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Hadoop hbase mapreduce
What is Big Data ?
●   How is big “Big Data” ?
    ●   Is 30 40 Terabyte big data ?
    ●   ….
●   Big data are datasets that grow so large that they
    become awkward to work with using on-hand
    database management tools
●   Today Terabyte, Petabyte, Exabyte
●   Tomorrow ?
Enterprises & Big Data
●   Most companies are currently using traditional tools to
    store data
●   Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition,
    and productivity
●   The use of big data will become a key basis of competition
●   Organisations across the globe need to take the rising
    importance of big data more seriously
Hadoop is an ecosystem, not a single product.

When you deal with BigData, the data center is your computer.
•   A Brief History of Hadoop
•   Contributers and Development
•   What is Hadoop
•   Wyh Hadoop
•   Hadoop Ecosystem
A Brief History of Hadoop
•   Hadoop has its origins in Apache Nutch

•   Nutch was started in 2002

•   Challenge : The billions of pages on the Web ?

•   2003 GFS (Google File System)

•   2004 NDFS (Nutch File System)

•   2004 Google published the paper of MapReduce

•   2005 Nutch Developers getting started with development of
•   A Brief History of Hadoop
•   Contributers and Development
•   What is Hadoop
•   Wyh Hadoop
•   Hadoop Ecosystem
Contributers and Development

Lifetime patches contributed for all Hadoop-related projects: community members by
current employer
* source : JIRA tickets
Contributers and Development
Contributers and Development

* Resource: Kerberos Konference (Yahoo) – 2010
Development in ASF/Hadoop
●   Resources
    ●   Mailing List
    ●   Wiki Pages , blogs
    ●   Issue Tracking – JIRA
    ●   Version Control SVN – Git
•   A Brief History of Hadoop
•   Contributers and Development
•   What is Hadoop
•   Wyh Hadoop
•   Hadoop Ecosystem
What is Hadoop
•   Open-source project administered by the ASF

•   Data Intensive Storage

•   and Massivly Paralel Processing(MPP)

•   Enables applications to work with thousands of nodes and
    petabytes of data

•   Suitable for application with large data sets
What is Hadoop ?

•   Scalable

•   Fault Tolerance

•   Reliable data storage using the Hadoop Distributed
    File System (HDFS)

•   High-performance parallel data processing using a
    technique called MapReduce
What is Hadoop ?

•   Hadoop Becoming defacto standard for large scale

•   Becoming more than just MapReduce

•   Ecosystem growing rapidly lot’s of great tools around it
What is Hadoop ?

 Yahoo Hadoop Cluster
38,000 machines
distributed across 20
different clusters.
Recource : Yahoo 2010

50,000 m : January 2012
depth/applications/3329092/hadoop-   SGI Hadoop Cluster
•   A Brief History of Hadoop
•   Contributers and Development
•   What is Hadoop
•   Wyh Hadoop
•   Hadoop Ecosystem
Why Hadoop?
Why Hadoop?
Why Hadoop?
Why Hadoop?
•       Hadoop has its origins in Apache Nutch
•       Can Process Big Data (Petabytes and more..)
•       Unlimited Data Storage & Analyse
•       No licence cost - Apache License 2.0
•       Can be build out of the commodity hardware
•       IT Cost Reduction
    •        Results
         •      Be One Step Ahead of Competition
         •      Stay there
Is hadoop alternative for RDBMs ?
 •   At the moment Apache Hadoop is not a substitute for a database
 •   No Relation
 •   Key Value pairs
 •   Big Data
 •   unstructured (Text)
 •   semi structured (Seq / Binary Files)
 •   Structured (Hbase=Google BigTable)
 •   Works fine together with RDBMs
•   A Brief History of Hadoop
•   Contributers and Development
•   What is Hadoop
•   Wyh Hadoop
•   Hadoop Ecosystem
Hadoop Ecosystem
   ETL Tools           BI Reporting     RDBMS

Pig (Data   Flow)      Hive (SQL)        Sqoop

 MapReduce (Job     Scheduling/Execution System)

HBase (Key-Value store)

        (Hadoop Distributed File System)
Hadoop Ecosystem
           Important components of Hadoop

•   HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system
•   MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework
•   Hive : A query framework (like SQL)
•   PIG : A query scripting tool

•   HBase : realtime read/write access to your Big Data
Hadoop Ecosystem
Hadoop is a Distributed Data Computing Platform

NameNode /DataNode interaction in HDFS. The NameNode keeps track of the file
metadata—which files are in the system and how each file is broken down into blocks. The
DataNodes provide backup store of the blocks and constantly report to the NameNode to keep the
metadata current.»
Hadoop Cluster
Writing Files To HDFS

               •   Client consults NameNode
               •   Client writes block directly to
                   one DataNode
               •   DataNote replicates block
               •   Cycle repeats for next block
Reading Files From HDFS

•   Client consults NameNode
•   Client receives Data Node list for each block
•   Client picks first Data Node for each block
•   Client reads blocks sequentially
Rackawareness & Fault Tolerance


                                                  Rack Aware       Metadata
                                                  Rack 1:          File.txt
                                                  DN1              Blk A:
                                                  DN2              DN1,DN5,DN6
                                                  DN5              Blk B:
                                                  Rack 5:
                                                  DN5              BLKC:
                                                  DN6              DN5,DN9,DN10

                                                  Rack N
•   Never loose all data if entire rack fails
•   In Rack is higher bandwidth , lower latency
Cluster Healt
Hadoop Ecosystem
           Important components of Hadoop

•   HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system
•   MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework
•   Hive : A query framework (like SQL)
•   PIG : A query scripting tool
•   HBase : A Column oriented Database for OLTP
•   Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
•   Splitting a Big Problem/Data into Little PiecesHive
•   Key-Value
MapReduce-Batch Processing
•       Phases
    •     Map
    •     Sort/Shuffle
    •     Reduce (Aggregation)
•       Coordination
    •     Job Tracker
    •     Task Tracker
                           K   V
Datanode 1           MAP

Datanode 2           MAP

Datanode 3                     1

Datanode 1                1

Datanode 2                1


Datanode 3                1

                                   K   V

                          REDUCE       4
Datanode 1            1

                                   K   V
Datanode 2                             2

                      1   REDUCE

                      1            K   V
Datanode 3

                          REDUCE       3
MapReduce-All Phases

   MAP              1
         1              REDUCE   4

         1          1
         1          1

         1          1
         1          1

             SORT   1
   MAP                  REDUCE
         1          1
         1          1
MapReduce-Job & Task Tracker



JobTracker and TaskTracker interaction. After a client calls the JobTracker to begin a data
processing job, the JobTracker partitions the work and assigns different map and reduce tasks
to each TaskTracker in the cluster
Summary of HDFS and MR
Hadoop Ecosystem
           Important components of Hadoop

•   HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system
•   MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework
•   Hive : A query framework (like SQL)
•   PIG : A query scripting tool
•   HBase : A Column oriented Database for OLTP
•   Data warehousing package built on top of Hadoop
•   It began its life at Facebook processing large amount of user
    and log data
•   Hadoop subproject with many contributors
•   Ad hoc queries , summarization , and data analysis on Hadoop-
    scale data
•   Directly query data from different formats (text/binary) and file
    formats (Flat/Sequence)
•   HiveQL - like SQL
Hive Components
Mgmt. Web UI

                                                                           Map Reduce   HDFS

                             Hive CLI
                Browsing        Queries          DDL

                Thrift API                       Parser
                                                          Hive QL

                                    *Thrift : Interface Definition Lang.
Hadoop Ecosystem
           Important components of Hadoop

•   HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system
•   MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework
•   Hive : A query framework (like SQL)
•   PIG : A query scripting tool
•   HBase : A Column oriented Database for OLTP
•       The language used to express data flows, called Pig Latin
•       Pig Latin can be extended using UDF (User Defined Functions)
•       was originally developed at Yahoo Research
•       PigPen is an Eclipse plug-in that provides an environment for
        developing Pig programs
•       Running Pig Programs
    •       Script ; script file that contains Pig commands
    •       Grunt ; interactive shell
    •       Embedded ; java
grunt> records = LOAD 'input/ncdc/micro-tab/sample.txt'
      AS (year:chararray, temperature:int, quality:int);

grunt> DUMP records;

grunt> DESCRIBE records;
records: {year: chararray,temperature: int,quality: int}

grunt> filtered_records = FILTER records BY temperature != 22 );
grunt> DUMP filtered_records;

grunt> grouped_records = GROUP records BY year;
grunt> DUMP grouped_records;
Hadoop Ecosystem
           Important components of Hadoop

•   HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system
•   MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework
•   Hive : A query framework (like SQL)
•   PIG : A query scripting tool
•   HBase : A Column oriented Database for OLTP
•   Random, realtime read/write access to your Big Data

•   Billions of rows X millions of columns

•   Column-oriented store modeled after Google's BigTable

•   provides Bigtable-like capabilities on top of Hadoop and HDFS

•   HBase is not a column-oriented database in the typical RDBMS

    sense, but utilizes an on-disk column storage format
    •        (Table, RowKey, Family,Column, Timestamp) → Value

•       Think of tags. Values any length, no predefined names or widths

•       Column names carry info (just like tags)
•   (Table, RowKey, Family,Column, Timestamp) → Value
•   (Table, RowKey, Family,Column, Timestamp) → Value
Create Sample Table
hbase(main):003:0> create 'test', 'cf'
hbase(main):004:0> put 'test', 'row1', 'cf:a', 'value11'
hbase(main):004:0> put 'test', 'row1', 'cf:a', 'value12'
hbase(main):005:0> put 'test', 'row2', 'cf:b', 'value2'
hbase(main):006:0> put 'test', 'row3', 'cf:c', 'value3'
hbase(main):007:0> scan 'test'
row1     column=cf:a, timestamp=1288380727188, value=value12
row2     column=cf:b, timestamp=1288380738440, value=value2
row3     column=cf:c, timestamp=1288380747365, value=value3
hbase(main):007:0> scan 'test', { VERSIONS => 3 }
row1     column=cf:a, timestamp=1288380727188, value=value12
row1     column=cf:a, timestamp=1288380727188, value=value11
row2     column=cf:b, timestamp=1288380738440, value=value2
row3     column=cf:c, timestamp=1288380747365, value=value3
•   Splits

•   Auto-Sharding

•   Master

•   Region Servers

•   HFile
Splits & RegionServers

•   Rows grouped in regions and served by different servers
•   Table dynamically split into “regions”
•   Each region contains values [startKey, endKey)
•   Regions hosted on a regionserver
Other Components
•   Flume

•   Sqoop
Commertial Products
•   Oracle Big Data Appliance

•   Microsoft Azure + Excel + MapReduce

•   Cloud Computing , Amazon elastic computing

•   IBM Hadoop-based InfoSphere BigInsights

•   VMWare Spring for Apache Hadoop

•   Toad for Cloud Database

•   Mapr , Cloudera , HortonWorks, Datameer
Thank You

Faruk Berksöz

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Hadoop hbase mapreduce

  • 2. What is Big Data ? ● How is big “Big Data” ? ● Is 30 40 Terabyte big data ? ● …. ● Big data are datasets that grow so large that they become awkward to work with using on-hand database management tools ● Today Terabyte, Petabyte, Exabyte ● Tomorrow ?
  • 3. Enterprises & Big Data ● Most companies are currently using traditional tools to store data ● Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity ● The use of big data will become a key basis of competition ● Organisations across the globe need to take the rising importance of big data more seriously
  • 4. Hadoop is an ecosystem, not a single product. When you deal with BigData, the data center is your computer.
  • 5. A Brief History of Hadoop • Contributers and Development • What is Hadoop • Wyh Hadoop • Hadoop Ecosystem
  • 6. A Brief History of Hadoop • Hadoop has its origins in Apache Nutch • Nutch was started in 2002 • Challenge : The billions of pages on the Web ? • 2003 GFS (Google File System) • 2004 NDFS (Nutch File System) • 2004 Google published the paper of MapReduce • 2005 Nutch Developers getting started with development of MapReduce
  • 7. A Brief History of Hadoop • Contributers and Development • What is Hadoop • Wyh Hadoop • Hadoop Ecosystem
  • 8. Contributers and Development Lifetime patches contributed for all Hadoop-related projects: community members by current employer * source : JIRA tickets
  • 10. Contributers and Development * Resource: Kerberos Konference (Yahoo) – 2010
  • 11. Development in ASF/Hadoop ● Resources ● Mailing List ● Wiki Pages , blogs ● Issue Tracking – JIRA ● Version Control SVN – Git
  • 12. A Brief History of Hadoop • Contributers and Development • What is Hadoop • Wyh Hadoop • Hadoop Ecosystem
  • 13. What is Hadoop • Open-source project administered by the ASF • Data Intensive Storage • and Massivly Paralel Processing(MPP) • Enables applications to work with thousands of nodes and petabytes of data • Suitable for application with large data sets
  • 14. What is Hadoop ? • Scalable • Fault Tolerance • Reliable data storage using the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) • High-performance parallel data processing using a technique called MapReduce
  • 15. What is Hadoop ? • Hadoop Becoming defacto standard for large scale dataprocessing • Becoming more than just MapReduce • Ecosystem growing rapidly lot’s of great tools around it
  • 16. What is Hadoop ? Yahoo Hadoop Cluster 38,000 machines distributed across 20 different clusters. Recource : Yahoo 2010 50,000 m : January 2012 Resource depth/applications/3329092/hadoop- SGI Hadoop Cluster could-save-you-money-over-a- traditional-rdbms/
  • 17. A Brief History of Hadoop • Contributers and Development • What is Hadoop • Wyh Hadoop • Hadoop Ecosystem
  • 21. Why Hadoop? • Hadoop has its origins in Apache Nutch • Can Process Big Data (Petabytes and more..) • Unlimited Data Storage & Analyse • No licence cost - Apache License 2.0 • Can be build out of the commodity hardware • IT Cost Reduction • Results • Be One Step Ahead of Competition • Stay there
  • 22. Is hadoop alternative for RDBMs ? • At the moment Apache Hadoop is not a substitute for a database • No Relation • Key Value pairs • Big Data • unstructured (Text) • semi structured (Seq / Binary Files) • Structured (Hbase=Google BigTable) • Works fine together with RDBMs
  • 23. A Brief History of Hadoop • Contributers and Development • What is Hadoop • Wyh Hadoop • Hadoop Ecosystem
  • 24. Hadoop Ecosystem ETL Tools BI Reporting RDBMS Pig (Data Flow) Hive (SQL) Sqoop MapReduce (Job Scheduling/Execution System) HBase (Key-Value store) HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
  • 25. Hadoop Ecosystem Important components of Hadoop • HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system • MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework • Hive : A query framework (like SQL) • PIG : A query scripting tool • HBase : realtime read/write access to your Big Data
  • 26. Hadoop Ecosystem Hadoop is a Distributed Data Computing Platform
  • 27. HDFS
  • 28. HDFS NameNode /DataNode interaction in HDFS. The NameNode keeps track of the file metadata—which files are in the system and how each file is broken down into blocks. The DataNodes provide backup store of the blocks and constantly report to the NameNode to keep the metadata current.»
  • 30. Writing Files To HDFS • Client consults NameNode • Client writes block directly to one DataNode • DataNote replicates block • Cycle repeats for next block
  • 31. Reading Files From HDFS • Client consults NameNode • Client receives Data Node list for each block • Client picks first Data Node for each block • Client reads blocks sequentially
  • 32. Rackawareness & Fault Tolerance NameNode Rack Aware Metadata Rack 1: File.txt DN1 Blk A: DN2 DN1,DN5,DN6 DN3 DN5 Blk B: DN1,DN2,DN9 Rack 5: DN5 BLKC: DN6 DN5,DN9,DN10 DN7 DN8 Rack N • Never loose all data if entire rack fails • In Rack is higher bandwidth , lower latency
  • 34. Hadoop Ecosystem Important components of Hadoop • HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system • MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework • Hive : A query framework (like SQL) • PIG : A query scripting tool • HBase : A Column oriented Database for OLTP
  • 35. MapReduce-Paradigm • Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters • Splitting a Big Problem/Data into Little PiecesHive • Key-Value
  • 36. MapReduce-Batch Processing • Phases • Map • Sort/Shuffle • Reduce (Aggregation) • Coordination • Job Tracker • Task Tracker
  • 37. MapReduce-Map K V 1 1 Datanode 1 MAP 1 1 1 Datanode 2 MAP 1 1 1 1 Datanode 3 1 MAP 1 1
  • 38. MapReduce-Sort/Shuffle 1 1 SORT Datanode 1 1 1 1 Datanode 2 1 SORT 1 1 1 Datanode 3 1 SORT 1 1
  • 39. MapReduce-Reduce 1 K V 1 SORT REDUCE 4 Datanode 1 1 1 1 K V 1 Datanode 2 2 SORT 1 REDUCE 3 1 1 1 K V Datanode 3 SORT REDUCE 3 1 1
  • 40. MapReduce-All Phases 1 1 1 SORT MAP 1 1 REDUCE 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SORT MAP REDUCE 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 SORT 1 MAP REDUCE 3 1 1 1 1
  • 41. MapReduce-Job & Task Tracker Namenode Datanodes JobTracker and TaskTracker interaction. After a client calls the JobTracker to begin a data processing job, the JobTracker partitions the work and assigns different map and reduce tasks to each TaskTracker in the cluster
  • 42. Summary of HDFS and MR
  • 43. Hadoop Ecosystem Important components of Hadoop • HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system • MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework • Hive : A query framework (like SQL) • PIG : A query scripting tool • HBase : A Column oriented Database for OLTP
  • 44. Hive
  • 45. Hive • Data warehousing package built on top of Hadoop • It began its life at Facebook processing large amount of user and log data • Hadoop subproject with many contributors • Ad hoc queries , summarization , and data analysis on Hadoop- scale data • Directly query data from different formats (text/binary) and file formats (Flat/Sequence) • HiveQL - like SQL
  • 46. Hive Components Mgmt. Web UI Map Reduce HDFS Hive CLI Browsing Queries DDL Thrift API Parser Execution Planner Hive QL MetaStore *Thrift : Interface Definition Lang.
  • 47. Hadoop Ecosystem Important components of Hadoop • HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system • MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework • Hive : A query framework (like SQL) • PIG : A query scripting tool • HBase : A Column oriented Database for OLTP
  • 48. Pig • The language used to express data flows, called Pig Latin • Pig Latin can be extended using UDF (User Defined Functions) • was originally developed at Yahoo Research • PigPen is an Eclipse plug-in that provides an environment for developing Pig programs • Running Pig Programs • Script ; script file that contains Pig commands • Grunt ; interactive shell • Embedded ; java
  • 49. Pig grunt> records = LOAD 'input/ncdc/micro-tab/sample.txt' AS (year:chararray, temperature:int, quality:int); grunt> DUMP records; (1950,0,1) (1950,22,1) (1950,-11,1) (1949,111,1) (1949,78,1) grunt> DESCRIBE records; records: {year: chararray,temperature: int,quality: int} grunt> filtered_records = FILTER records BY temperature != 22 ); grunt> DUMP filtered_records; grunt> grouped_records = GROUP records BY year; grunt> DUMP grouped_records; (1949,{(1949,111,1),(1949,78,1)}) (1950,{(1950,0,1),(1950,22,1),(1950,-11,1)})
  • 50. Hadoop Ecosystem Important components of Hadoop • HDFS: A distributed, fault tolerance file system • MapReduce: A paralel data processing framework • Hive : A query framework (like SQL) • PIG : A query scripting tool • HBase : A Column oriented Database for OLTP
  • 51. HBase • Random, realtime read/write access to your Big Data • Billions of rows X millions of columns • Column-oriented store modeled after Google's BigTable • provides Bigtable-like capabilities on top of Hadoop and HDFS • HBase is not a column-oriented database in the typical RDBMS sense, but utilizes an on-disk column storage format
  • 52. HBase-Datamodel • (Table, RowKey, Family,Column, Timestamp) → Value • Think of tags. Values any length, no predefined names or widths • Column names carry info (just like tags)
  • 53. HBase-Datamodel • (Table, RowKey, Family,Column, Timestamp) → Value
  • 54. HBase-Datamodel • (Table, RowKey, Family,Column, Timestamp) → Value
  • 55. Create Sample Table hbase(main):003:0> create 'test', 'cf' hbase(main):004:0> put 'test', 'row1', 'cf:a', 'value11' hbase(main):004:0> put 'test', 'row1', 'cf:a', 'value12' hbase(main):005:0> put 'test', 'row2', 'cf:b', 'value2' hbase(main):006:0> put 'test', 'row3', 'cf:c', 'value3' hbase(main):007:0> scan 'test' ROW COLUMN+CELL row1 column=cf:a, timestamp=1288380727188, value=value12 row2 column=cf:b, timestamp=1288380738440, value=value2 row3 column=cf:c, timestamp=1288380747365, value=value3 hbase(main):007:0> scan 'test', { VERSIONS => 3 } ROW COLUMN+CELL row1 column=cf:a, timestamp=1288380727188, value=value12 row1 column=cf:a, timestamp=1288380727188, value=value11 row2 column=cf:b, timestamp=1288380738440, value=value2 row3 column=cf:c, timestamp=1288380747365, value=value3
  • 56. Hbase-Architecture • Splits • Auto-Sharding • Master • Region Servers • HFile
  • 57. Splits & RegionServers • Rows grouped in regions and served by different servers • Table dynamically split into “regions” • Each region contains values [startKey, endKey) • Regions hosted on a regionserver
  • 59. Other Components • Flume • Sqoop
  • 60. Commertial Products • Oracle Big Data Appliance • Microsoft Azure + Excel + MapReduce • Cloud Computing , Amazon elastic computing • IBM Hadoop-based InfoSphere BigInsights • VMWare Spring for Apache Hadoop • Toad for Cloud Database • Mapr , Cloudera , HortonWorks, Datameer