The PCORI Methodology Committee works to develop and improve the science and methods of patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER) by developing methodological standards.

The Methodology Committee comprises up to 15 members who are experts in various scientific fields and have been appointed by the PCORI Board of Governors (Board). In addition to the members appointed by the Board, the directors of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), or their designees, also serve on the Methodology Committee.

The Methodology Committee's PCORI Methodology Standards provide minimal standards for the conduct of scientifically valid patient-centered CER. They address study design, analytic methods, and other best practices. The initial Methodology Standards were approved by the PCORI Board of Governors and released in December 2012 and most recently updated in March 2024.

The PCORI Methodology Report to the Board explains the context and rationale for the standards, and it includes examples illustrating how good methodology makes a difference to patients and their care. PCORI released the first PCORI Methodology Report in November 2013 and released updated versions in July 2017 and January 2019.

Vision for the Methodology Committee

The Methodology Committee advances PCORI's strategic plan, which includes the National Priorities for Health and a Research Agenda, through the following activities:

  • Prioritizing and developing inclusive, high-quality methodology standards, and developing rigorous methodological approaches for the conduct of patient-centered CER;
  • Convening methodological experts to advance methods for the use of real-world evidence in new areas of PCORI focus;
  • Facilitating the utilization of standards and cutting-edge methods for patient-centered CER through guidance for the research community;​ 
  • Serving as a resource to PCORI on methodological approaches related to the new National Priorities for Health and Research Agenda;​
  • Providing diverse perspectives and methodological expertise; and
  • Strengthening collaboration with other PCORI panels and committees.

Posted: September 29, 2011; Updated: June 2024

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