Basic Info

Use the Contact Us component to share your department's preferred contact methods in a customized format. You can provide a physical location, website or email, and/or phone numbers.


Contact Us

Optional Text

Optional Text


Optional Text



  1. Navigate to and open your page.
  2. Add the Contact Us component.
  3. A new Contact Us component placeholder icon will appear in the space
  4. To edit the component, click or touch the placeholder. The component toolbar will display along the top of the space.
  5. Select the wrench icon to configure.
  6. You can enter a title for all of the Contact information in the Header field under Details.
  7. From the dropdown, select a contact method:
    1. In Person
    2. Online
    3. Phone
  8. To add In Person contact details:
    1. Show Map: Check this to display a Google Map of your office's physical location.
    2. Optional Text: If needed, insert a short label for the address provided. This field is optional.
    3. Address: Provide your office's full mailing address, including office or suite number of necessary.
  9. To add Online contact details:
    1. Optional Text: If needed, insert a short label or instructions for the online details provided. This field is optional.
    2. Entries:
      1. Click or touch the Add button on the right-hand side of the edit window to add a new virtual contact method.
      2. Type: Select email or webpage.
      3. Display Text: Insert the text that will be linked.
      4. Email/Link: Insert an email address, URL, or link to a page in the CMS.
      5. Repeat this process to add additional entries.
  10. To add Phone contact details:
    • Optional Text: If needed, insert a short label or instructions for the phone number(s) provided. This field is optional.
    • Phone Entries: Click or touch the Add button on the right-hand side of the edit window to add a new Phone Number. Repeat this process to add additional entries.
  11. Click or touch the checkmark icon to save and close the dialog.

To Reorder an Entry: Click or touch the up/down icon to the right of each entry to reorder.
To Delete an Entry:
Remove an entry completely by clicking the garbage can icon to the right of each entry.   

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Accessibility Info

Linked Text

When providing online content in the Contact Us component, remember to provide descriptive link text in the Display Text field.

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Component Tutorial: Contact Us Details view

The main Contact us details dialog

Component Tutorial: Contact Us edit window for in person details

Add in-person details

Component Tutorial: Contact Us edit window for virtual details

Add online details

Component Tutorial: Contact Us edit window for phone details

Add phone details