Foundational Expectations for Partnerships in Research


circular graphic with all fundamental expectation icons

Integrating all expectations

The following examples show how projects implemented engagement in ways that reflect all the foundational expectations.


Diversityand Representation square icon with purple background

Diversity & Representation

Projects should include partners, organizations, researchers, and other team members who reflect the diversity of patients and communities affected by the research topic.

 The following examples can help team members put this expectation into practice.


early ongoing engagement icon with people and arrows around them

Early & Ongoing Engagement

Projects should ensure that partners contribute early and throughout the study, including planning the study, conducting the study, and disseminating study results.

The following examples can help team members put this expectation into practice.


dedicated funds icon with money sign, stroller and place setting on green background

Dedicated Funds for Engagement & Partner Compensation

Projects should dedicate funds to support engaging with partners and compensate partners for their time, expertise, and perspectives in a timely manner and in ways that reflect their preferences and roles.

The following examples can help team members put this expectation into practice. 


Build Capacity icon - blue square with hands overlapping

Build Capacity to Work as a Team

Projects should identify skills, strengths, and barriers to engagement and provide all team members with the information, training, and support they need to work as a team.

The following examples can help team members put this expectation into practice.


meaningful inclusion icon with overlapping thought bubbles

Meaningful Inclusion of Partners in Decision Making

Projects should use engagement structures and processes that include partners in decision making throughout all phases of the project, with consideration for the project’s goals, scope, and scale.

The following examples can help team members put this expectation into practice.


Ongoing review icon of clipboard with magnifying glass over it

Ongoing Review & Assessment of Engagement

Projects should gather input and feedback throughout the project to identify what is working well and what could be improved, and then adjust engagement approaches as needed.

The following examples can help team members put this expectation into practice. 

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