PCORI is a Learning Organization

Our strategic plan focuses on:

  • Funding and conducting highly relevant research that is likely to change practice and improve patient outcomes
  • Disseminating and promoting the implementation of the results of this research
  • Influencing how clinical research is done by others, so that a greater proportion of all clinical research is useful to patients and other healthcare decision makers

While we are evaluating our work, we are looking to see if:

  • we are accomplishing what we set out to do;
  • whether our strategies and priorities are advancing us toward our goals; and
  • we are having the desired impact of improving health outcomes.

Our Evaluation Plans Are Organized into a Framework

The PCORI Evaluation Framework 3.0 guides how we conduct our day-to-day work, how we are progressing toward our strategic goals, and ultimately, if and how funding research that is done differently will make a difference for patients and public health. Our framework reflects our strategic plan and evolves along with our work because, even as we attempt to answer the initial questions, new ones arise.

The PCORI Evaluation Framework was developed with input from stakeholders and staff. Read more about our discussion at the Advisory Panel on Patient Engagement January 2014 Meeting and at the Board of Governors May 2014 Meeting.

We Use a "Dashboard" to Report to Our Board


As shared with the Board for the December 13, 2022 Meeting. (Click to enlarge)

We use visual metric tracking, or "dashboard," for reporting what we are learning and how we are incorporating our findings into our work.

Our dashboard continues to evolve, and we update it and its supporting materials bi-annually to present to the Board in a public meeting.

View our Dashboards

Q3/Q4 2022Q1/Q2 2022
Q3/Q4 2021Q1/Q2 2021
Q4 2020 | Q3 2020 | Q2 2020 | Q1 2020
Q4 2019 | Q3 2019 | Q2 2019 | Q1 2019
Q4 2018 | Q3 2018 | Q2 2018 | Q1 2018
Q4 2017Q3 2017 | Q2 2017 | Q1 2017
Q4 2016 | Q3 2016 | Q2 2016 | Q1 2016
Q4 2015 | Q3 2015 | Q2 2015 | Q1 2015
Q4 2014 | Q3 2014 | Q2 2014 | Q1 2014
Q3 2013 | Q2 2013

How We Monitor Progress Toward Our Goals

As described in our strategic plan, PCORI’s work is anchored by five reinforcing goals—our National Priorities for Health.

Our plans for evaluative activities are grounded in PCORI’s mission and focused on our goal to improve patient health and health outcomes. Shaped by our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, our practice is founded in culturally responsive, utilization-focused evaluation principles and designed to support a culture of data-driven decision making.

Posted: November 13, 2014; Updated: December 15, 2022

What's Happening at PCORI?

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute sends weekly emails about opportunities to apply for funding, newly funded research studies and engagement projects, results of our funded research, webinars, and other new information posted on our site.

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