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Basic Info

You can easily embed your group's Facebook page directly into your webpage with the Social Feed component. Check this page for news of updates to this component that will open it up to other social media platforms.



  1. Navigate to and open your page.
  2. Add the Social Feed component.
  3. A new Social Feed component placeholder icon will display in the space.
  4. To edit the component, click or touch the placeholder. The component toolbar will display along the top of the space.
  5. Select the wrench to configure.
  6. You can provide your Facebook account details in the dialog.
  7. Insert your group's full Facebook page URL in the appropriate field. Make sure to include the "http://" preface.
  8. Customize the component height:
    1. Default - 500px
    2. Taller - 600px
    3. Tallest - 700px
  9. To show friend's faces, check the appropriate box. This field is optional.
  10. The default language is English. This component uses Facebook's five character language code and country code format. Learn more about languages supported by Facebook here.
  11. Click or touch the checkmark to save and close.

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Component Tutorial: Social Feed