Basic Info

Use the Button Promo to direct site visitors to another page. This component works best when the text is direct and actionable, such as: Apply now.



  1. Navigate to and open your page.
  2. Add the Button Promo component.
  3. A new Button Promo component placeholder icon will display in the space.
  4. To edit the component, click or touch the placeholder. The component toolbar will display along the top of the space.
  5. Select the wrench icon to configure.
  6. In the Text field provide direct and actionable text that will be displayed within the button. There is no character limit, however text that does not fit within the maximum 450 pixel width of the component will be automatically wrapped to the next line. This is a required field.
  7. In the Insert Link field you can browse to select a CMS page or file in the DAM, insert an external URL, add "mailto:" before an email address, or add an anchor link.
  8. Click or touch the checkmark icon to save and close.

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Accessibility Info

Linked Text

  • When providing online content in the Button Promo, remember to provide descriptive link text in the Text field.

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Component Tutorial: Button Promo edit window