
One of the ways PCORI seeks to bring voices from across the healthcare community into our work is through our Advisory Panels. Learn about the panels' members, including their affiliations and short biographies, and how they help us review and prioritize critical research questions for possible funding.

More About the Advisory Panels

According to our authorizing law, advisory panels must include representatives of practicing and research clinicians, patients, and experts in scientific and health services research, health services delivery, and evidence-based medicine who have experience in the relevant topic, and, as appropriate, experts in integrative health and primary prevention strategies. Appropriate experts from industry are represented as well.

PCORI advisory panels do not serve in an official decision-making capacity, but their recommendations and advice will be taken into consideration by our staff, Board, and Methodology Committee in:

  • Modeling robust patient and stakeholder engagement efforts;
  • Refining and prioritizing specific research questions;
  • Providing other scientific or technical expertise; and
  • Providing input on other relevant questions that may arise to the Institute’s mission and work.

Advisory Panel Openings Advisory Panels FAQs

Posted: May 2013; Updated: September 2023

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