
General Questions

  • E: info@pcori.org | P: 202-827-7700 | F: 202-355-9558
  • 1333 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Ste 1200, Washington, DC 20036

PCORI Funding Support

Visit Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) relating to applicants, reviewers, and awardees.

Research Applications
E: pfa@pcori.org

Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award Program
E: ea@pcori.org

Dissemination and Implementation
E: DisseminationQuestions@pcori.org

Open Access Fees to Journal Articles with PCORI Research Findings
Request PCORI payment of journal fees to provide free public access to qualified publications, or assistance depositing accepted manuscripts in PubMed Central.
E: PublicAccess@pcori.org

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Engage with PCORI

Public and Patient Engagement (PPE)
The PPE Team guides and supports the engagement methods and activities in the planning, conduct, and dissemination phases of PCORI's funded research portfolio, and it manages PCORI's Science of Engagement funding initiative. Do you have questions or want to learn more?
E: ppet@pcori.org

PCORI Advisory Panels
Do you have questions about any of our multi-stakeholder panels or their roles in PCORI’s broad initiatives or PCORI-funded programs?
E: advisorypanels@pcori.org

PCORI Ambassador Program
Are you interested in learning more about the PCORI Ambassador Program or joining the program?
E: ambassadors@pcori.org

PCORI Speakers Bureau
View Schedule | Speaker Request Form


Media Inquiries/Contacts

Sofia Kosmetatos, Senior Manager, Media Relations
E: skosmetatos@pcori.org | P: 202-738-3335

Christine Stencel, Associate Director, Executive Media Outreach
E: cstencel@pcori.org | P: 202-570-9275

Christine Frey, Director, Integrated Communications
E: cfrey@pcori.org | P: 443-909-0839

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Important Notice: Phone Scam (Spoofing) Attempts Using PCORI Phone Numbers

PCORI is aware that unknown scammers are spoofing (faking) PCORI’s office phone numbers (e.g., 202-827-7700, 202-627-1885) while making fraudulent telephone calls. Individuals who receive these fraudulent calls are being told that they have won a grant, or some other message. These calls are not coming from PCORI, and the callers should not be trusted.

Learn more

Last Updated: January 2024

What's Happening at PCORI?

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute sends weekly emails about opportunities to apply for funding, newly funded research studies and engagement projects, results of our funded research, webinars, and other new information posted on our site.

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