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Anyone else here voting Reform UK?

188 replies

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 17:56

I am, Tories can’t be trusted and got us into the mess we are in now and we all know that lib/lab/snp and green will do to women’s rights.

i don’t expect reform to win much but I read to say that amongst young males labour and Reform are both polling at 35% Among young women though Reform are polling very badly and Labour are polling exceptionally high. I guess if women are happy to vote their rights away that is their choice but I won’t.

OP posts:
LonginesPrime · 04/07/2024 18:09

I wouldn't interpret the fact that Reform isn't popular with young women to be indicative that those women don't care about women's rights - Reform's loudest policies and voices are mainly focussed on other issues, so I would assume that they're largely not keen on Reform for other reasons.

I also don't personally see Reform as being staunch feminists - of course many of the more conservative organisations are likely to reject gender identity ideology, but I highly doubt that it's because they care about women's rights.

Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 18:17

I highly doubt that it's because they care about women's rights

Absolutely, they want women in their place. It seems strange to vote for a party that would scrap the Equality Act 2010 and then think they care about women because they want to ban trans ideology in schools.

I would never vote Reform. They aren't even a wolf in sheep's clothing, they are full blown all you can see wolf.

Auvergne63 · 04/07/2024 18:19

I don't vote for fascists.

Theeyeballsinthesky · 04/07/2024 18:21

Nope they’re utter cunts!

they want women to adopt traditional “feminine roles”, they’re not remotely gender critical - they completely believe in gendered roles

they know what a woman is precisely so they can order her back into the kitchen

TripBalzac · 04/07/2024 18:23

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 17:56

I am, Tories can’t be trusted and got us into the mess we are in now and we all know that lib/lab/snp and green will do to women’s rights.

i don’t expect reform to win much but I read to say that amongst young males labour and Reform are both polling at 35% Among young women though Reform are polling very badly and Labour are polling exceptionally high. I guess if women are happy to vote their rights away that is their choice but I won’t.

Haha. No.

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 18:26

Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 18:17

I highly doubt that it's because they care about women's rights

Absolutely, they want women in their place. It seems strange to vote for a party that would scrap the Equality Act 2010 and then think they care about women because they want to ban trans ideology in schools.

I would never vote Reform. They aren't even a wolf in sheep's clothing, they are full blown all you can see wolf.

What’s wrong with scrapping the equalities act? I just don’t see any problem with that at all. I’m old and can remember what things were like pre-2010 and they were fine as I remember it.

But obviously we can all vote for whoever we want, just please don’t say you never knew what you were voting for when Labour bin women’s rights. If people vote for a party that wants to do that in large enough numbers they will get it and shouldn’t complain when they do. 🙂

OP posts:
Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 18:27

So who did everyone else vote for then? I imagine most people will have voted by now.

OP posts:
Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 18:28

The fact you think Reform care about women's rights is quite endearing.

rockstarshoes · 04/07/2024 18:29


Kneenightmare · 04/07/2024 18:30

Nope and am amazed that any woman would even consider it.

Theunamedcat · 04/07/2024 18:30

Kneenightmare · 04/07/2024 18:30

Nope and am amazed that any woman would even consider it.

Good point well made

Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 18:30

I voted Labour, partly for tactical reasons.

SilverBranchGoldenPears · 04/07/2024 18:30

Voting Reform (imho) as a woman is like women voting for Donald Trump. He also doesn’t believe in Trans Ideology- but not for the reasons you think.

TripBalzac · 04/07/2024 18:31

Or anyone who isn’t an incel or gammon.

FloofyBird · 04/07/2024 18:31

If you can't see the issue with scrapping the equalities act I'm not sure there's much hope for you op.

CeruleanDive · 04/07/2024 18:31

Did Farage's lauding of rapist and trafficker Andrew Tate not give you a pause?

Hiphopopotamonster · 04/07/2024 18:33

Are you an idiot? Genuinely? Do you actually think Reform give a shit about women? They’re out and out hard right facists. Why are some people struggling with that. I honestly want to scream at the utter stupidity and blindness going on. Or maybe it’s not blindness at all which is even worse.

sparkles79 · 04/07/2024 18:33


Bigearringsbigsmile · 04/07/2024 18:34

I'm not a neo nazi so no

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 18:34

Auvergne63 · 04/07/2024 18:19

I don't vote for fascists.

I see. I could ask for evidence but I’m guessing you must be one of those left wing people who call women’s right campaigners and anyone else they don’t agree with fascists? Do you really believe that though? Or is it just a handy label to smear people with? I can never actually tell if leftists really believe all the things they claim to believe.

OP posts:
DiscoBeat · 04/07/2024 18:34

Nope, I'm not a nasty racist! I voted LibDem tactically to get Labour in our safe Tory constituency.

chocolateanddietcoke · 04/07/2024 18:35

Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 18:17

I highly doubt that it's because they care about women's rights

Absolutely, they want women in their place. It seems strange to vote for a party that would scrap the Equality Act 2010 and then think they care about women because they want to ban trans ideology in schools.

I would never vote Reform. They aren't even a wolf in sheep's clothing, they are full blown all you can see wolf.

Here here!

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 18:36

Bigearringsbigsmile · 04/07/2024 18:34

I'm not a neo nazi so no

Well, if you’re happy to throw smears like that around without evidence be prepared for it to happen to people on your side of the political debate. Because anyone can just make unfounded accusations.

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chocolateanddietcoke · 04/07/2024 18:36

I don't believe you would be in favour of scrapping the equalities act that protects the rights of women? If you identify with being a feminist? Are you still in the workplace?

DiscoBeat · 04/07/2024 18:37

I mean 'safe' as LibDems are predicted to win

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