on a 1,000 server cluster •  Amazon Elastic MapReduce: Hadoop clusters for rent on EC2 and S3 •  IBM and Google: Support university courses in distributed programming •  UC Berkley announced to teach freashmen programming MapReduce 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 24
  • 25. Reception and Criticism 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 25
  • 26. Reception and Criticism •  Criticism mainly by RDBMS experts DeWitt and Stonebraker •  MapReduce – is a step backwards in database access – is a poor implementation – is not novel – is missing features that are routinely provided by modern DBMSs – is incompatible with the DBMS tools 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 26
  • 27. Reception and Criticism Response to criticism MapReduce is no RDBMS It suits well for processing and structuring huge amounts of unstructured data MapReduce's big inovation is that it enables distributing data processing across a network of cheap and possibly unreliable computers 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 27
  • 28. Outline •  Introduction •  Google MapReduce –  Idea –  Overview –  Fault Tolerance –  GFS: Google File System –  Job Example •  Alternative Implementations •  Reception and Criticism •  Trends and Future Development •  Conclusion 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 28
  • 29. Trends and Future Development Trend of utilizing MapReduce/Hadoop as parallel database •  Hive: Query language for Hadoop •  HBase: Column-oriented distributed database (modeled after Google’s BigTable) •  Map-Reduce-Merge: Adding merge to the paradigm allows implementing features of relational algebra 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 29
  • 30. Trends and Future Development Trend to use the MapReduce-paradigm to better utilize multi-core CPUs •  Qt Concurrent –  Simplified C++ version of MapReduce for distributing tasks between multiple processor cores •  Mars •  MapReduce-Cell 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 30
  • 31. Outline •  Introduction •  Google MapReduce –  Idea –  Overview –  Fault Tolerance –  GFS: Google File System –  Job Example •  Alternative Implementations •  Reception and Criticism •  Trends and Future Development •  Conclusion 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 31
  • 32. Conclusion MapReduce provides an easy solution for the processing of large amounts of data brings a paradigm shift in programming changed the world, i.e. made data processing more efficient and cheaper, is the foundation of many other approaches and solutions 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 32
  • 33. Questions? 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 33
  • 34. Thank You! 2/16/10 An Introduction to MapReduce 34