Engagement in Research


Questions about Public and Patient Engagement?

For questions about how PCORI-funded projects meaningfully engage patients and the public in research or how healthcare stakeholders can engage throughout PCORI’s full range of activities, please contact us at ppet@pcori.org.

Patient and stakeholder input is critical to our success and to helping ensure that our work is truly patient centered. We are committed to continuously seeking input from the public to guide what we do.

Through public comment periods, opportunities to review research applications, workshops, and other activities, there are many ways for you to participate in our work.

Learn more about PCORI and the fundamental role that meaningful engagement of patients, caregivers, clinicians, and other stakeholders play in our work.

Apply to Serve on One of PCORI’s Advisory Panels

We invite patients, clinicians, payers, industry representatives, and other healthcare community members to apply to serve on one of PCORI’s five advisory panels. These panels are intended to reflect the priorities of our many stakeholders. Advisory Panelists work with other stakeholders to help PCORI shape our research funding priorities. Learn about the panels and how to apply.

Become a PCORI Ambassador

Our Ambassador Program aims to help patients, organizations, and other stakeholders share our vision and mission with their communities, participate as full partners in research, and help ensure the sharing and use of information generated from PCORI-funded projects. Learn about the program and how to apply.

Become a Peer Reviewer

All PCORI-funded and completed primary research studies must undergo a peer review process to ensure that they are held to the highest standards of scientific integrity, methodological rigor, and relevance and usefulness to patients, caregivers, clinicians, and other healthcare stakeholders. This process is conducted by content experts, methodologists, patients, and other healthcare stakeholders with experience related to the study. Register to become a peer reviewer.

Become a Merit Reviewer

We invite professional and lay audiences to be reviewers of research applications submitted in response to our Funding Announcements. Hear why patients and other stakeholders are helping evaluate our funding applications. Find out how you can apply to become a reviewer.

Suggest a Patient-Centered Research Question

We invite patients, caregivers, clinicians, and other healthcare community members to submit the specific questions they would like us to consider for funding. The suggestions received will be evaluated through our process to identify and prioritize specific topics to study. Submit a question about a healthcare issue of particular importance to you.

Participate in PCORI Events

We convene representatives from across the healthcare community for information exchange, discussion, and partnership building in webinars, regional workshops, engagement roundtables, and targeted workgroups. We welcome public participation in these events in different capacities. Learn more about how you can participate.

Posted: January 16, 2013; Updated: March 29, 2019

What's Happening at PCORI?

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute sends weekly emails about opportunities to apply for funding, newly funded research studies and engagement projects, results of our funded research, webinars, and other new information posted on our site.

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