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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Anyone else here voting Reform UK?

188 replies

Rsfk35 · 04/07/2024 17:56

I am, Tories can’t be trusted and got us into the mess we are in now and we all know that lib/lab/snp and green will do to women’s rights.

i don’t expect reform to win much but I read to say that amongst young males labour and Reform are both polling at 35% Among young women though Reform are polling very badly and Labour are polling exceptionally high. I guess if women are happy to vote their rights away that is their choice but I won’t.

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mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 22:41

DaisyCat33 · 04/07/2024 22:38

Guessing you missed the part where a Reform candidate said women are the "sponging gender" and healthcare for women shouldn't be free so that the life expectancy gap between men and women could be equalised.

Yeah basically Reform want women to die sooner. You think they give a shit about you?

yeah i do

cardibach · 04/07/2024 22:41

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 22:29

video evidence? thats just a post you have screenshotted? there is no name who posted it, people are out to get him no matter what because he is getting more votes then what they thought! send me a link of him saying that with this years time and date. then i will give you and apology.

Are you actually serious? People have posted newspaper links too. It happened. People aren’t being nasty to him.

RobertJohnsonsShoes · 04/07/2024 22:46

Sweet lord, they walk among us Shock

Valdor · 04/07/2024 22:52

Neurodiversitydoctor · 04/07/2024 21:31

Without immigration the NHS would fall over tomorrow.

Because we stopped having kids. Because we stopped incentivising it with tax breaks and support for women and parents. We should not have done that.

DaisyCat33 · 04/07/2024 22:56

mumofoneand2dogs · 04/07/2024 22:41

yeah i do

Why? Genuinely curious, after reading what I posted, how can you think Reform care about you as a woman? What have they done/said to make you think they care about women?

bombaybicycle · 04/07/2024 22:56

@cardibach I don't think there's any point trying to rationalise with that poster. They clearly don't understand what they've voted for.

Neurodiversitydoctor · 04/07/2024 23:09

Runsyd · 04/07/2024 22:28

How does the health system in Japan work so well then? There is almost no immigration there.

I know almost nothing about the Japanese health system, I do know they have much lower levels of cardiovascular disease and diabetes than the UK. Maybe they fund it better ? About 40% of the doctors in my closest trust are overseas trained. About 30% of nurses. Also many of the ancillary staff ( cleaners, catering staff). Fewer in big teaching hospitals but the provinces and countless district general hospitals are absolutely dependant on overseas workers.

Topofthemountain · 04/07/2024 23:19

A worrying swing in Sunderland South. Hopefully this will not be a sign of things to come.

Gettingbysomehow · 04/07/2024 23:22

I looked at their policies if you can call them that. They want to abolish the human rights act. which I think is very dangerous.
Women will become second class citizens, Andrew Tate that repellent individual is a big fan of the party. The other policies are oh so good to be true like 17 billion for the NHS. That isn't going to make a dent that is the mess that it's in, they are just an unknown untested quantity with too many very dodgy people as members.

TemporalMechanic · 04/07/2024 23:23

What's worse, a party which includes people who called women 'the sponging gender' and compared autistic people to vegetables, or a party which includes people who think that a man can grow a cervix, that children are born without a sex, and that women should just BeKind and let men in all their spaces?

(my answer is that they're both terrible, but it's irritating to see people who voted for a party containing idiots who have said awful things being sanctimoniously judgemental about people who voted for another party containing idiots who have said awful things)

Bookery · 04/07/2024 23:25

You stated you "stand with everything Nigel has said", and other commenters have brought up specific examples. Another commenter cited an article but in case you missed it --

Nigel Farage's party candidate describing autistic people as "vegetables":

Reform candidate saying "Jews run banks", yet the party hesitant to suspend her:

Neurodiversitydoctor · 04/07/2024 23:26

Neurodiversitydoctor · 04/07/2024 23:09

I know almost nothing about the Japanese health system, I do know they have much lower levels of cardiovascular disease and diabetes than the UK. Maybe they fund it better ? About 40% of the doctors in my closest trust are overseas trained. About 30% of nurses. Also many of the ancillary staff ( cleaners, catering staff). Fewer in big teaching hospitals but the provinces and countless district general hospitals are absolutely dependant on overseas workers.

Japanese health system if anyone cares,to%20carry%20private%20insurance%20plans.

Well, well for profit hospitls are illegal, tariffs set centrally, a health service run by clinicians. Who'd have thought it ?

The Japanese Healthcare System

Are you thinking about moving to Japan? You’ll want to know how to navigate the Japanese healthcare system. Japan has offered universal health care to residents since 1961. However, most people still opt to buy private insurance plans. Want to know if...,to%20carry%20private%20insurance%20plans.

Ereyraa · 04/07/2024 23:31

Sunderland result

Bridget Phillipson (LAB) - 18,847
Sam Woods-Brass (REF) - 11,668
Chris Burnicle (CON) - 5,514

11.6k after a standing start 8 weeks ago

StaunchMomma · 04/07/2024 23:32

I genuinely think Farage is a racist piece of shit and other candidates seem to be very much cut from the same cloth so I wouldn't consider them for a second.

SkyeB86 · 04/07/2024 23:33

The racist party? No.

StaunchMomma · 04/07/2024 23:34

Bookery · 04/07/2024 23:25

You stated you "stand with everything Nigel has said", and other commenters have brought up specific examples. Another commenter cited an article but in case you missed it --

Nigel Farage's party candidate describing autistic people as "vegetables":

Reform candidate saying "Jews run banks", yet the party hesitant to suspend her:


Anyone who claims to not know these people are pure cunts must be walking around with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears.

They have repeatedly shown us who they are.

Iizzyb · 04/07/2024 23:34

@Rsfk35 you do know that the Equality Act combined several existing discrimination laws which had been in place for years. Do you actually think their plan would be to repeal the Equality Act & replace it with the Sex Discrimination Act 1976, Equal Pay Act 1970, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1995....need I go on? Without that protection, there isn't even a right to equal pay for men & women let alone protection from sexual harassment, dismissal for being pregnant... really?

Neurodiversitydoctor · 04/07/2024 23:35

Blyth just declared 23% of the vote for Reform 😮

StaunchMomma · 04/07/2024 23:37

Gettingbysomehow · 04/07/2024 23:22

I looked at their policies if you can call them that. They want to abolish the human rights act. which I think is very dangerous.
Women will become second class citizens, Andrew Tate that repellent individual is a big fan of the party. The other policies are oh so good to be true like 17 billion for the NHS. That isn't going to make a dent that is the mess that it's in, they are just an unknown untested quantity with too many very dodgy people as members.

This is a very good point.

Lots of people here say they can't vote for Labour because of the trans issue but Farage is a Tate lover - a literal misogynist and woman abuser. Farage says he is 'Good for young men'.

Wake up, FFS.

DaisyCat33 · 04/07/2024 23:40

TemporalMechanic · 04/07/2024 23:23

What's worse, a party which includes people who called women 'the sponging gender' and compared autistic people to vegetables, or a party which includes people who think that a man can grow a cervix, that children are born without a sex, and that women should just BeKind and let men in all their spaces?

(my answer is that they're both terrible, but it's irritating to see people who voted for a party containing idiots who have said awful things being sanctimoniously judgemental about people who voted for another party containing idiots who have said awful things)

The difference is that saying men can grow a cervix is just ignorant. It isn't actually hateful. The difference is Reform have actually said women should be denied free healthcare. How can you compare the two?

Also you've just outed yourself as transphobic, well done.

bathofbeans · 04/07/2024 23:40

I didn't vote reform but after a quick read of their plans just now, they are hugely behind the farming and fishing industry, as well as wanting to scrap car emissions tax and drill for oil and gas to reduce everyone's energy bills. I'd say that's quite a lot of voters to capture to be honest.

PinkFrogss · 04/07/2024 23:41

Very interesting that no Reform voters seem to be willing to address the very well made points about the Equality Act Hmm

Turkeys voting for Christmas.

Bookery · 04/07/2024 23:42

@Rsfk35 @Runsyd @mumofoneand2dogs

A Reform UK candidate has apologised for claiming the country would be "far better" if it had "taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality" instead of fighting the Nazis in World War Two.

Ian Gribbin, the party's candidate in Bexhill and Battle, also wrote online that women were the "sponging gender" and should be "deprived of health care".

In posts from 2022 on the Unherd magazine website, seen by the BBC, he said Winston Churchill was "abysmal" and praised Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Most people are highly critical of this party for a good reason. Many voiced their criticism of Labour's pre-election stance on definition of women and other related policies, but even Labour politicians did not say women are the "sponging gender".

Reform UK rosette

Reform UK candidate apologises over Hitler neutrality comments

Ian Gribbin says his grandparents were "Russian Jews fleeing persecution" and his comments were taken out of context.


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Bookery · 04/07/2024 23:42

@Rsfk35 @Runsyd @mumofoneand2dogs

A Reform UK candidate has apologised for claiming the country would be "far better" if it had "taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality" instead of fighting the Nazis in World War Two.

Ian Gribbin, the party's candidate in Bexhill and Battle, also wrote online that women were the "sponging gender" and should be "deprived of health care".

In posts from 2022 on the Unherd magazine website, seen by the BBC, he said Winston Churchill was "abysmal" and praised Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Most people are highly critical of this party for a good reason. Many voiced their criticism of Labour's pre-election stance on definition of women and other related policies, but even Labour politicians did not say women are the "sponging gender".

Reform UK rosette

Reform UK candidate apologises over Hitler neutrality comments

Ian Gribbin says his grandparents were "Russian Jews fleeing persecution" and his comments were taken out of context.

Bookery · 04/07/2024 23:44

My apologies for the double post, it seems there was a glitch.

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