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Evolution of Apache Spark
Journey of Spark in 1.x series
● Madhukara Phatak
● Technical Lead at Tellius
● Consultant and Trainer at
● Consult in Hadoop, Spark
and Scala
● Spark 1.0
● State of Big data
● Change in ecosystem
● Dawn of structured data
● Working with structured sources
● Dawn of custom memory management
● Evolution of Libraries
Spark 1.0
● Release on May 2014 [1]
● First production ready, backward compatible release
● Contains
○ Spark batch
○ Spark streaming
○ Shark
○ MLLib and Graphx
● Developed over 4 years
● Better hadoop
State of Big data Industry
● Map/Reduce was the way to do big data processing
● HDFS was primary source of the data
● Tools like Sqoop developed for moving data to hdfs and
hdfs acted like single point of source
● Every data by default assumed to be unstructured and
structure was laid on top of it
● Hive and Pig were popular ways to do structured and
semi structured data processing on top of Map/Reduce
Spark 1.0 Ideas
● RDD abstraction was supported to do Map/Reduce style
● Primary source supported was HDFS and memory as
the speedup layer
● Spark-streaming viewed as faster batch processing
rather than as streaming
● To support Hive, Shark was created to generate RDD
code rather than Map/Reduce
Changes from 2014
● Big data industry has gone through many radical
changes in thinking in last two years
● Some of those changes started in spark and some other
are influenced by other frameworks
● These changes are important to understand why Spark
2.0 abstractions are radically different than Spark 1.0
● Many of these are already discussed in earlier meetups,
links to the videos are in reference
Dawn of Structured Data
Usage of Big data in 2014.
● Most of the people were using higher level tools like
Hive and Pig to process data rather using Map/Reduce
● Most of the data was residing in the RDBMS databases
and user ETL data from mysql to hive to query
● So lot of use cases were analysing structured data
rather than basic assumption of unstructured in big data
● Huge time is consumed for ETL and non optimized
workflows from Hive
Spark with Structured Data in 1.2
● Spark recognised need of structured data in the market
and started to evolve the platform to support that use
● First attempt was to have a specialised RDD called
SchemaRDD in Spark 1.2 which represented that
● But this approach was not clean
● Also even though there was InputFormat to read from
structured data, there was no direct API to read from
DataSource API in Spark 1.3
● First API to provide an unified API to read from
structured and semi structured sources
● Can read from RDBMS, NoSql databases like
Mongodb,Cassandra etc
● Advanced API like InputFormat which gives lot of
control to source to optimize locality of data
● So in Spark 1.3, spark addressed the need of structured
data being first class in Big data ecosystem
● For more info refer to, Anatomy of DataSource API talk[2]
DataFrame abstraction in Spark
● Spark understood modifying the RDD abstraction is not
good enough
● Many frameworks like Hive, Pig tried and failed mapping
querying efficiently on Map/Reduce
● So Spark came up with Dataframe abstraction which
goes through a complete different pipeline that of RDD
which is highly optimized
● For more info refer to, Anatomy of DataFrame API talk [3]
Evolution of InMemory processing
In memory in Spark 1.0
● Spark was the first open source big data framework to
embrace in memory computing
● With cheaper hardware and abstractions like RDD
allowed spark to exploit memory in efficient way than all
other hadoop ecosystem projects
● The first implementation of in memory computing
followed typical cache approach of keeping serialized
java bytes
● This proved to be challenging in future
Challenges of in memory in Java
● As more and more big data frameworks started to
exploit memory, soon they realised few limitation of
Java memory model
● Java memory is tuned for short lived objects and
complete control of memory is given to JVM
● But big data system started using JVM for long term
storage, JVM memory model started feel inadequate
● Also as java heap grew, to cache more data, GC
pauses started to kill performance
Custom memory management
● Apache Flink is first big data system to implement
custom memory management in java
● Flink follows Dataframe like API with custom memory
● The custom memory model with non GC based
approach proved to be highly successful
● By observing trends in community, optly Spark also
adopted same in Spark 1.4
Tungsten in Spark 1.4
● Spark release first version of custom memory
management in 1.4 version
● It was only supported DF as they need custom memory
● Custom memory management greatly improved use of
spark in higher vm size and fewer GC paused
● Solved OOM issues which plagued earlier versions of
● For more info refer to, Anatomy of In memory
management in Spark talk [4]
DSL’s for data processing
RDD and Map/Reduce API API
● RDD API of spark follows functional programming
paradigm which is similar to Map/Reduce
● RDD API passes around opaque function objects which
is great for programming but bad for system based
● Map/Reduce API of Java also follows same patterns but
less elegant than scala ones
● Hard to optimise compared to Pig/Hive
● So we saw a steady increase in custom DSL’s in
hadoop world
Need of DSL’s in Hadoop
● DSL’s like Pig or Hive are much more easier to
understand compare to Java API
● Less error prone and helps to be very specific
● Can be easily optimised, as DSL only focuses on what
to do not how to do
● As Java Map/Reduce mixes what with how, it’s hard to
optimize compare to Hive and Pig
● So more and more people prefered these DSL over
platform level API’s
Challenges of DSL in Hadoop
● Hive and Pig DSL do not integrate well with
Map/Reduce API’s
● DSL often lack the flexibility of complete programming
● Hive/Pig DSL don’t define single abstraction to share so
you will be not able mix
● DSL are powerful for optimization but soon become
limited in terms of functionality
Scala as language to host DSL
● Scala is one of the first language to embrace DSL as
the first class citizens
● Scala features like implicits, higher order functions,
structured types etc allow easily build DSL’s and
integrate with language
● This allows any library on scala to integrate DSL and
harness full power of language
● Many libraries define their own DSL outside big data. Ex
: Slick, Akka-http, Sbt
DF DSL and Spark SQL DSL
● To harness power of custom memory management and
hive like optimizes spark encourages to write DF and
spark sql DSL over spark RDD code
● Whenever we write this DSL, all the features of scala
language and its libraries are available,which makes it
more powerful that Pig/ Hive
● Other frameworks like Flink, Beam follow same ideas on
scala, Java 8 etc
● You can easily mix and match DSL with RDD API
Dataset DSL in Spark 1.6
● Dataframe DSL introduced in 1.4 and stabilised in 1.5
● As spark observed the user and performance benefits of
DSL based programming, it wanted to make as import
pillar of Spark
● So in Spark 1.6, Spark released Dataset DSL which is
poised to complete RDD API from user land
● This indicates a big shift in thinking as we are more and
more moving away from 1.0 Map/Reduce and
unstructured mindset.
Evolution of Libraries
Evolution of libraries vs frameworks
● Spark is one of the first big data framework to build
platform rather than collection of frameworks
● Single abstraction results in multiple libraries not
multiple frameworks
● All these libraries get benefits from the improvements in
run time
● This made spark to build lot of ecosystem in very less
● To understand the meaning of platform, refer to
Introduction to Flink talk [5]
Data exchange between Libraries
● As more and more libraries are added to spark, having
common way to exchange data became important
● Initially libraries started using RDD as data exchange
format, but soon discovered some limitations
● Limitations of RDD as data exchange format is
○ No defined schema. Need to come up with domain
object for each library
○ Too low level
○ Custom serialization is hard to integrate
DataFrame as data exchange format
● From last few release, spark is making Dataframe as
new data exchange format of Spark
● Dataframe has schema and can be easily passed
around between libraries
● Dataframe is higher level abstraction compared RDD
● As Dataframe are serialized using platform specific
code generation, all libraries will be following same
● Dataset will follow the same advantages
Learnings from Spark 1.x
● Structured/Semi structured data is the first class of Big
data processing system
● Custom memory management and code generated
serialization gives best performance on JVM
● DataFrame/ Dataset are the new abstraction layers to
build next generation big data processing system
● DSL is the way forward over Map/Reduce like API’s
● Having high level structured abstractions make libraries
coexist happily on a platform

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Evolution of apache spark

  • 1. Evolution of Apache Spark Journey of Spark in 1.x series
  • 2. ● Madhukara Phatak ● Technical Lead at Tellius ● Consultant and Trainer at ● Consult in Hadoop, Spark and Scala ●
  • 3. Agenda ● Spark 1.0 ● State of Big data ● Change in ecosystem ● Dawn of structured data ● Working with structured sources ● Dawn of custom memory management ● Evolution of Libraries
  • 4. Spark 1.0 ● Release on May 2014 [1] ● First production ready, backward compatible release ● Contains ○ Spark batch ○ Spark streaming ○ Shark ○ MLLib and Graphx ● Developed over 4 years ● Better hadoop
  • 5. State of Big data Industry ● Map/Reduce was the way to do big data processing ● HDFS was primary source of the data ● Tools like Sqoop developed for moving data to hdfs and hdfs acted like single point of source ● Every data by default assumed to be unstructured and structure was laid on top of it ● Hive and Pig were popular ways to do structured and semi structured data processing on top of Map/Reduce
  • 6. Spark 1.0 Ideas ● RDD abstraction was supported to do Map/Reduce style programming ● Primary source supported was HDFS and memory as the speedup layer ● Spark-streaming viewed as faster batch processing rather than as streaming ● To support Hive, Shark was created to generate RDD code rather than Map/Reduce
  • 7. Changes from 2014 ● Big data industry has gone through many radical changes in thinking in last two years ● Some of those changes started in spark and some other are influenced by other frameworks ● These changes are important to understand why Spark 2.0 abstractions are radically different than Spark 1.0 ● Many of these are already discussed in earlier meetups, links to the videos are in reference
  • 9. Usage of Big data in 2014. ● Most of the people were using higher level tools like Hive and Pig to process data rather using Map/Reduce ● Most of the data was residing in the RDBMS databases and user ETL data from mysql to hive to query ● So lot of use cases were analysing structured data rather than basic assumption of unstructured in big data world ● Huge time is consumed for ETL and non optimized workflows from Hive
  • 10. Spark with Structured Data in 1.2 ● Spark recognised need of structured data in the market and started to evolve the platform to support that use case ● First attempt was to have a specialised RDD called SchemaRDD in Spark 1.2 which represented that schema ● But this approach was not clean ● Also even though there was InputFormat to read from structured data, there was no direct API to read from Spark
  • 11. DataSource API in Spark 1.3 ● First API to provide an unified API to read from structured and semi structured sources ● Can read from RDBMS, NoSql databases like Mongodb,Cassandra etc ● Advanced API like InputFormat which gives lot of control to source to optimize locality of data ● So in Spark 1.3, spark addressed the need of structured data being first class in Big data ecosystem ● For more info refer to, Anatomy of DataSource API talk[2]
  • 12. DataFrame abstraction in Spark ● Spark understood modifying the RDD abstraction is not good enough ● Many frameworks like Hive, Pig tried and failed mapping querying efficiently on Map/Reduce ● So Spark came up with Dataframe abstraction which goes through a complete different pipeline that of RDD which is highly optimized ● For more info refer to, Anatomy of DataFrame API talk [3]
  • 13. Evolution of InMemory processing
  • 14. In memory in Spark 1.0 ● Spark was the first open source big data framework to embrace in memory computing ● With cheaper hardware and abstractions like RDD allowed spark to exploit memory in efficient way than all other hadoop ecosystem projects ● The first implementation of in memory computing followed typical cache approach of keeping serialized java bytes ● This proved to be challenging in future
  • 15. Challenges of in memory in Java ● As more and more big data frameworks started to exploit memory, soon they realised few limitation of Java memory model ● Java memory is tuned for short lived objects and complete control of memory is given to JVM ● But big data system started using JVM for long term storage, JVM memory model started feel inadequate ● Also as java heap grew, to cache more data, GC pauses started to kill performance
  • 16. Custom memory management ● Apache Flink is first big data system to implement custom memory management in java ● Flink follows Dataframe like API with custom memory model ● The custom memory model with non GC based approach proved to be highly successful ● By observing trends in community, optly Spark also adopted same in Spark 1.4
  • 17. Tungsten in Spark 1.4 ● Spark release first version of custom memory management in 1.4 version ● It was only supported DF as they need custom memory model ● Custom memory management greatly improved use of spark in higher vm size and fewer GC paused ● Solved OOM issues which plagued earlier versions of spark ● For more info refer to, Anatomy of In memory management in Spark talk [4]
  • 18. DSL’s for data processing
  • 19. RDD and Map/Reduce API API ● RDD API of spark follows functional programming paradigm which is similar to Map/Reduce ● RDD API passes around opaque function objects which is great for programming but bad for system based optimization ● Map/Reduce API of Java also follows same patterns but less elegant than scala ones ● Hard to optimise compared to Pig/Hive ● So we saw a steady increase in custom DSL’s in hadoop world
  • 20. Need of DSL’s in Hadoop ● DSL’s like Pig or Hive are much more easier to understand compare to Java API ● Less error prone and helps to be very specific ● Can be easily optimised, as DSL only focuses on what to do not how to do ● As Java Map/Reduce mixes what with how, it’s hard to optimize compare to Hive and Pig ● So more and more people prefered these DSL over platform level API’s
  • 21. Challenges of DSL in Hadoop ● Hive and Pig DSL do not integrate well with Map/Reduce API’s ● DSL often lack the flexibility of complete programming language ● Hive/Pig DSL don’t define single abstraction to share so you will be not able mix ● DSL are powerful for optimization but soon become limited in terms of functionality
  • 22. Scala as language to host DSL ● Scala is one of the first language to embrace DSL as the first class citizens ● Scala features like implicits, higher order functions, structured types etc allow easily build DSL’s and integrate with language ● This allows any library on scala to integrate DSL and harness full power of language ● Many libraries define their own DSL outside big data. Ex : Slick, Akka-http, Sbt
  • 23. DF DSL and Spark SQL DSL ● To harness power of custom memory management and hive like optimizes spark encourages to write DF and spark sql DSL over spark RDD code ● Whenever we write this DSL, all the features of scala language and its libraries are available,which makes it more powerful that Pig/ Hive ● Other frameworks like Flink, Beam follow same ideas on scala, Java 8 etc ● You can easily mix and match DSL with RDD API
  • 24. Dataset DSL in Spark 1.6 ● Dataframe DSL introduced in 1.4 and stabilised in 1.5 ● As spark observed the user and performance benefits of DSL based programming, it wanted to make as import pillar of Spark ● So in Spark 1.6, Spark released Dataset DSL which is poised to complete RDD API from user land ● This indicates a big shift in thinking as we are more and more moving away from 1.0 Map/Reduce and unstructured mindset.
  • 26. Evolution of libraries vs frameworks ● Spark is one of the first big data framework to build platform rather than collection of frameworks ● Single abstraction results in multiple libraries not multiple frameworks ● All these libraries get benefits from the improvements in run time ● This made spark to build lot of ecosystem in very less time ● To understand the meaning of platform, refer to Introduction to Flink talk [5]
  • 27. Data exchange between Libraries ● As more and more libraries are added to spark, having common way to exchange data became important ● Initially libraries started using RDD as data exchange format, but soon discovered some limitations ● Limitations of RDD as data exchange format is ○ No defined schema. Need to come up with domain object for each library ○ Too low level ○ Custom serialization is hard to integrate
  • 28. DataFrame as data exchange format ● From last few release, spark is making Dataframe as new data exchange format of Spark ● Dataframe has schema and can be easily passed around between libraries ● Dataframe is higher level abstraction compared RDD ● As Dataframe are serialized using platform specific code generation, all libraries will be following same serialization ● Dataset will follow the same advantages
  • 29. Learnings from Spark 1.x ● Structured/Semi structured data is the first class of Big data processing system ● Custom memory management and code generated serialization gives best performance on JVM ● DataFrame/ Dataset are the new abstraction layers to build next generation big data processing system ● DSL is the way forward over Map/Reduce like API’s ● Having high level structured abstractions make libraries coexist happily on a platform
  • 30. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.